`Titie a
`invention :
`As the beiow harried inventor, i hereby declare that:
` I Thi’: declaration . -
`The attached ar
`lication or
`its- d:rected to:
` United States application or PCT internationai application number
`May 24, 2918
`filed on
`The above-identified appiiceiioh was made or authorized to be made by me.
`i beiieve that i am the originai inventor or an original joint inventor of a ciaimed invention in the appiicatior‘ii
` i hereby aeknowiedge that any willful taise statement made in this deciaration is punishable under 18 use. 1901
`by fine or imprisonment of not more than five (5} years‘ or both.
`i 53/988,944
`‘_ Petitioner/applicant is cautioned to avoid submitting personai information in documents. fiied in a patent application that may
`‘ contribute to identity theft. Personei information such as sociai security numbers. bank account numbera. or credit card numbers
`(other than a check or credit card authorization form FEE-2038 submitted for payment purpoeea) is never required by the USPTO;
`to support a petition or an eppiication.
`if this type of personai information is ineiuded in documents submitted to the USPTG,
`petitioners/appiicante shouid consider redacting such personai information from the documents before submitting them to the
`USPTO. Peiitioner/appiicent is advised that the record of a patent appiicatien is avaiiahie to the pubiic after puhiication of the
`; appiication (unless a noh~puhiication request in cornpiianoe with 37 CFR 1.213(a) is made in the apoiieation) or issuance of a
`: patent, Furthermore, the record from an abandoned application may aiso he avaiiahie to the puhiie if the aopiication is
`referenced in a pubiished application or an issued patent (see 37’ CFR ”1.14). Checks and credit card authorization forms;
`PTO—2038 submitted for payment purposes are not retained in the apoiieaiion tile and therefore are not pubiiciy avaiiable.
`Davidftfiampbe '
`Date (Optionai) :
`Signature: ,,
`Note: An application data sheet (PTOI’SBIM or equivaierii), inciuding naming the ehti'fieiwentive entity, must accompany this form or must have
`been previousiy fried. Use an edditionai PTO/AiNO’i form for each additionai inventor.
`This coliectien of information is required by 35 LL30, 115 and 37 CPR 1.63. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the pubiic which is to file (and
`by the USPTO to process) an appiication. Confidentieiity is governed by 3,5 USO 122 and 37 CFR 111 and 1.14. This coiiection is estimated to take 1 minute to
`compietel inciuding gathering, preparing and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO Time wili vary depending upon the individual case. Any
`comments on the amount of time you require to complete this iorm and/or suggestions for reducing thie burden, shouid be sent to the Chief information Officer, US.
`Patent and Trademark Oiiice, LLS Department of Commerce. .5“ O. Box 1450. Aiexandrie‘ VA 221513-145Q DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS T0
`was ADDRESS, SEND TO: {Zomrniesioner for Patients, FEE). Box MSG, Aiexandria, VA 223134459:
`if you need assistance in completing the form. call 1-800~PTO—9199 and select option 2.
`PTO/AiA/Oi (OS-42)-
`Approved for use through 11/30/2020. OMB 0651-0032
`US Patent and Trademark Office; US DEPARTMENT OF? COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a coiieciion of information unie ‘ it disp ys a vaiid OMB controi number.
`Tide of
`As the beiow named inventor. i hereby deciere that:
`This deoieration
`is directed to:
`The attached eppiicetrdn, or
`United States application or PCT internetionei eppiicetion number 1 5/938’944
`that on.
`May 24. 2618
`The above-identified application was made or authorized to he made by me.
`i beiieve that i am the originei inventor or en originei joint inventor of e oiairneci invention in the epoiioetion;
`i hereby eoknowiedge that any wiiiiui feise statement made in this desieratien is punishebie under 18 USC. 1001
`: by fine or imprisonment of not more than five (5) years. or both.
`Petitioner/epoiicent is cautioned to avoid submitting persona! information in documents fiied in a patent appiiceiien that may
`contribute to identity theft. Persenei information such as sociei security numbers. bank account numbers, or credit card numbers
`(other then a check or credit card authorization form PTO—2038 submitted for payment purposes) is never required by the USPTC)
`to support a petition or en appiioetion.
`it this type of personei information is inciucied in documents submitted to the USPTO.
