`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`12 February 2015 (12.02.2015)
`International Patent Classification:
`G06F 19/00 (2011.01)
`International Application Number:
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2015/021280 A1
`Washington 98101 (US). LAPINSKY, Michael; c/o Syn-
`apse Product Development, LLC, 1511 6th Avenue, Suite
`400, Seattle, Washington 98101 (US).
`Agent: GORMAN, Shawn P.; Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.,
`1100 13th Street, N.W., Suite 1200, Washington, District
`of Columbia 20005-4051 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, lR, lS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, N1, NO, NZ,
`OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA,
`SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM,
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARlPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`EE, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, S1, SK, SM,
`TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
`KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
`International Filing Date:
`7 August 2014 (07.08.2014)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`7 August 2013 (07.08.2013)
`23 August 2013 (23.08.2013)
`28 February 2014 (28.02.2014)
`Applicant (for all designated States except US): NIKE IN-
`NOVATE C.V. [NL/US]; One Bowerinan Drive, Beaver-
`ton, Oregon 97005 (US).
`[US/US]; One
`(for US only): NIKE,
`Bowerinan Drive, Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (US).
`I11c., One
`Inventors: WHITE, Kristen L.; c/o NlKE,
`Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (US). OREN-
`STEIN, Michael L.; c/o Nike, Inc, One Bowerman Drive,
`Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (US). CAMPBELL, Jenny; c/o
`Inc., One Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, Oregon
`97005 (US). SELF, Christina S.; 0/0 Nike, Inc., One
`Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, Oregon
`WALKER, Elizabeth; c/o Nike, 1110., One Bowerman
`Drive, Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (US). MICHELETTI,
`Marco; c/o Synapse Product Development, LLC, 151 1 6th
`Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, Washington 98101 (US).
`MCKEAG, Greg; c/o Synapse Product Development,
`LLC, 1511 6th Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, Washington
`98101 (US). ZIPPERER, James; c/o Synapse Product De-
`velopment, LLC, 1511 6th Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle,
`(57) Abstract: An athletic performance monitoring system, for motivating a user to reach a goal level of athletic activity. The system
`may motivate the user by calculation a deficit between a current total level of activity and the goal level of athletic activity, and sug-
`gesting activity types that the user may carry out an order to reach the goal level, wherein the suggested activity types may be based
`on activities that are geographically close to the user, or sporting equipment worn by, or in possession of, the user.
`WO 2015/021280
`This application claims priority to US. Application Serial No.
`l4x’l94,l l3, filed
`February ‘28, 20M, entitled “Activity Recognition with Activity Reminders” and
`claims the benefit to US. Provisional Patent Application Nos. (ii/863,259 filed
`August 7, 2013, entitled “Goal hilotivation,” and til/869,6” filed August 23,
`2M3, entitled “intensity Challenge”. The contents of all of the above listed
`applications are expressly incorporated herein by reference in their entirety for
`any and all non—limiting purposes,
`Exercise and fitness have become increasingly popular and the benefits from such
`activities are well known. Various types of technology have been incorporated
`into fitness and other athletic activities, For example, a Wide variety of portable
`electronic devices are available for use in fitness activity such as Ml? or other
`audio players, radios, portable televisions, DVD players, or other video playing
`devices, watches, GPS systems, pedometers. mobile telephones, pagers, heepers,
`etc. Many fitness enthusiasts or athletes use one or more of these devices when
`exei’tizising or training to lteep them entertained, provide performance data or to
`keep them in contact with others, etc. Such users have also demonstrated an
`interest in recording their athletic activities and metrics associated therewith
`Accordingly, various sensors may he used to detect, store and/or transmit athletic
`performance information. Oftentimes, however, athletic performance information
`is presented in a vacuum or based on the overall athletic activity, Exercisers may
`he interested in obtaining additional
`information about their workouts, or daily
`Aspects of this disclosure are directed towards hovel systems and methods that
`address one or more of these deficiencies. Further aspects relate to minimizing
`other shortcomings in the art.
`WO 2015/021280
`The following presents a simplified summary of the present disclosure in order to
`provide a basic understanding of some aspects of the invention. This summary is
`not an extensive overview of the invention. it is not intended to identify key or
`critical elements of the invention or to delineate the scope of the invention. The
`following summary n‘terely presents some concepts of the invention in a
`simplified fOl‘ll’l as a prelude to the more detailed description provided below.
