`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`15 December 2016 (15.12.2016)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2016/200645 A1
`International Patent Classification:
`C07K 1/04 (2006.01)
`A61K 31/08 (2006.01)
`C07K1/06 (2006.01)
`A61K31/7084 (2006.01)
`A61K 47/48 (2006.01)
`A61K 38/27 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`31 May 2016 (31.05.2016)
`Priority Data:
`12 June 2015 (12.06.2015)
`Inventor; and
`: WANG, Tianxin [US/US]; 510 Monarch
`Ridge Dr, Walnut Creek, California 94597 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`Ao, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
`MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM,
`PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, Ro, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, T11, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17 :
`as to the identity ofthe inventor (Rule 4. l7(i))
`as to applicant’s entitlement to applyfor and be granted a
`patent (Rule 4.1 7(ii))
`as to the applicant’s entitlement to claim the priority ofthe
`earlier application (Rule 4.1 7(iii'))
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`with sequence listing part ofdescription (Rule 5.2(a))
`cleavable moiety
`Inactive enzyme
`Fig. 21
`active enzyme
`(57) Abstract: The current invention discloses methods to modify protein for pharmaceutical applications and reagents to treat dis -
`ease such as pathogen infection and cancer. The method involves increasing the molecular weight of the protein by connecting mul-
`tiple protein units with site specific conjugation to extend the in vivo half life. The current invention also discloses methods to con-
`struct affinity ligand in protein or aptamer form, which becomes active when they reach the treatment target, therefore provide higher
`specificity for treatment.
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`Methods for protein modification in pharmaceutical applications
`This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/174,528 filed on
`June 12, 2015. The entire disclosure of the prior application is considered to be part of the
`disclosure of the instant application and is hereby incorporated by reference.
`Field of the Invention
`The current invention relates to methods to modify protein for pharmaceutical applications and
`reagents to treat disease such as pathogen infection and cancer. The current invention also
`relates to methods to extend the in vivo half life and potency of protein and aptamer based
`Background Information
`Protein drugs have changed the face of modern medicine, finding application in a variety of
`different diseases such as cancer, anemia, and neutropenia. As with any drugs, however, the
`need and desire for drugs having improved specificity and selectivity for their targets is of great
`interest, especially in developing second generation of protein drugs having known targets to
`which they bind. It is also desirable to have a long in vivo half life for the protein drug to reduce
`their injection frequency to provide a better treatment for patient. Extending the half-life a
`therapeutic agent, whether being a therapeutic protein, peptide or small molecule, often requires
`specialized formulations or modifications
`to the therapeutic agent
`itself. Conventional
`modification methods such as pegylation, adding to the therapeutic agent an antibody fragment
`or an albumin molecule, suffer from a number of profound drawbacks. For example, PEGylated
`proteins have been observed to cause renal
`tubular vacuolation in animal models. Renally
`cleared PEGylated proteins or their metabolites may accumulate in the kidney, causing
`formation of PEG hydrates that interfere with normal glomerular filtration. Thus, there remains a
`considerable need for alternative compositions and methods useful for the production of highly
`pure form of therapeutic agents with extended half-life properties at a reasonable cost.
`FIG. 1 shows multivalent homo Fab format with suitable length flexible linker for higher affinity.
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`FIG. 2 shows hetero Fab format
`targeting two antigens of the different protein on the
`cell/microorganism for higher affinity.
`FIG. 3 shows Hetero Fab format targeting two epitope sites of the same target protein for higher
`FIG. 4 shows construction of bi-specific antibody and ADC using selective reduction.
`FIG. 5 shows bi specific antibody by linking two or more full size antibodies.
