`Creation Date: 2020050817:57
`Interference Searches
`(cook or cooking or cooked or cooker).clm. and
`krill.clm. and meal.clin. and (stored or storage or
`storing or preserved or preserveor store).clm. and
`((cook or cooking or cooked or cooker).clm. and
`krill.clm. and meal.clin. and (stored or storage or
`storing or preserved or preserveor store).clm. and
`oil.clm.) and (day or month).clim.
`((cook or cooking or cooked or cooker).clm. and
`krill.clm. and meal.clin. and (stored or storage or
`storing or preserved or preserveor store).clm. and
`oil.clm.) and triglyceride.clm.
`((cook or cooking or cooked or cooker).clm. and
`krill.clm. and meal.clin. and (stored or storage or
`storing or preserved or preserveor store).clm. and
`oil.clm. and triglyceride.clm.) and astaxanthin.clin.
`Prior Art Searches
`Inge.in. and Bruheim.in.
`Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in.
`WESTSearch History for Application 15976130
`fDaniele.in. and Mancinelli.in.
`Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in.
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. ) and (krill or
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and (krill or
`Euphausia).clm. ) and cook.clin.
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and (krill or
`Euphausia).clm. ) and cooking.clm.
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and (krill or
`Euphausia).clim. ) and (bake or baking or
`Prior Art Searches
`(Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in. ) and (cook or cooking
`or cooked).clin.
`(fDaniele.in. and Mancinelli.in. ) and (cook or
`cooking or cooked).clm.
`(Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in. ) and (cook or
`cooking or cooked).clm.
`(Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in. and (cook or
`cooking or cooked).clm.) and ( ( A61K2300/00|
`A61K31/122 | A61K31/23 | A61K31/683|
`A61K31/685 | A61K31/20 | A61K31/202|
`A61K31/215 | A61K31/235 | A61K31/575|
`A61K35/612 | A61K45/06 | A61K9/0053 | A61K9/48
`| A61K9/4825 | A61K9/4858 | A23L33/115 |
`A23V2002/00 | C11B3/006 ).CPC.)
`(krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and|PGPB,
`"w/w'' ) and (heating or cooking or baking)
`Prior Art Searches
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`"w/w" and (heating or cooking or baking) ) and
`(lyophilizing or drying)
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`"w/w" and (heating or cooking or baking) and
`(lyophilizing or drying) ) and (extraction or
`extracting or extract or extracted) and solvent
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`"w/w" and (heating or cooking or baking) and
`(lyophilizing or drying) and (extraction or
`extracting or extract or extracted) and solvent )
`and ethanol
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`"w/w" and (heating or cooking or baking) and
`(lyophilizing or drying) and (extraction or
`extracting or extract or extracted) and solvent and
`ethanol ) and meal
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`"w/w" and (heating or cooking or baking) and
`(lyophilizing or drying) and (extraction or
`extracting or extract or extracted) and solvent and
`ethanol and meal ) and astaxanthin
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`"w/w" and (heating or cooking or baking) and
`(lyophilizing or drying) and (extraction or
`Prior Art Searches
`67} OR YES
`extracting or extract or extracted) and solvent and
`ethanol and meal and astaxanthin ) and esters
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`"w/w" and (heating or cooking or baking) and
`(lyophilizing or drying) and (extraction or
`extracting or extract or extracted) and solvent and
`ethanol and meal and astaxanthin andesters ) and
`“krill oil'"'
`((krill or Euphausia) and oil and phospholipid and
`"w/w" and (heating or cooking or baking) and
`(lyophilizing or drying) and (extraction or
`extracting or extract or extracted) and solvent and
