`24. August 2000 (24.08.00)
`C12N 15/10, ClZP 19/34
`(21) Internationales Aktenzeichen:
`19. Februar 1999 (19.02.99)
`24. Juni 1999 (24.06.99)
`27. August 1999 (27.08.99)
`27. August 1999 (27.08.99)
`26. November 1999 (26.11.99) DE
`‘ PCT
`lmemationales Biiro
`(51) Internationale Patentklassifikation 7 :
`(11) Internationale Veriitt’entlichungsnummer: W0 (IO/49142
`(43) Internationales
`(81) Bestimmungsstaaten: AU, CA, JP, US, européiisches Patent
`(AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT,
`(22) Internationales Anmeldedatum: 18. Februar 2000 (18.02.00)
`LU, MC, NL, PT, SE).
`(30) Prioritiitsdaten:
`199 07 080.6
`Mit internationalem Recherchenbericht.
`199 28 843.7
`Var Ablaufderfiir Anderungen der Ampriiche zugelassenen
`61 R . (/
`199 40 752.5
`Frist; Verbfientlichung wird wiederholt falls Anderungen
`2 Q
`’ V S EC
`199 57 116.3
`1 '4
`Sled c.
`67w- Q
`Anmelder (fu‘r alle Best
`ungsstaaren ausser US): FEB}?
`Gasselweg 15, D—69469 Weinheim (DE).
`(72) Erfinder; und
`(75) Erfinder/Anmelder
`(nur fi‘ir US):
`STAHLER, Peer, F.
`[DE/DE]; Riedfeldstrasse 3, D—68169 Mannheim (DE).
`D—69469 Weinheirn (DE). MULLER, Manfred [DE/DE];
`Mannheimerstrasse 11, D—69198 Schriesheim (DE).
` (74) Anwfilte: WEICKMANN, H. usw.; Kopemikusstrasse 9,
`D—81679 Milnchen (DE).
`(57) Abstract
` The invention relates to a method for producing
`polymers, especially synthetic nucleic acid double strands
`of optional sequence, comprising the following steps:
`providing a support with a surface which contains a plurality
`of individual reaction zones. (b) location—resolved synthesis
`of nucleic acid fragments with different base sequences
`respectively in several of the individual reaction areas and
`(c) removing the nucleic acid fragments from the individual
`reaction areas.
` (S7) Zusammenfassung
` Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung
`Nukleinsauredoppelstrangen wahlfreier Sequcnz, umfassend
`die Schritte:
`(a) Bereitstellen eines Tragers mit einer
`Oberflache, die eine Vielzahl von individuellen Reak-
`tionsbereichen enthalt;
`(b) ortsaufgelostes Synthetisieren
`von Nukleinsaurefragmenten mit jeweils unterschiedlicher
`Basensequenz an mehreren der individuellen Reaktionsbere-
`iche; und (c) Ablbsen der Nukleinsaurefragmente von individuellen Reaktionsbereichen.
`Method for producing polymers
`a method
`in particular synthetic nucleic acid double
`strands of optional sequence.
`Technical background of the invention
`Manipulation and construction of genetic elements such
`fragments, whole
`regulatory regions
`recombination technology, which is often also referred
`to as genetic engineering,
`led to a particular need for
`engineering methods
`therapy, molecular
`medicine (basic research, vector development, vaccines,
`regeneration, etc.).
`Important areas of application are
`also the development of active substances, production
`of active substances in the context of the development
`(antibodies, effectors such as growth factors, neural
`transmitters, etc.), biotechnology (e.g. enzyme design,
`pharming, biological production methods, bioreactors,
`custom microorganisms,
`processes, cleaning—up, sensors, etc.).
`Prior art
`Numerous methods,
`allow specific manipulation
`different purposes.
`All of
`said methods
`to use available genetic
`material. Said material
`the one hand, well—
`defined to a
`large extent but allows,
`the other
`in a kind of “construction kit
`system" only a
`particular available and slightly modified elements.
`In this connection, completely synthetic DNA has so far
`played only a minor part
`in the form of one of
`combinatorial elements, with the aid of which specific
`modifications of
`the available genetic material
`known methods
`amount of work
`combined with
`appropriate operations,
`since the stages of molecular
`biological and in particular genetic experiments
`as DNA isolation, manipulation,
`transfer into suitable
`usually have to be repeated several
`times. Many of the
`operations which come up
`can only insufficiently be
`automated and accelerated so that
`the corresponding
`work remains
`time—consuming and labor—intensive.
