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`Baniak, Paul G. et al.
`GARASHI, Yoichiro etal.
`arrett et al.
`'ATLER etal.
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`not yet assigned Attorney Docket Number
`| 2139
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`isinger, Bernd et al.
`ONTHIER, Jean-Charlesetal.
`|- ,
`| RALEP035D1C1C1 PO02-11-07
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
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`jauer, Bernhard et al.
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`AMILTON, ThomasE.
`DO03-01-16 pometal.
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`" -_
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
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`P003-09-1 1
`upper, Alfred et al.
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
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`Application Number 16213800
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`akanishi, Tomoaki
`ASCENDA,Anthony C.
`eith, Lothar etal.
`ERRMANN etal.
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`Application Number 16213800
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`ee, Wan-Yeonet al.
`icholasIll, Henry T.
`alke, Catherine
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`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
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`Arcens, Suzanne
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`BRUNET,Jeffrey etal.
`|— " |
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`P004-12-09 poneRogerN.
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`Application Number 16213800
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`hambers, Mahdiet al.
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`|~ “
`MORPER, Hans-Jochen
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`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
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`acaluso, Anthony G.
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`_ D
`O05-08-18 peste
`= = Bo
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`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
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`Application Number 16213800
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`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
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`Examiner Name
`ASLUND et al
`|— | '
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`ARSH etal.
`hoyi etal.
`VAKAS, Philip H.
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`Application Number 16213800
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`illen, Stephanie L. et al.
`| -_
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`| -_
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`Application Number 16213800
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`O'Connoret al.
`|_ |
`|_ |
`SHIBASHI, Yoshihito
`amilton et al.
`|- pn
`othipragasam, Premkumar
`P0060 136882
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`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
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`ufail, Mudassir
`IKURAK,Michael G.
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`Application Number 16213800
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`not yet assigned Attorney Docket Number
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`hornton, Andrew J.
` | RALEP035D1C1C1
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
`Art Unit
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`AES, Stephane H.
`RISHNAN, Murali R.
`SMITH et al.
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`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
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`| RALEP035D1C1C1 P007-02-08 poShimonetal.
`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
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`Application Number 16213800
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`Al et al.
`RUGE etal.
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`Boris et al. = an
`AGIU, Costinetal. etal.
`Application Number 16213800
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`| RALEP035D1C1C1 P007-06-28
`ALHOUN etal.
`Shankar, Rohit et al.
`|- po
`|- pore
`|— pee
`EMELOS, Steven
`Shahbazi, Majid
`EFS Web 2.1.18
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
` | RALEP035D1C1C1
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`cGary, Faith_ pon
`oOoO=] oJ oOan
`im, Sung-Junetal.
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`hu, Jing-Long
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`A77AFERRIet al.
`oao=] Qoo woa
`Abramson, Nathan
`oao=] aoo —_= ba
`an, Seung-Wook
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`Application Number 16213800
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`IU et al.
`hosravi et al.
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`|— | .
`PO07-11-01 b=OZERetal.
`|— | .
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`Application Number 16213800
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`Pandya et al
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`PO08-01 -24
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`ieh et al.
`Acharya, Swarup etal.
`aite etal.
`rewal, Karanvir etal.
`Application Number 16213800
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`|~ pose
`‘Shaughnessy, John etal.
`Pelletier et al.
`IM, Keng
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`Application Number 16213800
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`YNN etal.
`RAO, Bindu Rama
`|_ pe
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`| RALEP035D1C1C1 au, Frank Chuen-Foo
`STORRIE etal.
`eeler, James D. etal.
`Phillips etal.
`BALIA, Hinal K.
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`BECKERS, Michel
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`DeAtley et al.
`-O7-ooa a=] = a
`ANSARIet al.
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`echnologies Co., Ltd.
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`ang, Liu
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`o., Ltd.
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`ujitsu Ltd.
`esearch Institute Inte
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`sushin Kenkyusho
`lectronics and
`elemac Corp.
