`: 10,403,051 B2
`: 16/186405
`: September 3, 2019
`: Patrick Soon-Shiong
`Page 1 of 2
`It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
`In the Claims
`Column 21
`Line 62, Claim 1 change “identify relevant AR objects from the AR repository” to --identify relevant
`AR objects from the AR object repository--
`Column 22
`Line 7, Claim 3 change “comprises the AR repository” to --comprises the AR object repository--
`Column 22
`Lines 14-15, Claim 6 change “wherein the relevant AR objects is caused to be rendered”to --wherein
`the relevant AR object is caused to be rendered--
`Column 22
`Lines 17-18, Claim 7 change “wherein the relevant AR objects is caused to be rendered”to --wherein
`the relevant AR object is caused to be rendered--
`Column 22
`Lines 20-21, Claim 8 change “wherein the relevant AR objects is caused to be rendered”to --wherein
`the relevant AR object is caused to be rendered--
`Column 22
`Lines 22-23, Claim 9 change “wherein the relevant AR objects is caused to be rendered”to --wherein
`the relevant AR object is caused to be rendered--
`Column 22
`Lines 26-27, Claim 10 change “wherein the relevant AR objects is caused to be rendered”to
`--wherein the relevant AR object is caused to be rendered--
`Signed and Sealed this
`Third Day of December, 2019
`Andrei Tancu
`Director ofthe United States Patent and Trademark Office
`U.S. Pat. No. 10,403,051 B2
`Page 2 of 2
`Column 22
`Lines 40-41, Claim 15 change “wherein the relevant AR objects is caused to be rendered”to
`--wherein the relevant AR object is caused to be rendered--
`Column 22
`Line 57, Claim 22 change “whetherto alter the presence of the relevant AR depends on”to --whether
`to alter the presence of the relevant AR object depends on--
`Column 22
`Line 60, Claim 23 change “the relevant AR changes with the time”to --the relevant AR object
`changes with the time--
`Column 23
`Lines 21-22, Claim 34 change “an interaction with at least one of the rendered relevant AR objects” to
`--an interaction with the rendered relevant AR object--
`Column 23
`Line 25, Claim 35 change“the at least one rendered relevant AR objects”to --the rendered relevant
`AR object--
`Column 24
`Line 14, Claim 43 change “identify relevant AR objects from the AR repository”to --identify relevant
`AR objects from the AR object repository--
`Column 24
`Line 33, Claim 44 change “identifying relevant AR objects from the AR repository”to --identifying
`relevant AR objects from an AR object repository--