`4 December 2014 (04.12.2014)
`International Patent Classification:
`A61K 39/395 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`28 May 2014 (28.05.2014)
`Priority Data:
`28 May 2013 (28.05.2013)
`Applicants: DCB-USA LLC [US/US]; 1007 North Or-
`ange Street, Ninth floor, New Castle County, Wilmington,
`Delaware 19801 (US). KAOHSIUNG MEDICAL UNI-
`VERSITY [CN/CN]; No. 100, Shih-Chuan lst Road, Ka-
`ohsiung, 80708 (TW).
`Inventors: CHENG, 'l'ian—Lu; No. 100, Shih—Chuan 1st
`Road, Kaohsiung, 80708 (TW). CHUANG, Chih-Hung;
`No. 100, Shih—Chuan 1st Road, Kaohsiung, 80708 (TW).
`KO, Hsiu-Fen; No. 100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, Ka-
`ohsiung, 80708 (TW). LU, Yun—Chi; No. 100, Shih-Chuan
`1st Road, Kaohsiung, 80708 (TW).
`4000 Legato Rd., Suite 310, Fairfax, Virginia 22033 (US).
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2014/193973 A2
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
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`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
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`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
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`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt ofthat report (Rule 48.2(g))
`with sequence listing part ofdescription (Rule 5.2(a))
`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`or ’r
`Disease site
`FIG. 2
`(57) Abstract: Disclosed herein is a hinge antibody capable of being selectively activated in a target cell or tissue to treat a condition
`therein. The hinge antibody includes a functional antibody, two inhibitory domains and four cleavable linkers. The functional anti—
`body is capable of treating the condition in an activated state, and has two light chains and two heavy chains. Each inhibitory domain
`includes a hinge domain of an immunoglobulin and consists of two peptide arms. Each cleavable linker includes a peptide substrate
`cleavable by an enzyme specifically or highly expressed in the target cell or tissue, and connects one of the peptide arms of the inhib -
`itory domains to the N—terminal of one of the light chains and heavy chains of the functional antibody. Also disclosed herein are
`methods for preparing and using this hinge antibody.
`WO 2014/193973
`[0001] 1.
`[0002] The
`present disclosure
`relates generally to
`molecules useful as therapeutics for treating various medical conditions. More
`particularly, the disclosed invention relates to hinge antibodies that are selectively
`activated in a target cell or tissue so as to treat the medical conditions therein.
`[0004] Antibody-based therapeutic agents, including monoclonal antibodies,
`are emerging as one of the major classes of drugs effective in the treatment of
`various diseases.
`Of the top 10 drugs by global sales in 2012,
`five are
`Said five drugs grossed about $45 billion
`around the globe, approximating 60% of the global antibody-based therapeutic
`agent market in that year. The global market is expected to grow continuously as
`existing products expand their approved usage and new entrants launch into the
`[0005] Although the field continues to advance, many challenges remain in
`order to bring more efficacious and affordable antibody-based candidates to the
`market. One problem associated with current antibody-based therapeutic agents
`is the poor selectivity of site of action. Monoclonal antibodies and soluble fusion
`proteins are specific for binding to and neutralizing their intended target molecules
`(such as antigens and cell surface receptors). However, most target molecules
`are not specific to the disease site; rather, they may be present in cells or tissues
`other than the disease site. Accordingly, the therapeutic agent may act in these
`non—disease normal cells or tissues. This off—target action may result in unwanted
`therapeutic agents is desirable.
`[0006] One possible scheme of avoiding off-target action and increasing
`selectivity is to provide a pro-antibody activatable in the target site.
`For example,
`U.S. Patent No. 8,399,219 and U.S. Patent Application Publication No.
`2010/0189651 disclose protease activatable antibodies that are modified by a
`peptide mask or masking moiety.
`In these documents,
`the phage display
`WO 2014/193973
`technique is used to screen peptides or moieties capable of inhibiting/reducing the
`binding of the functional antibody to its binding target. However, the masking
`moieties obtained by such methods could not be universally applied to all
`antibodies for they are identified based on their inhibitory ability toward a specific
`target. Therefore, it is necessary in their approach to develop a masking moiety
`for each antibody-based therapeutic agent, which is time consuming, expensive,
`and complicated. Additionally, the introduction of masking moieties runs the risk
`of inducing unnecessary immuno response to the subject.
