`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`27 December 2013 (27.12.2013)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2013/191699 Al
`International Patent Classification:
`A6I1F 7/00 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`21 June 2012 (21.06.2012)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Inventor; and
`Applicant : PAEZ, Liliana [US/US]; 29 E. San Marino
`Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 (US).
`Agents: HANRAHAN, Benjamin, M. et al.; Malloy &
`Malloy, P.A., 2800 S.W. Third Avenue, Miami, FL 33129
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`ML, MR,NE, SN, TD, TG).
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: The present invention is
`directed to a device for cooling and dis-
`rupling subcutaneous fat cells in a sub-
`ject. The device is composed of a cool-
`ing assembly with a cooling surface, a
`control module with control inputs, and
`a handheld, portable enclosure. The en-
`closure cncompasses all components
`such that
`the device is compact and


`— with international search report (Art. 21(3))


`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a handheld or mobile device
`used in connection with and for the disruption of subcutaneous,
`lipid-rich cells.
`embodiments of the present
`In particular,
`device of
`the various
`invention comprises an internal cooling
`assembly and an external cooling surface
`which is applied to the
`in certain embodiments,
`the course of a
`intermediate membrane disposed between the subject’s skin and the
`predetermined amount of
`the cooling surface is structured to disrupt, cool or freeze
`the subcutaneous,
`lipid-rich cells, which are then ultimately
`removed by the natural processes of the body.
` Description of the Related Art
`Obesity is a major problem,
`types of diseases,
`developing numerous
`increasing the likelihood of
`diabetes, and high blood pressure. Aside
`also detracts
`forming cellulite, which
`malformation of the surface of the skin.
`from the negative health
` from one’s personal
`can manifest
`in the
`There are numerous surgical methods
`liposuction and
`procedures are invasive surgical procedures and can have painful
`recovery times. Also,
`from complications from the procedures.
`such procedures can sometimes prove fatal
`such as heart disease,
` for removing excess body
`There are various “non-surgical” procedures
`excessive body fat as well. These include weight-loss pills,
`do not find benefits in
`for battling
`exercise, and diet. However,
`some people
`these procedures because of busy schedules,
`and/or other health problems that prevent
`ineffective methods,
`use of such procedures.
`Others have recently described newer methods of
`surface of
`cooling surface.


`subcutaneous fat cells,
`lipid-rich cells causing damage to t
`natural removal processes by the body.
`which involve the controlled cooling of
`he cells targeting them for
` During the cooling process,
`the target area are cooled
`the epidermal and subdermal regions of
`by a device. Lipid-rich
`cells are more sensitive to the lower
`to lipid-rich cells while sparing the surrounding non-lipid
`to the surrounding cells causing selective
`lipid-rich cells are damaged by the lower
`they are ultimately removed by the natural processes
`rich cells. Once the
`of the body.
` temperatures compared
`One of the drawbacks of
`the cooling method described is that
`and bulky equipment which
`treatment. Thus,
`there is
`portable devices that can
`it requires rather expensive,
`significantly limits the availability of
`a significant need for less-expensive,
`provide a “cooling” ef
`to subcutaneous Llipid-rich cells while
`ts in a variety of
`availability of
`allowing for treatmen
`opening up
`locations and conditions,
`such procedures
`to a
`Summary of the Invention
` for
`The present invention described herein addresses the need
`freeze and/or
`facilitates the ability to cool,
` for large and
`an apparatus that
`otherwise disrupt
`cumbersome equipment.
`As such,
`ipid-rich cells without the need
`to a portable and h
`cells in a subject.
` In particular,
`andheld device
`the device of
`the various embodiments of
`the present invention is directed
`for disrupting subcutaneous fat
`present invention includes at least
`one cooling assembly,
`which in
`comprises a corresponding
`when disposed in an operating posit
` of a subject’s skin,
`the cooling suri
`n face of the presen nven
`is structured to decreas
`rature of
` erwise when
`cooling surface.
`tion in contact with the
` ntially adjacent
`the contact
`cular, operational use of
` In parti
`cells within the subject and
`area of the subject’s skin.
`device is obtained when the devic
`the cooling surface
`structured to maintain a predetermined
`is turned on or oth


