`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`14 October 2004 (14.10.2004)
`International Patent Classification’:
`A6IN 1/00
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`27 May 2003 (27.05.2003)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`31 March 2003 (31.03.2003)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2004/087255 Al
`Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX,
`MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC,
`VN, YU, ZA, 7M, ZW.
`Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,TM),
`European patent (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, RO,
`SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM,
`GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Applicant and
`Inventor: MO, Seung-Kee [KR/KR]; Woonjeong Bldg.,
`261-1 Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, 137-130 Seoul (KR).
`with international search report
`Agent: LEE, Kyecong-Ran; 502 BYC Bldg., 648-1 Yeok-
`sam 1-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul 135-081 (KR).
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`Per ipheral
`Power moni toi-475
`Input switch}
`Output switch
`Sonnennnescccncncna fees7
`Lt “Section section|| Pulse capacitof Shunt switch| | Magnet coil |
`(57) Abstract: An apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation, having a modulation function, according to the present inven-
`tion, comprises: a driving voltage supplying section for converting AC voltage input from a voltage source into DC voltage having
`a predetermined magnitude; a capacitor section for accumulating electric charge in accordance with the DC voltage; an input switch
`section for controlling the accumulation of electric charge in the capacitor section; a coil for generating magnetic flux in accordance
`with current generated by both-end voltage corresponding to the electric charge accumulated in the capacitor section; an output
`switch section for controlling discharge of the electric charge accumulated in the capacitor section through the coil; and a shunt
`switch section for lowering magnetic energy stored in the coil and voltage stored in the capacitor section into a ground level to obtain
`a pulse magnetic field. In this pulse-magnetic-stimulation creating apparatus having a modulation function according to the present
`invention,it is possible to efficiently transfer energy on the basis of current compliance of a patient and impedanceof biologic tissue
`for therapeutic applications.
`WO 2004/087255
`1.Field of theInvention
`The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for creating pulse
`magnetic stimulation with a modulation function, and specifically to an apparatus and
`method for creating pulse magnetic stimulation with a modulation function, capable of
`non-invasively stimulating a human body such as nerves, muscles, bones, blood vessels,
`etc. for therapeutic applications using a high-speed external time-varying magnetic
`2.Description of the Related Art
`The electromagnetic induction law, in which electricity can be converted into
`magnetism or magnetism can be converted into electricity, has been widely used in
`power generators, transformers or the like.
`In addition, methods of medical treatment
`using such electromagnetic induction law have been developed continuously, and in
`recent, the electromagnetic induction law has been widely used up to neuromuscular
`In general, stimulation methods for treating a neuromuscular system of a human
`WO 2004/087255
`body can be classified into an electrical stimulation method and a magnetic stimulation
`The electrical stimulation method is a method in which stimulation is created
`by attaching pessary-shaped electrodes or patch-shaped electrodes to a human body and
`then allowing current to flow therein. On the other hand, the magnetic stimulation
`method is a method in which stimulation is created by inducing magnetic energy into a
`skin or a body system to generate eddy current,the magnetic energy being generated by
`discharging electric energy stored in a capacitor to a magnet coil for generating an
`external time-varying magnetic field.
`Basically, the principle of generating magnetic stimulation falls within a range
`of Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction in which when flux © linking with a
`circuit varies, an electromotive force & proportional to a ratio at which the flux is
`decreased is induced into the circuit. A direction of the induced current flowingin the
`circuit due to the electromagnetic induction is against variation in linkage flux of the
`circuit in accordance with Lentz’s Law.
`Such electromagnetic induction law is used in a variety of types for the
`therapeutic purposes of a human body, and hereinafter a case that the electromagnetic
`induction law applies to an apparatus for treating urinary incontinence as one type will
`be described with reference to Fig. 1.
`Fig. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a conventional apparatus for treating
`WO 2004/087255
`urinary incontinence.
`Referring to Fig.1, a drive circuit of the conventional apparatus for treating
`urinary incontinence comprises a power supply and charging section 10, a transferring
`section 20, a discharging section 30 anda stimulation coil 40.