`[0007] A similar approach is described in U.S. Patent Application
`Publication No. 2010/0189727, which proposed a masking ligand non—covalently
`bound to an antigen binding site of an antibody so as to inactivate the antibody.
`In particular, the masking ligand comprises two copies of the epitope of the antigen
`to which the antibody specifically binds and a cleavable polypeptide cleavable
`linkerjoined to each copy of the epitope. Similar to the phage display technique
`described above, the masking ligand also needs to be specifically designed with
`respect to each antibody, and hence the development of such inactivated antibody
`is also time-consuming and with high cost.
`Further, since the masking ligand has
`a high affinity toward the therapeutic antibody, there might be certain masking
`ligands attached to the antibody after the cleavage of the cleavable polypeptide
`cleavable linker. These residual masking ligands may hinder the therapeutic
`action of the antibody.
`[0008] In View of the foregoing, there exists a need in the art for providing
`next generation therapeutics that are carefully designed and engineered to
`possess features such as improved selectivity of site of action as well as enhanced
`efficacy. Further, such design and engineering schemes shall be applicable to a
`wide variety of antibody—based therapeutic agents, and would not incur unwanted
`immuno response.
`[0009] The following presents a simplified summary of the disclosure in
`order to provide a basic understanding to the reader. This summary is not an
`extensive overview of the disclosure and it does not identify key/critical elements of
`the present invention or delineate the scope of the present invention.
`Its sole
`WO 2014/193973
`purpose is to present some concepts disclosed herein in a simplified form as a
`prelude to the more detailed description that is presented later.
`[0010] In one aspect, the present disclosure is directed to a hinge antibody.
`This antibody—based therapeutic agent is capable of being selectively activated in a
`target cell or tissue to treat a condition in the target cell or tissue.
`[0011]According to various embodiments of the present disclosure,
`hinge antibody comprises a functional antibody, two inhibitory domains, and four
`cleavable linkers. The functional antibody is capable of treating the condition in
`an activated state and comprises two light chains and two heavy chains. Each of
`the two inhibitory domains consists of two peptide arms interconnected by disulfide
`Each inhibitory domain consists of
`two peptide arms
`that are
`interconnected by disulfide bonds. Each of the four cleavable linkers comprises a
`peptide substrate cleavable by an enzyme that is specifically or highly expressed in
`the target cell or tissue. Each cleavable linker connects one of the two peptide
`arms of the two inhibitory domains to the N—terminals of one of the two light chains
`and two heavy chains of the functional antibody.
`[0012] According to certain embodiments of the present disclosure, each of
`the two inhibitory domains is a hinge domain of an immunoglobulin A (lgA), an
`immunoglobulin D or an immunoglobulin G (IgG), or a fragment of the hinge
`domain. For example,
`the inhibitory domain may comprise any of
`sequences, SEQ ID Nos. 10, 11, 12 and 13 of I96, 14 and 15 of IgA, and 54 and
`55 of lgD.
`[0013] In optional embodiments, the functional antibody is an anti-TNF-q
`anti-RANKL antibody,
`anti-CTLA-4 antibody,
`anti-HER2 antibody,
`anti-EG FR antibody, anti-VEGF antibody, anti-VEGFRZ) antibody, anti-IL6R
`anti—CD1 1a
`anti-CD20 antibody, anti-CD25 antibody, anti-CD30 antibody, anti-CD33 antibody
`or anti-CD52 antibody.
`For example, the amino acid sequence of the light chain
`of the functional antibody is any of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID Nos. 1, 2,
`3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; while the amino acid sequence of the heavy chain of the
`functional antibody is any of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID Nos. 58, 59, 60,
`61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66.
`WO 2014/193973
`[0014] In certain embodiments, the peptide substrate is cleavable by any of
`the following enzyme: a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), a cathepsin (CTS), a
`caspase (CASP), or a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM).
`For example,
`according to some embodiments,
`the enzyme is MMP—2 or MMP—9 and each
`cleavable linker comprises the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID No. 16.
`[0015] According to some embodiments of the present disclosure,
`functional antibody is an anti-TNF-or antibody, which has a light chain having the
`amino acid sequence of SEQ ID No.
`1 and a heavy chain having the amino acid
`sequence of SEQ ID No. 58, each of the cleavable linkers comprises the amino
`acid sequence ofSEQ ID No. 16; and each of the inhibitory domain comprises the
`amino acid sequence of SEQ ID No. 10.
