`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`18 May 2017 (18.05.2017)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2017/083252 A1
`International Patent Classification:
`A613 5/15 (2006.01)
`G01N 33/48 (2006.01)
`B01D 61/38 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`Inventors; and
`(71) Applicants : KUSHON, Stuart, A. [US/US]; 25262 Ar-
`der Court, Lake Forest, CA 92630 (US). ZAMBA, Gene
`[US/US]; 25859 Anzio Way, Valencia, CA 91355 (US).
`RUDGE, James, Byron [GB/GB]; 100 The Chesils, Cov—
`entry CV3 SBL (GB). JARING, Carolyn [PH/US]; 21 105
`Shearer Avenue, Carson, CA 90745 (US).
`8 November 2016 (08.11.2016)
`Agent: GANJIAN, Peter; Patent Law Agency, LLC, 2029
`Verdugo Blvd, #1031, Montrose, CA 91020 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
`KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`[Continued on next page]
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`English (81)
`Priority Data:
`10 November 2015 (10.11.2015)
`7 November 2016 (07.11.2016)
`Applicant: NEOTERYX, LLC [US/US]; 421 Amapola
`Ave., Torrance, CA 90501 (US).
`(57) Abstract: The present invention discloses a plasma extraction device
`for generating fixed, predetermined quantity of plasma and for dry-transport
`of obtained plasma for automated assay. Plasma extraction device includes a
`plasma extractor assembly comprising an absorbent probe that wicks a pre-
`determined volume of a liquid sample from a liquid source, a separator that
`generates plasma From the wicked liquid sample, and an absorbent reservoir
`that stores fixed, predetermined quantity of the generated plasma for dry—
`transport and automated assay thereof.
`FIG. 1A
`WO 2017/083252 A1 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO,
`NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU,
`RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH,
`TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN,
`ZA, ZM, ZW.
`WI m erna zona searc repor ( r
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind afregional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, — before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT,
`LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE,
`SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CP, CG, C1, CM, GA,
`GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`WO 2017/083252
`[003] This Application claims the benefit of priority of co—pending U.S. Utility
`Provisional Patent Application 62/253,577, filed 10 NOV 2015, the entire disclosure
`of which is expressly incorporated by reference in its entirety herein.
`[004] All documents mentioned in this specification are herein incorporated by
`reference to the same extent as if each individual document was specifically and
`individually indicated to be incorporated by reference.
`It should be noted that throughout the disclosure, where a definition or use Of a
`term in any incorporated document(s) is inconsistent or contrary to the definition of
`that term provided herein, the definition of that term provided herein applies and the
`definition of that term in the incorporated document(s) does not apply.
`[007] Field of the Invention
`[008] One or more embodiments of the present invention relate to a sample
`collection device.
`[009] Description of Related Art
`[0010] Conventional methods of extraction or separation of plasma are well known
`and have been in use for a number of years, which include centrifugation, pressure
`induced plasma separation devices, volume induced plasma separation device, etc.
`[0011] Centrifugation is a very well known method used for separating plasma, which
`requires the use of complex devices and further, complex methods and systems for
`sample tracking (allocating, labeling, etc.) the extracted liquid plasma for safe
`transport and continuous association with a test subject. Once separated by
`centrifugation, the actual extraction of liquid plasma itself is a non—automated process,
`requiring the use of skilled lab technicians that may inadvertently introduce operator
`errors in the extraction process of the liquid plasma and also add to the overall cost.
`WO 2017/083252
`Centrifugation has a major disadvantage in that it cannot be easily used to generate
`plasma at the point of care.
`[0012] Pressure (positive or negative - vacuum) induced plasma generation may use
`conventional pumps (very large and complex) to force liquid (e.g., blood) through a
`well-known plasma separator to generate liquid plasma. A non-limiting example of a
`plasma separator is VIVID PLASMA SEPARATOR MEMBRANETM manufactured
`by PALL CORPORATION. Drawbacks with currently available pressure induced
`plasma generation systems are similar to centrifugation systems with respect to the
`use of additional equipment, need for complex sample tracking, use of skilled lab
`technicians, and accounting for operator errors.
`It should be noted that convention
`pressure induced plasma generation (positive or negative - vacuum) move wet
`"plasma" fluid into a tube for later analysis, which is an additional drawback and may
`be considered as bio-hazard in certain jurisdictions.