`The power supply and charging section 10 performs a function of boosting an
`input voltage into a high voltage.
`The transferring section 20 comprises switching elements SCR1, SCR2, a
`pumping inductor L1, a current control inductor L2 and a transfer capacitor C1 to
`transfer the voltage supplied from the power supply and charging section 10.
`The discharging section 30 performs a function of storing and discharging the
`voltage supplied from the transferring section 20, and current flows in the stimulation
`coil 40 due to discharge of the discharging section 30.
`In the drive circuit of this conventional apparatus for
`treating urinary
`incontinence, a voltage from a high-voltage generating section (not shown) is stored in a
`charging capacitor (not shown) of the power supply and charging section 10, and when
`the switching element SCR1 of the transferring section 20 is switched on, the charge
`accumulated in the charging capacitor of the power supply and charging section 10 is
`accumulated the transfer capacitor C1 of the transferring section 20 through the
`pumping inductor L1. Then, when the switching element SCR2 is switched on, the
`charge accumulatedin the transfer capacitor C1 is supplied to the discharging section 30
`WO 2004/087255
`through the current control inductor L2. By repeating such processes multiple times,
`the necessary electric charge is supplied from the transferring section 20 to a
`discharging capacitor C2 of the discharging section 30. The discharging capacitor C2
`of the discharging section 30 keeps accumulating the charge from the transferring
`section 20, and when a discharging switch SCR3 is switched on,
`the discharging
`capacitor C2 discharges the charge at one time. Then, current flows in the stimulation
`coil 40 due to the discharged charge.
`However, the drive circuit of the conventional apparatus for treating urinary
`incontinence has some drawbacks in that i) very high voltage exceeding a dielectric
`strength of a general switch is generated at both endsof the switch in discharging, ii) the
`unreasonable transferring section 20 is provided, iii) the system is complicated due to
`the addition of the transferring section 20, iv) production cost is additionally increased,
`and v) operation sequences thereof are complicated.
`the conventional
`apparatus is disadvantages in that the inductance of the stimulation coil 40 is not
`A variety of related arts exist in addition to the aforementioned conventionalart,
`but since a human body is not a conductive coil as a necessary condition for
`accomplishing the
`therapeutic purpose of body stimulation according to the
`conventional art, only a simple construction of electromagnetic induction apparatus
`cannot accomplish the therapeutic purpose.
`WO 2004/087255
`The conventional art has additional problems that an optimal system for
`obtaining a desired induced voltage cannot only be constructed, but also characteristics
`of switch circuits are not considered.
`Accordingly,it is an object of the present invention to provide an apparatus and
`method for creating pulse magnetic stimulation with a modulation function, in which it
`is possible to efficiently transfer energy on the basis of current compliance of a patient
`and impedanceofa biologictissue.
`is a further object of the present invention to provide an apparatus and
`method for creating pulse magnetic stimulation with a modulation function, in which
`separate means for storage into a high voltage or various auxiliary means such as a
`pumping coil or a currentrestriction coil are not required as necessary elements when a
`magnetic stimulation apparatus is used for the purpose of medical treatment.
`It is a further object of the present invention to provide an apparatus and
`method for creating pulse magnetic stimulation with a modulation function, in which
`various modulation methods such as ramp modulation, phase modulation, duration
`modulation, timing modulation, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and duty
`modulation may be performed.
`Additional object of the present invention is to provide a magnetic flux emitting
`WO 2004/087255
`unit which is a mobile type, not a fixed type, and which is incorporated into one body
`with or attachable to a magnetic flux focusing unit for focusing magnetic flux generated
`from a coil.