`and when the cooling surface is place in contact with
`the subject’s skin or an
`intermediate membrane.
`As will be described in
`further detail
`the device
` of
`the various embodiments
`further includes ac
` The control
`ontrol module with one
`Or more control
`are controllably
`linked to the cooling assembly via internal
`corresponding software and/or hardware com
`the control
`control circuitry and
`inputs are structured to turn the device on or o
`program the device to automatically turn off after a selected
`predetermined time,
`in order
`operational mode.
`in order
` use,
`facilitate ease of
`device in a subject’s home,
`in at least one embodiment,
`components of
`enclosure or housi
`ng which is struct
`tured to
`be in
`and/or personal use of
`each of
`the aforementio
`use of
`the present
`Form of
` ponents.
` the subject’s
`handheld device.
`comprises a securing assembly,
`other like structure,
` In one embodiment,
` preferably
`which is capable of
`predetermined operating position
`device of at
`Therefore, while
`considered handheld by virtue of
` of
`the single enclosure,
`the small,
`compact configuration
`the securing assembly of
`one embodiment
`handheld device
`form of
` furt
`a belt
`curing the device 1
` na
`the the
`will securely hold the device in place without
`the need for
`user to continuously hold the device against
`the subject’s s
`the enclosure is
`during operation.
`Furthermore, another aspect of
`cooling assembly is disposed and configured within the enclos
`such that the cooling surface thereof
`is exposed
`externally of
`the cooling sur! face is exposed on
`In other words,
`facilitate direct
`outside of the enclosure or housing in order to
`contact with the subject’s skin or other operational contact
`For example,
`in one embodiment,
`the present
`comprises an intermediate membrane disposed between the subject’s
`skin and the cooling surface.
`The membrane, which may be in
`form of
`a glycerin membrane and/or a gelatinous substance,
` the
` furt


`structured to minimize or prevent disruption or damage to
`outer skin layer of
`the operational contact area of
`and other objects,
`ill becom
`clearer when the
`invention w
`the subject’s
` features and advantages of
`drawings as well as
`detailed description are taken into consideration.
`the Brief
`Description of
`For a fuller
`understanding of
`the nature of
`the present
`should be had to
`following detailed
`description taken in connection with
`the accompanying drawings in
`Figure 1
`illustrates a perspective view of
`disclosed in accordance with at
`least one
`a device as
`embodiment of
`present invention.
`Figure 2 illustrates a side view of
`the device of
`the present
`Figure 3 illustrates a side view of
`the device of
`the present
`Figure 4 illustrates a top view of the device of the present
`illustrates a bottom view of
`present invention showing the cooling surface.
`Figure 5
`Figure 6
`Figure 7
`being placed on an
`being placed on an
`the device of
`illustrates the device of
`area of skin on a subject.
`the present
`the present
`illustrates the device of
`area of skin on a subject with a belt attached.
`fer to like parts throughout the several
`the Preferred Embodiment reference to EF
` form cooling of
` t the need
`Like reference nume
`rals re
`views of
`the drawings.
` Detailed
`Description of
`handheld apparatus
`the present
`shown in the accompanying drawings,
` GURE 1,
`or device that
`ntion is directed to a
`facil itates
`and with particular
`the ability to
` for
`large and
`cumbersome equipm
`lipid-rich cells without