`[0013] A volume induced plasma generation may also use the well—known plasma
`separator with a conventional lateral flow device. In volume induced plasma
`generation schemes, fairly large volume of liquid (for example, large volume of water
`mixed with desired amount of blood) is poured onto a container that holds the plasma
`separator, with blood plasma generated due to sheer volume of liquid continuously
`passing through the plasma separator. The lateral flow device may then absorb the
`generated plasma by capillary action. It should be noted that an additional drawback
`with volume induced plasma generation is dilution of plasma and hence, loss in
`quantitative knowledge of plasma concentration resulting in qualitative rather than
`quantitative assay.
`[0014] Accordingly, in light of the current state of the art and the drawbacks to
`current plasma extraction methods mentioned above, a need exists for plasma
`extraction system and method that would use capillary action (or gravity) as a motive
`force to extract accurate quantity (amount) of plasma and hence, known concentration
`of plasma from a source of liquid without the use of external devices such as
`centrifuges, pumps, additional volume of liquid, etc. Further, a need exists for plasma
`WO 2017/083252
`extraction system and method that would enable dry transport of fixed, predetermined
`quantity of plasma, even if the generated plasma is pressure (positive or negative -
`vacuum) induced.
`[0016] A non—limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present invention
`provides a device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample, comprising:
`a first absorbent member that wicks liquid sample;
`a second absorbent member that retains fixed, predetermined quantity of
`plasma; and
`a separator placed in physical contact between the first absorbent member and
`the second absorbent member for generating plasma from liquid sample;
`wherein: the plasma loaded second absorbent member is dry-transferred for
`[0017] Another non-limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a method for extraction of plasma, comprising:
`wicking a volume of a liquid sample from a liquid source through a first
`capillary action;
`wicking the liquid sample to a separator through a second capillary action,
`with the separator generating a volume of a plasma,
`wicking a fixed, predetermined quantity of the plasma from the separator
`through a third capillary action,
`storing and dry-transferring of the collected plasma for assay.
`The second capillary action is mostly driven by differential porosity
`construction, and
`the third capillary action is mostly driven by differential in hydrophilic
`WO 2017/083252
`[0018] Yet another non-limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a device, comprising:
`a handler assembly; and
`a plasma extractor module,
`wherein: the plasma extractor module is detachably associated with the
`handler assembly.
`[0019] A further non-limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a device, comprising:
`a handler assembly comprised of:
`a handler that houses an absorbent reservoir of a plasma extractor assembly;
`a plasma extractor module that is detachably friction-fit secured to the handler
`assembly and includes a separator and an absorbent probe of the plasma extractor
`[0020] Yet a further non-limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample,
`a housing having a first piece and a second piece;
`the first piece includes one or more openings to frictionally secure one or more
`absorbent probes, with the second piece having at least one opening to frictionally
`secure at least one absorbent reservoir,
`the first piece and the second piece forming a compartment when assembled
`within which a separator is housed in physical contact in between the absorbent probe
`and the absorbent reservoir.
`[0021] Another non—limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a container, comprising:
`a tube configured assembly with air evacuated from within to create negative
`air pressure inside the tube assembly,
`WO 2017/083252
`the tube assembly includes:
`a first detachable closure to air-tight close a first open end of the tube
`assembly; and
`a second detachable closure to air-tight close a second open end of the tube
`[0022] Yet another non—limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample,
`a tube assembly with a detachable first closure and a detachable second
`closure with air evacuated from within to generate absolute lower air pressure inside
`the tube;
`the air evacuated tube includes:
`a first opening that is airtight closed by the first detachable closure;
`a second opening that is airtight closed by the detachable second closure; and
`a plasma extraction device that is housed inside the air—evacuated tube
`assembly, and removable through one of first and second opening.
`[0023] A further non-limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample,
`a hermetically sealed air-evacuated tube assembly to draw liquid sample
`inside the tube assembly driven by pressure differential between inside and outside
`the tube assembly;
`a first absorbent member that wicks fixed, predetermined quantity of liquid
`a second absorbent member that retains plasma; and
`a separator placed in physical contact between the first absorbent member and
`the second absorbent member for generating plasma from liquid sample;
`wherein: the plasma loaded second absorbent member is removed from tube
`assembly and dry-transferred for assay.