`In order to accomplish the above objects, according to one aspect of the present
`invention, an apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation, in which pulse current
`is generated to create magnetic flux, is provided, the apparatus comprising: a driving
`voltage supplying section for receiving AC voltage from a voltage source, converting
`the received AC voltage into DC voltage having a predetermined magnitude, and then
`outputting the DC voltage; a capacitor section for accumulating electric charge in
`accordance with the DC voltage; an input switch section provided between the driving
`voltage supplying section and the capacitor section, for controlling the accumulation of
`electric charge in the capacitor section; a coil connected in series to the capacitor section,
`for generating magnetic flux in accordance with current generated by both-end voltage
`corresponding to the electric charge accumulated in the capacitor section; an output
`switch section provided between the capacitor section and the coil, for controlling
`discharge of the electric charge accumulated in the capacitor section through the coil;
`and a shunt switch section connected in parallel between the coil and the output switch
`section, for lowering magnetic energy stored in the coil and voltage stored in the
`capacitor section into a ground level to obtain a pulse magnetic field.
`The driving voltage supplying section may comprise: a variable regulator for
`WO 2004/087255
`converting the AC voltage supplied from the voltage source into an AC voltage
`specified by a control section; a transformer for boosting the AC voltage outputted from
`the variable regulator into an AC voltage having a magnitude corresponding to a
`predetermined transformation ratio; and a rectifying section for converting the AC
`voltage boosted by the transformer into the DC voltage.
`In addition,
`the variable
`regulator can adjust a magnitude of the output AC voltage.
`The driving voltage supplying section may further comprise a filtering section
`for smoothing the DC voltage full-waverectified by the rectifying section.
`Furthermore, in the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according
`to the present invention, when the magnetic energy and the voltage are lowered into the
`ground level in a state that the shunt switch section is switched on, the output switch
`section may be switched off.
`Furthermore, in the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according
`to the present invention, when the electric charge has been completely accumulated in
`the capacitorsection, the input switch section may be switched off and the output switch
`section may be switched on.
`In addition,it is determined by means of capacitance of
`the capacitor section whether the electric charge has been completely accumulated in
`the capacitor section or not.
`The apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to the present
`invention may further comprise a power monitoring section for calculating a magnitude
`WO 2004/087255
`of the current using the magnetic flux generated due to the current flowing through the
`coil to detect an error of a large powersignal.
`The capacitor section of the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation
`according to the present
`invention may be connected in parallel
`to an additional
`capacitor group, the additional capacitor group may comprise one or more additional
`capacitor sections connected in parallel, respectively, and each of the additional
`capacitor sections may comprise one additional capacitor and one switching element
`connected in series.
`Onoroff state of the switching element of the additional capacitor section may
`be controlled to change a value of capacitance, and only when the switching elementis
`switched on, the capacitor section and the additional capacitor section may be connected
`in parallel one another.
`Furthermore, in the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according
`to the present invention, when the input switch section and the shunt switch section are
`switched off and the output switch section is switched on, the capacitor section and the
`coil may constitute an RLC serial resonant circuit, and each parameter value of the RLC
`serial resonant circuit may satisfy an under-damping condition.
`the output switch section of the apparatus for creating pulse
`magnetic stimulation according to the present invention is switched on and off every
`one or a half period of the RLCserial resonant circuit, and a period in which the output
`WO 2004/087255
`switch section is switched on and off may be preferably set to be less than 1kHz and
`normally set to be less than 300Hz.
`A waveform of the pulse current may be at least one of a sine wave, a square
`wave and a triangle wave.
`Furthermore, the input switch section, the output switch section and the shunt
`switch section of the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to the
`present invention may be any one of a relay, a thyristor and an Insulated Gate Bipolar
`Transistor (GBT).
`According to another preferred embodiment of the present
`invention, an
`apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation, in which pulse current is generated to
`create magnetic flux, the apparatus having a resonant circuit comprising a coil, a resistor
`and a capacitor,
`is provided,
`the apparatus further comprising: a driving voltage
`supplying section connected in parallel to the capacitor, for accumulating electric charge
`in the capacitor, by receiving AC voltage from a voltage source, converting the received
`AC voltage into DC voltage having a predetermined magnitude, and then outputting the
`DC voltage; an input switch section provided between the driving voltage supplying
`section and the capacitor, for allowing the electric charge to be accumulated in the
`capacitor only when the input switch section is switched on; an output switch section
`provided between the capacitor and the coil,
`for allowing the electric charge
`accumulated in the capacitor to be discharged through the coil only when the output
`WO 2004/087255
`switch section is switched on; and a shunt switch section connected in parallel between
`ihe coil and the output switch section, for lowering magnetic energy stored in the coil
`and voltage stored in the capacitor into a ground level to obtain a pulse magnetic field.
