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`‘ 2012-07-03
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`Xu, et al
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`W “1
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`3 7093664
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`E 1987-04-07
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`Stafford, et al
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`1 2
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` . 2012-11-22
` 4': 20140246189
`Oil States Energy Services
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`Weatherford/Lamb, Inc.
`Serhiy Arabskyy
`Johnson, et al
`Halliburton Energy Services
`m +2“
`777777 MM-W4W
`Encana Corporation
`Encana Corporation
`2013-1 1-14
`§Zhiyue XU. et a'
`1 §
`j 20140248448
`Peak Completion Technologies
`Weatherford/Lamb. Inc.
`3 20140246208
`§ 2014-09-04
`Packers Plus Energy Servrces
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`Gulfstream Services. Inc.
`FraZier -
`National Boss Hog Energy
`Weatherford/Lamb, Inc.
`Peak Completion Technologies
` 28
`Nine Energy Canada. Inc.
`Packers Plus Energy Services
`CCDI Composites, Inc.
`j 2014-O4~10
`Andrew, et al
`UTEX Industries. Inc.
`EFS Web 2117
`P- 123706. 7(UTI) (CIP3)
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`Coffey, et al
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`1 34
`Parker-Hannifin Corporation
`”,N,” ,1”,,
`,N,N,N,N,N,H H ,,,,,,,,,,
`1 51111111111111111511 E111111111111111
`2016-08-11lFripp, et al
`Walton, et al
`WM-iww-“ WWW?»
`1 Yinqing Xu, et 85
`r;7777777777777777777777777777777777 .
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`Takahashi et al
`Kobayashi et al
`Takahashi, et al
`Marya et al
`“mm-41mm..- ---.--w.--.---4------m----W.-w--w----W WW-W-mm-w--e
`3 20140014339
`E O/Malley et al
`:.....................................1mm“ “mum-WWW
`mm ,,,,,,
`s 45
`Okura et al
`“““““““““f..._—_u_._—-- nun
` 50 20130199800 2013-08-08 Kellner, et al
`E201 10056677
` 20130118759
`I Baker Hughes
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`E(Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number ”16152206 m
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`First Namea'inv'entoi” FRAZIER, w. LYNN
`~ ,, 362
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`EAttomey Docket Number
`EP-123706.7(UT|)(CEP )
`‘Takahashi et al
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
`Kueha Corporation
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`.'2012121294 .I2012-09-13
`Kurehacorporation -H
`.l2017116407 -.2017-07-06
`Halliburton -H
`'I2016016628 -.2016-02-04
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