`PTO/AiA/SZA (07-13)
`Approved for use through 11l30i20‘i4. OMB 0551-0051
`Document 3393311933“: Power Of Attorney
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; 1.1.8. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act ot1995, no persons are required to respond to a coilection of information uriiess it dispiays a valid OMB controi number.
`NOTE: This form is to he submitted with the Power of Attorney 'oy Appiieent form (PTO/AIAISZB) to identify the epoiicetion to which the
`Power of Attorney is directed, in accordance with 37 CFR15, uniess the application number and filing date are identified in the Power of
`Attorney by Apoiicent form.
`if neither form PTO/AlA/SZA nor form PTO/AiABZB identifies the aopiicetion to which the Power of Attorney is
`directed, the Power ofAttomey wiii not be recognized in the epoiioation.
`image Processing for Vehioie Coiiision Avoidance System
`[dohnethen L. Chet!
`the WW éSeptem’oer 28,2018
`Johnathan i_. Cheri
`Title (if Applicant is a Agent far Apphcant
`,iurisiic entity)
`Applicant Name (iproiicani is ejuristioentity)
`NGTE: This form must he signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33, See 37 CFR 1.4(d) for signature requirements and certifications. ii”
`I more than one eppiicant, use muitioie forms.
`*Totei of gag
`forms are submitted.
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1131, 1.32, and 1.33. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by
`the puhiic which is to fiie (and by the USPTO to process) an eopiicetion. Confidentieiity is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CPR
`1.11 and 1.14. This eoiieotion is estimated to take 3 minutes to complete, inoiuding gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed
`application form to the USPTG. Time will vary depending upon the individuei case, Any comments on the amount of time you require
`to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief information Officer, US. Patent and
`Trademark Office, US. Department of Commerce, PO. Box 1450, Aiexendrie, VA 22313-1456. DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`COMPLETED FORMS TO THESE ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, Rt). 80x1450,Atexendria,VA 22313-1450,
`lfyou need assistance in completing the form, cell 1—800—PTO—Q199 and select option 2.
`i hereby ssseini the Paem gramiiisfisris} sssssisied wiih the isiiswing Custsmer Number as myisur sfismsyis) c-r sgsniis}, anti
`to iranssci 355 business in the Uniisd States Psisni and "e’rsdemsnk {35:55 immersed therewith fer the assiicsiisn {sierencsdm
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`sii busissssan the United Sisiss Psisni and "i“radsmsnk Qfiiss semesters iherswiih far the patent sppiicsiisn raisrsncsd in the
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`Setter as the bsxss saws ts:
`I The address emaciated with the shavssnsniionsd Cusismsr Numbsr
`a The address emaciated wiiii Custamer Number:
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`Amman! for use 51(0th 11505314. 09433 9851-6851
`Swansea: {335655359313 9W3? 53‘? Niamey
`US. Psism and Ttsdsmsfis Oifics; U.S. DEPARTMENT GP CQMMERCE
`{inset L55 Paganism Reduction Act oi 19335, no persons sis requires is assess! to s wiisciien cf isfismsfisn uniess ii dissssys is vaiid 0MB mfimi samba:
`WEEER fi? AiTiifisiE‘i’ 5‘s” AP?LE§AE€E‘
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`iiis bexss bsiew.
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`E Lsgsi Rssrssentsiivs of a Deceased or Lsgsiiy incapacitated invsnisr {titie fist requires beisw}
`I Assignees (33' Person is Wham the invsnisr is Under an Gaiigatimi is Assign (provide signsr‘s iiiie if appiicant is a gurisiis entity}
`E Parser: W55 Qihsrwiss Shows Suificisnt Pmpristary Misses: {sg s peiiiisn unssr 3? CFR i 55(5)::2) was granted in ihe
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`599“ij Signsiure— Tiiis farm must be signed by the spsiissnim accordance with 3'.“ CFR 1.33 See 3‘? CFR 1.4 its signature requirements
`anti csriiiicsiians. if mars than we sppiicsni use muétiis farms
`is miseries sf iniomsmn:s mused by 3? CFR 3 131.132. 3355 ‘333 The inis'msiionis magnified ta shisin 5: ms;:1 s benefii by this puisiic whisis is is 5:5 (am! by the
`US??O m amass) sis sssiicsEss Confismtisiiry is gnssmssi by 35 Li. 5(3.122 sand! 3? CF55 i ii and 1.1% This mission is ssiimsisd it: use 3 minutes is mmsists.
`massing gathering smssn‘sg. s55 submifiifig m sempisisei agpticsiian farm is this USPTQ. ‘Eims wiii vary dapsnéing isms kiss indiudasi csss Any cements an the amass:
`si' time was masks a: campsite: this form swim suaasstisns ici- Musing this hut-5m. shauifi 23s ssnt to this Chis! information Offset. LES. 335mm sad Tmfismsrk 0mm. 3.3.5.
`£3333st sf Commerce. 9.0. 30;: 155i}. Nsxsndfis. VA 2231251455. 90 NOT SENE) FEES 0R COMPLETEE FGRMS T0 THSS AQQRESS. SESE YE): Smississsr
`533' Fatima. as. as: 15355, Aissmsifis. V5. 225% 344855.
`Iii-nu 733M sssa‘sisms in 9951;159:ng this ism, mi! 5865-9709399 snci ssisct :3st 2..