`InnovationQ Plus - |P.com
` Visuais
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`A :Iysterri ailows the identificatien ‘
`‘id protectien 0'? sensitive c'ata in a rultipie ways, which can be tembined
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`EE’334334MA1 EPD APPLECATiC-NS i 06wMAE~2€E133
`3- Camputei‘ impiemented privacy engineering system art-1i method
`“ 'stem aliC-ws tc- ident.
`y and protect sensitive Lia-:3 in many ways, and for different working flow, c'ata
`cae Or use-case, the mode can he combnwii'he systs I 5 an data set reaiizes sensitive or identificatieri data
`ion by ha: idiing the data t-3 identify sensitive data sari.
`set axiom/min:
`, T
`4 System and metharj to identify, tiassaty and monetize informatiah as an intangibie
`asset and a productisn medei based thereon
`‘ ’ 'J
`gibie ass 't (LAC)
`" int?mar
`“ ‘ssfie
`at] and system identifies ant
`The me
`ons and ir‘ '
`taticns Enterprise
`in a mmputei 5'
`em by danership charac '
`ettaai pmpeity r-APA) dass
`and rzoiveriierprise Lia-:3 celieuions are searched based upon an expanded.”
`34 Differentiaily private aggregate ciassifiar fur muitipie databases
`Emhmimerrts o‘ the irwenticn disdc " ‘
`method far 0:
`' fining a ditteremia “' §_ ":vate
`system and "
`5 ‘ wherein eav. ’ database in the set at databases is associated with a
`aggregate classi:
`'r a se-z 0'? da
`sgfier and a noise value, wherein the ciassifier and the noise value are determined...
`5 Laai‘rsing with trarss‘formed data
`' sure ielates to tear "
`This I
`g with transformed data such as determining m "
`" itipie data sampiee Each 5-:
`the muiiipie data sam ‘ ‘s corrinrise" one or more :
`CiESa: ie: that data sample. A processor determines each of the mu.
`U3201?b"37382’ 1 US AF’F‘U-‘LATEGNS E 23-NOV»24§17
`lnnovationQ Plus - lP.com
`a fitters
`5: Egg“
`1- Secure and Private Management of i-ieaithcare Databases for Data Mining
`There he. oeen a 'tremeridcus growth in heaiti: data coilec‘tiori since the deveiopmer:t of Eiettrcnic Meditai
`V‘urposes. D many
`Record (EMR) systems, Such coiiected data - .thiiei'
`.iared and analyzed for Ci
`and sharing have ,
`“AT-G a big- concern as it threatens...
` i Symposium on C-
`' EEK CONFERENCE 0’: -_iUN-2Cv‘a$ i 201:? BEEE 28th internatic-
`vita! Systems (F'ageis):1331~1j6)
`Differeritiaiiy Private Distributed flats Anaiysis
`i with mu ipie en 2 rivacy has been.”
` . Qne exampie of
`EEEE CONFER£NCES 0‘. NOV-2026 i 2016 HEEE 2nd internatianai Conference on Coiiabm‘ation arid
`putihg (CBC?- (Page/s}: 2124118}
`3 Ariana/1L: Locaiiy Private Machine Learning ever a Network (if Peers
`We present Anew/1i.
`'i syste
`an over a network of peers. Our 905:! is to
`n.3,, privacy .pregewing model
`aiiew a group at users to {Graeme eriatigl'i data to generate usefui machine learning inodeis ‘ivithau‘t reveanrig
`private iriforrrt
`tion. in our setting, each peer has 3. singie raw 0i featurized data“
`l 201‘? iiEEIE internatiana! (Zanferehce or- !)ata Sirlenre and Advanced
`4. Expiode: Ari Extensible Piatfarrn tar Dii‘ter'entiaiiy Private Data Anaiysis
`an and rereived great attentirjn
`emerged as a pcpuiar standard fer privacy prot.
`i privacy (DP) ii
`n find DP v:
`from the research communitv. i-lowe
`practitioners c
`nhersorrae to impieinen‘tl since it requires
`additionai protocois (e.g,, for random _ .d response, neise addition) and.