`ethanol and meal and astaxanthin and esters and
`"krill oil" ) and ( (A61K2300/00 | A61K31/685|
`A61K31/122 | A61K31/683 | A61K31/23|
`A61K35/612 | A61K31/202 | A61K31/575|
`A61K31/20 | A61K31/215 | A61K9/0053|
`A61K9/4825 | A61K9/48 | A61K9/4858|
`A61K31/235 | A61K45/06 | A61K2800/70|
`A61K35/63 | A61K35/64 | A61K8/553 | A61K8/925|
`A61K2236/00 | A61K31/133 | A61K31/198 |
`A61K31/201 | A61K36/02 | A61K36/05|
`A61K38/1767 | A61K9/2009 | A61K9/2054 |
`A61K9/2866 | A61K31/4155 | A61K31/661 |
`A61K35/60 | A61K9/0014 | A61K31/225|
`A61K31/232 | A23V2002/00 | A23V2250/1882|
`A23V2200/322 | A23V2250/1866 | A23V2250/1868|
`A23V2250/187 | A23V2250/5432 | A23L33/115 |
`A23L17/40 | A23L33/12 | A23L33/17 | A23L17/65|
`A23L33/18 | A23L5/23 | A23L5/25 | A23L2/52 |
`A23L33/10 | A23L17/00 | A23L17/10 | A23L27/00|
`A23L27/204 | A23L27/36 | A23L29/10 | A23L2/385|
`A23L2/60 | A23L33/105 | A23L33/15 | A23L33/175 |
`A23L33/30 | C11B3/006 | C11B1/10 | C11B1/06 |
`C11B1/02 | C11B13/00 | C11B1/16 | C11B1/104|
`C11B3/12 | C11B1/025 | C11B1/04 | C11B1/108|
`C11B7/0083 | C11B3/16 | C11B5/0028|
`C11B5/0035 | A23D9/013 | A23D9/007 | A23D9/02 |
`A23D7/011 | A23D9/00 | A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00|
`A61Q19/007 | A61Q1/06 | A61Q1/10 | A61Q1/12 |
`Y02W30/74 | A23K20/158 | A23K20/179|
`A23K10/22 | A23K50/80 | A23K10/00 | A23K20/26|
`A23K10/20 | A23,J7/00 | A23J1/04 | A23J3/34|
`CO07F9/103 | A23P10/28 | A23P10/20 | Y02A40/818 |
`Prior Art Searches
` cc Arg4
`Y02P20/544 | A23G3/40 | A23G3/364 | A23G3/368|
`A23G3/54 | CO7D409/12 | C07J17/005 | CO7J9/00
`— 2-07-2018
`— 2-07-2018
`cc Arg4
`meal and extraction and oil and krill
`(meal and extraction and oil and krill ) and
`“extracting oil"
`77) OR| YES
`Prior Art Searches
`(mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`“extracting oil" ) and "from meal"
`(meal and extraction andoil and krill and
`"extracting oil" ) and "extracting oil from meal'"'
`phospholipid (mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`“extracting oil" ) and "krill oil"
`(mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`"extracting oil" and ''krill oil" ) and ethanol
`(mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`"extracting oil" and ''krill oil’ and ethanol ) and
`Prior Art Searches
`(mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`"extracting oil" and ''krill oil" and ethanol and
`phospholipid ) and lysophospholipid
`(mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`"extracting oil" and ''krill oil" and ethanol and
`phospholipid ) and astaxanthin
`(mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`"extracting oil" and ''krill oil" and ethanol and
`phospholipid and astaxanthin ) and
`(mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`"extracting oil" and ''krill oil" and ethanol and
`phospholipid and astaxanthin ) and choline
`(mealand extraction and oil and krill and
`"extracting oil" and ''krill oil" and ethanol and
`phospholipid and astaxanthin and choline ) and
`(meal and extraction andoil and krill and
`“extracting oil" and "krill oil" and ethanol and
`phospholipid and astaxanthin and choline and
`lysophosphatidylcholine ) and ( ( A61K2300/00|
`A61K31/122 | A61K31/685 | A61K31/23|
`A61K31/683 | A61K35/612 | A61K31/202|
`A61K31/575 | A61K31/20 | A61K31/215 |
`Prior Art Searches
`A61K31/235 | A61K45/06 | A61K9/0053 | A61K9/48|FPRS
`| A61K9/4825 | A61K9/4858 | A61K31/133|
`A61K31/198 | A23L33/115 | A23L33/17 |
`A23L17/10 | A23L17/40 | A23L33/10 | A23L33/12 |
`A23V2002/00 | C11B3/006 | C11B1/06 | C11B1/10 |
`A23D9/013 | A23D7/011 | A23K10/22 | A23K20/158
`| A23K20/179 | A23K50/80 | CO7F9/103 | A23J7/00|
`Y02A40/818 ).CPC.)
`Inge.in. and Bruheim.in.
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. ) and krill.clm.
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and krill.clm. ) and
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and krill.clm. and
`oil.clm. ) and meal.clin.