`Aspects of the systems and methods described herein relate to a computer—
`implemented method of cperaling a device. The device may receive the location
`cf a user, and additionally, calculate a deficit between a level
`ct“ activity
`perfonned by the user and a goal level of activity. Using the calculated deficit,
`the device suggests one Or more activity types geographically close to the user
`which they be carried out, to reach the goal level of activity.
`in another aspect,
`this disclosure relates to a non—transitory con’iputer—readahle
`media with cotnputencxecutahlc instructions that when executed by a processor is
`configured to calculate a deficit between a level of activity performed by a user
`and a goal level of activity, in addition to determining athletic erpztipinent available
`to the user. Using the calculated deficits in addition to the information about the
`athletic equipment available to the user,
`the processcr suggests one or more
`activity types tn he carried out by the user to "each the goal level of activity.
`This Summary is provided to intrcduce a selection of concepts in a simplified
`form that are further described below in the Detailed Description. The Summary is
`not intended to identify key features or essential features of the claimed subject
`matter, nor is it intended to he used to limit the scope of the claimed subject
`WO 2015/021280
`FIG. l illustrates an example system that may be configured to provide personal
`training and/or obtain data from the physical movements of a user in accordance
`with example embodiments;
`FlG. 2 illustrates an example computer device that may be part of or in
`communication with the system oi‘FlG. l,
`FlGr 3 shows an illustrative sensor assembly that may be worn by a user in
`accordance with example embodiments;
`HQ. 4 shows another example sensor assembly that may be worn by a user in
`accordance with example embodiments;
`FlG. 5 shows illustrative locations for sensory input which may include physical
`sensors located on/in a user’s clothing and/or he based upon identification of
`relationships between two moving body parts ofthe user;
`FlGr 6 depicts an example display of a graphical user interface informing a user of
`a cumulative number of activity points earned.
`FIG. 7 is an example display of a graphical user interface for communicating
`activity points goal information to a, user.
`FlG. 8 schematically depicts an example display ofa graphical user interface for
`ccmmtmicating suggestions for earning activity points to meet an activity points
`FlG. 9 is a flowchart diagram of an activity goal motivation process.
`Aspects of this disclosure relate to systems and methods for providing an athletic,
`or user, with information related to his/her daily physical activity:
`in one
`embodiment, this user activity information may include information related to a
`user’s cumulative daily activity: and a comparison oiw this cumulative daily activity
`to one or more daily activity goals.
`In another aspect, the activity information
`may include instructionsy suggestions“, or tips as to how a user may supplement
`his/her daily activity in order to reach a daily activity level goal
`in other aspects,
`the systems and methods described herein consider activities performed by a
`user/athlete on timescales other than daily activity, and may include hourly,
`WO 2015/021280
`weekly, monthly, or yearly activity levels, or any other timescale of interest to a
`user performing activities.
`in order to monitor, analyze, and provide feedback on activities being performed
`liy a user, athletic data may he recorded from one or more sensors receiving
`information related to one or more activities being carried out by the user. The
`athletic data may be actively or passively sensed and/or stored in one or more new
`transitory storage mediums and used to generate an output such as for example?
`calculated athletic attributes, feedback signals to provide guidance. and/or other
`information. These, and other aspects, will he discussed in the context of the
`lbllowing illustrative examples of a personal training system,
`in the following description of the various embodiments, reference is made to the
`accompanying drawings? which form a part hereof, and in which is shown by way
`of illustration various embodiments in which aspects of the disclosure may be
`lt is to he understood that other embodiments may he utilized and
`structural and functional modifications may he made Without departing from the
`scope and spirit of the present disclosure. Further, headings within this disclosure
`should not he considered as limiting aspects of the disclosure and the example
`embodiments are not limited to the example headings.
`ixaniple Personal Training System
`A. lllustrative Networks
`Aspects of this disclosure relate to systems and methods that may be utilized
`across a. plurality of networks.
`in this regard; certain embodiments may be
`configured to adapt to dynamic network environments. Further embodiments may
`he operable in differing discrete network enviromnentsc HG.
`illustrates an
`example of a personal
`training system lOO in accordance with example
`embodiments. Example system lOO may include one or more interconnected
`networks: such as the illustrative body area network (BAN)
`if); local area
`network (LAN) l04. and Wide area network {Vt/7A1. T) 106., As shown in FlG.
`l (and
`described throughout this disclosure), one or more networks (cg, BAN l02, LAN
`l04, and/or ‘WAN roe), may overlap or otherwise he inclusive of each other.
`Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the illustrative networks lilQ—lOo are
`WO 2015/021280
`logical networks that may each comprise one or more different communication
`protocols and/or network architectures and yet may be configured to have
`gateways to each other or other networks, For example, each of BAN WE, LAN
`ltlrl and/or W'AN lilo may he operatively connected to the same physical network
`architecture, such as cellular network architecture l08 and/or WAN architecture
`HO, For example, portable electronic device l l2, which may he considered a
`component of both BAN EOE and ELAN l04, may comprise a network adapter or
`network interface card (NlC) configured to translate data and control signals into
`and from network messages according to one or more communication protocols,
`such as the Transmission Control Protocol (’i'CP), the Internet Protocol (1?), and
`the User Datagrani Protocol (USP) through one or more of architectures l08
`and/or lll). These protocols are well known in the art, and thus will not be
`discussed here in more detail,
`Network architectures
`iUS and lit) may include one or more information
`distribution networkt’s), of any typets) or topologyt’s), alone or in combinationt’s),
`such as for example, cable, fiber, satellite, telepln‘me, cellular, Wireless, etc and as
`such, may he variously configured such as having one or more ‘Vyired or Wireless
`communication channels (including but not limited to: WiEiGEU, Bioetoothlfi), Near-
`Field Communication (NFC) and/or ANT technologies). Thus, any device within
`a network ol‘FlG. i, (such as portable electronic device ilE or any other device
`described herein) may be considered inclusive to one or more of the different
`logical networks lOQ-lOo, With the foregoing in mind, example components of an
`illustrative BAN and LAN (which may be coupled to WAN lilo) will he
`l. Example Local Area Network
`LAN “)4 may include one or more electronic devices, such as for example,
`computer device ll4. Computer device ll4, or any other component of system
`EGO, may comprise a mobile terminal, such as a telephone, music player, tahlet,
`nethook or any portable device,
`ln other embodiments, computer device H4 may
`comprise a media player or recorder, desktop computer, serveits}, a gaming
`console, such as for example, a l‘vlicrosoft’é‘a XBOX, Sony® l’laystation, and/or a
`Nintehdo® Wii gaming consoles. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that
`WO 2015/021280
`these are merely example devices for descriptive purposes and this disclosure is
`not limited to any console or computing device.
`Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the design and structure of computer
`device ll/il may vary depending on several factors, such as its intended purpose.
`Cine example implementation of computer device l E4 is provided in FlG. 2., which
`illustrates a block diagram of computing device 200. Those skilled in the art will
`appreciate that the disclosure ot‘FlG. 2‘, may he applicable to any device disclosed
`herein. Device 200 may include one or more processors. such as processor 2024
`and le2~2 (generally referred to herein as "processors 282" or ”processor 202").
`Processors 2.02 may communicate with each other or other components via an
`interconnection network or bus 204. Processor 202 may include one or more
`processing cores, such as cores 206—l and 206-2 (referred to herein as ”cores 206"
`or more generally as
`"critre 206"} which may be implemented on a single
`integrated circuit: (le; chip.
`Cores 206 may comprise a shared cache 208 and/or a private cache (cg, caches
`210—l and 2.1029 respectively). One or more caches 208/210 may locally cache
`data sto‘ed in a system memory, such as memory 2l2, for faster access by
`components of the processor 202.
`l‘vlcmory 2 l2 may he in communication with
`the processors 282 Via a, chipset eta Cache 2.08 may he part of system memory
`2l2 in certain embodiments. Memory 2l2 may include, but is not limited to,
`random access memory (RAM), read only memory ('RQM), and include one or
`more of solid-state memory, optical or magnetic storage, and/or any other medium
`that can he used to store electronic information. Yet other embodiments may omit
`system memory 2 l 2.
`System 200 may include one or more 1/0 devices (egg 1/0 devices 2 ill—l through
`2l4—3, each generally referred to as l/O device Zlél).
`l/O data from one or more
`l/O devices Elél may be stored at one or more caches 208, Elli and/or system
`memory 2l'.2.
`Each of l/O devices '.2l4 may he permanently or temporarily
`configured to he in operative communication with a component of system loll
`using any Jphysical or wireless communication protocol.
`WO 2015/021280
`Returning to Fill 1, four example l/O devices (shown as elements llr’i—lZZ) are
`shown as being in communication with computer device l l4. Those skilled in the
`art will appreciate that one or more of devices lid—12?, may he standalone
`devices or may be associated with another device besides computer device ll4.