`full understanding of
` at
`inary skill in the relevant art,
`the invention can be practiced without
`invention. One having ord
`one or more of
`several aspects of
`ference to the drawings
`the invention are described below,
` for
`illustrative purposes
`relationships are set for
`to provide a
` will readily recognize th
`the specific details.
`Unless otherwise defined,
`other scientific terms or terminology used herein are intended to
`y understood by those of skill
`in the art
`terms with
`In some cases,
`ngs are defined herein
`the inclusion of such definitions herein
`all terms of
`notations and
`have the meanings commonl
`to which this invention
`commonly understood meani
`for cl ari
` ty and/or
`for ready reference, and
`should not necessarily be construed to represent a substantial
`ference over what is generally understood in the art. It will
` further
`understood that
`such as
` dit
`commonly used dictionaries,
`meaning that
`the relevant
`should be
`interpreted as having a
`nt with their meaning in the context of
`is consiste
`fined herein.
`terminology used herein is
` for
`the purpose of
`art and/or as otherwise
`particular embodiments only and is not
`the invention.
`As used herein,
`and "the"
`should be understood to include plural ret
`the inde
`intended to be limiting of
`finite articles
`Ww a Ww
`Ww an YW
`Ference unless
`the context clearly indicates otherwise.
`The phrase
`mean "either or both" of
`the elements so conjoined,
`as used herein,
`should be understood
`that are conjunctively present
`in some cases and disjunctively
`present in other cases.
`As used herein,
`"should be understood to have the same
`fined above. For example,
`when separating
`or" or
`"or" shall be interpreted as being
`usion of at least one,
`but also including
`a number of
`items, and,
`meaning as "and/or"
`a listing of items,
`as de
`the incl
`inclusive, 1.¢.,
`more than one, of
`unlisted items.
`Only terms clearly indicated to the contrary,
`"exactly one of," or,
`such as "only one of" or
` exactly
`will refer to the inclusion of
`claims, "consisting of,"
`when used in


`one element oi
`fF a number or list of
`In general,
`the term
`as used
`shall only
`interpreted as
`ernatives (i
`"one or
`the other but not both")
`exclusive alt
`when preceded
`"only one of,
`by terms of
`W or
`"exactly one of."
`such as "either," "one of,"
`As used herein,
`the terms
`"including", "includes", "having",
`, OY variants thereof,
`are intended to be inclusive
`the term
`“subcutaneous” is used in reference
`"has", "with"
`similar to the term
`As used herein,
` fat,
`the tissues and cells lyl
`include subcutaneous
`ng beneath the dermis. Such layers
`which are composed of lipid-rich cells,
`or adipocytes
`lipid content
`composed of
`With pri
`. Lipid-rich cell]
`s may have a total
`of between about
`20% to about 99%, which may be
`about 20% to about 50% saturated triglycerides.
`mary reference to FIGURES 1,
`2 and 3,
`invention is directed to a device, generally indicated as 10,
`disrupting and cooling subcutaneous fat cells in a subject. The
`the present
`device 10
`cooling surface 110.
`a cooling assembly 100, which comprises
`cooling surface 110 is structured to
`subcutaneous fat cells when applied to
`In particular,
`decrease the
`temperature of
`skin surface of
`when the cooling surface 110
`as described
`1s disposed in contacting
`nal contact area, e.g., an area of
`and the device is turned on or operating such
`ing surface
`110 is cooled, as described herein,
` fat cells adj
`relation with
`an operatio
`subject outer
`that the cool
`be removed
`the operational contact area will
`temperatures from the device 10
`egion or any extremities including the
`be cooled or disrupted to
`from the body via the body’s natural
`the point
`that the cells will
`when exposed to cold
`the present
`thereafter regenerat
`liver via a
`the subject’s
`the cells will crystallize, die and will
`The cells are then eliminated through
`process called apoptosis.
`onal contact area may be virtually any
` the operati
`location on the subject,
`including, but certainly not Limited to,
`the subject’s
`arms and legs.
`abdominal r
`The coolin
`110 of the various embodiments
`g surface