`FIG. 6 shows an example of the preparation of bi specific antibody by linking two full size
`FIG. 7 shows uses an example of using immobilized affinity group targeting the carbohydrate on
`the antibody to selectively protect one FC conjugation site on the antibody to achieve mono
`FIG. 8 shows mono labeling of drug and linker on the antibody
`FIG. 9 shows the structure and activating mechanism of self assembly probody
`FIG. 10 shows examples of self assembly probody with Fc modifier
`FIG. 11 shows the activation mechanism of self assembly probody with Fc modifier
`FIG. 12 shows an example of self assembly probody with Fe modifier
`FIG. 13 shows example of self assembly probody with heterogenic MM
`FIG. 14 shows the structure and activating mechanism of protamer
`FIG. 15 shows the structure and activating mechanism of self assembly protamer
`FIG. 16 shows examples protamer with half life modifier or drug conjugation
`FIG. 17 shows an example of Binding Based Prozyme, which is an enzyme activated upon
`binding of aptamer
`FIG. 18shows an example of Binding Based Prozyme, which is an enzyme activated upon
`binding of antibody
`FIG. 19 shows the scheme of ABP (antibody binding partner)—linker—E[P (enzyme inhibition
`partner) based Prozyme
`FIG. 20 shows the examples of format of ABP (antibody binding partner)—linker-E[P (enzyme
`inhibition partner) based prozyme
`FIG. 21 shows the scheme of Cleavage Based Prozyme, which is an enzyme activated with
`second enzyme
`FIG. 22 shows an examples of a block polymer made of two PEG blocks connected with a
`biodegradable polylactic acid.
`WO 2016/200645
`FIG. 23 shows different formats of biodegradable PEG and the biodegradable HGH dimer.
`FIG. 24 shows an example of HGH trimer that can extend HGH in vivo halflife.
`FIG. 25 shows an example of the HGH trimer and its preparation
`FIG. 26 shows an example of HGH trimer using 3 arm linker
`FIG. 27 shows another example of HGH trimer using 3 arm linker
`FIG. 28 shows the scheme of crosslink HGH with affinity group to extend its in vivo half life
`FIG. 29 shows the scheme of crosslink HGH with antibody to extend its in vivo half life
`FIG. 30 shows HGH trimer for half-life extension using a small PEG or peptide as linker and the
`FIG.3l shows another example of HGH trimer for half-life extension using a small PEG as
`linker and the synthesis.
`FIG. 32 shows examples of HGH oligomer with biodegradable linker.
`FIG. 33 shows an example of HGH oligomer with peptide linker prepared with recombinant
`FIG. 34 shows examples of HGH oligomer with terminal modifier.
`The current invention discloses a method and formulation dosage form to improve the in vivo
`half life and potency of biological active protein by combining protein with protein—antibody
`immuno complex and administering it to the patient, in which the amount of protein is greater
`than the binding capacity of antibody to provide free unbound protein in the formulation. In the
`current inventions the “/” mark means either “and” or “or”.
`The method comprises the following steps:
`1) Administering protein-antibody immuno complex to the patient at the effective amount for
`desired biological activity of the protein. This can be achieved by prepare the protein-antibody
`immuno complex first and then administer it to the patient. Optionally the mixture of free
`additional protein and the protein—antibody immuno complex can be used instead of protein—
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`antibody immuno complex only. This can also be done by administering protein and the
`antibody separately to the patient to allow the formation of immuno complex in vivo. In some
`embodiments the amount of the protein is equal or greater than the binding capacity of the
`antibody. For example, if IgG is used, the amount of the protein is no less than two times of the
`antibody amount (molar ratio) because each lgG binds with two proteins. In these embodiments
`all the binding sites of antibody in the protein-antibody immuno complex are bound with protein.
`Examples of suitable administering routes include intravenous, intraperitoneal, intramuscular
`and subcutaneous routes and their combinations.
`2) After a certain period of time when the in vivo concentration of the protein decreases to
`undesired level, enough amount of protein is re-administered to the patient to maintain the
`desired in vivo protein concentration (free and bound form). Sometimes additional protein—
`antibody immuno complex can also be administered together with the protein to maintain the
`desired in vivo antibody concentration, which results in desired protein-antibody immuno
`complex concentration to ensure the sustained desired in vivo protein concentration.