`[0016] In another aspect, the present disclosure is directed to an expression
`system for
`aspect/embodiments of the present disclosure.
`[0017] According to various embodiments of the present disclosure,
`expression system for producing comprises a first nucleic acid sequence and a
`second nucleic acid sequence. The first nucleic acid sequence, comprising, from
`5’ to 3’, a first inhibitory domain-encoding region, a first cleavable linker-encoding
`region and a light chain-encoding region. The first
`inhibitory domain-encoding
`region encodes a first peptide arm of an inhibitory domain of any of the
`above—described hinge antibodies. The first cleavable linker—encoding region
`encodes a cleavable linker of the above-mentioned hinge antibody, and the
`cleavable linker is a peptide substrate cleavable by an enzyme that is specifically
`or highly expressed in the target cell or tissue. The light chain-encoding region
`encodes a light chain of a functional antibody of the above-mentioned hinge
`antibody, in which the functional antibody is capable of treating the condition in an
`activated state. The second nucleic acid sequence, comprising, from 5’ to 3’, a
`second inhibitory domain inhibitory domain-encoding region, a second cleavable
`linker-encoding region and a heavy chain-encoding region. The second inhibitory
`domain-encoding region encodes a second peptide arm of the inhibitory domain of
`the hinge antibody. The second cleavable linker—encoding region encodes the
`cleavable linker of the hinge antibody. The heavy chain—encoding region encodes
`a heavy chain of the functional antibody of the hinge antibody.
`WO 2014/193973
`[0018] In some optional embodiments of the present disclosure, the first and
`second nucleic acid sequences can be constructed in a single expression vector.
`For example, the expression system may further comprise a connecting nucleic
`acid sequence that connects the first nucleic acid sequence and the second
`nucleic acid sequence. Non-limiting examples of the connecting nucleic acid
`sequence include a sequence encoding a Furin-2A polypeptide or an internal
`ribosome entry site (IRES) sequence.
`[0019] In the case where the first and second nucleic acid sequences are
`constructed in a single expression vector,
`the expression system may further
`optionally comprise a regulatory sequence operably linked to the first nucleic acid
`sequence and the second nucleic acid sequence, so as to regulate the translation
`of the first nucleic acid sequence,
`the second nucleic acid sequence, and,
`optionally, the connecting nucleic acid sequence in a host cell. Alternatively, the
`expression system may comprise at least two separate regulatory sequences
`operably linked to the first and the second nucleic acid sequences, respectively, to
`allow the individual regulation of the expression of the first and second nucleic acid
`[0020] In some other embodiments,
`the first and second nucleic acid
`sequences may be constructed in two separate expression vectors.
`For instance,
`the first nucleic acid sequence, together with an operably-linked first regulatory
`sequence is constructed in a first expression vector, while the second nucleic acid
`along with
`an operably-linked second regulatory sequence is
`constructed in a second expression vector. The first and second expression
`vectors may then be delivered into and expressed in a same host cell or different
`host cells.
`[0021]According to certain embodiments of the present disclosure,
`inhibitory domain is a hinge domain of an immunoglobulin A (IgA), an
`immunoglobulin D or an immunoglobulin G (IgG), or a fragment of the hinge
`[0022] According to various embodiments of the present disclosure,
`expression system encodes any of the above—mentioned hinge antibodies.
`example, when the expression system is embodied by a single construct, the
`nucleic acid sequence of the construct can be any of SEQ ID Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20,
`WO 2014/193973
`21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
`43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50.
`In the case where expression system is
`embodied as a two-vector (or two-plasmid) system, the first nucleic acid sequence
`is any of SEQ ID Nos. 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, and 77; whereas the second nucleic acid
`sequence is any of SEQ ID Nos. 68, 70, 72, 74, 76 and 78.
`[0023] In yet another aspect,
`the present disclosure is directed to a
`recombinant vector suitable for use in manufacturing the hinge antibodies
`according to the above aspect/embodiments of the present disclosure.
`[0024] According to certain embodiments of the present disclosure,
`recombinant vector comprises the synthetic nucleic acid molecule according to the
`above-mentioned aspect/embodiments of the present disclosure, and one or more
`regulatory sequences operatively linked to the synthetic nucleic acid molecule, so
`that the vector, under suitable conditions and in an appropriate host cell, is capable
`aspect/embodiments of the present disclosure.
