`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`‘Search Query
`"6436020" | "6443883" | "6463336" | "6465709" | "6506403" | "6551233"|
`| "20040176805" |
`"20020143373" |
`"20040176806" | "20050049653" | "20050087194" | "20060190043"|
`"20070167990" | "20080132971" | "4240445" | "4256116" | "4412540" | "4548208"!
`| "4674482" | "4727857" | "4757804" | "4886063" | "4989604" | "5000178"|
`"5014699" | "5181902" | "5314401" | "5336255" | "5401233" | "5411542"|
`"5478303" | "5487759" | "5578065" | "5584863" | "5718721" | "5723001"|
`"5743844" | "5860945" | "5922012" | "5947913" | "5951459" | "6024691"|
`"6042531" | "6096067" | "6129659" | "6132362" | "6186941" | "6200259"|
`"6213934" | "6228108" | "6261221" | "6275737" | "6334069" | "6353763"|
`$8 and muscle and (heat light opticasl radio pressure mechanical)
`J heenhee!
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`("20090234423"). PN.
`$19 and $21
`¥S21 and S24
`¥S26 S27 S28 S29 S30 S31
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`Naneneseeeeneseed banseeeeneseeeeeeseeeeneseeenneeeeenessesteeseeeesesseseneeeeeeseeenenseeeeenseeeeenseeeesesessenesseeeeeseeeeeesseeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseteeeesseentees:
`3 S4
`(contraction contracted contract muscle).clm.
`S45 and S46 and S47
`$45 and S46 and S49
`S45 and S49
`atrophy and (heat or light or optical or radio or pressure)
`(atrophy and (heat or light or optical or radio or pressure))
`$56 and
`contract contraction contracted)
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`$35 and (tesla or guass)
`EASTSearch History
`("0000029"| "0000057" | "20010031906" | "20030158585" | "20060152301"|
`"20060187607" | "20080249350" | "20080262287" | "20090005631"|
`"20100036368" | "20100087699" | "20100121131" | "20100179372"|
`"20100309689" | "20100331603" | "20110021863" | "20110077451"|
`"20110263925" | "20120053449" | "20130030239" | "20130123568"|
`"20130137918" | "20130150653" | "20130158634" | "20130238061"|
`"20130317281" | "20140046423" | "20140330067" | "20150025299"|
`"20150133717" | "20150157873" | "20150216719" | "20150328475"|
`"20150367141" | "20160030763"| "20160051827" | "20160250494" | "3915151"|:
`"4237898" | "4456001" | "4665898" | "4993413" | "5085626" | "5401233"|
`"65766124" | "5807232" | "5908444" | "5984854" | "6063108" | "6117066"|
`"6179769" | "6213933" | "6223750" | "6402678" | "6418345" | "6527694"|
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" | "7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`(("20150157873") or ("20130137918") or ("20130053620") or ("20100222629") or
`("20140371515") or ("20090018384") or ("20110130618")).PN.
`(magnetic adj flux adj density) same ("t" or tesla)
`muscle same (contract contraction tight tighten tightening)
`$72 and muscle
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`venteented baseneeeesenceeeeeeenseeeteeeeeeeenepeneeeeeeeeepeneenepenneeepeneenepenneeeeeeenseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenseeeenseeeeneeeeenseeeenseeeenspeereneeeeneeeee! Meeeseeeenseenhineeeeeeeee beeLee
`haveeeneseeeeneseeeesseeenseeeeeeseeeeeeseeeesenseeeseseeeeeesseeeseseenseseeenseseeeneesseeenseeeneesseeeeessteersesseeneesseeneeseeeenseenseeeeeeeeeeed hteeeeraseeee! ieeeeeeeed hinheeeet
`i f
`stain sprain myofacitis soasm arthitis carpal tunnel segmental) with ("t" guass
`(stain sprain myofacitis spasm arthitis carpal tunnel segmental) with ( guass tesla)
`(stain sprain myofacitis spasm arthitis carpal tunnel segmental) and ( guasstesla)
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
` "20020143373" | "20040010178" | "20040176803" | "20040176805" |
`"20040176806" | "20050049653" | "20050087194" | "20060190043" |
`"20070167990" | "20080132971" | "4240445" | "4256116" | "4412540" | "4548208":
`| "4674482" | "4727857" | "4757804" | "4886063" | "4989604" | "5000178" |
`"5014699" | "5181902" | "5314401" | "5336255" | "5401233" | "5411542" |
`"5478303" | "5487759" | "5578065" | "5584863" | "5718721" | "5723001"