`is structured
`for disposition directly against or in contact with
`the subject’s skin at the operational contact area.
`However, as
`will be described below,
`certain embodiments
`further include the
`use of
`tance in order
`the subject’s skin.
`an intermediate membrane and/or
`protect the outer surface
`layer of
`The device 10
`further includes a control module or internal
`control circuitry (not shown) with one or more external control
`In particular,
`controllably linked to the
`cooling assembly of
`the present
`the device 10 to be
`invention in order to preprogram or preset
` for
`or operational mode
`a certain desired
`disposed in an “on”
`amount of
`Furthermore, each of
`the aforementioned componen
`device 10 is contained in a single enclosure or hou
`tructured to be
`in the form of a
`as shown in F
`in certain embodiments,
` subject
`handheld device.
`of at least one embodiment
` of
`the present inve
`or more handholds or handles 310 configured
`Or person treating an area on aé
`GURE 1,
`the device
`ntion comprises one
`to be grasped by a
`In other
`ts of
`sing 300 which,
`described below,
`the handholds 300 may also
`as part of
`a securing assembl
`ly in that a belt
` func
`strap or other
`securing device may pass through the
`device to the user.
`handhodls and secure the
` of
`comprises a single,
`enclosure thereby allowing the device
`the need
`for assistance or physician supervision.
`fa subject’s home and by the subject,
`AS can
`be appreciated by the description herein,
`the device 10 of
`invention is operational without the use of
`anesthesia and
`10 to be used in leisure o
`le is also disposed within
`is non-invasive.
`Another aspect of
`the enclosure 300
`nd cont
`assembly 100 is disposed a
`Figured within
`the cooling suri
`110 is exposed
`such that
` face
`enclosure 300.
`enclosure 300 s
`conttrol modu
`uch thatt
`the con
` trol
` externally of
`the cooling
`e enclosure 300
` the
`inputs 210 are exter


`As shown in FIGURES
`an ON/OFF button 212. As
`inputs 210 are timing buttons 214 that control the length of
`the control inputs 210 is
`and 2, one of
`some of
`shown in FIGURE
`the control
` at
`cooling assembly 10900
`providing an
`once the requisite/desired length of
`in operation,
`time is
`automatic turn-off
`tained. The control module interacts with the cooling assembly
`100 to automatically turn of
`ff the cooling assembly 100 once the
`timing increments,
`or 60 minutes by
`requisite time is reached.
`timing buttons 214 may provide
` for example, of 5, 15,
`The buttons may also be illuminated in
`to provide a visual indicator of
`the timing to be utilized.
`embodiments of
`the various
`he cooling assembly of
`pressing the proper button.
`invention may employ a variety ol!
`in the art,
`such as,
`F cooling technologies
`limited to,
`fluid, phase change
`thermoelectric coolers,
`eryogenic devices,
`future cooling technology will
`recirculating chil
`and vapor compression el
`be useful in the present invention
`subcutaneous fat cells when applied to the skin surface of
`Regardless of
`long as
`cooling assembly 100
`capable of decreasing the
`the technology utilized,
`(aside from any electrical cord and power
`the entire
`re 300
`such that
`temperature of
`Any current or
`contained within the enclosu
`device 10 is self-contained, handheld and portable.
`are necessary.
`aspect of
`the device
`Also, no high—
`include a
`dissipating structure 120,
`some embodiments,
`such as a heatsink,
`ustrated in
`as ill
`the cooling suri{
` Face 1
`The cooli
`ng sur
`In at least
`lipid-rich cel
`O may be a
` face 110 is
` planar
`the cooling
`surface 110
`between about
`-100C and
`—-4o0C and
`or ina
` use ina
` Pel
`cooling s
`capable of
`one embodiment of
`thermoelectric element.
`the present invention,
`is structured to maintain a temperature of
`ferred embodiment be
`110 may
`in F
`and in pre
`planar and non-planar cont
`figurations allow
`(e.g., curved inwardly or outwardly). The various
`for ease of


