`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`$(("KAC|N") near3 ("Martin")).|NV.
`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\3 e\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
`\\\\\\\\\\\\¢ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\¢ e\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eeee\eee\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i
`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\3
`$(("LARC") near3 ("NEI'WORKS") near3
`3("1 NC")).AANM.
` "DD" adj
`$(dead adj drop adj domain) or (
`2222222222222. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai aaaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa“““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`$86 and ((id or identifier) same ("DD" adj
`““““““‘J “““““““‘J """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“““““““““““‘\ "“““““““““““‘J ‘“““““““““““‘J “““““““““‘ "‘“““““““““““‘J
`$86 and ((id or identifier) near ("DD" adj
`““““““‘J “““““““‘J """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“““““““““““‘\ "“““““““““““‘J ‘“““““““““““‘J “““““““““‘ "‘“““““““““““‘J
`$((id or identifier) same token) and
`(storage near secure) and ((id or
`identifier) near storage)
`,““,““,“~ ““,““,““,‘~ ‘,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,““,““,““,““,‘““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`12: 05
`813 and (monitor$3 near event and
`(action or response))
`(811 or 812) and (monitor$3 near
`(domain or node or storage or
`ataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa« aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]
`EAST Search History
`S13 and (monitor$3 near (event and
`(action or response)) )
`S16 and (monitor$3 near event and
`(action or response))
`‘ “““c‘c‘c‘c‘c‘cm cc“cc“‘c‘c‘c‘c‘c‘c‘c‘c‘c
`(monitor$3 near (domain or node or
`storage or database))
`818 and (storage near (
`identifier)) and token
`location or id or
`817 and (monitor$3 near (event and
`(action or response)) )
`818 and ((monitor$3 or notifi$6 or
`location or
`request$3) near(storage near (
`id or identifier))) and token
`S18 and (storage near (location or id or
`identifier or reference)) and token
`monitor$3 and (storage near (location or
`id or identifier or reference)) and token
`822 and (monitor$3 same (domain or
`node or storage or database or server))
`822 and monitor$3 same (domain or
`node or storage or database or server)
`825 and (monitor$3 same (token))
`822 and (monitor$3 same (domain or
`826 and (token near (Id or Identifier or
`pointer or GUID) )
`826 and (token same (id or identifier or
`pointer or GUID) )
`"20080307525".pn. and time
`\cccccccccccccccccq cc»\»\»\»\\»\»\»\»
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]
`EAST Search History
`$ "20140351586'
`$ '20060085344')
`2"0140164776" P.N
`$"20050021724".pn. and ((assign$6 and
`$(logical adj node)) and (programmable
`$"20050021724".pn. and ((assign$6 near
`$(logical adj node)) and (programmable
`$"20050021724Kpn.and gassgn$6 near$
`$Uogmaladjnode» same (programmabIe $
`' network adj node))
`5 20050021724".pn. and ((assign$6 adj
`$(logical adj node)) same (programmable
`$"20050021724".pn. and ((assign$6 and
`$(logical near node)) and (programmable
`$near network near node))
`$"20050021724".pn. and ((assign$6 and
`$(logical adj node)) and (programmable
`near network near node)) \
`$"20050021724" pn. and (assrgn$6 and
`$"20050021724".pn. and (assign$6 and
`$logical and node and programmable)
`83$9 and name and logical
`$839 and name
`$839 and (role near name)
`$839 and (role near name) and loglcal
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]
`$13 25
`$13 25
`$13 27
`EAST Search History
`$848 and (Ud oridenunen near(storage
`$or server or memory))
`‘ 2
` $839 and (assign$6 near name) and
`,““,““,“~ ““,““,““,‘~ ‘,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,"“,““,““,““,““,‘““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`ccccccccccccc. cccccccccccccccc. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc“““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`$852 and (monitor$3 same (event or a|ert$
`$2016/1 1”63$
`$or notification or state))
`5$2 and (event or alert or notification)
`and state
`““““““‘J “““““““‘J """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“““““““““““‘\ "“““““““““““‘J ‘“““““““““““‘J “““““““““ "‘“““““““““““‘J
`$"201401647765pn.and(notnmafion and$
`““““““‘J “““““““‘J """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“““““““““““‘\ "“““““““““““‘J ‘“““““““““““‘J “““““““““‘ "‘“““““““““““‘J
`$"20140164776".pn. and (notification near$
`Z 8
`$"20140164776".pn. and (notification or
`$"201401647765pn.and((noUficann and$
`request) same (event or domain))
`............a ...............J .....................................................................................................................................................................