`"5743844" | "5860945" | "5922012" | "5947913" | "5951459" | "6024691"
`"6042531" | "6096067" | "6129659" | "6132362" | "6186941" | "6200259" |
`"6213934" | "6228108" | "6261221" | "6275737" | "6334069" | "6353763" |
`"6436020" | "6443883" | "6463336" | "6465709" | "6506403" | "6551233" |
`7226 $100
`EASTSearch History
`¥S82 and S98
`$99 and (tesla or guass)
`S88 and S98
`$101 and (tesla or guass)
`¥S103 S104 S105
`¥S107 or $108
`(contraction contracted contract muscle
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`$109 and S110 and $113
`$109 and $113
`atrophy and (heat or light or optical or radio or pressure)
`$116 and (atrophy and (heat or light or optical or radio or pressure))
`apnentnttnnnntnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnanananannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnananannnnannnnnnnnananannananannnas! Mannnannnnnnnant Lannnannnnannnnnnnnan! Mannnnannnnnnnnnn! Kannnnnnnnannnnnnnnanet”
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" | "7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`("0000029"| "0000057" | "20010031906" | "20030158585" | "20060152301"|
`"20060187607" | "20080249350" | "20080262287" | "20090005631"|
`"20100036368" | "20100087699" | "20100121131" | "20100179372"|
`"20100309689" | "20100331603" | "20110021863" | "20110077451"|
`"20110263925" | "20120053449" | "20130030239" | "20130123568"|
`"20130137918" | "20130150653" | "20130158634" | "20130238061"|
`"20130317281" | "20140046423" | "20140330067" | "20150025299"|
`"20150133717" | "20150157873" | "20150216719" | "20150328475"|
`"20150367141" | "20160030763"| "20160051827" | "20160250494" | "3915151" |
`"4237898" | "4456001" | "4665898" | "4993413" | "5085626" | "5401233"|
`"65766124" | "5807232" | "5908444" | "5984854" | "6063108" | "6117066"|
`"6179769" | "6213933" | "6223750" | "6402678" | "6418345" | "6527694"|
`$116 and spasm
`("2003018585") or ("6213933"). PN.
`$120 and (contract contraction contracted)
`(("20150157873") or ("20130137918") or ("20130053620") or ("20100222629") or
`("20140371515") or ("20090018384") or ("20110130618")).PN.
`("9937358") .PN.
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`venteented baseneeeesenceeeeeeenseeeteeeeeeeenepeneeeeeeeeepeneenepenneeepeneenepenneeeeeeenseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenseeeenseeeeneeeeenseeeenseeeenspeereneeeeneeeee! Meeeseeeenseenhineeeeeeeee beeLee
`((v or volt) and (nh or mh) and (t or tesla) and (hz or khz) and (s or second)).clm.
`$130 and S131
`$130 and (magnetic with flux with density with derivative).clm.
`(("10245439") or ("9974519")).PN.
`("0000001" | "0000002" | "0000602" | "0001001" | "0001552" | "0012121"|
`"0210000" | "0210246" | "10245439" | "20010000034" | "20080000056"|
`"20100081971" |
`"20170000001" "20170072212"|"201730053620" |
`"20180001106"|"4454883" | "4674505" | "5718662" | "6086525" | "6179770"|
`"7520849" | "7608035" | "8979727" | "9586057"|"9636519" | "9937358"|
`"0000029" | "0000057" | "20010031906" | "20030158585" | "20060152301"|
`"20150133717"|"20150157873"|"20150216719"|"20150328475"| :
`"20150367141"|"20160030763"| "20160051827"|"20160250494" | "3915151"|:
`"4237898" | "4456001" | "4665898" | "4993413" | "5085626" | "5401233"|
`"65766124" | "5807232" | "5908444" | "5984854" | "6063108" | "6117066"|
`"6179769" | "6213933" | "6223750" | "6402678" | "6418345" | "6527694"|
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" | "7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`haveeeneseeeeeeseeeenseeeeseeneteeseeeeseseeeeeeseeeesesseeeeeseensespeeeeeseeenseseeeneesseeneeseeeneesseeneeseeeneeeeeeneesseeneeseeeeeeeseeneeeeeeetnahieeeereseenete! eeeeed heeeee! heeeet
`evenenented heeneeneeeeeeneseeenseeeeeerenteeepenenepeereeeeeeeeeeeeeneepeeeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepeereeepenneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeereneeeeeeeened hieeereeeeet! ieeeeed hie! het
`$134 and (magnetic with flux with density with derivative).clm.