`petitioners/epoiicents shouid consider redecting such personal information from the documents before submitting them to the
`USPTO. Petitionerleppiicent is advised that the record of a patent epoiicetion is eveiiebie to the oubiio after puoiioetion of the
`eooiicetion (uniees e nonupuoiioetion request in compiience with 37 CPR 1.213(3) is made in the eooiicetion) or issuance of a
`patent. Furthermore, the reoord from an abandoned eppiicetion may eise be eveiie'oie to the pubiio if the eppiicetion is
`referenced in e oubiished epoiioetion or en issued patent (see 37 CFR H4). Checks and credit card authorization forms
`PTO—2038 submitted for payment purposes are not retained in the epoiioetion fiie and therefore are not ouhiieiy eyeiiebie.
`inventor: Fiernesh Shafi'
`Note: An eppiication data sheet (PTOISB/iéi or equiveient), inciuding naming the entire inventive entity. must accompany this form or must have
`been previousiy flied. Use an additional PTQ/‘AiA/Gi form for each additionei inventor.
`This ooiie :iion of information is reoui
`d by 35 USS. 115 and 37 CFR 1.63. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the pubiic which is to fits (and
`by the USPTO to process) an apoiioeiion. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U853. 122 and 3'? CFR Hi and 1‘14]?an coiiection is estimated to take 1 minute to
`complete. rnciuding gathering, preparing. and submitting the cornoieted eppiioetion form to the USPTO. Time wiii vary depending upon the individuai case. Any
`comments on the amount of time you require to compiete this form end/or suggestions for reducing this burden. ehouid be sent to the Chief information Officer. us.
`Patent and Trademark Office. US. Department of Commerce, PD. on 1450. Aiexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SENS FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO
`‘i'i-iis ADDRESS. SEND T0: Commissioner for Patents, Rt). Box 1459, Aiexendrie, VA 22313x145t}.
`ifyou need assistance in completing the form. cell 1—800-PTO—9199 and seiect option 2‘
`PTOWNG‘i [86-312)
`Approved far MSG {hreugh 1113072020. 0MB 0651—00322.
`L:,S. Paieni and Trademark Office: LIES, DEPARTMENT CiF COMMERCE
`Liridvgr ma liaparwm‘x RadLictififl .Act‘gf i685, now-ha sire requiréé Iii :ii‘isépon‘d‘i'o a miiemioi'i itif ififbi‘fi‘iaiidh UHIESS It displays ti valid OMB minim! mimbéw.
` Title 3f
`invenfiion ;
`; Aging balm named inventor. i hereby deciam that
` . This deciaraiiun . . . . .
`[S direeieaici:
`i" eatiached appimumii 0i
`Egl United Staias ap'piicéizicm' 0:!” PET international application numbisir
`am on May 24,. 2018
`i bis‘siieue that i aim the originai invents: air an .originaiiaini‘invefiior oi .5 claimad invaniim in theappiirsaiion.
`f The aboveaidentifiad application was maria or-authorized in be made by me,
`'i hereby agkmwiéacige that any wilifu‘i iaise state‘m'ent'made in ihisagieciai‘aigian is; punishable» under 18 USC. ‘iZQOi
`3 by fine 0r imprisonment m“ net more than five: (5) mars, Cir bath.
`5 Retiiiorieria‘ppiicanz.is‘caiiticmeij m avoid Siitzmitiingvgersonai infcr‘ma‘aimi iii dacumems fiiefi iii '2: pas-’iantsappiication that may
`genitibute in identity- theft. Persai‘ia’i inimma‘tien such as soda-i security numbers. bank aigcmint numbars. 0r Ei‘edviticafd numbem
`flatter than a check or gran-iii card authariZaiion form PTO-Eflsaveubmittaci far payment purpgse-s) is never raquired by iiie USPTQ .
`. is. supp-{m g. petitiezn' er. an apps-cation- if thistype of mars-anal i.ni'~cirrriaiiaii is ingijudezd in documania aubmitted it; the. .USF‘TG.
`. peii’iicmerslappiisanias shouid cansidiai‘ redacting such permneii infermaiiun frtam the douiiiiiei‘iia minis: Submitting them in me-
`~ USPTQ Pet'iiioneriapgzliirant is advised that the record 0‘? a paiiant apiaiicaiion is ayaiiabie to the minim-aim: :Rutiiicaiigh- Q? the
`apfii.ic§3i:ion~ (uni‘e'ss a'iion-piuhiiaat‘imi reQUsssi in .compiiamé witiia? {SFR 1.2i Siam; masks in the application) oi issuance of a
`' patent. Furtiiermnre. the recur-:1 {mm an abgncion‘ed arspiicaiiuri may. Risa {ye avaiiaizie to the mimic ii‘tiie appii‘caiim is
`; raferen'ced “ma mibi‘ifihed appiieaiinri or an issued patiaani‘ (5&3 3'? CFR 139M}.