`$(("GRAY") near3 ("Michael")).|NV.
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]
`EAST Search History
`$(("KAC|N") near3 ("Martin")).|NV.
`$866 and(dead adjdrop)cmm
`$866 and (notification and domain and (id
`$or identifier) and token and event and
`$869 and (notification and domain and (id
`$or identifier) and token and event and
`$H04L41/0681. cpc. or H04L63/0428. cpc.
`$or H04L63/126. cpc. or H04L43/0876. cpc.$=
`$or G06F21/6245. cpc. or H04L63/10. cpc.
`$869 and (notification and domain and (id
`$or identifier) and token and 3tate).c|m.
`20070256081 ")0 r("20070208823")0
`$15 49
`$15: 49
`1532 3
`$19: 34
`$09 33
`$09 40
`\\»\»\»\»\»\»\»\\3 \\»\»\»\»\»\»\»\\3 3333\“3‘3‘3‘3‘3‘3‘:
`$ Us
`“3 33\»\»\»\»\»\»\»\\. cc\»\»\»\»\»\»\»\\. MMMMMMQ
`$("20150281344")o r("20150120602")0r
`('20140177589" or
`'20140281526" or
`('20130346246" or
`'20140164776' or
`('20130208893" or
`'20130212704' or
`('20110321148" or
`("20090138481') or
`$ '20080307525")En3
`(("KACIN") near3(" Martin" )) OR
`("GRAY") near3 ("Michael"))).|NV.
`$876 and (domain and (identifier or id)
`$and write and storage and location and
`$and write and storage and |ocation).c|m.
`$880 and (read adj reque3t).c|m.
`$09: 49
`$((("LARC") near3 ("Networks") near3
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]
`EAST Search History
`5876 and (read adj request).c|m.
`““““““‘~ ““““““““~ "‘n""n""‘n""n""‘n""n""‘n""n""‘n""n""‘n“““nnnnnnnnn‘ ‘‘“““““““““““‘~ ‘‘“““““““““““‘I ““““““““n‘“““““““““““““““““
`network and domain and (write adj
`5request) and (read adj request) and
`storage near (location and (id or
`5882 and token
`5882 and (read near token) and (write
`5near token)
`.............. ................. .............................................................................................a .......................... .......................... ..........................................
`5(H04L41/0681 or H04L63/104 or
`5H04L67/1097 or H04L63/10 or
`55G06F21/6245 or H04L43/0876 or
`5H04L63/0428 or H04L63/126 or
`8855 and (@ad<"20150422")
`5H04L67/1o97.cpc. and H04L63/10.cpc.
`5887 and (@ad<"20150422")
`5882 and (read near key) and (write near 5
`52019/ 07/305
`5882 and ((reador write) sameticket)
`““““““‘5 ““““““““5 eeee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee¢ ‘‘“““““““““““‘5 ‘‘“““““““““““‘5 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
`5882 and ((read or write) same token)
`5(dead adj drop).c|m.
`5201 9/07/3
`“nu“...u. .uu..uuu.u. u“..u“...u“..u“...u“..u“...u“..u“...u“..u“...u“..u..uuu.uuuuuu\ .u““nun“..uuuu. .u““nun“..uuuu. “nu“...uuuua ..u““nun“..“uuu:
`5201 93/07/3555
`.............. ................. .............................................................................................a .......................... .......................... ..........................................