`WO 2013/191699
`the cooling
`variety of positions on the human body. Furthermore,
`surface 110 may be constructed of a variety of materials that are
`capable of providing thermal conductivity great enough to provide
`for the rapid and continual cooling of subdermal tissue,
`as would
`be understood by those skilled in the art,
`facilitate the practice of the present invention in the intended
`manner. Exemplary materials include, but are certainly not limited
`and in order
`to metal alloys, aluminum, graphite, ceramics, polymers,
`materials and the like.
`As illustrated in FIGURE 6,
`the device 10 may be utilized in
`connection with an intermediate membrane M disposed between the
`subject’s body region
`cooling surface 110
`and the
`the outer
`the intermediate membrane M is structured to protect
`skin layer of
`the operational contact area of
`from the
`skin from damage or disruption resulting
`cooling temperatures of
`the cooling surface 110. Accordingly,
`such membranes M may be composed of any substrate and/or solution
`skilled in the
`understood by
`that would
`effectively and efficiently provide a buffer between t
`body region BR and the cooling surface 110 in order to
`he subject’s
`prevent any
`skin surface damage by the cooling of the cooling sur{
`the cloth or other structure may be mixed with the solution at the
`a glycerin membrane may
`the membrane M of at least one embodiment comprises a
`be utilized.
`cloth soaked in a glycerin solution or other solution.
`As an
`the cloth may be prepackaged in the solution such that
`when removed from the packaging,
`the cloth or membrane M is
`precoated in the solution and ready for disposition between the
`In other embodiments,
`subject ’s skin and the cooling surface
`time of use and then disposed between the subject’s skin and the
`cooling surface.
`It should also be noted that some membranes M of
`the various embodiments may be utilized multiple times,
`intended for single use
`other membranes M may be structured or
`configured to cover the entire cooling surface 110 of
`The membrane M of a preferred embodiment
`sized and
`the device
`10 such that the cooling surface 110 does not directly contact the


`the membrane
`M may
`approximately the size of an 8.5 x 1]
` to cover the cooling suri
`big enough
` In so
`1 sheet of paper,
`face 110, as just
`me embodiments, as illustrated in FIGURE 7
`10 may
`the belt or
`securing assembly
` g
`or otherwise
`the device
` of certain
`embodiments is configured to engage the enclosu
`re 300 or device 10
`such that the device 10 can be securely and releasably positioned
`on a body portion of a subject. Moreover, as illustrated,
`with one o
`belt 400 may be configured such that it attaches to or engages
`gr more of
`the handholds 310 of the device 10. The belt
`400 may either directly attach to one or more of the handholds 310
`or run thr
`ough one of the handholds
`of the device 10 and then through another handhold 310.
`be noted t
`hat the securing assembly 400 may be removably secured
`Or attache
`d to the device 10, and in particular the housing 300
`thereof. However,
`in other embodiments,
`It should
`310, across the back surface
`the securing assembly 400
`may be permanently secured or attached to one or more portions of
`g 300. Any securing assembly 400 or device structured
`implementation of
`the present
`invention in the
`the housin
`to facilitate
`intended manner may be used,
`to a VELCRO closure belt, or a be
`ng, but certainly not limited
`strap or other securing
`device comprising snaps, buttons,
`the various
`securing assembly 400 of
`interfere with the cooling surface
`110 and should therefore not be
`disposed across the cooling suri Face 110 or between the cooling
`loops, etc.
`In any event,
`should not
`surface 110 and the membrane M or operational contact area such as
`the subjec t’s skin.
`The device may additionally include one or more cemperature
`sensors configured or disposed proximate to the cooling surface
`sensor (s)
`may be configured to be flush with the cooling surface
`the cooling surface 110,
`In any event,
`the cooling
`ensor(s) may be
` of
`the cooling
`110, below
`surface 110.
`ively connected to the
`for providing temperature readings
`control modu
`Or protrude
`temperature s