`.Chiseizs- and credit card authorizatioh'forma
`E magma aubmiiieid for payment purpfl‘siiiS are net retained inthe appiicatien iiie andfthsireifors are rim pubiiciy avaiiabie.
`V‘ifiiliam J. Danger
`Date (epiiunai) :WW
`,, WNW.“«6...».
`3 Nate; An apnlicaiiion datasheet (Pi‘QiSBf'M as equivaient}, Including naming me entire imeniive‘ entity. must accoiiipaiiy'mis farm crmusi have
`" been previwsly fiiéd, wise an additioiiai ‘F‘TQKRIAI’O‘i iari‘n'fo‘r each axigiiiiisnai imrenifiiir.
`This miiauimn ai‘irifcrmalim is. required by 35, #15 and 37 SF?! 1.63, ithe. isiisrmaiiisn is igniistssd m attain or .veiéin a hansiit by this isubiic which is. m fila‘ia'i‘id
`and LM. This callen'iiufi it: astiinzfiegjig iaiiefi minute is
`by if“: LISPTO to prcmessi’an anfiii‘cétia‘n. Configiww qlity is gew‘rmgd by 3503.6.
`.31 and '37 ORR 1
`iiempirzia, iimi’uding gathering. prazparing. and Siinmming 1m; ccsrriiaie’ted appiicaiian form 1min: 'USFTG. "Fime ’wirii wry depending imam the iiidiviciuai was. Any
`wmménts cn-ifigamgqni ei’ time-gm: «squire ta whpiet'e: this form Bmifar mi waiting ior rad» “‘rigifiisigiixden. ghqsiin‘ £133:th his {he Cfiigf initiitnrasiiion- Officer. v.5.
`Paigiii and Trademmk. Eiffius. U3. ngstimam of Gpiii‘iiiei’ci‘s. FRO. Btu. 14.50. Afiiéxandria; \i‘A,
`THis ADDRESSSL; SEEM? TO; Cnm‘missiunef fm' Paisntsi FLO; Box 1450,.Alaxanei7ia, VA 22313-145B.
`if you new agsiis'tance 'i‘nmmpie‘iing ii’zefmm. mi! 1-aati;PTiJ.-91§9 and seissi‘ Dpii'm. ::
`PTOiAiNm (0542,)
`Appraise-fl for use through HIM/$2020. QMB 0651-3032
`11.8., Paieni and Trademark
`Under ihe Paperwork Reduction Act mi 1995, no persons are required to respand to a coiiectian of ir:.urrr‘-aiiori u - ass it dispiays a vsiifi OMB caniroi nurrit-er.
`V V V , V. . . . . . . . . 3533\\\\\\\\\\\¥~‘<< VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV :«\\\\\\\V~‘ .................... :~\\\\\\\\\\\V~" ‘ ‘ ‘
`iiiiiflifiiiriED ANTEBQDEES
`Tiiia {if
`....... 3333\\\\\ ‘ '
`This deciaraiion
`is direci'id i0
` As the. beiriw named inventon i hereby deciare iiiai:
`{:3 The attached appiicatiom or
`ififii United States application or PCT iriierriaiirmai appiicaiian number 351’9887‘944
`V V firmwfi“.
`fiied (an
`May 24, 2:313
` : The absvenideniified appiicaiiore was made 0r autharizeri to be made by meVV
` i beiieve ihai i am the originai inveniur or an originai joini irwenier ofa ciaimed inveniicn in the appiication.
`i hereby acknowiedge that any wiiifui faise Statement made in this deciara’tian ii: punishable under 153 i181? i601
`i by fine at imprisonment 1)? mt mom than five (5“; years, {if bmih.
`Petitioneiiiappiicani is cautiened to avoid submitting perscnai informaiiari in dgcumeifis flied in a patent appiicafiiori that may
`caniribuie to identity theft, Permnai infermaiieri such as sociai security numbers, bani: account numbers, 0r credit card numbers.
`(rather than a check or credit card autherizaiicrn igrm PTO~EG3B submitted for payment purposes) is never required by the USPTO;
`i0 suppers a petiticn organ appiicaiion.
`if this type (if prsrwraai inimmaiian is inciuded in
`. FR 1.213(3)
`“' {3330 ft
`Steven E. Cwiria
`>335-~+\K«‘~ '
`_ \
`Date (OpimaiiWW
`>.>.>.-.-.-.-.-.-.~«“ >.>.«««««««W~
` :ixiote: Ar: appiicaticn data sheriff. (PTQiEsBH-fi 0r equivaieni}. including naming the entire inventive entity, musi accompany this form or must have
`I been previcusziy flied, Lise an addiiionai PTDIAEAIQ‘i form for each addiiionai invent-3r.
