`PTO/AlA/82A (07-13)
`Approved for use through 11/30/2014. OMB 0651-0051
`Document Descrlptlon: Power Of Attorney
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`NOTE: This form is to be submitted with the Power of Attorney by Applicant form (PTO/AIA/82B) to identify the application to which the
`Power of Attorney is directed, in accordance with 37 CFR 1.5, unless the application number and filing date are identified in the Power of
`Attorney by Applicant form.
`If neither form PTO/AIA/82A nor form PTO/AIA82B identifies the application to which the Power of Attorney is
`directed, the Power of Attorney will not be recognized in the application.
`First Named Inventor
`Dong-Hee LEE
`—Jason B. Dunham
`SIGNATURE of A- olicant or Patent Practitioner
`/Dohyun Ahn/
`Dohyun Ahn
`Title (If Applicant IS a Attorney for Applicant
`juristic entity)
`um er
`Applicant Name (if Applicant is ajuristic entity)
`Eleven Street CO Ltd
`NOTE: This form must be signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33. See 37 CFR 1.4(d) for signature requirements and certifications. If
`more than one applicant, use multiple forms.
`*Total of ]
`forms are submitted.
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.131, 1.32, and 1.33. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by
`the public which is to file (and by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR
`1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 3 minutes to complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed
`application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of time you require
`to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, US. Patent and
`Trademark Office, US. Department of Commerce, PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
`P"Q‘AEA'82E 107 13)
`DOC Code: PA”
`Approved for use thrdugh 0313112021. OMB asst-M35
`Dccument Description. Power of Attdrney
`U. 3. Patent and Trademark Qffice;l.JS, DEPARTMENT CIF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, nd persons are required tc respond td a deflection of information unless it dispiays a vaiid OMB centroi number
`i hereby revoke eii previdus powers of attorney given in the appiication i en died in eL“; he at as e transmittai etter or
`the boxes heiow.
`Appiisetidn Number
`Fiiing Date AAA
`ihidt.:e The bdxes above may he ieft biank if infermsticn is providedan form PTO/AiAiS‘ZA.)i
`If; i hereby appeint the Patent Practitioneds) assecieied with the foiidwing Customer Number es myidur etterneyis; or agentis) and
`to transact ail businessin the United States Patent and Trademark Office connected therewith fer the epgiicetidn referenced in
`the attached iransrnittai letter (form PTO/AENBZA) or identified above1‘g"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
`i hereby appdint Practitioner(s) named in the attached iist (term PTQiAiNSEC) as mgr/our attorneyis) dr agenfis). end to transect
`aii business in the United States Patent and Trademark Office connected therewith for the patent appiication referenced in the
`attached transmittai iatter (farm PTC/AiAiEiZA) or identified above.
`(Note: Complete form PTG/AiAlEiZC.)
`Piease recognize dr change the correspandence address for the appiicetion identified in the attached transmittat
`ietter er the beams shave td:
`The address associated with the above—mentianed Custemer Number
`The address associated with Customer Number:
`Firrn or
`individuei Name
`I” E
`» R§x--‘“\~w««~\--
`easaunxxfixxk«E‘REEWW» E
`i am the Appiicant (if the Appiicant is a juristic entity; iist the Appiicant name in the box):
`~ \thnnth..................
`iEievenStreet Cd, Ltd
`inventor erdint inventor (iitie ndt required heidw)
`2 Legai Representative at a Deceased dr Legaiiy incapacitated inventdr (titie net required heiow)
`Assignee or Person to When! the inventor is Under an Ohiigstion to Assign (provide signer's iitie if appiicent is a juristic entity)
`i Person th Otherwise Shows Sufficient Proprietary interest (eg, e petition under 37 CPR ‘i.4€-(b)(2) was granted in the
`ag‘ij‘ga‘t‘idn or is concurrentiv being fiied with this documen‘tgig‘rggide sinner’s titie it an iicant is a iuristic entit f;
`EEGNATURE est Appiicantt
`P t rat
`The undersigned (whose titie is suppiied beiaw} is suthdrized its act on heheit of the appiica-i(eQ. where the eppiicentis a juristic entity).
`. Date (Optionai)
`NQTE: Signature - This form must he signed by the eppiicant in accordance with 37 CE13. sees 37 CFR 1.4 fer signature requirements
`and certifications. if more then one apsiicant. use muitipie fdri’ns.
`isrrns are submitted
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`EUi‘ifitE TEE -i H18 £053
`fbi-‘Eetrinte. EG. Brig ‘iaflid, Aisxsndn‘s, vs REE-margait
`if you need asststance in compieting the form. sail 1_60f‘—PTO--9199 and select option 2.