`Bruheim etal.
`Search Notes
`AM ll
`Application/Conirol No.
`CPC - Searched*
`A61K2300/00 | A61K31/685 | A61K31/122 | A61K31/683 | A61K31/23 |
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`A23G3/368 | A23G3/54 | CO7D409/12 | CO7J17/005 | CO7J9/00
`CPC Combination Sets - Searched*
`A61K2300/00 | A61K31/122 | A61K31/23 | A61K31/683 | A61K31/685 |
`A61K31/20 | A61K31/202 | A61K31/215 | A61K31/235 | A61K31/575|
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`A61K9/4858 | A23L33/115 | A23V2002/00 | C11B3/006
`* See search history printout included with this form or the SEARCH NOTES box below to determine the scopeof the
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
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`Part of Paper No.: 20180718
`Search Notes
`Application/Conirol No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`Bruheim etal.
`Search Notes
`CPC_WEST;Inventor Search and NPLSearch: *
`PGR2018-00033 reviewedpetition of post grantreview for USP 9644170|07/09/2018
`IPR201801178 reviewed petition of Inter Partes Review for USP
`IKPR201801 179 reviewedpetition of Inter Partes Review for USP
`US Subclass/CPC Group
`Interference Search
`US Class/CPC
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
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`Part of Paper No.: 20180718