`For exarnple, one or more 1/0 devices may be associated with or interact with a
`component of BAN l0}, and/or WAN lilo,
`l/O devices riarzzz may include, but
`are not limited to athletic data acquisition units, such as for example, sensors. One
`or more l/O devices may he configured to sense, detect, and/or measure an athletic
`parameter from a user, such as user l24. Examples include, but are not limited to:
`an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a location—determining device (eg, OPS), light
`{including non—visible light)
`temperature sensor
`(including ambient
`temperature and/or body temperature), sleep pattern sensors, heart rate rnomtor,
`image—capturing sensor, moisture sensor,
`force sensor, compass, angular rate
`sensor, and/or combinations thereof among others.
`in further embodiments, 1/0 devices l lo—iZZ may he used to provide an output
`{cu}, audible, visual, or tactile cue) and/or receive an input, such as a user input
`irorn athlete l24. Example uses for these illustrative l/G devices are provided
`below, however, those skilled in the art will appreciate that such discussions are
`merely descriptive of some of the many options Within the scope of this
`disclosure. Further, reference to any data acquisition unit, l/G device, or sensor is
`to be interpreted disclosing an embodiment that may have one or more l/O device,
`data acquisition unit, and/or sensor disclosed herein or known in the art (either
`individually or in combination).
`information from one or more devices (across one or more networks) maybe used
`to provide (or be utilized in the formation oi) a variety of diilerent parameters,
`metrics or physiological characteristics including but not
`limited to: motion
`parameters, or motion data, such as speed, acceleration, distance, steps taken,
`direction, relative movement of certain hotly portions or olijects to others, or other
`motion parameters which may he expressed as angular rates, rectilinear rates or
`combinations thereof, physiological parameters, such as calories, heart rate, sweat
`detection, effort, oxygen consumed, oxygen kinetics, and other metrics which may
`fall within one or more categories, such as: pressure, impact forces, information
`WO 2015/021280
`regarding the athlete, such as height, weight, age, demographic interination and
`combinations thereof.
`System lOQ may be configured to transmit and/or receive athletic data, including
`the parameters, metrics, or physiologicai characteristics collected Within system
`EGO or otherwise provided to system lllfi. As one example. WAN 306 may
`comprise server lll. Server ill may have one or more components of system
`200 of Fifi, 2,
`in one embodiment, server i ll comprises at least a processor and
`a memory, such as processor 206 and memory 212
`Server ill may he
`configured to store
`computer-readable medium, The instructions may comprise athletic data, such as
`raw or processed data collected Within system “)0.
`System EGO may be
`configured to transmit data, such as energy expenditure points (“otherwise referred
`to as activity points, or as a. level of activity), to a social networking website or
`host such a site. Server 1 ll may be utilized to permit one or more users to access
`and/or compare athletic data. As such, server 1 i i may be configured to transmit
`and/or receive notifications based upon athletic data or other information
`Returning to
`[AN 304,
`computer device
`l 14
`shown in operative
`communication with a display device llé, an image-capturing device l l8, sensor
`120 and exercise devi re 1232., which are discussed in turn below with reference to
`exampie embodiments
`In one embodiment, display device llo may provide
`audio—visual cues to athlete l'24 to perform a specific athletic movement. The
`audio-v'visual cues may be provided in response to computer-executable instruction
`executed on computer device 1 14- or any other device, including a device of BAN
`l02 and/or WAN. Dispiay device lie may he a touchscreen device or otherwise
`configured to receive a user—input.
`in one embodiment, data may he obtained from image—capturing device US
`and/or other sensors, such as sensor l2t), which may he used to detect (and/or
`measure) athletic parameters, either alone or in combination with other devices, or
`stored information.
`iniageacapturing device liS and/or sensor lZO may comprise
`a transceiver device.
`in one embodiment sensor 128 may comprise an infrared
`(1R), electromagnetic (EM) or acoustic transceiver. For example, imagecapturing
`device i123, and/or sensor 120 may transmit waveforms into the environment,
`WO 2015/021280
`including towards the direction of athlete l24 and receive a “reflection“ or
`otherwise detect alterations of those released waveforms. Those skilled in the art
`will readily appreciate that signals corresponding to a multitude of different data
`spectiuins may be utilized in accordance with various embodiments.