`3) Step 2 can be repeated several times based on the required in vivo protein concentration and
`treatment length. For example, step 2 is repeated every 7 days or every 10 days or every two
`weeks or every 20 days or every month for 3 months or 6 moths or 1 year or a few years.
`The current invention discloses pharmaceutical formulation forms suitable for above method.
`The pharmaceutical formulation form contains two or more dose, the first dose contains
`effective amount of protein-antibody immuno complex or the mixture of free (unbound) protein
`and the protein-antibody immuno complex. The second and later doses contain suitable amount
`of protein drug only or the mixture of free protein and the protein-antibody immuno complex.
`It is know that when antigen binds with antibody, the half life of the immuno complex can be
`longer than that of the antigen alone, therefore provide longer in vivo half life, which is useful
`for increase protein drug potency and reduce elimination. The antibody can also protect the
`protein from enzyme degradation which also increase its half life and potency. However, the
`dissociated protein has much faster clearance rate than the antibody therefore after the injection
`ofimmuno complex, the ratio of protein vs antibody become smaller overtime and the
`concentration of the protein decrease in a much greater extent than the decrease of antibody. The
`unbound antibody will inhibit the protein activity, which further reduce the protein activity in
`vivo. Repetitive injection of immuno complex will further increase the unbound antibody
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`concentration which will become an antibody trap therefore cannot provide satisfactory in vivo
`protein activity for treatment. The current invention solves this problem by injecting free protein
`only or mixture of free protein with the protein—antibody immuno complex, to maintain the
`desired protein concentration without causing the buildup of antibody in vivo.
`For example, a protein P (3OKD) is used for treating certain disease. Antibody lgG Abp (l 50KD)
`is its neutralizing antibody. Using the method of the current invention, 6 mg of P is mixed with
`15 mg Abp to prepare the immuno complex P-Abp in which each Abp binds with 2 P. At the
`beginning of the treatment, 21 mg of P-Abp is injected (i.V.) to the patient. The in vivo half life
`ofP is 10d and 20d for Abp and 70% Abp left on day 10 (based on the concentration of both
`free form and bound form in immuno complex after administering P—Abp). The in vivo half life
`of P not in immuno complex is 0.5 d. Therefore, a second dose containing 3~6mg of P is given
`on day 10 and a third dose containing 10.5 mg of P-Abp and 3 mg ofP is given on day 20 to
`maintain a steady effective in vivo protein P concentration. This can be repeated until the
`treatment is finished (e.g. another second dose on day 30 and another third dose on day 40). The
`formulation form will contain 1 first dose (21 mg of P-Abp) and multiple second doses (3~6mg
`of P) and multiple third doses (mixture of 10.5 mg of P-Abp and 3 mg of P).
`Alternatively, 21 mg of P—Abp is injected (i.V.) to the patient at the beginning of the treatment,
`and a mixture of 3 mg ofP with 6.3mg Abp—P (3 0% of21mg because 30% of Abp is cleared on
`day 10) is injected every 10 days. The formulation form will contain 1 first dose (21 mg of P—
`Abp) and multiple second doses (mixture of 3 mg of P with 6.3mg P-Abp). 1f high dose of free P
`does not cause adverse effect, 3X second doses can be injected on day 1 instead of21 mg P-Abp,
`therefore the drug formulation only need to contain multiple of mixture of 3 mg of P with 6.3mg
`Besides what listed above, other scheme of the administering dose/interval and formulation
`composition can be used to achieve the desired in vivo P concentration. The pharmacokinetics
`(e. g. in vivo half life) can be measured for each individual to prepare the personalized medical
`treatment. Averaged pharmacokinetics data from a large population can also be used instead to
`design the composition of the formulation and administering schedule. Other route (e. g.
`subcutaneous or intramuscular injection) can also be used.