`[0025] In still another aspect, the present invention is directed to a method
`for treating a subject;
`in particular, a subject with cancer or an autoimmune
`[0026] According to some embodiments of
`the present
`method comprises administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount
`of the hinge antibodies according to the above aspect/embodiments of the present
`For example,
`the hinge antibody may be administered orally,
`subcutaneously, intravenously, intrathecally or intramuscularly to the subject.
`[0027] Many of the attendant features and advantages of the present
`disclosure will becomes better understood with reference to the following detailed
`description considered in connection with the accompanying drawings.
`[0028] The present description will be better understood from the following
`detailed description read in light of the accompanying drawings, where:
`[0029] Figure 1
`is a schematic diagram illustrating the structure of a hinge
`antibody according to certain embodiments of the present disclosure;
`[0030] Figure 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating the design scheme of the
`hinge antibody according to embodiments of the present disclosure;
`WO 2014/193973
`[0031] Figure 3 is a schematic diagram illustrating a nucleic acid molecule
`encoding a hinge antibody according to certain embodiments of the present
`[0032] Figure 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating the overall structure of a
`hinge antibody according to one embodiment of the present disclosure;
`[0033] Figure 5 is a photograph of an SDS PAGE gel according to one
`working example of the present disclosure;
`[0034] Figure 6 is a photograph of two SDS PAGE gels according to one
`working example of the present disclosure;
`[0035] Figure 7 is a bar graph illustrating the binding capacity of various
`antibodies according to one working example of the present disclosure;
`[0036] Figure 8 is a bar graph illustrating the TNF-or signal according to one
`working example of the present disclosure;
`[0037] Figure 9 is a bar graph illustrating the binding capacity of various
`antibodies according to another working example of the present disclosure;
`[0038] Figure 10 is a bar graph illustrating the binding capacity of various
`antibodies according to yet another working example of the present disclosure;
`[0039] Figure 11 provides photographs illustrating the in vivo localization
`and activation of hinge-dEG FR antibody at the tumor site of mice, according to one
`Example of the present disclosure; and
`[0040] Figure 12 is line graph indicating the in vivo anti—inflammatory effects
`of hinge-TNFo antibody against collagen-induced arthritis.
`[0041] In accordance with common practice,
`the various described
`features/elements are not drawn to scale but instead are drawn to best illustrate
`specific features/elements relevant to the present invention. Also, like reference
`numerals and designations in the various drawings are used to indicate like
`[0042] The detailed description provided below in connection with the
`appended drawings is intended as a description of the present examples and is not
`intended to represent the only forms in which the present example may be
`constructed or utilized. The description sets forth the functions of the example
`and the sequence of steps for constructing and operating the example. However,
`WO 2014/193973
`the same or equivalent functions and sequences may be accomplished by different
`[0043] For convenience, certain terms employed in
`the specification,
`examples and appended claims are collected here. Unless defined otherwise, all
`technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly
`understood by one of the ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs.
`[0044] Unless
`terminologies employed in the present disclosure shall have the meanings that are
`commonly understood and used by one of ordinary skill
`in the art. Unless
`othenNise required by context, it will be understood that singular terms shall include
`plural forms of the same and plural terms shall include the singular. Specifically,
`as used herein and in the claims, the singular forms “a” and “an” include the plural
`reference unless the context clearly indicates othenNise. Also, as used herein
`and in the claims, the terms “at least one” and “one or more” have the same
`meaning and include one, two, three, or more.
`[0045] Notwithstanding that the numerical ranges and parameters setting
`forth the broad scope of the invention are approximations, the numerical values set
`forth in the specific examples are reported as precisely as possible. Any
`numerical value, however, inherently contains certain errors necessarily resulting
`from the standard deviation found in the respective testing measurements. Also,
`as used herein, the term “about” generally means within 10%, 5%, 1%, or 0.5% of
`a given value or
`the term “about” means within an
`acceptable standard error of the mean when considered by one of ordinary skill in
`the art.
`[0046] The term “antibody-based therapeutic agent” is intended to mean a
`therapeutic agent that inhibits the pharmacological actions of endogenous human
`proteins or pathogens.
