`Creation Date: 2021011614:21
`Prior Art Searches
`Inge.1n. and Bruheim.1n.
`5 5
`Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in.
`5 5
`, ill
`(Daniele.in. and Mancinellijn. ) and krill.clm. and
`(lipid or 0il).clm.
`(Daniele.in. and Mancinellijn. and krill.clm. and
`29 OR YES
`(lipid or 0il).clm. ) and phospholipid.clm.
`WEST Search History for Application 15976130
`(Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in. and krill.clm. and
`(lipid or oil).clm. and phospholipid.clm. ) and
`(Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in. and krill.clm. and
`(lipid or oil).clm. and phospholipid.clm. and
`astaxanthin.clm. ) and (meal or powder).clm.
`(Inge.1n. and Bruheim.1n. ) and krill.clm. and
`(lipid or oil).clm. and (meal or powder).clm.
`heated).clm. and month.clm. (Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and krill.clm. and (lipid
`or oil).clm. and (meal or powder).clm. ) and
`phospholipid.clm. and astaxanthin.clm.
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and krill.clm. and (lipid
`or oil).clm. and (meal or powder).clm. and
`phospholipid.clm. and astaxanthin.clm. ) and
`(cook or cooked or cooking or heat or heating or
`01- 16-2021
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and krill.clm. and (lipid
`or oil).clm. and (meal or powder).clm. and
`phospholipid.clm. and astaxanthin.clm. ) and
`Prior Art Searches
`(" U)"U’%
`(cook or cooked or cooking or heat or heating or
`heated).clm. and (week.clm. or weeks.clm. or
`months.clm. or month.clm.)
`(—4 U)’"U’%
`(" U)"U’%
`(—4 U)’"U’%
`(" U)"U’%
`(" U)"U’%
`(—4 U)’"U’%
`(Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in. ) and astaxanthin.clm.
`and krill.clm. and phospholipid.clm.
`(Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in. and astaxanthin.clm.
`and krill.clm. and phospholipid.clm. ) and (meal
`or powder).clm.
`(Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in. and astaxanthin.clm.
`and krill.clm. and phospholipid.clm. and (meal or
`powder).clm. ) and (cook or cooked or cooking or
`heat or heating or heated).clm. and (week.clm. or
`weeks.clm. or months.clm. or month.clm.)
`1 1
`Prior Art Searches
`krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder)
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) ) and astaxanthin and phospholipid
`and triglyceride and (month or months or weeks)
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) )
`and days
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days ) and (storage or storing or store or stored)
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored) )
`and "1 to 36"
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored) )
`and solvent
`Prior Art Searches
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored)
`and solvent) and (extract or extraction or
`extracted or extracting)
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored)
`and solvent and (extract or extraction or
`extracted or extracting) ) and ethanol
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored)
`and solvent and (extract or extraction or
`extracted or extracting) and ethanol) and cooking
`and drying
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored)
`and solvent and (extract or extraction or
`extracted or extracting) and ethanol and cooking
`and drying ) and meal
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored)
`and solvent and (extract or extraction or
`extracted or extracting) and ethanol and cooking
`and drying and meal) and "krill meal"
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored)
`Prior Art Searches
`21 OR
`and solvent and (extract or extraction or
`extracted or extracting) and ethanol and cooking
`and drying and meal) and "fresh krill"
`(krill and (oil or lipid) and (cook or cooked or
`cooking or heat or heating or heated) and (meal
`or powder) and astaxanthin and phospholipid and
`triglyceride and (month or months or weeks) and
`days and (storage or storing or store or stored)
`and solvent and (extract or extraction or
`extracted or extracting) and ethanol and cooking
`and drying and meal and "fresh krill" ) and ( (
`A61K2300/00 | A61K35/612 | A61K31/122 |
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` l||01-16-2021
`A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00 | A61Q19/007 | A61Q1/06
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`C07F9/103 |A23G3/40 | A23P10/28 | Y02A40/818 |
`A23J7/00 ).CPC.)
`Prior Art Searches