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`There are many protein drugs can be used according the above method described in the current
`invention. For example, HGH and antibody against HGH (either neutralizing IgG or non
`neutralizing IgG, the best antibody can be obtained by screening), IL—7 and M25 antibody,
`human IL—lO (hIL— 10) and humanized antihuman IL—lO ( hOLhIL—10) can be used for the current
`In some embodiments, the antibody-antigen protein drug complex used has a molar ratio of
`antibody : antigen > 0.5, which means some of the antibody binding sites do not bind with
`antigen protein drug, to achieve a more steady blood drug concentration change. For example,
`antibody bound with antigen at 1:1 ratio (half of the binding sites are empty in each antibody) is
`used as antibody—antigen drug immuno complex. In one example, the first dose of is the
`antibody bound with antigen drug at 1:1 ratio, the second and later dose contains two parts: free
`antigen drug and antibody bound with antigen drug at 1:1 ratio. The two parts can be injected at
`the same time or sequentially.
`Example: Development plan for HGH affinity dosing
`l) Antibody Screening:
`-Mix several antibody (monoclonal from mouse, many commercially available) against HGH
`with HGH and inject to the mouse
`—Measure the serum HGH level and select the antibody that extend the HGH half—life the most
`2) Dosing Screening :
`-Adjust the ratio between Ab: HGH of the first dose to select the one providing the best PK
`profile after the first dose
`-Adjust the ratio between Ab: HGH of the later doses to select the one providing the best PK
`profile ( or weight gain) during the later dose, the adjustment can be designed based on the pK
`model developed during screening.
`3) Humanizing: Antibody humanization and Dosing adjustment for human
`The current invention also discloses novel strategy for site specific conjugation of proteins
`including antibodies. Site specific antibody drug conjugation is a promising drug discovery
`strategy for cancer treatment; several companies (e. g.
`ambrx, innate-pharma and sutrobio) are
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`working on developing new method for site specific conjugation of proteins, In one aspect, the
`new method in the current invention uses elevated temperature for site specific conjugation
`using MTgase (microbial transglutaminase, also called bacterial transglutaminase, BTG) to
`couple the drug/linker having amine group to the Gln of the protein. Preferred temperature is >
`40 degree, more preferably > 45 degree but less than 75 degree. In some embodiments, the
`temperature is 50 ~ 65 0C. The elevated temperature can expose the previous hidden (e. g. the
`Gln in antibody difficult to be accessed by MTgase) functional groups for site specific
`In one example conjugation of IgGl with Monodansylcadaverine (MDC) is catalyzed by
`MTgase. MDC has a primary amine and its fluorescence can be easily monitored. MDC is used
`here to conjugate to mAB. To purified IgGl (l-lOmg/ml) in Tris-buffer (pH 6.5-8.5), add lV[DC
`(Sigma-Aldrich) in DMSO to final concentrations of 1-5 mM (final DMSO 2—lO%). Add
`purified MTgase to a final concentration of 005-1 .0 mg/ml. Incubate the reaction mixtures at
`50°C for 5 hours. Reaction is monitored by HPLC. Antigen peptide for the IgG (e.g. 5 fold
`excess) can be added to the reaction mix to stabilize the Fab of the antibody.
`In another aspect, the new method in the current invention uses MTgase to couple the
`drug/linker having Gln group to the amine group of the protein (6. g. lysine or N terminal amine).
`The coupling can be done in either high temperature (e. g. 45~55 0C ) or low temperature ( e. g.
`25-37 0C). Point mutation can be used on the protein (e. g. antibody) to introduce lysine as
`coupling site.
`In one example, pegylation of IgGl with 1 kDa PEG-CO-Gln-COOH or PEG-CO-Gln-Gly-NH2
`is performed by MTgase catalysis. This experiment is carried out essentially the same condition
`as described in the example above. The MDC is replaced with MW: 1 k PEG-CO-Gln-COOH
`(the product of HO-PEG—COOH coupling with Gln, which for an amide bond between PEG-
`COOH and the amine of Gln) or PEG—CO—Gln—Gly—NHZ in pH 7.0 to a final concentration of l
`to 2mM, PEGylated IgGl is obtained. The Gln of on the PEG couples to the amine group on the
`IgGl by MTgase catalysis.