`module in
`temperature sensor (s)
`order for
`the control module to control the operatio
`provide temperature readings to the control
`n of
` the proper operating
`the cooling assembly 100 in maintenance of
`for ef
`fective and saz
`fe cooling of the subcutaneous
`lipid-rich cells.
`to be
`Description section,
`and not the Abstract section,
`is intended to
`be used to interpret
`the claims.
`The Abstract section may set
`forth one
`or more, but not all,
`y embodiments of
`present invention as contemplated by the inventor(s),
`and thus,
`claims in
`ded to limit
`the present
`invention and the appended
`any way.
`fic embodiments should
`foregoing description of
`the speci
`fully reveal
`the general nature of
`the invention so that others
`without undue experim
`concept of
`the pr
`variations and chan
`that all
`Since many
`the invention,
`it is intended
`g description and shown in
`by applying knowledge within the skill of
` modify
`the art, readily
` from
`without departing
` modifications,
`ges in detail can be made to
` preferred embodiment of
`matters in the foregoin
`accompanying drawings be interpreted as illustrative and not 1
`scope of
`s and
`termined by the appended clai
`invention should
`their legal equivalen
`the pre
`invention sho
`imited by
`the breadth and scope of
`any of
`illustrative embodiments,
`but shoul
`accordance with the
`following claims and their equivalents.
`Now that the invention has been described,
`exemplary and
`ld similarly be defined only in


`for disrupting subcutaneous
`A device
`said device co
`fat cells in a subject,
`comprising a
`surface decreases
`cells when applied to the skin
`a cooling assembly,
`face, wherein said
`cooling sur
`temperature of
`surface of the
`subcutaneous fat
`a control
`controllably 1
`module with control
`said control module
`to said cooling assembly;
`le enclosure structured to be in the
`form of a
`a single portabl
`handheld device,
`wherein said cooling assembly is disposed within
`externally of
`said enclosure,
`said control
`inputs are
`disposed within said enclosure such that said control
`exposed externally of
`said enclosure.
`The device as
`recited in
`claim lL
`said portable
`enclosure comprises two oppositely disposed handles configured to
`facilitate a subject’s gripping engagement therewith.
` further
`claim 2
`is removably attached to
`device as
`claim 3
` claim 4
`said securing
`said enclosure.
`said securing
`comprising a
`securing assembly coni
`Figured and attached to said enclosure such
`that the device can be securely positioned on a body portion of
` the subject.
`device as
`assembly compr
`ises a belt
`positioned through said two oppositely
`disposed handl
`claim 1
` further
`temperature se
`nsor coni
`Figured proximate to said cooling surface,
`comprising a
`wherein said temperature sensor is communicatively connected to
`for providing temperature readings of
`said control module
`cooling surfac
`The device as
`in claim 1
` further
`the skin sur
`comprising an
`membrane disposed between said cooling surface and
`face of
`subject during operation use of


`WO 2013/191699
`e device as recited in claim 7 wherein said membrane is
`sized larger than said cooling surface.
`is main
`e device as recited in claim 7 wherein said intermediate
`e comprises a glycerin membrane.
`e device as
`recited in claim 7 wherein said membrane
`e device as recited in claim 1 wherein said cooling surface
`tained at a temperature between approximately -50C and O0oC
`operational use of said device.
`e device as
`recited in claim 11 wherein said cooling
`comprises a cloth material presoaked in glycerin solution.
`is maintained at a temperature between approximately -40C
`and -—20C during operational use of said device.
`handheld, portable device for disrupting subcutaneous fat
`cells in a subject, said device comprising:
`a portable enclosure,
`cooling assembly disposed at
`least partially within said
`e enclosure,
`said cooling assembly comprising a cooling
` face
`a p
`disposed external to said portable enclosure, said cooling
`being Structured
`subcutaneous fat cells when applied to the skin surface of
`a control module disposed within said portable enclosure,
`control module controllably linked with a plurality of control
`a securing assembly removably disposed in securing relation with a
`selected portion of
` face
`the subject’s body, wherein said cooling
`is disposed in a facing relation with the skin of
`subject, and
`rmediate membrane disposed between said cooling surface and
`he skin surface of the subject.
`The device as
`recited in claim 13 wherein said portable
`nclosure comprises at least one handle structured for gripping
`ngagement by the subject.
`The device as
`recited in claim 14 wherein said portable
`nclosure comprises two oppositely disposed handles.


`WO 2013/191699
`The device as
`recited in claim 15 wherein said securing
`assembly comprises a belt
`removably disposed through said two
`oppositely dispo

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