`In addition,
`the driving voltage supplying section may comprise: a variable
`regulator for converting the AC voltage supplied from the voltage source into an AC
`voltage specified by a control section; a transformer for boosting the AC voltage output
`from the variable regulator into an AC voltage having a magnitude corresponding to a
`predetermined transformation ratio; and a rectifying section for converting the AC
`voltage boosted by the transformer into the DC voltage.
`The capacitor may be connected in parallel to an additional capacitor group, the
`additional capacitor group may comprise one or more additional capacitor sections
`connected in parallel, respectively, and each of the additional capacitor sections may
`comprise one additional capacitor and one switching element connected in series.
`According to another aspect of the present invention, a method of supplying a
`pulse current to generate magnetic stimulation is provided, the method comprising: a
`step of inputting an operation start
`instruction to an apparatus for creating pulse
`magnetic stimulation; (a) a step in which a power supplying section receives an AC
`voltage from a voltage source and converts the received AC voltage into an output AC
`voltage having a predetermined magnitude; (b) a step in which a rectifying section
`converts the converted AC voltage into a DC voltage; (c) a step in which when an input
`WO 2004/087255
`switch section is switched on,
`a capacitor
`section accumulates electric charge
`corresponding to the DC voltage; (d) a step of switching off the input switch section and
`switching on an output switch section, when the capacitor section has completely
`accumulated the electric charge; (e) a step of allowing a current to flow in a coil, the
`current being generated due to a both-end voltage corresponding to the electric charge
`accumulated in the capacitor section; (f) a step in which the coil generates magnetic flux
`on the basis of the current; (g) a step of switching on a shunt switch section after a
`predetermined period time; (h) a step of switching off the output switch section and
`switching on the input switch section, when magnetic energy stored in the coil and
`voltage accumulated in the capacitor section is lowered into a ground level; and a step
`of repeating the steps (a) to (h) until an operation end instruction is input to the
`apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation, or a predetermined burst on period
`In addition, a system, an apparatus and a recording medium for enabling the
`above method of supplying a pulse current to be executed are provided.
`The method of supplying a pulse current according to the present invention may
`further comprise a step of determining a magnitude of voltage to be stored in the
`capacitor section after carrying out the steps (a) to (h).
`In addition, the magnitude of
`voltage to be stored in the capacitor section may be determined on the basis of a
`magnitude of an output AC voltage converted by a variable regulator of the power
`supplying section.
`WO 2004/087255
`Furthermore, the steps (a) to (d) may be carried out in a pulse off state where a
`current does not flow in the coil, and the steps (ce) to (h) may be carried out in a pulse on
`state where a current flowsin the coil.
`Furthermore, the burst on periodis a period that the pulse on state and the pulse
`off state are alternately repeated and thus an induced voltage is generated to create a
`stimulation, and the burst on period may comprise a stimulation ramp-up period, a
`stimulation maintenance period and a stimulation ramp-downperiod.
`During the stimulation ramp-up period, a magnitude of the output AC voltage
`converted by the variable regulator of the power supplying section becomes higher
`gradually, during the stimulation maintenance period, the magnitude of the output AC
`voltage of the power supplying section is maintained constantly, and during the
`stimulation ramp-down period, the magnitude of the output AC voltage converted by
`the variable regulator of the power supplying unit becomes lower gradually.
`The apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to the present
`invention can vary a modulation period corresponding to a period of the pulse on time
`and the pulse off time with varying the pulse off time.
`Furthermore, the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to
`the present
`invention may include at
`least one of a ramp modulation, a phase
`modulation, a duration modulation, a timing modulation, an amplitude modulation, a
`frequency modulation and a duty modulation.