`882 or 884 or 888 or 590)
`58101 and (drop adj box)
`896 or 597 or 599 or 8100)
`5896 and ((read or write) same token)
`5:14 23
`eeeeeeeeeeeeeé eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
`|899 270
`5898 and (@ad<"20150422")
`5U8—l |
`| '2019/07/30
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]
`EAST Search History
`H04L67/1097.cpc. and H04L63/10.cpc.
`89$6 and token
`network and domain and (write adj
`$request) and (read adj request) and
`$(8torage near (location and (id or
`$8101 and (dropbox)
`$8105 and (storage near (location or
`$addre88 or id or identifier))
`8104 and (@ad< "20150422")
`$8101 and (read and write)
`$8106 and (storage same domain)
`$8107 and (token$4 same (read or
`8111 and (@ad< "20150422")
`$3 or U820150067328— 3 or U8
`$20140138840- 3 or U8- 20130125197 3 or$$ U8PAT
`U8 20100199089- 3 or U8- 20120331088-
`$3 or U820120233470- 3 or U8
`$20110246765-$ or U8-20100250438-3 or$
`$U8-20130227352-3 or U8—20110128118—
`$3 or U820150089597-$ or U8
`$20110060887-$ or U8-20120198066-$ or$
`U8-20120011340-3 or U8—20140281526-
`$3 or U820140164776-$).did. or (U8
`$8353016-$ or U88042163-$ or U8-
`6$473407-$ or U88959323-$ or U8-
`$5077732-3 or U810089344-$ or U8-
`$8114 and (read and write)
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]
`EAST Search History
`gor location) near storage)
`S113 and (@ad< "20150422")
`gs or us201500s7328- s or us
`g2014013s840- s or us- 20130125197- s org
`us 20100199089- s or us 20120331088—
`gs or us20120233470- s or us
`g2011024s7s5-s or us-20100250438-s org
`gus-20130227352-s or us-2011012s11s-
`gs or us20150089597-s or us
`g201100s0887-s or us-201201980ss-s org
`us-20120011340-s or US—20140281526-
`gs or us201401s477s-s).did. or (us
`g835301s-s or us80421s3-s or us-
`gs473407-s or uss959323-s or us-
`g5077732-s or us10089344-s or us-
` gS115 and ( ((identifier or id) or address
`gor location) same storage)
`g09:38 g
`““““““‘g ““““““““g ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc“c““cccccccccccccccs ‘‘“““““““““““‘g ‘‘“““““““““““‘g “cc““cccccccccccssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
`gS115 and ( ((identifier or id) or address
`gor location) and storage)
`gS115 and ( ((identifier or id) or address
`gor location) near storage)
`gS120 and (token and read and write)
` gS119 and ( ((identifier or id) or address
` g(shar$3 same (secure near storage)) andg
`g(@ad< "20150422")
`\ ““““““‘J “““““““‘J """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“““““““““““‘\ "“““““““““““‘J ““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`gS121 and ( ((second or recipient) near
`(client or user or device)) same read)
`\ ““““““‘J “““““““‘J """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“““““““““““‘\ "“““““““““““‘J ‘“““““““““““‘J “““““““““¢ "‘“““““““““““‘J
`g((("LARC") near3 ("Networks") near3
`(("KACIN") near3 ("Martin")) OR
`g(("GRAY") near3 ("Michael"))).lNV.
`gL7 and (''dead drop domain" and (writ$3
`gadj request) and (unique and identifier)
`gand read$3 and storage and
`“““nnnu “““n‘nnna ‘,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"n,"“““nnnnnnnnn““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`x ““““““‘J “““““““‘J """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“““““““““““‘\ "““““““““““““ ““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]
`EAST Search History
`a 17.55
`§"20140164776".pn. and ("TTL" or (time
`§near We»
`12/ 22/ 2019 6:21 :05 PM
`C:\ Users\ jwalsh\ Documents\ EAST\ Workspaces\15_136_347_16_152_362.wsp
`file:///C/Users/jwalsh/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/16152362/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.16152362_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[12/22/2019 6:21:10 PM]

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