`SEE CONFERENCES i GLUE-2016 i 2036 535 16th internatic-riai Conference on Data Mining
`Workahnps \ LDtvEW) (F'age(s): 13630—13433)
` £83
`iriPi‘ivate Digging: Enabling Tree-based Distributed flats Mining with Differentiai
` - : 3 mining i’ia'
`"super crui'ichei'" t-3 discover
`erairjed the major breaktl'irougi’i in data ai'ieiysis, sen/in
`ipiicatiorts, the mile
`in of big
`hidden inl‘ormati
`hie knowiedge in big data systerris. For m
`as various parties who are interested in pooiing their pix e
`data usat
`Eiii CONFEIRENCSS5(i1~APR-20181 EEESE ENFOCCEE‘A 3018 - iEiEEI Conference on (Zamputer
`Lorrimanications (Pagers): 2087-2095)
`rr. 'v'l
`S‘ubiicatisn Date
`6- Differentiai private rand-3m farest
` niormatiori about an individuai who are their
`Organizations be it pi'i ate or public often coiiect persaii
`ive which has to be secured
`cmei‘s or
`s. The persona! information Of an individuai is private and 5?:
`from data minim igorithrn which an adversary may appiy tr: get ac
`tr: the,"
`EEEE CONFERENCES 0‘. 633-2014 E 21314
`InnovationQ Plus - |P.com
`dinereritiai privacy random _.
`+ ~13 minds
`(B filters
`g E ii
` /”"
`1- Differential private randnrri fairest
`,tioris be it
`ate or publit often coiiett perstin
`dual is private and 5e
`The personal ihicrmaticn of an in
`from clam mininci . igoritnm which an adversary may anpiy tr: get at
`' EEK CONFERENCE 01-5EP-2014 5 21314 internatic-nai Conference on Advances in C
`Cnmmunicatiena and iriforrriatiaa (KIA-‘32!) (i’ageis): 2623<263<D
`nlorinatiori about an ind
`tive which has to be secured
`me! who are their
`e ‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
`Random ferest algnrithrri under differential privacy
`Trying to soive the risk a? data privacy disclosure in ciassil‘icatic-ri pretess, a Randorri Farest aigerithrri under
`diiterentiai privacy named DPR
`2% proposed in the pan
`in the process of building decision 'tr-3-3 l
`algoritiin’: first disturbed the protest) of teature selection and attribute 4
`.E; X:
`EEE CONFERlENCES 0‘. OCT-294? l 2017 lEEE Wth lmernationai Conference on Communication
`Technology rliIiIT) (Pagers): 19131-1905?-
`algorithm based on differential privacy is preposed t0 protect the“,
`DPRF: A Differential Privacy Pretection Random Forest
`r- tor r.‘
` s. has
`rch hotsn-s in current data mining.
`ion algorith
`Providing privacy protei
`in this paper. aiilei'eritiai privacy is applied to the rariotcin forest tiassil‘itatiori algoi
`'l’im, and a. random rarest
`”I iEIElE PEREOEJE'IIALS E i314AN~2019E ilEEEE Access
`S‘ublicatisn Date
`4- Differentially Private Randdrn Fame? with High Utility
`“in active focus or the research com
`*v‘ing data irning has becen
` example; it
`e dig
`: per
`:on malt
`financial records otter eriern‘u’nm value
`tar rislz' predicts-3n and (let
`iEEE CONFERENCES i 01~NOV~2015 l 2015 iEEE iraterriatinnai Conference on Beta Mining (Pages): 335?
`5- Analysis and Research Based on Differential Privacy Pretection Reiaterl Algerithms
`Aiming at the problem tiat tr;
`renticil privaty protection model is pronosed. ThL
`any becktirtitind kritiwledge, a d
`garivacy, and then intretluce; tiie relevant tletinitie
` ElES CONFEIRENCSS l (i1~i)EC-2C‘-8 5 3201896“. internatinnai ESyniprisrum on Parallel Architectures,
`ie '
`ritrsdtites tiie
`Kerrie a research hotspot iri
` the field i " " Le greedy decision forest
`algorithm C:
`at, -preserving data,"
`'r'rl Ff:
`EEE CONFERlENCES Ge-APR-Zéi‘} [ lCASSP 2019 - 2019 EEEE international Coniererite on Acoustics,
`Speetn and signal Pracessing (iCASSP) (Page(a}: 2672~2§7Cvi
`azionai privacy protettion rnet':0rjs can not tone with malicious analysis under
`7 Software Defect Prediction i‘v’iotlei Enaririg Under Differential Privacy v
`........... llTI. fl JJfKGSD'l’. F“ .xfil’llRff—L 3F:-
`rt. .n redii
`rouiden‘thu .................

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