`‘ent and Trademark Office
`inia 223134450
`endosc- or
`371(c) DATE
`hittiti‘iitf‘tiféimm & ROSA“
`PALO ALTO, CA 94304—1050
`Date Matted: 02/20/2019
`Receipt is acknowtedged ot’this non~provisionai patent appiication. The appiication wiii be taken up for examination
`in due course. Appiicant wiii be notitied as to the resuits ot the examination. Any correspondence concerning the
`appiication must inciude the t’oiiowing identification information: the US. APPLiCATiON NUMBER, FtLiNG DATE,
`NAME OF APPLiCANT, and TiTLE 0F tNVENTiON. Fees transmitted by check or dratt are subject to cottection.
`Ptease verity the accuracy of the data presented on this receipt. if an error is noted on this Piiing Receipt, piease
`submit a written request for a Fiiing Receipt Correction. Piease provide a copy of this Fiiing Receipt with the
`changes noted thereon. it you received a "Notice to Fite Missing Parts" for this eppiicetion, pieese submit
`any corrections to this Fiiing Receipt with your repiy to the Notice. When the USPTC processes the repiy
`to the Notice, the USPTO witi generate another Fiiing Receipt incorporating the requested corrections
`Rose Ann itii. Hart, Oakiand, CA;
`Lumenora, Sunnyvate, CA
`Power of Attorney: The patent practitioners associated with Customer Number 921321
`Domestic Priority data as ciain'ied by appiicant
`This appin ciaims benefit of 62/509,68t 05/22/2017
`Foreign Appiications for which priority is ciairned (You may be eiigibie to benefit from the Patent Prosecution
`Highway program at the USPTQ. Ptease see http://wwwusgtogov for more information.) — None.
`Foreign application information must be provided in an Appiicaiion Data Sheet in order to constitute a claim to
`foreign priority. See 37 CPR 7.55 and 1.76.
`Permission to Access Appiication via Priority iitocument Exchange: Yes
`Permission to Access Search Resutts: Yes
`Appiicant may provide or rescind an authorization for access using Form PTO/’SB/SQ or Form PTO/8369 as
`if Required, Foreign Fiiing License Granted: 06/12/2018
`The country code and number of your priority appiication, to be used for fiiing abroad underthe Paris Convention,
`is US 15i985,54ti
`Projected Puhiicetion Pate: 05/30/2019
`page 1 of3


`Non—Pubiication Request: No
`Earty Fuhiication Request: No
`Computationai Operating System
`Preiiminary Ctass
`Statement under 3? CFR 1.55 or 1.?8 for NA (First inventor to Fiie) Transition Apptica‘tions: No
`Since the rights granted by a US. patent extend oniy throughout the territory of the United States and have no
`effect in a foreign country, an inventor who wishes patent protection in another country must appiy for a patent
`in a specific country or in regionai patent offices. Appiioants may wish to consider the fiiing of an internationai
`appiication underthe Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). An internationai (PCT) appiication generaiiy has the same
`effect as a reguiar nationai patent appiication in each PCT—member country. The PCT process simpiifies the t'iiing
`of patent appiications on the same invention in member countries, but does not resuit in a grant of"an internationai
`patent" and does not eiirninate the need of appiicants to tiie additionai documents and fees in countries where patent
`protection is desired.
`Aimost every country has its own patent iaw, and a person desiring a patent in a particuiar country must make an
`appiication for patent in that country in accordance with its particuiar iaws. Since the iaws of many countries differ
`in various respects from the patent iaw of the United States, appiicants are advised to seek guidance from specific
`foreign countries to ensure that patent rights are not iost prematureiy.
`Appiicants aiso are advised that in the case of inventions made in the United States, the Director ottne USPTO must
`issue a iicense before appiicants can appiy for a patent in a foreign country. The tiiing of a US. patent appiication
`serves as a request for a foreign fiiing iicense. The appiication's fiiing receipt contains further information and
`guidance as to the status of appiicant‘s iicense for foreign fiiing.