`.rfihfififiaifl 3 i3;
`ifyriu net-30' assistance in compiefifig the farm, mi; r-aav-PTo-aisg and seieci opiion 22
`PTOIAiAIOi (0642;
`Approved for nee through 11/39/2020 OMB (2-55i--i3932
`LLS Patent arr-:1 Trademark Oifitze; UVS. DEPARTMENT {2F COMMERCE
`Lin-:ierthrr Paperwork Reduction Act of 1935. no persons are required to respond to a coiiection of information unless it displays a vaiid in i3 eontroi number.
`eeeeeeerioe {3? we re; iron tiTiLiT‘r’ oe eeeieh eeeeteerioe oeiee eh
`eeeeieerroe new sheer {3r ere rare;
` .................. ssmxxwxxxxv ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxxxxkxxxxxu' ' ' ' xxx-«\xxxwxu' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' V V . . . . .. . . . >:x\\\\\\\‘< "”
`. Titieoi Mortimer) Anneooies """
`invention ‘
`This ctecieration
`is directed to: D The atteehed aopiioeiion, or
`United States apoiicetion or Pt’j'i' iraterrretionei appiioetion number 1fi'g88‘g44
`i‘iieci on may 24, 2&18
`V xxxfikfihhhhhxvrrrafi.
`The abovenioentiiieo oppiioetion was made or euthorixeo to be made by me.
`i beiieve that i are the originei inventor or an originai ‘ioint inventor of a ciaimed invention in the oopiicetion...
`i hereby aokhewiedge that any wiiiiui faiee statement made in this deoiareiien is punisnahie under its U83. 1051
`try fine or imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both.
` As; the heiow named inventor, i hereby deoiere that:
`I Petitionerienpiicaht is cautioned to avoid submitting persehei information in deoumente fried in a patent eppiioatioh that rney
`contribute to identity theft. Persohei information such as sooiei security numbers; hank aocount numbers; or credit card numbers.
`(other than a check or credit card authorization iorrn PTO-20353 submitted for payment ourmses} is never required by the USPTO
`v to support 3 petition or an epoiioetion.
`if this type of persona! information is inoiuded in documents submitted to the USF’TQ;
`; petitioriersi’appiioants shouid ooneider redacting such persona! information trem the documents before submitting them to the
`giJSPTO. Petitiorieriepoiicent is advised that the record of a patent appiioeiion is evaiinhie to the pnbiio after ouhiioetion eithe-
`‘ eppiioetion (uniese a non~pnhiioetion request in oon‘roiience with 37 CFR 1.213(3) is made in the eopiioetion} or issuance of e
`: patent. Furthermore the record from an abandoned appiioation may eiso he evaiiebie to title
`if) it their ‘ *“
`reierennert in a piihiished appiioation or en issued patent (see 3? CFR 1.14). Checks and r:
`gar '
`P11342033 submitted for payment purposes are not retained in the eppiication fiie and therefore are i’iO'E onbiroiy eveiiehie.
`Stake hit, Wiiiiame
`WV“>> x».mmm-~«~‘“WWm“\
`Date (Qotionai) 1» ‘
`3Note: An epniioetion data sheet {PTOISBIM or equivalent). inciuciing naming the entire inventive entity, must ecczornneny this form or must have
`been nrevinusiy titeri. Use an additional PTQiAiA/‘i‘tt form for each additionai inventor.
`fit by the puhiio which ie to t‘iie (and
`Thisooiiection of information is required by ‘35 USS. 115 amt 51’ CFit 1.63. The information is required to obtain or retain a :3
`by the USP'E'O tr.- prnoess) an appiioaiion. Contidentiaiity is governed by 35 H.632; 122 and :3? CF53. tit and 1.14. This coiieotion is estimated to take i minute to
`conipieie, incinding gathering. preparing and submitting the compieterj appiioetion form to the USPTO. Time writ vary depending upon the iridivirjuai case. {any
`comments on the amount oitime you require to oompiete this form arid/or suggestions for reducing this burden: shouid be sent to ihe Chief information (Nicer: ti.$‘
`Eastern and Trademark Office. 11.8. Department of flomnterce. PO, Box 4150. Atexandria, v.13. 22313ni450. DC) NOT SENB- FEES 0R COMPLETED FORMS To
`This ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, PI), Box 1450, Aiexantfirie‘ VA 22313-1459.
`iii/oar need aesisiance in compieting the form, asaii r-aao—FTD-stse and safest option 2,.

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