`The current invention also discloses novel toxin which can be used for antibody-drug conjugate
`(ADC) and cancer treatment. Currently MIVIAE (monomethyl auristatin E) or MMAF is used
`for ADC as toxin to conjugate with antibody. The novel toxins in the current invention are N-
`substituted MMAE/MIVIAF . Their structures are shown below (the attachment group is where
`the toxin to be conjugated with):
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`~ ,
`3% K x
`l N
`z“: x
`x 3-»
`xiv-“SM xi.
`«use (at
`m w H2
`“f,- K
`{N “k. at; ”a ‘3’.» \
`S Rd!
`230 Where in R1, R2 and R3 is independently selected from the group consisting of H, C1-C8 alkyl,
`haloCl-C8 alkyl, C3-C8 carbocycle, aryl, X-aryl, OR21, SR21, N(R21)2, —NHCOR21 and —
`NHSOR2R21, X—(C3-C8 carbocycle), C3-C8 heterocycle and X—(C3-C8 heterocycle), each
`X is independently C1—C10alkylene.
`In some examples, R1 is independently H or CH3 or CH2F or CHF2 or CF3, R2 independently
`is H or CH3 or CH2F or CF3 and R3 is independently H or CH3 or CH2F or CF3.
`The structures also include:
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`Where in R1, R2 and R3 is independently selected from the group consisting of H, C1-C8 alkyl,
`haloCl-C8 alkyl, C3-C8 carbocycle, aryl, X-aryl, OR21, SR21, N(R21)2, —NHCOR21 and —
`NHSOR2R21, X—(C3-C8 carbocycle), C3-C8 heterocycle and X—(C3-C8 heterocycle), each
`X is independently Cl—ClOalkylene, n is an integer between 1 ~5.
`In some examples, R1 is independently H or CH3 or CH2F or CHF2 or CF3, R2 independently
`is H or CH3 or CHZF or CF3 or isopropyl and R3 is independently H or CH3 or CH2F or CF3.
`The attachment group is where the toxin conjugates to linker or proteins. It is the same as those
`used in the current MMAE/MMAF ADC.
`The current invention also discloses novel strategy for antibody purification and conjugation.
`Current antibody purification method uses protein A column, which is expensive and has
`potential risk of leaking protein A. The new strategy uses affinity column based on epitope
`peptide or mimotope for antibody purification by coupling epitope peptide or minotope to the
`solid phase support as column filler, e. g. sephadex beads. The advantages are low cost, more
`stable chemistry for immobilization, selectively isolating antibody with high binding affinity and
`removing non binding antibody/ADC, therefore increase the potency and therapeutic index of
`WO 2016/200645
`antibody or ADC. In one example: peptide NIYNCEPANPSEKNSPSTQYCYSI (SEQ ID NO: 1)
`is used to couple to solid phase support to make an affinity column, which can be used for
`Rituximab purification. The benefit of using peptide based affinity column (activated beads are
`commercially available) is greater than the effort of developing the peptide for each antibody.
`Many peptide sequence are available from literature or epitope scan for both linear and
`conformational discourteous epitope (e. g. from pepscan). This strategy also works for other
`protein drugs by using synthetic ligand (e. g. affinity peptide) for the binding site of that protein
`to prepare affinity column.
`Furthermore, it can be used to selectively protect the reactive amino acid in the binding site of
`the antibody, by adding epitope peptide or mimotope (free form or immobilized) or masking
`peptide (e, g. those used in probody) to form the peptide-antibody complex during antibody-drug
`conjugation. Similarly it can be used to protect the active binding site of other type of protein by
`using the affinity ligand that can mask the active binding site of that protein. This method is
`suitable for both chemical and enzymatic conjugation, therefore provide more drug load for
`ADC, more conjugation reaction can be allowed (e. g. >2 types of toxin). Similar strategy is used
`in enzyme conjugation to keep the enzyme activity by adding enzyme substrate. Synthetic
`peptide is very easy to make (low cost and more stable) using synthetic peptide chemistry than
`making proteins. Peptide can be made in large amount easily using solid phase peptide synthesis.
