`Preliminary Amendment
`Attorney Docket No. 53242-701301
`Amendments to the Specification
`The specification has only been amended to update the priority lineage of the present
`application. No new matter is introduced by any amendment made herein.
`Amendments to the Claims
`Claims 1, 3, 6—11, l3, 17, 20, 24—28, 30, 33, 34, 36 have been amended. Claims 2, 5, 12,
`16, 18—19, 37—41 have been cancelled. Applicants reserve the right to pursue the subject matter of
`the cancelled claims in this or any other appropriate patent application. Upon entry of the
`proposed claims, claims 1, 3—4, 6—12, 13—15, 17, 20—36 will be under examination. Support for the
`amendments to the claims is found in the original claims and throughout the specification.
`U.S. Serial No. NEW
`Preliminary Amendment
`Attorney Docket No. 53242-701301
`Applicants respectfully solicit
`the Examiner to expedite prosecution of this patent
`application to issuance. Should the Examiner have any questions, the Examiner is encouraged to
`telephone the undersigned attorney at (650) 849—3139.
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any fees that may be required, or credit
`any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 23—2415, referencing Attorney Docket No. 53242—
`Respectfully submitted,
`A Professional Corporation
`Date: 5/23/2018
`/Daniel Kennedy/
`Daniel Kennedy
`Registration No. 76,220
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`(650) 849—3 139
`Customer No. 021971