`Claims 1—20 were pending in this application, and claims 1 and 11 were the independent
`claims. Claims 1—20 were rejected in the Office action. In this amendment, claims 1, 4—6, 10—1 1,
`14—16, and 20 are amended. Support for the amendment can be found throughout the
`specification, for example, in paragraphs 49—50, and 56. In view of the Amendments herein,
`Applicant respectfully requests reconsideration of any and all outstanding rejections, and
`withdrawal of them.
`Statement of Substance of Interview
`Appalicant’s representative Rajiv Patel (Reg. No. 39,327) and Fredrick Tsang (Reg. No.
`68,680) conducted a telephonic interview with Examiner Dinh on August 8, 2019. During the
`interview, a proposed amendment was presented and the Section 103 rejection was discussed.
`An agreement was reached that the proposed amendment would overcome the cited references,
`but a new search would be required.
`Claims Not Rendered Obvious Under 35 U.S.C. 103
`Claims 1—5, 7—8, 10—15, 17—18, and 20 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as
`unpatentable over Maharajh et al., US Pub. No. 20140342659 in View of Grarg et al., US Pub.
`No. 20140108382. Claims 6, 9, 16, and 19 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable
`over Maharajh and Grarg and further in view of Fedorov et al,, US Pub. No. 20130073632.
`Without conceding to the Office action’s positions and for the sole purpose of expediting
`prosecution, claim 1 is amended to recite, among other limitations,
`the particular mobile event notification comprising (i) an event
`descriptor describing the action, (ii) a particular destination address
`associated with a message publisher, and (iii) a tag trigger that is
`associated an automated message set by the message publisher;
`the plurality of mobile event
`filter, by the computing server,
`based on destination addresses included in the
`plurality of mobile event notifications
`transmit, by the computing server and based on the tag trigger
`remained in the filtered information, the automated message set by
`the message publisher to the one of the event source devices.
`Maharajh only discloses a video stream system that is unrelated to transmitting automated
`messages based on tag triggers. Maharajh discusses a system that has multiple video sources that
`capable of providing the same video to an end user, depending the source’s bandwidth.
`(Maharajh (M 236—237.) Maharajh discloses that a user may pause the video stream delivered
`from one source and, at another electronic device, to resume the same video stream that is going
`to be delivered from another source. (Maharajh ‘J[ 237.)
`Maharajh fails to disclose, “the particular mobile event notification comprising (i) an
`event descriptor describing the action, (ii) a particular destination address associated with a
`message publisher, and (iii) a tag trigger that is associated an automated message set by the
`message publisher,” “filtering
`the plurality of mobile event notifications
`based on one or
`more criteria specified by the message publisher and based on destination addresses included in
`the plurality of mobile event notifications,” and “transmitting, by the computing server and based
`on the tag trigger remained in the filtered information, the automated message set by the message
`publisher to the one of the event source devices.” Other references, such as Garg, also fail to
`compensate for the deficiency of Maharajh.
`Consequently, as agreed in the examiner interview, claims 1 is distinguished from the
`cited references. Claim ll is amended in a similar fashion. The rest of the rejected claims,
`namely claims 2—9 and 12—20, are dependent on either claim 1 or claim ll and, thus, are
`patentable for the same reasons and also based on their own limitations.
`Accordingly, reconsideration and Withdrawal of the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is
`respectfully requested.
`Based on the foregoing, the application is in condition for allowance of all claims, and a
`Notice of Allowance is respectfully requested. If the examiner believes for any reason direct
`contact would help advance the prosecution of this case to allowance, the examiner is
`encouraged to telephone the undersigned at the number given below.
`If extensions of time are necessary to prevent abandonment of this application, then such
`extension of time are hereby petitioned under 37 CFR 1.136(a), and any fees required therefore
`are hereby authorized to be charged to our Deposit Account 19—2555.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Fredrick Tsang/
`Fredrick Tsang, Reg. No. 68,680
`801 California Street
`Mountain View, CA 94041
`Phone: (650) 335—8687