`WO 2017/083252
`[0024] Yet a further non-limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample,
`a tube assembly for drawing liquid sample inside the tube assembly driven by
`pressure differential between inside and outside the tube assembly generated by a
`pressure differential generator;
`a plasma extraction device positioned inside the tube assembly, comprising:
`a first absorbent member that wicks fixed, predetermined quantity of liquid
`sample drawn into the tube assembly;
`a second absorbent member that retains fixed, predetermined quantity of
`plasma, and
`a separator placed in physical contact between the first absorbent member and
`the second absorbent member for generating plasma from liquid sample,
`wherein: the plasma loaded second absorbent member is removed from tube
`assembly and dry—transferred for assay.
`[0025] Another non-limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample,
`pressure differential generator for moving liquid sample from a source via an
`invasive probe and into a collection chamber of an intermediate adapter connected to
`the pressure differential generator, and
`a plasma extractor module positioned within the intermediate adapter, with an
`absorbent probe of the plasma extractor module extended to within the collection
`chamber, near egress opening of the invasive probe for receiving liquid sample.
`[0026] Yet another non-limiting, exemplary aspect of an embodiment of the present
`invention provides a device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample,
`a plasma extraction device positioned within a tube assembly,
`the tube assembly is comprised of:
`a top closure; and
`WO 2017/083252
`a lateral pressure differential generation outlet adapted to be detachably
`associated with a pressure differential generator.
`[0027] These and other features and aspects of the invention will be apparent to those
`skilled in the art from the following detailed description of preferred non—limiting
`exemplary embodiments, taken together with the drawings and the claims that follow.
`[0029] It is to be understood that the drawings are to be used for the purposes of
`exemplary illustration only and not as a definition of the limits of the invention.
`Throughout the disclosure, the word “exemplary” may be used to mean “serving as an
`example, instance, or illustration,” but the absence of the term “exemplary” does not
`denote a limiting embodiment. Any embodiment described as “exemplary” is not
`necessarily to be construed as preferred or advantageous over other embodiments. In
`the drawings, like reference character(s) present corresponding part(s) throughout.
`[0030] FIGS. 1A to 1N are non-limiting, exemplary illustrations of various views of a
`plasma extraction device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample in accordance
`with one or more embodiments of the present invention;
`[0031] FIGS. 2A to 2R are non—limiting, exemplary illustration of various views of a
`plasma extraction device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample in accordance
`with one or more embodiments of the present invention;
`[0032] FIGS. 3A to 3F are non-limiting, exemplary illustration of various views of a
`plasma extraction device for extraction of plasma for a liquid sample in accordance
`with one or more embodiments of the present invention;
`[0033] FIGS. 4A to 4C are non—limiting, exemplary illustration of various views of a
`plasma extraction device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample in accordance
`with one or more embodiments of the present invention;
`WO 2017/083252
`[0034] FIGS. 5A to 5H are non-limiting, exemplary illustration of various views of a
`plasma extraction assembly for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample in
`accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention;
`[0035] FIGS. 6A to 6F are non-limiting, exemplary illustration of various views of a
`plasma extraction assembly for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample in
`accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention;
`[0036] FIGS. 7A to 7P are non-limiting, exemplary illustration of various views of a
`plasma extraction assembly for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample in
`accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention; and
`[0037] FIGS. 8A-1 to 8D are non-limiting, exemplary illustration of various views of
`a plasma extraction assembly for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample in
`accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention.
`[0039] The detailed description set forth below in connection with the appended
`drawings is intended as a description of presently preferred embodiments of the
`invention and is not intended to represent the only forms in which the present
`invention may be constructed and or utilized.
`[0040] It is to be appreciated that certain features of the invention, which are, for
`clarity, described in the context of separate embodiments, may also be provided in
`combination in a single embodiment. Conversely, various features of the invention
`that are, for brevity, described in the context of a single embodiment may also be
`provided separately or in any suitable sub-combination or as suitable in any other
`described embodiment of the invention. Stated otherwise, although the invention is
`described below in terms of various exemplary embodiments and implementations, it
`should be understood that the various features and aspects described in one or more of
`the individual embodiments are not limited in their applicability to the particular
`WO 2017/083252
`embodiment with which they are described, but instead can be applied, alone or in
`various combinations, to one or more of the other embodiments of the invention.
