`Doe code: RCEX
`Annmved 01 11311111011911 111311/2020. OMB 0651-0031
`Doc description: Request for Continued Examination (ROE
`1J_‘~1.1 Pat-1111131111 Trademark Chic
`Under‘he PapemvorkRedur'1'1011Actof1995. no persons 11161 161111111red to respmu1a to a collection of infor “
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`1 Number
`BOOK“ 11111111139,er412931113
`(if appiicabie)
`FirSt Named Ad am1". L.owry
`1 Envenior
`Kheni1 Q. 13-11111
`This is a Request for Continued Examination (REE) under 37 CFR 1.114 (11‘ the abovenidentified appheatinn.
`Request for Continued Examination (RCE) practice under 3.7 CFR 1.114 does not appiy to any utiiity or plant appiioation tiied priorto June 8,
`1995. or to any design eppiioaiion. The instruction Sheet for this form is located at WWWUSPTQGQV
`Nete:if1he ROE-1s proper a1'1ypreV1o'11siy1iiec1' unernered arne111drne1'1tsand amendments eno:'oseci with the RC1; wiii1e entered in the order
`in which they were fiied uniess applicant instructs otherwise. it appiieant does not wish-1o have any previonsiy fiied unemered amendmenhs)
`eniereci, apoiir
`11 must reouest 11c
`-en11y efsuch arnendrnenhs).
`submitted. ifa 111131 Office aeiion is outs‘ianding, any amendments filed after the net Office action may be considered as a
`submission even 1111113 box is not checked.
`E] Consider the arguments in the Appeal Brief or Repiy Brief oreviousiy fiied on
`D Qiner
`g Enclosed
`[X] Ar11er1dn1er1t/Repiy
`[:1 informaiion Disoiosure S1atemen1 1103)
`1:] Affidaviitjsy Deciaraiior1(s)
`1:1 Suspension oi’aetion on the above-identified appiicaiion is requested under 37 CPR 1.103(0) 101 a period of rnonihs
`(Period ofsuspension shaii not exceed 3 months; Fee under 37’ CFR1.17(i) required)
`1“ Other
`The REE fee under 37 CFR1. 17(e) is required by 37 CFR‘i 114 when the RCE is i‘iied.
`1K The Direotor'is hereby authorized0 charge any underpayment of fees, or credit any overpayrnents,1o
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`Patent Practitioner Signature
`E] Applicant Signature
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`PTO/SB/SQEFS (02-13)
`Doc cede: RCEX
`Annmved fer W through ruse/2020. OMB 0651-0031
`Dec description: Request for Continued Examination (ROE
`us Patent and Trademark (mac
`. toniains a valid OMB centrei nu ..
`Underihe Papenlvork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are requrred to respond to a onliection of info!" anon unies
`Signature of Registered US. Patent Practitioner
`[Fredrick Tsangr’ Name
`Registration Number
`This ceiiection of information is required tn; 37 CFR 1.114. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit 'ny the puhiic which is to
`fiie (and by the USPTO tn process) an epniioatioh. Confidentieiity is governed by 35 USS. 122 and 37 CPR 1.11 and 1.14.1”his ooiieetien is
`estimated to take 12 minutes to compiete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the cempieted appiication form to the USPTQ. Time
`wiii vary depending uoeh the individual case. Any comments on the amount ottirne you require to- cempiete this term end/er suggestions for
`reducing this burden, shouid he sent in the Chief iniormation Oiticer, US. Patent and Trademark Office, US. Department of Commerce,
`PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`ifyeu need assistance in compieting' the form. eai! 1—800wPTO~9199 and safest option 2.
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`The Privacy Actof1974 (FL. 93579) requires that you he given certain information in connection with your submission otthe
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`A record from this system of records may he disciosed, as a routine use, to the puhiic after either puhtication of
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`EFS —
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