`eeseeesees heseesseeseesnees! heseesseetesessteeees?
`(magnetic adj flux adj density) same ("t" or tesla)
`muscle same (contract contraction tight tighten tightening)
`eeseeesees heseesseeseesnees! heseesseetesessteeees?
`$138 and S139
`(600/14) .CCLS.
`$142 $143
`$144 and muscle
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`1201 9/12/04}
`venteented baseneeeesenceeeeeeenseeeteeeeeeeenepeneeeeeeeeepeneenepenneeepeneenepenneeeeeeenseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenseeeenseeeeneeeeenseeeenseeeenspeereneeeeneeeee! Meeeseeeenseenhineeeeeeeee beeLee
`haveeeneseeeeneseeeesseeenseeeeeeseeeeeeseeeesenseeeseseeeeeesseeeseseenseseeenseseeeneesseeenseeeneesseeeeessteersesseeneesseeneeseeeenseenseeeeeeeeeeed hteeeeraseeee! ieeeeeeeed hinheeeet
`i {
`stain sprain myofacitis soasm arthitis carpal tunnel segmental) same ("t" guass
`stain sprain myofacitis soasm arthitis carpal tunnel segmental) with ("t" guass
`(stain sprain myofacitis spasm arthitis carpal tunnel segmental) with ( guass tesla)
`$156 and S157
`$155 and $157
`(stain sprain myofacitis spasm arthitis carpal tunnel segmental) and ( guasstesla)
`$157 and S160
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`"20020143373" | "20040010178" | "20040176803" | "20040176805" |
`"20040176806" | "20050049653" | "20050087194" | "20060190043" |
`"20070167990" | "20080132971" | "4240445" | "4256116" | "4412540" | "4548208":
`| "4674482" | "4727857" | "4757804" | "4886063" | "4989604" | "5000178" |
`"5014699" | "5181902" | "5314401" | "5336255" | "5401233" | "5411542" |
`"5478303" | "5487759" | "5578065" | "5584863" | "5718721" | "5723001"
`"5743844" | "5860945" | "5922012" | "5947913" | "5951459" | "6024691"
`"6042531" | "6096067" | "6129659" | "6132362" | "6186941" | "6200259" |
`"6213934" | "6228108" | "6261221" | "6275737" | "6334069" | "6353763" |
`"6436020" | "6443883" | "6463336" | "6465709" | "6506403" | "6551233" |
`EASTSearch History
`4S162 S163 S164 S165 S166 S167
`S154 and $170
`$173 and (tesla or guass)
`S175 S176 S177
`.‘ 479
`contraction contracted contract muscle
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`$181 and S182 and $185
`$181 and S185
`atrophy and (heat or light or optical or radio or pressure)
`$188 and (atrophy and (heat or light or optical or radio or pressure))
`spentnttnttnnnnttntennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnanannanannnnnnannnnnnnnannannnnnannnnannnnnnanananannanannnns! Maannnnnannnnant Lannnanannnnnnnnnnnnn! hannnnnnnnnnnnnns!
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" | "7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`("0000029"| "0000057" | "20010031906" | "20030158585" | "20060152301"|
`"20060187607" | "20080249350" | "20080262287" | "20090005631"|
`"20100036368" | "20100087699" | "20100121131" | "20100179372"|
`"20100309689" | "20100331603" | "20110021863" | "20110077451"|
`"20110263925" | "20120053449" | "20130030239" | "20130123568"|
`"20130137918" | "20130150653" | "20130158634" | "20130238061"|
`"20130317281" | "20140046423" | "20140330067" | "20150025299"|
`"20150133717" | "20150157873" | "20150216719" | "20150328475"|
`"20150367141" | "20160030763"| "20160051827" | "20160250494" | "3915151" |
`"4237898" | "4456001" | "4665898" | "4993413" | "5085626" | "5401233"|
`"65766124" | "5807232" | "5908444" | "5984854" | "6063108" | "6117066"|
`"6179769" | "6213933" | "6223750" | "6402678" | "6418345" | "6527694"|
`$188 and spasm
`("2003018585") or ("6213933"). PN.