`Appiicants may wish to consuit the USPTO bookiet, "Generai information Concerning Patents" (specit'icaiiy, the
`section entitied "Treaties and Foreign Patents") for more information on timeframes and deadiines for tiiing foreign
`patent appiications. The guide is avaiiahie either by contacting the USPTO Contact Center at 800—?85—9199, or it
`can be viewed on the USPTQ website at http://www.uspto.gov/weh/oftices/pac/doc/generai/index.htmi.
`For information on preventing theft of your inteiiectuai property (patents, trademarks and copyrights), you may wish
`to consuit the US. Government website, http://wwwstoptatresgov. Part of a Department of Commerce initiative,
`this website inciudes seit—heip "tooikits" giving innovators guidance on how to protect inteiiectuai property in specific
`countries such as China, Korea and Mexico. For questions regarding patent enforcement issues, appiicants may
`caii the US. Government hotiine at t—BEE-QQQuHALT (1—856-9Q9u4258).
`page 2 of 3


`Titie 35, United States Code, fiection 184
`Titie 3?, Code of Pederai Reguiations, 5.11 8% 5.15
`The appiicant has been granted a iicense under 135 DSC. 184, it the phrase "iF REQUiRED, PDREEGN PELENG
`LECENSE GRANTED" foiiowed by a date appears on this form. Such iicenses are issued in aii appiications where
`the conditions for issuance of a iicense have been met, regardiess of whether or not a iicense may he required as
`set forth in 37 CPR 5.t5. The scope and iimitations of this iicense are set forth in 37 CPR 5.t5(a) uniess an eariier
`ticense has been issued under 3? CPR 5.156)). The iicense is subject to revocation upon written notification. The
`date indicated is the effective date ofthe iicense, uniess an eartier iicense of simiiar scope has been granted under
`37 CPR 5.13 or 5.14.
`This iicense is to be retained hythe iicensee and may he used at anytime on or afterthe effective date thereof uniess
`it is revoked. This iicense is automaticaiiy transferred to any reiated appiications(s) tiied under 37 CPR t.53(d). This
`iicense is not retroactive.
`The grant of a iicense does not in any way iessen the responsihiiity of a iicensee for the security of the subject matter
`as imposed by any Government contract or the provisions of existing iaws reiating to espionage and the nationai
`security orthe export oi'technicai data. Licensees shcuid apprise themseives of current reguiaticns especiaiiy with
`respect to certain countries, of other agencies, particuiariy the Office of Defense Trade Controis, Department of
`State (with respect to Arms, Munitions and imptements of War (22 CPR 121428)); the Bureau of industry and
`Security, Department of Commerce (15 CPR parts 730—774); the Office of Foreign AssetsControi, Department of
`Treasury (3t CPR Parts 500+) and the Department of Energy.
`No iicense under 35 USC. 184 has been granted at this time, if the phrase "iP REQUERED, POREiGN PiLiNG
`LiCENSt—E GRANTED" DOES NOT appear on this form. Appiicant may stiti petition for a iicense under 37 CPR 5.12,
`if a iicense is desired before the expiration ofd months from the fiiing date ofthe appiication. ife months has iapsed
`from the fiiing date of this appiication and the iicensee has not received any indication of a secrecy order under 35
`USC. 181, the iicensee may foreign tiie the appiication pursuant to 37 CPR 5.156)).
`The United States represents the iargest, most dynamic marketpiace in the worid and is an unparaiieied iocation for
`business investment, innovation, and cornmerciaiization ofnew technciogies. The US. offers tremendous resources
`and advantages for those who invest and manufacture goods here. Through SetectUSA, our nation works to
`promote and faciiitate business investment. SeiectUSA provides information assistance to the internationai investor
`community; serves as an ombudsman for existing and potentiai investors; advocates on hehaif of US. cities, states,
`and regions competing forgic‘oai investment; and counseis US. economic deveiopment organizations on investment
`attraction best practices. To team more about why the United States is the best country in the wortd to deveicp
`technoiogy, manufacture products, deiiver services, and grow your ‘ousiness, visit http://www.SeiectDSAgov or caii
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