`(book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog, etc), date, pages(s), volume-issue number(s),
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`‘Ads and movies on the run,” the Gold Coast Bulletin, Southport, Qld, Jan. 29, 2008
`TASA/PIX: Allow Split Tunneling for VPN Clients on the ASA Configuration Example,” Document ID 70917, January
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`igh-Performance Systems, Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 123-135, 1997
`EFS Web 2.1.18
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Art Unit | 2139
` Attorney Docket Number
`ALONISTIOT] et al., "Intelligent Architectures Enabling Flexible Service Provision and Adaptability,” 2002
` | RALEP035D1C1C1
`Examiner Name
`not yet assigned
`'End to End QoS Solution for Real-time Multimedia Application;" Computer Engineering and Applications, 2007, 43 (4):
`55-159, by Tan Zu-guo, Wang Wen-juan; Information and Science School, Zhanjian Normal College, Zhanjiang,
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`adio Service (GPRS) Enhancements for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) Access,”
`elease 8, Document No. 3GPP TS 23.401, V8.4.0, December 2008
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`harging Control Architecture,” Release 8, Document No. 3GPP TS 23.203, V8.4.0, December 2008
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`Ahmed et al., "Multi Access Data Network Connectivity and IP Flow Mobility in Evolved Packet System (EPS)," 2010
`EFS Web 2.1.18
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor Raleigh, Gregory
`Art Unit
` not yet assigned Attorney Docket Number
`| RALEP035D1C1C1 iniMoni/
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
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`Amazon Technologies, Inc., "Kindle™ User's Guide,” 3rd Edition, Copyright 2004-2009
`Android Cupcake excerpts, The Android Open Source Project, Feb. 10, 2009
`ANTON, B. et al., "Best Current Practices for Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) Roaming"; Release Date
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`DIKAIAKOSet al., "A Distributed Middleware Infrastructure for Personalized Services," November 24, 2003
`Dixon et al., "Triple Play Digital Services: Comcast and Verizon (Digital Phone, Television, and Internet), August 2007
`hnert, "Small application to monitorIP trafic on a Blackberry - 1.01.03", March 27, 2008; httpv/Avww.ehnert.net/
`= ol
`EFS Web 2.1.18
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
`Art Unit
`| 2139
` Attorney Docket Number
`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Examiner Name
`not yet assigned
`| RALEP035D1C1C1
`uropean Commission, "Data Roaming Tariffs - Transparency Measures,” obtained from EUROPA- Europe's
`nformation Society Thematic Portal website, June 24, 2011: "http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/
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`im, "Free wireless a high-wire act; MetroFi needs to draw enough ads to makeservice add profits,” San Francisco
`hronicle, Aug. 21, 2006
`EFS Web 2.1.18
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
` not yet assigned Attorney Docket Number
`| RALEP035D1C1C1 uzmanet al., "A compund model for TCP connection arrivals for LAN and WAN applications,” Oct. 22, 2002
`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
`Art Unit | 2139
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Examiner Name
`NIGHTet al., "Layer 2 and 3 Virtual Private Networks: Taxonomy, Technology, and Standarization Efforts,” IEEE
`ommunications Magazine, June 2004
`outsopoulou et al., "Charging, Accounting and Billing Management SchemesIn Mobile Telecommunication Networks
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`RIAKAKOSetal., "Ubiquitous Service Provision in Next Generation Mobile Networks," Proceedings of the 13th IST
`obile and Wireless Communications Summit, Lyon, France, June 2004
`I, Yu, "Dedicated E-Reading Device: The State of the Art and The Challenges,” Scroll, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2008
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`Systemintrastrukturen,” Chair of Mobile Commerce & Multilateral Security, Goethe Univ_ Frankfurt, 2004
`etLimiter Lite; http:/Avww.heise.de/download/nethimiterlite-3617703.html from vol. 14/2007
`ILSSON etal., "A Novel MAC Schemefor Solving the QcS Parameter Adjustment Problem in IEEE&802.11e EDCA,”
`ebruary 2006
`EFS Web 2.1.18
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Raleigh, Gregory
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` not yet assigned Attorney Docket Number
`OPPLIGER,Rolf, "Internet Security: Firewalls and Bey,” Communications of the ACM, May 1997, Vol. 40. No. 5
`Application Number
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`| RALEP035D1C1C1
`Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), Push Architecture, Candidate Version 2.2; Oct. 2, 2007; OMA-AD-Push-V2_2-20071002
`Quintana, David, "Mobile Multitasking,” April 14, 2010
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`EFS Web 2.1.18
`Application Number 16213800
`Filing Date 2018-12-07
`First Named Inventor|Raleigh, Gregory
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` Attorney Docket Number
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`Please see 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98 to make the appropriate selection{s):
`That each item of information contained in the information disclosure statement was first cited in any communication
`from a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign application not more than three months prior to the filing of the
`information disclosure statement. See 37 CFR 1.97(e)(1).
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