`in this
`regard, devices ll8 and/or
`l20 may detect waveforms emitted from external
`sources (cg, not system liltl). For example, devices llS and/or lZG may detect
`heat heing emitted from user l24 and/or the surrounding environment. Thus,
`iinage—cag‘ituring device ll8 and/or sensor l28 may comprise one or more thermal
`imaging devices.
`in one embodiment, image-capturing device ll8 and/or sensor
`l28 may comprise an lit. device configured to perform range phenomenology:
`ln one embodiment, exercise device l22 may be any device configurable to permit
`or facilitate the athlete l24 performing a physical movement, such as for example
`a treadmill, step machine, etc. There is no requirement
`the device be
`stationary. ln this regard, wireless technologies permit portable devices to be
`thus a bicycle or other mobile exercising device may he utilized in
`accordance with certain embodiments. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that
`equipment l22 may he or comprise an interface for receiving an electronic device
`containing athletic data performed remotely from computer device ll-‘i.
`example, a user may use a sporting device (described below in relation to BAN
`l02) and upon returning home or the location of equipment
`l22, download
`athletic data into element 122 or any other device of system ltd}. Any l/O device
`disclosed herein may he configured to receive activity data.
`2 Body Area Network
`BAN l0}. may include two or more devices configured to receive, transmit, or
`otherwise facilitate the collection of athletic data (including passive devices),
`Exemplary devices may include one or more data acquisition units, sensors, or
`devices known in the art or disclosed herein, including but not limited to 1/0
`devices llo—l‘22,
`'l'wo or more components of BAN lO‘Z may communicate
`directly, yet in other embodiments, communication may be conducted via a third
`device, which may he part ol‘BAN ltl2, LAN l 04, and/or lNAN lilo. One or more
`components of LAN ltl4 or W’AN too may form part of BAN lOL-Z.
`ln certain
`implementations, Whether a device, such as portahle device l l2, is part of BAN
`WO 2015/021280
`lOZ, LAN l04, and/or ‘NAN lilo, may depend on the athlete’s proximity to an
`access point to permit communication with mobile cellular network architecture
`M38 and/or WAN architecture ill). User activity and/or preference may also
`influence whether one or more cornponents are utilized as part of BAN ltlZ.
`Example embodiments are provided below.
`User l24 may be associated with (eg, possess, carry, wear, and/or interact with)
`any number of devices, such as portable device HZ, shoe-mounted device 1'26,
`wrist-worn device l28 and/or a sensing location, such as sensing location lSO,
`which may comprise a physical device or a location that
`is used to collect
`information. One or more devices ii'Z, l'thi, l28, and/or l3t’) may not be specially
`designed for fitness or athletic purposes.
`indeed, aspects of this disclosure relate
`to utilizing data from a plurality of devices, some of which are not fitness devices,
`to collect, detect, and/or measure athletic data.
`in certain embodiments, one or
`more devices of BAN iOE (or any other network) may comprise a fitness or
`sporting device that is specifically designed for a particular sporting use. As used
`herein, the term “sporting device” includes any physical object that may he used
`or implicated during a specific sport or fitness activity. Exemplary sporting
`devices may include, but are not
`limited to: golf halls, haskethalls, baseballs,
`soccer balls, footballs, powerhalls, hockey punks, weights, hats, clubs, sticks,
`paddles, mats, and combinations thereof.
`in tiu'ther embodiments, exemplary
`fitness devices may include objects within a sporting environment where a
`specific sport occurs, including the environment itself, such as a goal net, hoop,
`backboard, portions of a field, such as a midline, outer boundary marker, base, and
`combinations thereof,
`in this regard, those skilled in the art will appreciate that one or more sporting
`devices may also be part of (or form) a structure and vice-versa, a structure may
`comprise one or more sporting devices or be configured to interact with a sporting
`device. For example, a first structure may comprise a basketball hoop and a
`backboard, which may he removable and replaced with a goal post.
`ln this regard,
`one or more sporting devices may comprise one or more sensors, such as one or
`more of the sensors discussed above in relation to lTlGS.