`[0041] Throughout the disclosure, the term "separator" refers to filter membranes,
`non-limiting, non-exhaustive listing of examples of which may include nylon filters,
`cellulous filters, polyethylene filters, etc. Very specific, non-limiting examples of
`filter membranes (i.e., separators) that may be used in accordance with one or more
`embodiments of the present invention for example, are various types of VIVID
`TM manufactured by PALL CORPORATION.
`[0042] In general, a separator used in accordance with one or more embodiments of
`the present invention may be composed of material that may filter fiuid based on non-
`limiting, exemplary factors such as size, filter porosity (e.g., pour diameter), filter
`depth, or other factors that enhance high probability capture event with improved
`interconnected capillary system for superior capillary action without blockage. It
`should be noted that filter "depth" may be a function of networked tortuous path
`through which fluid may be traversed and hence, does not necessarily imply
`[0043] It should be noted that it is only for convenience of example and discussion
`purposes that throughout the disclosure liquid source 180 (FIG. 1B) is indicated from
`a finger prick. It will be quickly apparent that any one of the one or more
`embodiments disclosed may use liquid source 180 to generate plasma that is not from
`a finger prick.
`[0044] FIGS. 1A to 1N are non-limiting, exemplary illustrations of various views of
`a plasma extraction device for extraction of plasma from a liquid sample in
`accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention. FIG. 1A is a
`non-limiting, exemplary illustration of a plasma extraction device 100a inside a tube
`enclosure 102 in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention.
`As illustrated in FIG. 1A, plasma extraction device 100a with loaded plasma may be
`securely stored and dry—transported within tube 102 with a removable cap 104, with
`WO 2017/083252
`tube 102 including marking (such as a bar code or QRTM code) 106 for tracking
`[0045] FIGS. 1B and 1C are non-limiting, exemplary illustrations of front and side
`views of plasma extraction device 100a, with FIG. 1D a sectional view of FIG. 1B in
`accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention. As best
`illustrated in FIGS. 1B and 1C, users may remove plasma extraction device 100a out
`of tube 102, dip its absorbent probe 112 into a liquid source 180 (for example, from
`cut 182 of finger 184) to extract plasma from liquid sample, and place back plasma
`extraction device 100a securely within tube 102, enabling the liquid sample plasma to
`dry via vent holes 108 on tube 102 (shown in FIG. 1A), It should be noted that tube
`102 and cap 104 are adapted to be operated by well known automated instruments for
`plasma analysis and hence, need not be handled or operated by individuals.
`[0046] FIG. 1B is a non—limiting exemplary exploded view illustration of the various
`components of plasma extraction device 100a and tube 102 in accordance with one or
`more embodiments of the present invention. The exploded view shown in FIG. 1E
`illustrates disassembled, separated components that show the cooperative working
`relationship, orientation, positioning, and exemplary manner of assembly of the
`various components of plasma extraction device 100a and tube 102 in accordance
`with one or more embodiments of the present invention, with each component
`detailed below.
`[0047] Referring back to FIGS. 1B and 1C, plasma extraction device 100a is
`comprised of a handler assembly 130 and a plasma extractor module 110 that is
`detachably associated with handler assembly 130. Handler assembly 130 is
`comprised of a handler 132 that is adapted to be used with well known automated
`liquid handling instruments, and includes a dislodgement mechanism 152 for
`dismounting of plasma extractor module 110.
`[0048] As best illustrated in FIG. 1C and sectional view FIG. 1D, in this non-limiting,
`exemplary instance, handler 132 is a single piece unit. A first section 194 (including
`WO 2017/083252
`first distal end 136) of handler 132 of handler assembly 130 may vary in design, is
`well known, and is disclosed in US. Patent Application publication US
`2013/0116597 to Rudge et a1. and US. Provisional Patent Application 62/149,415 to
`Emmet Welch, U.S. Non-Provisional Patent Application 15/ 130,373 to Emmet
`Welch, the entire disclosures of all of which are expressly incorporated by reference
`in their entirety herein. First section 194 is cylindrical and hollow 105 with top
`opening 188 and bottom opening 117. Second section 196 of handler 132 includes
`extension posts 198 that accommodate dislodgment mechanism 152 in between space
`103 and connect first section 194 to a third section 101. Second distal end 138 of
`handler 132 (at third section 101) is configured to detachably receive and hold the
`detachable plasma extractor module 110, and includes a generally, flat bottom end
`111 (best shown in FIG. 1F). It should be noted that handler 132 of handler assembly
`130 may be easily re—configured and adapted to operate with existing automated
`plasma instruments without departing from the scope of the invention and hence, the
`configuration of handler 132 of handler assembly 130 illustrated should not be
`[0049] As best illustrated in FIGS. 1F to II, plasma extractor module 110 is
`comprised of a housing 118 that includes a plasma extractor assembly. Plasma
`extractor assembly includes first absorbent member 112 (as the "probe") and hence,
`referred to as "absorbent probe 112," and a second absorbent member 116 (as the
`"reservoir" that holds the plasma) and hence, referred to as "absorbent reservoir 1 16."