`the isolation of genes, which must precede functional
`study and characterization of
`the gene product,
`flow of information is in most cases from isolated RNA
`(mRNA) via cDNA and appropriate gene
`libraries via
`complicated screening' methods
`to a single clone. The
`desired DNA which has been cloned in said clone is
`processes follow.
`only limited flexibility and
`together~ with the described amount of work required,
`only few opportunities for optimization.
`In View of the
`variety and complexity in genetics,
`functional genomics
`and proteomics,
`the study of gene product actions,
`such optimizations in particular are a bottleneck for
`the further development of modern biology.
`A common method is recombination by enzymatic methods
`(in vitro): here,
`DNA elements
`(isolated genomic DNA,
`vectors) are first cut into fragments with defined ends
`by appropriate restriction enzymes. Depending on the
`composition of these ends, it is possible to recombine
`the fragments
`formed and to link them to form larger
`propagation purposes,
`this is frequently carried out
`a plasmid acting as cloning vector.
`DNA normally has
`to be propagated
`clonally in suitable organisms
`this time—consuming step and isolation by appropriate
`is again available for manipulations such as,
`for example,
`recombinations. However,
`the restriction
`enzyme cleavage sites are a
`limiting factor
`in this
`method: each enzyme recognizes a specific sequence on
`the (double—stranded) DNA, which is between three and
`twelve nucleotide bases
`in length,
`depending on
`cleavage sites at which
`strand is
`present on each DNA element. Cutting the treated DNA
`into defined fragments, which
`subsequently be
`combined to give the desired sequence,
`is important for
`enzymes are available for
`recombination technology up
`to a limit of 10 — 3O kilo base pairs (kbp) of the DNA
`to be cut.
`In addition, preliminary work and commercial
`suppliers provide corresponding vectors which take up
`allow cloning
`suitable cleavage sites for efficient recombination and
`With increasing length of the manipulated DNA, however,
`the rules of statistics give rise to the problem of
`multiple and unwanted cleavage sites. The statistical
`nucleotide bases
`is one cleavage site per
`4000 base
`8 nucleotide bases
`(48). Recombination using
`site per
`not particularly
`restriction enzymes
`suitable for manipulating relatively large DNA elements
`(e.g. viral genomes, chromosomes, etc.).
`Recombination by homologous
`recombination in cells is
`too. Here,
`if identical
`sequence sections are
`to be
`possible to newly assemble and manipulate relatively
`large DNA. elements by way of
`the natural process of
`recombination. These
`recombination events
`are substantially more indirect than in the case of the
`restriction enzyme method and, moreover, more difficult
`to control. They often give distinctly poorer yields
`restriction enzymes.
`A second substantial disadvantage is restriction to the
`identical sequence sections mentioned which, on the one
`hand, have to be present in the first place and, on the
`the particular
`sequences itself then causes considerable difficulties.
`An additional well-known method is the polymerase chain
`reaction (PCR) which allows
`to the bordering
`(including high multiplication)
`regions of
`the section to be multiplied indicating a
`DNA replication start by means of short,
`synthetic DNA oligomers
`(“primers”). For
`this purpose,
`these flanking regions must be known and be
`between. When
`replicating the
`depending on the particular enzyme,
`so that
`there is
`the danger of
`a certain distortion of
`this gradual a
`some applications,
`starting sequence. For
`distortion can
`be very disturbing. During
`sequences such as,
`for example,
`the above—
`incorporated into the primers. This allows
`manipulation (If
`the complete sequence. The nmltiplied
`region can now be in the region of approx.
`30 kbp, but
`most of this DNA molecule is the copy of a DNA already
`The primers are prepared using automated solid phase
`configuration of all automatic synthesizers
`date leads to the production of amounts of primer DNA
`(pmol—range reaction mixtures) which are too large and
`required for PCR, while the variety in variants
`remains limited.
`Synthetic DNA elements
`Since the pioneering work of Khorana
`(inter alia in:
`Shabarova: Advanced Organic Chemistry of Nucleic Acids,
`VCH Weinheinu)
`in the 19605,
`in order
`assemble double—stranded DNA with genetic or
`from chemically synthesized DNA molecules
`have repeatedly been described. State of
`the art here
`is genetic elements of up to approx.
`2 kbp in length
`synthesized from nucleic
`acids. Chemical
`solid phase synthesis of nucleic acids and peptides has
`been automated. Appropriate methods
`and devices have
`US 5112575.
`US 4353989
`two methods
`Holowachuk et al.,
`PCR Methods and Applications, Cold
`Spring Harbor Laboratory Press): on the one hand,
`complete double strand is synthesized by synthesizing
`single—stranded nucleic acids (with suitable sequence),
`attaching complementary regions by hybridization and
`linking the molecular backbone by,
`for example,
`the other hand,
`there is also the possibility of
`in the single-stranded.