`In one example: peptide NIYNCEPANPSEKNSPSTQYCYSI (SEQ ID NO: 1) is used to protect
`Rituximab during conjugating drugs to the antibody. Peptide
`NIYNCEPANPSEKNSPSTQYCYSI (SEQ ID NO: 1) can bind with Rituximab at its antigen
`binding site. By adding NIYNCEPANPSEKNSPSTQYCYSI (preferably at > 2:1 ratio) to
`Rituximab before chemical conjugation on Rituximab, the antigen binding site of Rituximab is
`The current invention also discloses novel Bi specific antibody and its application. They can be
`used to treat cancer, pathogens, immune disorders and targeting delivery of vector (retrovirus
`based gene therapy).
`Bi specific antibody can be in traditional monomer format: multivalent homo Fab format with a
`suitable length flexible linker for higher affinity (not bi specific), hetero Fab format targeting
`two epitope sites of the different protein on the cell/microorganism to achieve higher affinity
`and hetero Fab format targeting two epitope sites of the target protein to achieve higher affinity.
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`Bi specific antibody can also be in dimer format or trimer or higher degree oligomer format:
`multivalent homo Fab format with suitable length flexible linker for higher affinity (not bi
`specific), hetero Fab format targeting two epitope sites of the target protein for higher affinity
`and hetero Fab format targeting two epitope sites of the different protein on the
`cell/microorganism for higher affinity. Construction of this type of Bi specific antibody can be
`achieved using boric affinity column or lectin affinity column for mono conjugation (boric
`affinity column or lectin affinity column can also be used for antibody purification).
`Bi Specific Antibody (BsAb) can be used for against cytoplasm target. In some embodiments, Bi
`specific antibody is in traditional antibody monomer format: multivalent homo Fab format with
`suitable length flexible linker for higher affinity. Native antibody’s hinge region is not long and
`flexible enough therefore may not reach two antigens on the target cell. Using a flexible and
`suitable length of linker to connect the antibody parts will greatly increase the binding affinity
`(figure 1). The linker can be a flexible peptide linker such as poly glycine/serine or synthetic
`polymer such as PEG. In the current inventions the “/” mark means either “and” or “or”.
`It can also be hetero Fab format targeting two antigens of the different protein on the
`cell/microorganism for higher affinity. Similarly, the above approach can also be applied to
`bispecific antibody binding to two different antigens on the cell/pathogen. The bispecific
`antibodies with flexible proper length linkers can be made easily to get the optimal binding of
`two antigens simultaneously while traditional method is time consuming (figure 2).
`Another format is to use bi specific antibody to target the two different epitopes on the same
`antigen, which will also significantly increase the binding affinity (figure 3).
`Construction of these types of Bi specific antibody: Using the selective reduction of the disulfide
`bond at the hinge region with 2-Mercaptoethylamine , several formats (figure 4) can be used to
`make this type ofbispecific antibodies, with high yield and no concern for dimer formation to
`ease the industrial scale separation process. Two formats are shown below: to use some —SH
`reactive reagent (or mutation to remove -SH) to block the free —SH group to prevent the
`regeneration of —SS- bond, which will generate the traditional format bispecific antibody.
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`Similarly, bi specific antibody by linking two or more full size antibodies can also be used in
`above applications (figure 5) and formats and synthesized readily (figure 6), which may offer
`higher stability and higher binding affinity as shown by IgA and IgM.
`Construction of this type of Bi specific antibody can be achieved using borate affinity column or
`lectin affinity column for mono conjugation. This strategy is also useful for antibody
`purification. This design uses immobilized antibody to archive high yield mono labeling of the
`antibody, to eliminate the potential bi—labeled antibody (generating polymerized antibody).