`It should be noted that first and second absorbent members 112 and 116 may be
`identical in all aspects, including form-factor. Alternatively and as illustrated, they
`may also be different in form or, comprised of different materials, etc. Non-limiting,
`non-exhaustive listing of examples of materials for absorbent member may comprise
`of pores plastic, ceramic, carbon, etc. so long as the absorbent members are highly
`hydrophilic or chemically changed to become hydrophilic. Non-limiting, non-
`exhaustive listing of examples of absorbent members that may be used within one or
`more embodiments of the present invention as absorbent probe/reservoir may include
`those that are disclosed in US. Patent Application Publication 2013/01 16597 to
`Rudge et al., US. Provisional Patent Application 62/149,415 to Emmet Welch, US.
`WO 2017/083252
`Non-Provisional Patent Application 15/130,373 to Emmet Welch, and US
`Provisional Patent Application 62/143,696 to Gijbertus G. Rietveld, U.S. Non-
`Provisional Patent Application 15/048,859 to Gijbertus G. Rietveld, the entire
`disclosures of all of which are expressly incorporated by reference in their entirety
`herein. As further illustrated in FIGS. 1F to II, the plasma extractor assembly further
`includes a well known separator 114 (e.g., VIVID PLASMA SEPARATION
`lVEEMBRANE from PALL CORPORATION) positioned in between absorbent probe
`112 and absorbent reservoir 116.
`[0050] Absorbent probe 112 is physically mounted onto housing 118, with a first side
`120 of absorbent probe 112 physically pressed against and contacting a first side 140
`(FIGS. 1F and 1G) of separator 114. As best illustrated in FIGS. 1F, 1H-1 and 1H-2
`housing 118 includes a periphery 148 with internal annular protuberance or flange
`107 that is adapted to detachably couple with (e.g., detachably "snap" or press—fit
`within) receiving recess 150 of second distal end 138 of handler 132 to thereby
`detachably secure the plasma extractor assembly as the illustrated plasma extractor
`module 110 with handler assembly 130. Absorbent probe 112 is simply friction (or
`press) fit within opening 109 of housing 118, as shown in FIG. 1H-2.
`[0051] Referring to FIGS. 1F and 1G, absorbent reservoir 116 has a first side 142
`pressed against second side 144 of separator 114. In general, absorbent reservoir 116
`is annular, with an opening 146 for operation of dislodgement mechanism 152. As
`indicated above, absorbent reservoir 1 16 may be comprised of any shape, including
`polygonal configurations, but optimally, it is best if absorbent reservoir 116 is
`configured commensurate to the shape of separator 114 for maximum contact surface
`are a.
`[0052] Both absorbent reservoir 116 and separator 114 may have complementary
`undulating surfaces to maximize surface-to-surface contact area without increasing
`the diameter of either absorbent members 112 and 116 or separator 114. In fact,
`aspects that would increase or maximize surface-to-surface contact area would
`WO 2017/083252
`improve efficiency and robustness (durability) of the entire system in terms of
`extracting the maximum amount of plasma.
`In operation, fluid sample may first be collected by absorbent probe 112 from
`liquid sample source 180 (FIG. 1B), and through capillary action fixed, predetermined
`quantity of plasma is collected and loaded onto absorbent reservoirs 116. Thereafter,
`plasma extraction device 100a, which now includes handler assembly 130 with
`plasma extractor module 110 (with plasma loaded absorbent reservoir 116) may be
`placed back into tube 102 (as shown in FIG. 1A) and transported dry to a lab on a
`well known tube tray (not shown) for automated analysis. Non-limiting examples of
`modes of drying may include desiccant or leaving to dry on the bench before
`shipping. Well known automated liquid sample handling instruments may than be
`used to automatically pick and uncap tube 102, and actually lift plasma extraction
`device 100a via top distal end 136 of handler 132 of handler assembly 130.