`via enzymes
`(polymerases) and linking the backbone.
`In both methods,
`length of
`the genetic
`element is restricted to only a few thousand nucleotide
`bases due
`the one hand,
`the expenditure and
`production costs of nucleic acids in macroscopic column
`the other hand,
`the logistics of
`nucleic acids being prepared separately in macroscopic
`column synthesis and then combined. Thus,
`the same size
`range as in DNA recombination technology is covered.
`the prior art
`can be described as
`procedure in which,
`in analogy to logical operations,
`the available matter
`(in this case genetic material
`form of nucleic acids)
`studied and combined
`experiments sf
`this kind is then studied and allows
`inter alia about
`the elements employed and
`their combined effect. The procedure may therefore be
`described as
`The prior art
`allow any
`testing of modifications
`Subject of the invention and object achieved therewith
`intended to provide
`a method
`for directly
`into biochemical genetic
`acids) without making
`nucleic acid fragments already present.
`a method
`producing polymers,
`in which a plurality of oligomeric
`building blocks is synthesized on a support by parallel
`synthesis steps,
`is detached from the support and is
`brought into contact with one another to synthesize the
`polymer. Preference is given to synthesizing double—
`stranded nucleic acid polymers of at
`least 300 bp,
`particular at least 1000 bp in length. The nucleic acid
`are preferably selected from genes,
`chromosomes, viral and bacterial genomes or
`sections thereof. The oligomeric building blocks used
`synthesizing the polymer
`are preferably 5-150,
`particularly preferably 5—30, monomer units in length.
`In successive steps,
`it is possible to detach in each
`case partially complementary oligonucleotide building
`blocks from the support and to bring them into contact
`with one another or with the polymer intermediate under
`hybridization conditions. Further examples of suitable
`polymers are nucleic acid analogs and proteins.
`In a particularly preferred embodiment,
`the invention
`relates to a method for producing synthetic DNA of any
`functional genetic elements which are contained in said
`sequence. This method comprises the steps
`provision of a support having a surface area which
`contains a plurality of individual reaction areas,
`case different
`in several of
`the individual
`areas, and
`the nucleic
`individual reaction areas.
`acid fragments
`the nucleic
`synthesized in individual reaction areas are preferably
`chosen such that
`they can assemble to form a nucleic
`acid double strand hybrid. The nucleic acid fragments
`can then be detached in step (c)
`in one or more steps
`_ 8 _
`under conditions such that a plurality,
`i.e. at
`some of the detached nucleic acid fragments assemble to
`form a nucleic acid double strand hybrid. Subsequently,
`the nucleic acid fragments
`forming one strand of
`partially be linked covalently to one another. This may
`be carried out by enzymatic
`using ligase, or/and filling in gaps
`in the strands
`using DNA polymerase.
`The method comprises within the framework of a modular
`systen1 the synthesis of very' many individual nucleic
`acid strands which serve as building blocks and, as a
`a double—stranded nucleic acid sequence which
`can be more
`than 100,000 base pairs
`in length is
`a microfluidic
`acid which
`preferably consists of DNA is produced according to the
`method and according to the following principle: first,
`synthesized in a
`relatively short
`multiplicity of reaction areas on a reaction support by
`in situ synthesis. This may take place,
`for example,
`using the supports described in the patent applications
`199 24 327.1,
`199 40 749.5,
`In this connection, each reaction area
`is suitable for
`the individual and specific synthesis
`of an individual given DNA sequence of approx.
`10 — 100
`in length. These
`form the
`building blocks for the specific synthesis of very long
`DNA molecules. The fluidic microprocessor used here may
`specially designed
`carried out
`following the automated solid phase synthesis but with
`some novel aspects:
`the “solid phase” in this case is
`reaction area
`surface of
`for example the wall of
`the reaction space,
`it is not particles introduced into the reaction
`space as
`is the case in. a conventional synthesizer.
`Integration of the synthesis in a microfluidic reaction
`structure with optionally branched
`and reaction spaces) makes
`it possible to
`introduce the reagents
`and other components
`such as
`enzymes .
`After synthesis,
`the synthesized. building blocks are
`detached from said reaction areas. This
`process may be carried out
`location— or/and time-
`specifically for
`In a preferred variant of the method it is provided for
`a plurality' of
`reaction areas to be established and
`utilized within a fluidic space or compartment so that
`the DNA strands synthesized therein can be detached in
`one operation step and taken away from the compartment
`which fluidically connects the reaction areas.
