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`25-16;" “m"be' 31:21;?” 2018
`Hrs, Named ,nvemo,
`Ishaan Nemrkar
`Lea-Year Technolo_ies, Inc.
`—— Robert B Leun
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`US-2017/0169253 A1
`Curcio et aI.
`US-2012/0197864 A1
`Bourdoncle et aI.
`US-2011/0282865 A1
`Talwar et aI.
`US-2011/0078143 A1
`US-2007/0239982 A1
`A alwai et aI.
`US-2005/0278786 A1
`Tippett et aI.
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`DANKAR, F. et al., "Practicing Differential Privacy in Health Care: A Review," Transactions on Data Privacy,
`2013, Vol. 5, pp. 35-67.
`n . 81-107.
`Methods in Molecular Biolo. Methods and Protocols , 2010, Vol. 593,
`FRALEY, C. et al., "How Many Clusters? Which Clustering Method? Answers Via Model-Based Cluster
`Analysis," The Computer Journal, 1998, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 578-588.
`KELLARIS, G. et al., "Practical differential privacy via grouping and smoothing," Proceedings of the VLDB
`Endowment, March 1, 2013, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 301-312.
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`Com . Iete if Known
`:6/144739027 2018
`IS aan New ar
`Lea-Year Technolo_1es, Inc.
`—— Robert B Leun-
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`[Brian Hoffmanz
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`Brian M. Hoffman
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