`agent," when present
`therapeutically effective amount, produces a desired therapeutic effect on a
`For the purpose of the present disclosure, antibody-based therapeutic
`agents encompass antibodies and fusion proteins that are highly specific for
`binding to and neutralizing their intended target molecules.
`[0047] The term "antibody" as used herein includes full—length antibodies
`and any antigen binding fragment or single chains thereof. The basic functional
`WO 2014/193973
`unit of each antibody is an immunoglobulin monomer which is a Y-shaped
`molecule consisting of two heavy chains and two light chains interconnected by
`disulfide bonds. A “functional antibody” encompasses a full-length antibody or
`one or more fragments of the antibody that maintain the specific binding ability
`thereof; example of such functional fragments including Fab (antigen-binding
`fragment), Fv (variable fragment), and F(ab')2, Fab', scFv (single chain fragment
`variable), and the like. An antibody may be monoclonal or polyclonal and may be
`of human or non-human origin or a chimeric protein.
`[0048] Here, a “cleavable linker“ is a peptide substrate cleavable by an
`enzyme. Operatively, the cleaveable linker, upon being cleaved by the enzyme,
`allows for activation of the present hinge antibody.
`Preferably, the cleaveable
`linker is selected so that activation occurs at the desired site of action, which can
`be a site in or near the target cells (e.g., carcinoma cells) or tissues. For example,
`the cleaveable linker
`is a peptide substrate specific for an enzyme that
`specifically or highly expressed in the site of action, such that the cleavage rate of
`the cleavable linker in the target site is greater than that in sites other than the
`target site.
`[0049] The term "ligand" means any molecule that specifically binds or
`reactively associates or complexes with a
`determinant, or other binding site on a target cell or tissue. Examples of ligands
`include antibodies and fragments thereof (e.g., a monoclonal antibody or fragment
`thereof), enzymes (e.g., fibrinolytic enzymes), biologic response modifiers (e.g.,
`interferons, erythropeoitin, or colony stimulating factors), peptide
`hormones, and antigen-binding fragments thereof.
`[0050] As used herein,
`the term “nucleic acid” designates single- or
`double—stranded RNA, mRNA, and DNA including cDNA and genomic DNA.
`Unless otherwise indicated, a particular nucleic acid sequence also implicitly
`encompasses conservatively modified variants thereof (e.g., degenerate codon
`substitutions) and complementary sequences, as well as the sequence explicitly
`indicated. Also, the left-hand end of single-stranded polynucleotide sequences is
`the 5' end; the left—hand direction of double—stranded polynucleotide sequences is
`referred to as the 5' direction, unless specified othenNise.
`WO 2014/193973
`[0051] The
`are used
`interchangeably herein to refer to a polymer of amino acid residues. These terms
`also encompass the term "antibody." The term "amino acid" refers to naturally
`occurring and synthetic amino acids, as well as amino acid analogs and amino
`acid mimetics that function in a manner similar to the naturally occurring amino
`In the polypeptide notation used herein, the left-hand direction is the amino
`(N)— terminal direction and the right-hand direction is the carboxyl
`direction, in accordance with standard usage and convention.
`[0052] Throughout the present disclosure, the term "synthetic" nucleic acid
`or amino acid means a nucleic acid or amino acid sequence that is not found in
`is intended that synthetic sequences designed by the method be
`included in the invention in any form, e.g., paper or computer readable, and
`physically created nucleic acids or polypeptides. Physically created nucleic acids
`and polypeptides of the invention are part of the invention, whether derived directly
`from the designed sequence, or copies of such sequences (e.g., made by PCR,
`plasmid replication, chemical synthesis, and the like). The term "synthetic nucleic
`acid" can include, for example, nucleic acid sequences derived or designed from
`wholly artificial amino acid sequences, or nucleic acid sequences with single or
`multiple nucleotide changes as compared to the naturally occurring sequence,
`those created by random or directed mutagenesis, chemical synthesis, DNA
`shuffling methods, DNA reassembly methods, or by any means known to one of
`in the art. Such alterations can be done without changing the amino acid
`sequence encoded by the nucleic acid sequence, or can modify the amino acid
`sequence to leave a desired function of the encoded protein unaltered or
`[0053] As used herein, the term “vector” refers to composition of matter (e.g.,
`phage, plasmid, viral vectors as well as artificial chromosomes, such as bacterial
`or yeast artificial chromosomes) used to transmit genetic material into a host cell.