`Subsequently, suitable combinations of the detached DNA
`formed. Single-stranded or/and double—
`stranded building blocks
`example, within a reaction space which may comprise one
`or more reaction areas for the synthesis. Expediently,
`sequence of
`individual building blocks
`chosen such that, when bringing the individual building
`contact with
`complementary to one another are available at
`the two
`in order
`to make possible
`hybridizing said regions. As
`hybrids are formed. The phosphorus diester backbone of
`these DNA hybrids may be covalently Closed,
`for example
`by ligases, and possible gaps in the double strand may
`be filled in in a known manner enzymatically by means
`of polymerases. Single-stranded regions which. may‘ be
`present may be
`filled in by
`(e.g. Klenow
`fragment) with the addition. of suitable nucleotides.
`By bringing
`DNA molecules
`together clusters of DNA strands synthesized in this
`way within reaction spaces it
`is in turn possible to
`longer part
`molecule. This may' be done
`in stages,
`and the part
`sequences are put
`to give ever
`longer DNA
`In this way it is possible to generate very
`long DNA sequences as completely synthetic molecules of
`more than 100,000 base pairs in length.
`individual building blocks which
`required for
`long synthetic DNA molecule is dealt
`with in the reaction support by parallel synthesis of
`the building blocks in a location— or/and time—resolved
`synthesis process.
`In the preferred embodiment,
`is carried out by light—dependent
`location— or/and time—resolved
`in a
`fluidic microprocessor which is also described in the
`patent applications DE 199 24 327.1, DE 199 40 749.5,
`PCT/EP99/O63l6 and PCT/EP99/06317.
`The miniaturized
`reduction in the amount of starting substances by at
`least a factor of 1000 compared with a conventional DNA
`synthesizer. At
`the same time, an extremely high number
`of nucleic acid double strands of defined sequence is
`produced. Only in this way is it possible to generate a
`very large variety of individual building blocks, which
`is required for the synthesis of long DNA molecules, by
`using an economically sensible amount of resources. The
`synthesis of a sequence of 100,000 base pairs, composed
`of overlapping building blocks of
`20 nucleotides
`individual building blocks.
`This can be achieved using appropriately miniaturized
`in a highly parallel synthesis process.
`_ 11 _
`For efficient processing of genetic molecules
`systematic inclusion of all possible variants
`necessary to produce
`individual building block
`in a
`flexible and economic way. This
`the method
`source matrix
`synthesis of the DNA strands, which in turn can be used
`as building blocks
`the synthesis of
`longer DNA
`programming of the individual building block sequences
`and thus also generation of any variants of
`the part
`sequences or
`the final sequence, without
`the need for
`substantial modifications
`the building
`(hardware). This programmed synthesis of
`blocks and thus the final synthesis products makes it
`systematically process
`the variety of
`elements. At
`communication with appropriate databases.
`a given target
`sequence of
`individual building blocks can be selected efficiently,
`parameters. After putting in the target sequence (e.g.
`from a database),
`algorithm makes
`overlapping regions. Depending on the task, different
`amounts of
`can be produced, either
`within one reaction support or spread over a plurality
`of reaction supports. The hybridization conditions for
`temperature, salt concentrations, etc., are adjusted to
`Thus, maximum attachment
`specificity is
`In a
`fully automatic version,
`is also
`possible to take target
`sequence data directly from
`public or private databases
`them into
`appropriate target
`sequences. The products generated
`_ 12 -
`may in turn be introduced optionally into appropriately
`automated processes,
`suitable target cells.
`Synthesis in stages by synthesizing the individual DNA
`in reaction areas within enclosed reaction
`for example those with internal
`repeats of
`sections, which
`retroviruses and corresponding retroviral vectors. The
`controlled. detachment of building blocks within the
`reaction spaces makes
`sequence possible, without problems being generated by
`assigning the overlapping regions
`the individual
`building blocks.
`synthesizing very long DNA molecules can be met
`alia by using real-time quality control. This comprises
`production of
`the final
`sequence. Then all processes
`take place
`reaction support.
`the possibility to
`follow reactions
`light mode,
`example by CCD detection,
`is created.
`The miniaturized
`designed such that a detachment process is possible in
`the individual reaction spaces and thus the DNA strands
`synthesized on the reaction areas located within these
`In a
`suitable embodiment of
`the reaction
`support it is possible to assemble the building blocks
`in reaction spaces in a process in stages and also to
`remove building blocks, part
`sequences or
`the final
`product or else to sort or fractionate the molecules.
`_ 13 _
`its completion, may
`introduced as integrated genetic element
`into cells by
`functional studies. Another possibility is ‘to firstly
`further purify or
`synthesis product,
`possible example of said analysis being sequencing. The
`sequencing process may also be
`initiated by direct
`for example
`coupling using an appropriate apparatus,
`using a device described in the patent applications DE
`199 24 327.1,
`199 40 749.5,
`analysis of polymers.