`l4}, that may provide
`intormation utilized, either independently or in conjunction with other sensors,
`WO 2015/021280
`such as one or more sensors associated with one or more structures. For example,
`a backboard may comprise a first sensor configured to measure a force and a
`direction of the force by a basketball upon the backboard and the hoop may
`comprise a second sensor to detect a force. Similarly, a golfcluh may comprise a
`tirst sensor configured to detect grip attributes on the shaft and a second sensor
`configured to measure impact with a golf ball:
`Looking to the illustrative portable device l l2,
`it may he a multipurpose
`electronic device, that for example, includes a telephone or digital music player,
`including an lPODCR),
`ll’ADGEF, or iPhone®, brand devices available from Apple,
`inc, ot‘ Cuperiino, Calitbrnia or Zone-C2 or h/licrosot‘tdi) VVindijiws devices available
`from Microsoft of Redmond, ‘Wasltington, As known in the art, digital media
`players can serve as an output device, input device, and/er storage device for a
`computer. Device l i2 may be configured as an input device for receiving raw or
`processed data collected from one or more devices in BAN 102, LAN l04, or
`WAN ltio. in one or more embodiments, portable device ll2 may comprise one
`or more components of con‘iputer device ll4. For example, portable device ill?
`may he include a display llo, image—capturing device ll8, and/or one or more
`data acquisition devices, such as any of the 1/0 devices l 16422 discussed above,
`with or without additional components, so as to comprise a mobile terminal.
`Illustrative Apparel / Accessory Sensors
`in certain embodiments,
`l/O devices may he formed within or otherwise
`associated with user‘s llél clothing or accessories, including a watch, armband,
`wristband, necklace, shirt, shoe, or the like. These devices may be configured to
`monitor athletic movements of a user.
`it is to be understood that they may detect
`athletic movement during user’s l’B/l interactions with computer device l l4- and/or
`operate independently of computer device ll4 (or any other device disclosed
`herein), For example, one or more devices in BAN lll2 may he coi‘il‘igured to
`function as an all—day activity monitor that measures activity regardless of the
`user‘s proximity or interactions with computer device ll4.
`it is to he further
`understood that the sensory system 302 shown in FIG. 3 and the device assembly
`409 shown in FlG, 4, each of which are described in the following paragraphs, are
`merely illustrative examples,
`WO 2015/021280
`i. Shoe—mounted device
`in certain embodiments devi‘e l2?) shown in FIG.
`l, may comprise footwear
`which may include one or more sensors.
`including but not limited to those
`disclosed herein and/or known in the art. HG. 3
`illustrates one example
`embodiment of a sensor system 302 providing one or more sensor assemblies 304.
`Assembly 304 may comprise one or more sensors, such as for example, an
`accelerometer. gy‘roscopey looation-detennining components, force sensors and/or
`or any other sensor disclosed herein or known in the art.
`in the illustrated
`embodiment, assembly 304 incorporates a plurality of sensors, which may include
`three-sensitive resistor (FSR) sensors 306; however, other sensor(s) may be
`utilized. Port 308 may he positioned within a sole structure 309 of a. shoe, and is
`generally configured for communication with one or more electronic devices.
`Port 308 may optionally be provided to he in communication with an electronic
`module Bldg and the sole structure 309 may optionally include a housing 3 ll or
`other structure to receive the module 3 l0, The sensor system 302. may also include
`a plurality of leads 3l2 connecting the lE'SR sensors 306 to the port 308. to enable
`communication with the module 3 l 0 and/or another electronic device through the
`port 308. Module 3 l0 may be contained within a well or cavity in a sole structure
`of a shoe, and the housing 3i l n’tay be positioned Within the well or cavity.
`in one
`embodiment, at least one gyroscope and at least one accelerometer are provided
`within a single housing. such as module 310 and/or housing Sll. in at least a
`Further embodiment, one or more sensors are provided that, when operational, are
`configured to provide directional information and angular rate data. The port 308
`and the module 3l0 include comolementary interfaces 3lll. 3l6 for connection
`and communication.
`In certain embodiments at least one force-sensitive resistor 306 shown in FIG. 3
`may contain first and second electrodes or electrical contacts 318. 320 and a force—
`sensitive resistive material 322 disposed bets 'een the electrodes 3i8, 320 to
`electrically connect the electrodes 3l8. 320 together. When pressure is applied to
`the force—sensitive material 322. the resistivity and/or conductivity of the force
`sensitive material 3 22 changes, which changes the electrical potential between the
`electrodes 31%, 320. The change in resistance can he detected by the sensor
`WO 2015/021280
`system 302 to detect the three applied on the sensor 3ld. The three—sensitive
`resistive material 322 may change its resistance under pressure in a variety of
`For example,
`the forcevsensitiye material
`3.2:). may have an internal
`resistance that decreases when the material is compressed. Further embodiments
`may utilize “volume-based resistance” may be measured, which may be

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