`Thereafter, plasma extractor module 110 may be dislodged from handler assembly
`130 (FIGS. 1K-1 and 1K-2) by the automated liquid handling instruments but with the
`dry plasma loaded absorbent reservoir 116 intact and still associated with handler
`assembly 130. Once dislodged, the automated plasma analysis instruments then eject
`the dry plasma loaded absorbent reservoir 116 (FIG. 1K-2) onto well known analysis
`tray (FIG. 1N) for analysis of the dried plasma in well-known manner.
`[0054] FIGS. 1K-1 to 1K-3 are sectional views of the lower end of handler assembly
`130 taken from FIG. 1B. As best illustrated in FIGS. 1K-1 to 1K-3, in this non-
`limiting exemplary instance, handler assembly 130 has dislodgement mechanism 152
`in the form of an ejection pin (or plunger) that may be moved along a linear
`reciprocating path 154, parallel a longitudinal axis 156 (FIG. 1B) of handler 132 of
`handler assembly 130 manually or by well known automated liquid sample handling
`instruments. Ejection pin 152 is comprised of a first engaging surface 158 for
`ejecting plasma extractor module 110 (but without absorbent reservoir 116), and a
`second engaging surface 160 for ejecting absorbent reservoir 1 16.
`In other words, as
`shown in FIGS. 1K-1 and 1K-2, ejection pin 152 first ejects (pushes out or away)
`absorbent probe 112, housing 118, and separator 114 of plasma extractor module 110,
`while absorbent reservoir 116 continues to remain mounted on handler assembly 130.
`WO 2017/083252
`Once handler assembly 132 and remaining absorbent reservoir 116 are brought
`aligned with an analysis tray 1 15 by a well known automated instrument (FIG. 1N),
`ejection pin 152 is moved again (best shown in FIG. 1K-3) along linear reciprocating
`path 154 where second engagement surface 160 contacts and pushes top surface 113
`of absorbent reservoir 116 (near periphery of opening 146) to eject absorbent
`reservoir 116 onto known tray 115 (as best illustrated FIG. 1N). It should be noted
`that as is well known, the automated plasma analysis instruments may handle multiple
`plasma loaded extraction devices and handler assemblies 132 simultaneously.
`[0055] Accordingly, the automated plasma analysis instrument may move ejection
`pin 152 to a first position (within chamber 190 - FIGS. 1K-1 and 1K-2) to enable first
`engagement surface 158 to engage and dislodge absorbent probe 112, housing 118,
`and separator 114. As shown in FIG. 1K—3, ejection pin 152 is also moved to a
`second position (again by the automated liquid handling instruments) to enable
`second engagement surface 160 to eject absorbent reservoir 116. Ejection pin 152
`and its operation may be thought of as a two-stage plunger operation, with first stage
`(FIGS. 1K-1 and 1K-2) releasing or dislodging absorbent probe 112, housing 118, and
`separator 114, and second stage (FIG. 1K-3) dislodging absorbent reservoir 116. FIG.
`1L is a non-limiting, exemplary illustration of a handler assembly 130 with plasma
`extractor module 110 dismounted in accordance with the present invention.
`[0056] FIGS. 1M-1 and 1M-2 are non-limiting, exemplary illustrations of a
`dislodgement mechanism in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present
`invention. As illustrated, dislodgement mechanism (or ejection pin 152) is comprised
`of single piece unit comprised of a first section 162 with a first diameter 164 and a
`second section 166 with a second diameter 168 that is wider than first diameter 164.
`As shown, second engagement surface 160 (defined by diameter 168) has a larger
`expanse than a diameter 170 (FIG. 11) of opening 146 of absorbent reservoir 116,
`whereas first engagement surface 158 is a smaller with smaller diameter 164 and
`hence, passes through opening 146 of absorbent reservoir 116. Well known automated
`plasma analysis instrument moves pin 152 by griping groove 172 at top distal end 174
`of pin 152.
`WO 2017/083252
`[0057] Plasma extractor module l 10 enables extraction and loading of fixed,
`predetermined quanti

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