`is likewise conceivable to
`isolate and
`the generated target
`after cloning.
`The method of the invention provides via the integrated
`genetic elements generated therewith a tool which,
`the further development of molecular biology,
`DNA molecules with
`the bottleneck of
`molecular biological work,
`since all molecules,
`small plasmids via complex vectors to mini chromosomes,
`can be generated synthetically and are available for
`further work.
`The production method allows generation of
`different nucleic acids and thus a systematic approach
`receptors, effect and interactions of growth factors,
`into a
`integration of genetic
`it possible to
`synthetic complete nucleic acid makes
`further utilize known genetic tools such. as plasmids
`this experience will
`the other hand,
`experience. On
`change rapidly as a result of the intended optimization
`_ 14 _
`of available vectors, etc. The mechanisms which,
`example, make a plasmid suitable for propagation in a
`particular cell type can be studied efficiently for the
`first time on the basis of the method of the invention.
`This efficient study of large numbers of variants makes
`it possible to detect
`the entire combination space of
`genetic elements. Thus,
`in addition to the at
`rapidly developing highly parallel
`(inter alia on DNA arrays or DNA chips),
`the programmed
`synthesis of integrated genetic elements is created as
`a second important element. Only both elements together
`form the
`foundation of
`an efficient molecular
`The programmed synthesis of appropriate DNA molecules
`makes possible not only random composition of
`This may
`rapidly lead to nunimal vectors and minimal genomes,
`size in turn generates advantages. As
`transfer vehicles such as,
`for example, viral
`vectors can be made more efficient,
`for example when
`using retroviral or adenoviral vectors.
`is possible to develop novel genetic
`elements which can build on the function of available
`elements. Especially for
`such developmental work,
`flexibility of the system is of enormous value.
`The synthetic DNA molecules are in each stage of
`the method
`compatible with the available recombination technology.
`For “traditional” molecular biological applications it
`Incorporation of appropriate cleavage sites even of
`- 15 _
`enzymes little used so far is not a limiting factor for
`integrated genetic elements.
`Improvements in comparison with prior art
`This method makes it possible to integrate all desired
`functional elements as “genetic modules” such as,
`example, genes, parts of genes,
`regulatory elements,
`viral packaging signals,
`into the
`acid molecule
`information. This
`integration leads to inter alia the
`following advantages:
`functionally integrated DNA molecules, unnecessary DNA
`regions being removed (minimal genes, minimal genomes).
`free combination of
`the genetic elements and also
`modifications of the sequence such as,
`for example,
`adaptation to the expressing organism or cell
`as well
`modifications of the sequence for optimizing functional
`Modifications of the sequence for optimizing functional
`parameters of
`translation level,
`and, moreover,
`the optimization of
`functional parameters of the gene product,
`such as,
`acid sequence
`transporters, etc.) are likewise made possible.
`the whole,
`the system created by the method is
`in a Inanner previously
`extremely flexible and allows
`not available
`programmed production of genetic
`materials and work needed.
`_ 16 _
`available methods,
`impossible to specifically manipulate relatively large
`DNA molecules
`Even more
`of more
`30 kbp
`adenoviruses) are difficult to handle and to manipulate
`using the classical methods of gene technology.
`The method of
`the invention leads
`to a considerable
`shortening up to the last stage of cloning a gene:
`gene or the genes are synthesized as DNA molecule and
`then (after suitable preparation such as purification,
`introduced directly" into target cells and the
`The multi—stage
`cloning process
`which is mostly carried out
`in microorganisms such as
`E. coli
`DNA isolation, purification,
`analysis, etc.) is thus reduced to the last transfer of
`the DNA. molecule into the final effector cells. For
`synthetically produced genes or gene fragments clonal
`propagation in an intermediate host
`(usually E. coli)
`is no longer required. This avoids the danger of
`gene product destined for
`the target cell exerting a
`distinctly different
`from the toxicity of
`some gene
`products, which, when using classical plasmid vectors,
`frequently leads to considerable problems
`for cloning
`of the appropriate nucleic acid fragments.
`Another considerable improvement
`is the reduction.
`time and the reduction.
`in. operational steps to after
`sequencing of genetic material, with potential
`being verified as
`Normally, after finding interesting patterns, which are
`possible open.
`reading frames
`(ORF), probes are used
`(e.g. by means of PCR)
`to search in cDNA libraries for
`appropriate clones which, however, need not contain the
`sequence of
`the m