`WO 2004/087255
`Furthermore, the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation may include
`at least one chosen from a ramp modulation, a phase modulation, a duration modulation,
`a timing modulation, an amplitude modulation, a frequency modulation and a duty
`According to another preferred embodiment of the present
`invention, a
`magnetic flux emitting unit for externally emitting magnetic flux generated from a coil
`in a stimulation apparatus having a resonantcircuit comprising the coil, a resistor and a
`the apparatus generating a pulse current to create the magnetic flux,
`provided, the unit comprising: the coil; a case having an insulating feature and also
`having a disk shape surrounding the coil; a grip projected from a lower portion of the
`case; and a lead line coupledto the coil and penetrating through the case and the grip.
`The coil of the magnetic flux emitting unit may be formed to be a single-layer
`solenoid shape, and the case may havea plurality of air holes for cooling heat generated
`from the coil in an air cooling manner.
`Furthermore, a magnetic flux focusing unit for focusing the magnetic flux
`generated from the coil on one point using a boundary condition of magnetic field may
`be coupled to the case of the magnetic flux emitting unit, and a coolant and a stratiform
`iron core of the magnetic flux focusing unit may be sealed.
`In this case,
`the stratiform iron core of the magnetic flux focusing unit is
`disposed in parallel to the coil, the permeability of materials of the central stratiform
`WO 2004/087255
`iron core is larger than the permeability of material of the peripheral stratiform iron core,
`an end portion of the stratiform iron core from which the magnetic flux is emitted is
`formed to have a toy top shape, and the coolant is circulated through a hose connected
`to the magnetic flux focusing unit.
`The aforementioned aspects and other features of the present invention will be
`explained in the following description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying
`drawings, wherein:
`Fig. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a drive circuit of a conventional apparatus
`for treating urinary incontinence;
`Fig. 2A is a block diagram of an apparatus for creating pulse magnetic
`stimulation according to one preferred embodimentof the present invention;
`Fig. 2B shows an external appearance of the apparatus for creating pulse
`magnetic stimulation according to the one preferred embodiment of the present
`Fig. 3 is a circuit diagram illustrating a detailed configuration of an RLCserial
`resonantcircuit of the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to the
`one preferred embodimentof the present invention;
`Fig. 4A is a view illustrating an example of a magnetcoil according to the one
`WO 2004/087255
`preferred embodimentof the present invention;
`Fig. 4B is a view illustrating a principle of focusing magnetic flux;
`Fig. 4C is a view exemplifying a configuration of a probe of the apparatus for
`creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to the one preferred embodiment of the
`present invention;
`Fig. 5 is a view exemplifying a method of coupling an output monitor
`according to the one preferred embodimentof the present invention;
`Fig, 6A is a circuit diagram illustrating in detail the apparatus for creating pulse
`magnetic stimulation according to the one preferred embodiment of the present
`Fig. 6B is a view illustrating an output modulation characteristic of the
`apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to ‘the one preferred
`embodimentof the present invention;
`Fig. 7A is a block diagram of an apparatus for creating pulse magnetic
`stimulation according to another preferred embodimentof the present invention, and
`Fig. 7B is a circuit diagram illustrating in detail a square wave generating
`circuit according to the another preferred embodimentof the present invention.
`(Reference Numerals)
`105: driving voltage supplying section
`voltage input section
`WO 2004/087255
`high-voltage transformer
`filtering section
`input switch
`pulse capacitor
`output switch
`shunt switch
`170: magnetcoil
`power monitor
`control unit
`peripheral unit
`variable regulator
`square wave generating circuit
`The present invention relates to a pulse-magnetic-stimulation creating apparatus
`having a modulation function, having a simpler circuit configuration compared to other
`conventional apparatuses, by connecting a shunt switch to a magnet coil L in parallel in
`an RLC serial resonant circuit. The apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation
`according to the present invention stimulates nerves, muscles, bones, blood vessels of a
`WO 2004/087255
`human body to effectively inject the stimulation energy into the human body.
`addition, the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to the present
`invention provides a modulation function of varying the output power,
`providing a variant mode (in which the energy injected into a human bodyis varied with
`time) of effectively transferring energy in the course of injecting the stimulation energy.
`Now,preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail
`with reference to the appended drawings.
