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`MACLEAN; Kenneth
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`US-4454883-A 06-19-1984|FELLUS;Victor M. PO
`US-4674505-A 06-23-1987|PAULI; Karlheinzet al. Po
`US-5718662-A 02-17-1998|JALINOUS; Reza
`US-6086525-A 07-11-2000|DAVEY; Kent R. etal.
`|006|US-6179770-B1 01-30-2001|MOULD;Stephen
`US-7520849-B1 04-21-2009|SIMON; Bruce J.
`US-7608035-B2 10-27-2009|FARONE; William
`|009|US-8979727-B2 03-17-2015|RON; Edoute Odedetal.
`US-9586057-B2|03-07-2017_|LADMANet al
`US-9636519-B2 05-02-2017_|LADMAN etal.
`US-9937358-B2 04-10-2018|SCHWARZ; Tomaset al
`US-10245439-B1|04-02-2019|SCHWARZ; Tomisetal
`APeerS88|42.21-2006|ZANGEN; Abraham et al.
`A0808825"|42-14-2008|BURNETT;Daniel R. et a.
`EPSTEIN; Charles M.
`BOYDEN:Edward S. et al
`AP 08969-
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`020 APoot 92522-|96-17-2010 ROTH:Yiftach et al. BP
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`023 Ap 30618-|96-02-2011 RON: Edoute Odedet al. BP
`024 APeos0abet-
`025 Ape0033-|42-06-2012 MUNTERMANN:Axel BP
`906|US-20130053620-|0558-0013 SUSEDIK: Michael Edward
`et al.
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`028 a878S
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`029 Peeos1887-
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`030 aot48870-
`JOHN: Michael Sasha BP
`032 recess 01-05-2017
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`034|Re20170001029"|01-05-2017 PRIBULA: Ondrej etal. BP
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`07-27-2011 MINGZHON LI., et
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`ABULHASAN, J.F., et al., "Peripheral Electrical and Magnetic Stimulation to Augment
`Resistance Training," Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 1(3):328-342,
`(September 2016).
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`Magnetic Neurostimulation: a Reliability Study," Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology,
`23(3):649-658, Elsevier, England, (June 2013).
`BARKER, A.T, "An Introduction to the Basic Principles of Magnetic Nerve Stimulation,” Journal
`of Clinical Neurophysiology, 8(1):26-37, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, United States, January
` BUSTAMANTE, V., et al., "Redox Balance Following Magnetic Stimulation Training in the
`Basic Protocol ofSalus, Talent with Incontinence Chair, REMED, 1 page. a|
`BEHRENS, M., et al., "Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (15 Hz RPMS) of the Human
`Soleus Muscle did not Affect Spinal Excitability," Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,
`10(1):39-44, Dept. of Sports Medicine, Medical Faculty of Uludag University, Turkey (March
`BEILIN, G., et al., "Electromagnetic Fields Applied to the Reduction of Abdominal Obesity,"
`Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy, 14(1):24-42, Informa Healthcare, England, (February
`BUSTAMANTE, V., et al., "Muscle Training With Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation of the
`Quadriceps in Severe COPD Patients,” Respiratory Medicine, 104(2):237-245, Elsevier,
`England, (February 2010).
`Quadriceps of Patients With Severe COPD," Free Radical Research, 42(11-12):939-948,
`Informa Healthcare, England, (November 2008).
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetheror notcitation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
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`Stimulation," Muscle Nerve, 23(1):126-128, John Wiley & Sons, United States, (January 2000).
`CARESS, J.B., et al., "A Novel Method of Inducing Muscle Cramps Using Repetitive Magnetic
`Clinical Application of Electro Magnetic Stimulation, SALUS-TALENT, Korea Society of
`interventional Muscle and Soft Tissue Stimulation Therapy, CR Technology, 141 pages.
`Course in Physical Therapy, Presentation, 4 January 2013, 156 pages.
`CR Technology, SALUS-TALENT,Technical File of Electro-magnetic Stimulator, Document
`Number: TF-C05, 2008, 241 pages.
`CRTechnology,TechnologyforHealth and BusinessforHuman Being, investorrelations, 2008, a
`21 pages.