`Immobilized protein was used to make mono PEGlated protein previously. Ion exchange resin
`was used to immobilize the protein. However ion exchange resin may not work for antibody to
`block half of FC and the binding affinity is low, which may cause exchange between two sides.
`This design uses affinity group targeting the carbohydrate on the antibody to selectively protect
`one FC conjugation site on the antibody to achieve the mono conjugation. Suitable affinity
`resins include borate based affinity solid phase support or lectin based affinity phase support
`(figure 7). When one side of the antibody is protected, the other side can be selectively modified
`(e.g. site specific conjugation using enzyme such as mTGase).
`Borate is a carbohydrate chelators and borate based column is widely used in separating
`carbohydrate, many are commercially available (6. g. from Sigma). Different borate also has
`different affinity to different sugar. Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins, most are from
`plant, which is used as antivirus/bacterial drug for animals. Different lectin has selectivity for
`different carbohydrate. Lectin column is also used in studying carbohydrate. Lectin or borate
`based resin can also be a useful tool for large scale purification of antibody drugs during ADC
`labeling. They can also be used for protein mono labeling other than antibody if the protein has
`carbohydrate modification.
`If mono labeling drug on the antibody can be done efficiently, then the later mono labeling of
`linker labeling can be done easily (figure 8).
`Using ADC made of BsAb against two makers on the target cell will increase the specificity of
`drug delivery.
`Bi Specific Antibody can be used for cytoplasm target. For example, in lupus, the key auto
`antibody causing the damage to the cells is the auto antibody against dsDNA. They are released
`from lysosome after internalization and bind with nucleus to cause cell damage. There are also
`WO 2016/200645
`PCT/USZOl6/03511 1
`many antibodies are against cytoplasm target. It is known that many cell surface receptors are
`reused after been internalized: suggesting it is not digested in lysosome.
`Similarly, antibody against tublin can be used instead of MIVIAE or other toxin in the ADC.
`Therefore the ADC is essentially an antibody (eg. for HER2)-antibody (e.g. for tubulin)
`conjugate, in another word, a bi-specific antibody. The advantage of using antibody instead of
`toxin as effector is that AB is much less toxic and can have high affinity and specificity,
`therefore less concern on side effect and toxicity due to potential release of toxin in blood
`circulation. Furthermore, the effector antibody may not need to target tubulin, it can be antibody
`against many other cytoplasm in tumor cells (e. g.
`One issue with ADC for drug is that there are limited cell surface markers on cancers cells can
`be used for antibody and even HERZ is only positive in 30% patients. To expand the application
`of the above BS—Antibody strategy, the targets can be extended to diseases beyond cancer. There
`are many cytoplasm targets for many diseases and a lot of drugs are against cytoplasm targets,
`bi-specific antibody can be used as therapeutics against them: one AB against cytoplasm target
`and one against cell surface marker to help the effector AB uptaken by the cell.
`The rate of internalization of antibody dimer should not be a big problem as size is not a key
`factor affecting internalization in many cases. A much bigger virus can be internalized easily.
`Even if it was a concern, monomer type Bs antibody or adding a positively charged linker can be
`used to improve internalization.
`An antibody (against gp120) —toxin conjugate has been made to kill HIV virus infected T cell
`(HIV infected T cells express HIV gp 120 on T cell surface). This strategy can be applied to
`many other virus infections since the infected cell will express virus protein on their surface.
`However, toxin is toxic and has their limitations.
`A more universal strategy is to use antibody-virus inhibitor conjugates instead. Many virus
`inhibitors are very potent and have suitable functional groups to be linked to antibody with very
`low toxicity to cells. For example, antibody against gplZO or CD3, CD4 can be conjugated to
`HIV RT inhibitor (e. g. AZT ) or HIV protease inhibitor(e. g. Amprenavir) to treat HIV infection;
`antibody against CKlS, CKl9 or HBV surface antige

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