`$192 and (contract contraction contracted)
`(("20150157873") or ("20130137918") or ("20130053620") or ("20100222629") or
`("20140371515") or ("20090018384") or ("20110130618")).PN.
`("9937358") .PN.
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`2 hae hee!
` 1201 9/12/04
`"20020143373" | "20040010178" | "20040176803" | "20040176805" |
`"20040176806" | "20050049653" | "20050087194" | "20060190043" |
`"20070167990" | "20080132971" | "4240445" | "4256116" | "4412540" | "4548208"!
`| "4674482" | "4727857" | "4757804" | "4886063" | "4989604" | "5000178" |
`"5014699" | "5181902" | "5314401" | "5336255" | "5401233" | "5411542" |
`"5478303" | "5487759" | "5578065" | "5584863" | "5718721" | "5723001"
`"5743844" | "5860945" | "5922012" | "5947913" | "5951459" | "6024691"
`"6042531" | "6096067" | "6129659" | "6132362" | "6186941" | "6200259" |
`"6213934" | "6228108" | "6261221" | "6275737" | "6334069" | "6353763" |
`"6436020" | "6443883" | "6463336" | "6465709" | "6506403" | "6551233" |
`"6561968" | "6589159" | "6592509" | "6606519" | "6641520" | "6675047"|
`"6678562" | "6701185" | "6839595" | "6875188" | "6955642" | "7008369" |
`"7022506" | "7087076" | "7130692" | "7175587" | "7215995" | "7336993" |
`sawnaetna faeeee Leet hieee! hint
`$206 $207
`$208 and muscle and (heat light opticasl radio pressure mechanical)
`veeenented baseneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeteeeeeeeenepeneeeepenneeepeneeeepeneeeepenneneeeeeeeeeeeenseeeeeeeeseeneeeenseeeeeeeeeeneeeeenseeeeeeeeeeenspeernerentenna! Meeeseeeeeeeeehanseneee beet Lee
`stain sprain myofacitis soasm arthitis carpal tunnel segmental) same ("t" guass
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`EASTSearch History
`¥S220 and $221
`26 $227 S228 $229 S230 $231
`¥S232 $233
`$235 and
`(tesla or guass)
`$224 and $234
`$237 and (tesla or guass)
`$237 ‘
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
`heat or light or optical or radio or pressure
`EASTSearch History
`heat or light or optical or radio or pressure
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]
` ("0000029"
`| "20060152301
`| "20030158585"
`"20060187607" | "20080249350" | "20080262287" | "20090005631"|
`"20100036368" | "20100087699" | "20100121131" | "20100179372"|
`"20100309689" | "20100331603" | "20110021863" | "20110077451"|
`"20110263925" | "20120053449" | "20130030239" | "20130123568"|
`"20130137918" | "20130150653" | "20130158634" | "20130238061"|
`"20130317281" | "20140046423" | "20140330067" | "20150025299"|
`"20150133717" | "20150157873" | "20150216719" | "20150328475"|
`"20150367141" | "20160030763" | "20160051827" | "20160250494" | "3915151" |
`"4237898" | "4456001" | "4665898" | "4993413" | "5085626" | "5401233"|
`"5766124" | "5807232" | "5908444" | "5984854" | "6063108" | "6117066"|
`"6179769" | "6213933" | "6223750" | "6402678" | "6418345" | "6527694"|
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" | "7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`("20120108884") .PN.
`(schwarz.in. and prouza.in.)
`((v or volt) and (nh or mh) and (t or tesla) and (hz or khz) and (s or second)).clm.
`$266 and $267
`$266 and (magnetic with flux with density with derivative).clm.
`(("10245439") or ("9974519")).PN.
`1201 9/12/04}
`EASTSearch History
`“ 1
`2/4/2019 7:10:40 PM
`C:\ Users\ sgilbert\ Documents\ EAST\ Workspaces\ 16218735.wsp
`file:///C/Users/sgilbert/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16218735/EASTSearchHistory.16218735_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/4/2019 7:10:43 PM]