`Effective PEMF Magnetic Fat Reduction Slimming Body Beauty Salon Machine (PEMF Star),
`Wolfbeauty 1980, PEMF STAR, China, Retrieved from the Internet: (URL:
`2019, 5 pages.
`FMS Tesla Stym - AKCE, Medila Cenova nabidika, Price offer c. 191, 24 pages.
`GOETZ, S.M., et al., "Coil Design for Neuromuscular Magnetic Stimulation Based on a Detailed
`3-D Thigh Model," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 50(6):10, IEEE, (JUNE 2014).
`GORODNICHEV,R.M., "Magnetic Stimulation of Muscles as New Method to Enhance Their
`Strength, " Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Velikie Luki, 2016, 5
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetheror notcitation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
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`University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Prague, Czech Republic, 4 Pages.
`Increasing Physiotherapy Presence in Cosmetology, Spa Inspirations, January 2012, pp. 34-35. a|
`HAMNEGARD, C.H., et al., "Quadriceps Strength Assessed by Magnetic Stimulation of the
`Femoral Nerve in Normal Subjects," Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 24(5):276-280,
`Blackwell, England, (September 2004).
`HAN, T.R., et al., "Magnetic Stimulation of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle: Comparison of Pain
`With Electrical Stimulation," American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 85(7):593-
`599, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, United States, (July 2006).
`HASALA, O., et al., "Case Study of Treating Acute Ankle Distortion Using TMS, Charles
`Iskra Medical, Magneto System, 2012, 2 pages.
`KATUSCAKOVA,Z.L., et al., High Induction Magnet Therapy in Rehabilitation, Department of
`Physiactric Rehabilitation, 2012, 72 pages.
`LAMPROPOULOU, S.I., et al., "Magnetic Versus Electrical Stimulation in the Interpolation
`Twitch Technique of Elbow Flexors," Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11(4):709-718,
`Dept. of Sports Medicine, Medical Faculty of Uludag University, Turkey (December 2012).
`LIN, V.W., et al., "Functional Magnetic Stimulation for Restoring Cough in Patients With
`Tetraplegia," Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 79(5):517-522, W.B. Saunders,
`United States, (May 1998).
`LIN, V.W., et al., "Functional Magnetic Stimulation of Expiratory Muscles: a Noninvasive and
`New Method for Restoring Cough," Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), 84(4):1144-1150,
`American Physiological Society, United States, (April 1998).
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetheror notcitation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
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`Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Systems, 2011, 6 Pages.
`MADARIAGA, V.B., et al., "[Magnetic Stimulation of the Quadriceps: Analysis of 2 Stimulators
`Used for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications]," Archivos De Bronconeumologia, 43(7):411-
`417, Elsevier Espana, Spain, (July 2007).
`MAG and MORE Gmbh, Magnetic and Life Science System, Power Mag, 12 Pages.
`Mag Venture, MAGNETIC STIMULATION, Accessories Catalogue, Accessories Catalogue,
`2011, 54 pages.
`MagVenture, MagPro® by MagVenture®, Versatility in Magnetic Stimulation, World Leading
`MULHOLLAND, R.S., "Synergistic Multi-polar Radiofrequency and Pulsed Magnetic Fields in
`the Non-Invasive Treatment of Skin Laxity and Body Contouring, 4 pages.
`Neuro Star , TMS Therapy, Bringing Hope to Patients with Depression, 2013, 6 Pages.
`Neurosoft, lvanovo, Since 1992, Magnetic Stimulator, NEURO-MS, Technical Manual,
`Neurosoft Ltd, lvanovo, Russia, 2006, 67 Pages.
`Nexstim NBS System, Navigated Brain Stimulation, Noninvasive, direct cortical mapping, 2012,
`5 Pages.
`OBSLUZE, N.K.,Usage Instructions, User's Manual, Device for high-induction magnetic
`stimulation of type designation:Saluter Moti, 2016, 88 Pages.
`Operating Manual: Magstim D70? Coil, MOPO6-EN, Revision 01, The Magstim Company
`Limited, February 2012, 14 Pages.
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetheror notcitation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
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`USPTOto process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 2 hours to complete, including gathering,
`preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO.Timewill vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amountof time you require to
`complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA
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`the item (book,magazine,journal,serial,symposium, catalog ,etc.),date, page(s),volume-issue
`number(s), publisher, city and/or country where published.