`A vector may be composed of either DNA or RNA. The vector may be introduced
`into a host cell by various techniques well known in the art. The regulatory
`sequence of a vector is a nucleic acid sequence required for expression of a target
`gene product operably linked thereto. The term "operatively linked" as used
`herein means that the regulatory nucleic acid and the nucleic acid of interest are
`WO 2014/193973
`linked so that the expression of the said nucleic acid of interest can be governed by
`the said regulatory nucleic acid, i.e. the regulatory nucleic acid sequence shall be
`functionally linked to the
`said nucleic acid sequence to be expressed.
`Accordingly, the regulatory nucleic acid sequence and, the nucleic acid sequence
`to be expressed may be physically linked to each other, e.g., by inserting the
`regulatory nucleic acid sequence at the 5'end of the nucleic acid sequence to be
`expressed. Alternatively, the regulatory nucleic acid sequence and the nucleic
`acid to be expressed may be merely in physical proximity so that the regulatory
`nucleic acid sequence is capable of governing the expression of at least one
`nucleic acid sequence of interest. The regulatory nucleic acid sequence and the
`nucleic acid to be expressed are, preferably, separated by not more than 500 bp,
`300 bp, 100 bp, 80 bp, 60 bp, 40 bp, 20 bp, 10 bp or 5 bp.
`[0054] The term “treating” as used herein refers to the application or
`administration of the present hinge antibody to a subject, who has a medical
`condition, a symptom of the condition, a disease or disorder secondary to the
`condition, or a predisposition toward the condition, with the purpose to partially or
`completely alleviate, ameliorate, relieve, delay onset of,
`inhibit progression of,
`reduce severity of, and/or reduce incidence of one or more symptoms or features
`of a particular disease, disorder, and/or condition. Generally, a “treatment”
`includes not just the improvement of symptoms or decrease of markers of the
`disease, but also a cessation or slowing of progress or worsening of a symptom
`that would be expected in absence of treatment. Beneficial or desired clinical
`results include, but are not
`limited to, alleviation of one or more symptom(s),
`diminishment of extent of disease, stabilized (i.e., not worsening) state of disease,
`delay or slowing of disease progression, amelioration or palliation of the disease
`state, and remission (whether partial or total), whether detectable or undetectable.
`[0055] The term “effective amount” as used herein refers to the quantity of a
`component which is sufficient
`to yield a desired therapeutic response.
`therapeutically effective amount is also one in which any toxic or detrimental
`effects of the compound or composition are outweighed by the therapeutically
`beneficial effects. The specific effective or sufficient amount will vary with such
`factors as the particular condition being treated,
`the physical condition of the
`patient (e.g., the patient's body mass, age, or gender), the type of mammal or
`WO 2014/193973
`animal being treated,
`the duration of the treatment,
`the nature of concurrent
`therapy (if any), and the specific formulations employed and the structure of the
`compounds or its derivatives. Effective amount may be expressed, for example,
`in grams, milligrams or micrograms or as milligrams per kilogram of body weight
`[0056] The term “subject” refers to a mammal including the human species
`that is treatable with the hinge antibody and/or methods of the present invention.
`The term “subject” is intended to refer to both the male and female gender unless
`one gender is specifically indicated.
`[0057] The present
`invention is directed to hinge antibodies that are
`selectively activatable in a target cell or tissue. Methods and composition of
`matters (e.g., nucleic acid sequences and vectors) for preparing the present hinge
`antibodies, the pharmaceutical compositions comprising the hinge antibodies, as
`well treating methods using the same, also fall within the scope of the present
`[0058] Figure 1
`is a schematic diagram illustrating the general structure of
`the hinge antibody 100 according to certain embodiments of the present invention,
`and Figure 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating the design scheme and action
`mechanism of the hinge antibody 100. As illustrated in Figure 1,
`the hinge
`antibody 100 comprises a functional antibody 110, two inhibitory domains 120, and
`four cleavable linkers 130 connecting the inhibitory domains 120 to the functional
`antibody 110. Referring to Figure 2,
`in the original, uncleaved form, the binding
`ability of said hinge antibody 100 toward its target ligand (L)
`is substantially
`inhibited (inactivated). Once the hinge antibody 100 is administered to a subject
`and reaches the target site, an enzyme (E) that is specifically or highly expressed
`in the target site would cleave the hinge antibo