`Fig. 2A is a block diagram illustrating an apparatus for creating pulse magnetic
`stimulation according to one preferred embodiment of the present invention, and Fig.
`2B shows an external appearance of the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic
`stimulation according to the one preferred embodiment ofthe present invention.
`Referring to Fig. 2A, the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation
`comprises a driving voltage supplying section 105, an input switch 145, a pulse
`capacitor 150, an output switch 155, a shunt switch 160, a magnet coil 170, a power
`monitor 175, a control unit 180 and a peripheral unit 185.
`The driving voltage supplying section 105 comprises a voltage input section
`110, a high-voltage transformer 120, a rectifier 130 and a filtering section 140.
`The voltage input section 110 serves for adjusting a secondary voltage using a
`variable regulator. As the variable regulator included in the voltage input section 110,
`WO 2004/087255
`a variable transformer is a unit for converting input AC voltage into a desired
`magnitude to form a new AC powersource, and may be provided in a primary side or a
`secondary side, but preferably in the secondary side. The variable regulator adjusts the
`secondary voltage in accordance with output value information set by an operator or
`output value information received from the control unit 180. The apparatus for
`creating pulse magnetic stimulation according to the present invention can continuously
`vary the amplitude of voltage with respect to the same pulse width using the variable
`transformer. A reason that
`the apparatus for creating pulse magnetic stimulation
`according to the present invention may control the amplitude of voltage prior to the
`primary side of the transformer 120 is to eliminate difficulties in the control of the
`amplitude of voltage and complication in circuits associated with extremely high level
`of signal posterior to the transformer 120 .
`The transformer 120 serves for boosting the output voltage of the voltage input
`section 110 into a high voltage. For example, a 3kV level transformer of which the
`input and output signals are AC voltage and the output voltage to the input voltage is
`200:1500[V] can be employed. A method of designing a transformer is as follows.
`The magnet coil 170 is first designed in accordance with an induced voltage desired by
`a user, and an L value of the magnet coil 170 and a desired current are established. After
`constituting an RLC serial resonantcircuit, the pulse capacitor 150 satisfying an under-
`damping condition is then determined. When the pulse capacitor 150 is determined,
`WO 2004/087255
`the storage voltage thereof is calculated, and the voltage obtained by calculating the
`relevant storage voltage andefficiency of the rectifier 130 and adding a compensating
`value thereto is the output voltage of the transformer 120. Then, using the current
`value flowing in lines, the capacitance of the transformer can be determined.
`The rectifier 130 serves for converting the high AC voltage into a high DC
`voltage. That is, the rectifier 130 carries out the full-wave rectification using a bridge
`rectifying diode to convert the AC voltage into the DC voltage.
`The filtering section 140 serves for smoothing a ripple voltage, since the DC
`voltage full-wave-rectified by the rectifier 130 has a ripple waveform having a
`continuous semi-period. That is, the filtering section 140 is connected to a ground
`terminal (-) and a power supply terminal (+) at both ends of the bridge rectifying diode.
`For example, a DC smoothing capacitor serving as a low pass filter can be used.
`The input switch 145 serves for accumulating electric charge in the pulse
`capacitor, and examples thereof include a relay, a thyristor, an Insulated Gate Bipolar
`Transistor (IGBT)andthe like. The input switch 145 is switched on for a time period
`that the pulse capacitor 150 does not allow a current to flow in the magnet coil 170, and
`is switched off for a time period that the pulse capacitor 150 allows a current to flow in
`the magnet coil 170. Therefore, the input switch 145 is operated im a sequence inverse
`to a sequence of the following output switch 155.
`The pulse capacitor 150 serves as a capacitor in the RLC serial resonant circuit,
`WO 2004/087255
`and the pulse capacitor 150 may comprise a plurality of pulse capacitor groups
`connected in parallel each other (see Fig.3).
`The output switch 155 serves for discharging the electric charge accumulated in
`the pulse capacitor 150. The shunt switch 160 serves for obtaining a pulse magnetic
`field, not an alternate magnetic field. Examples of the output switch 155 and the shunt

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