` Operating Manual: MagstimR,2nd, Generation Coil Family, 3100-23-02, MagstimCoils,The a
`Operating Manual, MAGSTIMRAir-Cooled Double 70mm Coil System, 1600-23-04, The
`Magstim CompanyLimited, 1999, 18 Pages.
`Operating Manual: Magstim Magstim 2007, MOP01-EN, Revision 01, The Magstin Company
`Limited, September 2011, 25 Pages.
`Operating Manual: Magstim, Magstim Alpha Coil Range, MOP11-EN, Revision 01, October
`2012, 18 Pages.
`Operating Manual: Magstim, Magstim Bistim?, MOP02-EN, Revision, The Magstim Company
`Limited, 01, September 2011, 27 Pages.
`Operating Manual, MAGSTIM, Model 200, P/N 3001-01, Double 70mm, Remote Coil, P/N 3190-
`00, The Magstim CompanyLimited, 2006, 32 pages.
`Magstim Company Limited, November 2002, 14 Pages.
`Operating Manual: MAGSTIM R, BISTIM SYSTEM, P/N 3234-23-01, The Magstim Company
`Limited, November 2004, 30 Pages.
`Operating Manual: Magstim R, Coils & Accessories, 1623-23-07, Magstim Coils & Accessories,
`May 2010, 24 Pages.
`November 2009, 61 Pages.
`OPERATOR'S MANUAL: BTL EMSCULPT, BTLIndustries Ltd, United Kingdom, 2018, 35
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetheror notcitation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant. 1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional). 2 Applicant is to place a check mark hereif English language
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`USPTOto process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 2 hours to complete, including gathering,
`preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO.Timewill vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amountof time you require to
`complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA
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`OPERATOR'S MANUAL: BTL, HPM-6000U, BTLIndustries Ltd, United Kingdom, December
`2016, 36 pages.
`Papimi, For Scientific Research, Pap lon Magnetic Inductor, Presentation, Magnetotherapeutic
`Device, November 2009, 61 Pages.
`PODEBRADSKY.K., et al., Clinical study of high-inductive electromagnetic stimulator SALUS
`talent, 2010, 8 pages.
`POLKEYM.I., et al., "Functional Magnetic Stimulation of the Abdominal Muscles in Humans, "
`American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 160(2):513-522, American
`Thoracic Society, United States (August 1999).
`POLKEY, M.I., et al., "Quadriceps Strength and Fatigue Assessed by Magnetic Stimulation of
`the Femoral Nerve in Man," Muscle Nerve, 19(5):549-555, John Wiley & Sons, United States,
`(May 1996).
`Quick Start Manuals, MAGSTIM SUPER RAPID PLUS QUICK START, Aalto TMS Laboratory,
`Aalto School of Science, 2013, 7 Pages.
`Salus Talent, a Vertice and Talos, Drott, 6 pages.
`SALUS TALENT, Deep Penetrating Electro-Magnetic Stimulator, CR Technology, 4 pages.
`SALUS TALENT, Deep Penetrating Electro-Magnetic Stimulator, Rehabilitation Medical
`Company, New choice, new satisfaction, Talent, 4 pages.
`SALUS TALENT, Electro Magnetic Stimulator, CR Technology, 9 Pages.
`Salus Talent Pro, Specification, 2 pages.
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`[ExeminerNane[Samuel G. GILBERT
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`the item (book,magazine,journal,serial,symposium, catalog ,etc.),date, page(s),volume-issue
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`Salus, Talent Pro, The Birth of Salus Talent Pro inspired by 10 Years of Experience,
`Specification, Rehabilitation Medical Company, Slimon, 2 pages.
`Salus, Talent Pro, The World's 1st Development 3 Tesla, 2Channel Magnetic field Therapy,
`Slimon , 10 pages.
`SALUS TALENT-A, REMED, USER GUIDE, High Intensity Electro Magnetic Field Therapy,
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`2017, 37 pages.
`062 DuoMAG Magnetic Stimulator, Alien Technik User Manuel, 06/26/2012, 48 pages, Version 2.1. a|
`SALUS-TALENT, Device for Deep Electromagnetic Stimulation, NOWOSC, FIZJOTERAPIA, 6
`SZECSI, J., et a

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