`krill and oil and (store or storage) and month and|PGPB,
`(extract or extraction or extracting) and ethanol
`and phospholipids andtriglycerides and ether
`phospholipids" and"astaxanthin esters"
`Prior Art Searches
`(krill and oil and (store or storage) and month and
`(extract or extraction or extracting) and ethanol
`and phospholipids and triglycerides and '‘ether
`phospholipids" and ‘astaxanthin esters" ) and
`meal and (cook or cooking) and drying
`(krill and oil and (store or storage) and month and
`(extract or extraction or extracting) and ethanol
`and phospholipids and triglycerides and '‘ether
`phospholipids" and "astaxanthin esters" and meal
`and(cook or cooking) and drying ) and "20% to
`(20060177486 and krill and phospholipids ) and
`(20060177486 and krill and phospholipids and
`triglyceride ) and ether phospholipid"
`(4133077.pn. ) and "ether phospholipid'"' USPT|ofonFyes| 08-19-2019
`(4133077-pn. yand ether user|0]or|ves]| os-19-2019
`(4133077.pn. ) and astaxanthin|uspr|ofor}ves]| 08-19-2019
`11330779 Taser|fox]ves]fosasaoo
`0617486 Pears|3}ox|ves][os.oeaon
`(20060177486 andkrill and phospholipids and
`krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or ,|369 YES 05-08-2020
`extract or extracted) and "krill oil"
`Prior Art Searches
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and "krill oil" ) and "stored
`krill meal"
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and "krill oil" ) and "stored
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and "krill oil'' and "stored
`krill" ) and ethanol
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and ‘krill oil" and "stored
`krill" and ethanol ) and ( ( A23D9/007 | A23D9/013
`| A23L17/40 | A23L33/115 | A23V2002/00|
`A61K2800/70 | A61K35/612 | A61K35/63|
`A61K35/64 | A61K8/553 | A61K8/925 | A61P15/08|
`A61P17/00 | A61P17/02 | A61P17/06 | A61P17/08|
`A61P17/10 | A61P19/02 | A61P37/08 | A61P3/06 |
`A61P3/10 | A61P43/00 | A61P9/06 | A61P9/10 |
`A61P9/12 | A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00 | A61Q19/007|
`A61Q1/06 | A61Q1/10 | A61Q1/12 | C11B13/00 |
`C11B1/02 | C11B1/06 | C11B1/16 | YO2W30/74
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and ‘krill oil" and "stored
`krill" and ethanol and ( ( A23D9/007 | A23D9/013|
`A23L17/40 | A23L33/115 | A23V2002/00|
`A61K2800/70 | A61K35/612 | A61K35/63|
`A61K35/64 | A61K8/553 | A61K8/925 | A61P15/08|
`A61P17/00 | A61P17/02 | A61P17/06 | A61P17/08|
`A61P17/10 | A61P19/02 | A61P37/08 | A61P3/06|
`A61P3/10 | A61P43/00 | A61P9/06 | A61P9/10 |
`A61P9/12 | A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00 | A61Q19/007|
`A61Q1/06 | A61Q1/10 | A61Q1/12 | C11B13/00 |
`Prior Art Searches
`C11B1/02 | C11B1/06 | C11B1/16 | YO2W30/74
`).CPC.) ) and phospholipid
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and "krill oil'' and "stored
`krill" and ethanol and ( ( A23D9/007 | A23D9/013|
`A23L17/40 | A23L33/115 | A23V2002/00|
`A61K2800/70 | A61K35/612 | A61K35/63|
`A61K35/64 | A61K8/553 | A61K8/925 | A61P15/08|
`A61P17/00 | A61P17/02 | A61P17/06 | A61P17/08|
`A61P17/10 | A61P19/02 | A61P37/08 | A61P3/06|
`A61P3/10 | A61P43/00 | A61P9/06 | A61P9/10 |
`A61P9/12 | A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00 | A61Q19/007|
`A61Q1/06 | A61Q1/10 | A61Q1/12 | C11B13/00 |
`C11B1/02 | C11B1/06 | C11B1/16 | YO2W30/74
`).CPC.) and phospholipid ) and astaxanthin
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and "krill oil'' and "stored
`krill" and ethanol and ( ( A23D9/007 | A23D9/013|
`A23L17/40 | A23L33/115 | A23V2002/00|
`A61K2800/70 | A61K35/612 | A61K35/63|
`A61K35/64 | A61K8/553 | A61K8/925 | A61P15/08|
`A61P17/00 | A61P17/02 | A61P17/06 | A61P17/08|
`A61P17/10 | A61P19/02 | A61P37/08 | A61P3/06|
`A61P3/10 | A61P43/00 | A61P9/06 | A61P9/10 |
`A61P9/12 | A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00 | A61Q19/007|
`A61Q1/06 | A61Q1/10 | A61Q1/12 | C11B13/00 |
`C11B1/02 | C11B1/06 | C11B1/16 | YO2W30/74
`).CPC.) and phospholipid and astaxanthin ) and
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and ‘krill oil" and "stored
`krill" and ethanol and ( ( A23D9/007 | A23D9/013|
`A23L17/40 | A23L33/115 | A23V2002/00|
`A61K2800/70 | A61K35/612 | A61K35/63|
`A61K35/64 | A61K8/553 | A61K8/925 | A61P15/08|
`A61P17/00 | A61P17/02 | A61P17/06 | A61P17/08|
`A61P17/10 | A61P19/02 | A61P37/08 | A61P3/06|
`A61P3/10 | A61P43/00 | A61P9/06 | A61P9/10 |
`A61P9/12 | A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00 | A61Q19/007|
`A61Q1/06 | A61Q1/10 | A61Q1/12 | C11B13/00 |
`C11B1/02 | C11B1/06 | C11B1/16 | YO2W30/74
`).CPC.) and phospholipid and astaxanthin ) and
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and "krill oil'' and "stored
`krill" and ethanol and ( ( A23D9/007 | A23D9/013|
`A23L17/40 | A23L33/115 | A23V2002/00|
`A61K2800/70 | A61K35/612 | A61K35/63|
`Prior Art Searches
`A61K35/64 | A61K8/553 | A61K8/925 | A61P15/08|
`A61P17/00 | A61P17/02 | A61P17/06 | A61P17/08|
`A61P17/10 | A61P19/02 | A61P37/08 | A61P3/06|
`A61P3/10 | A61P43/00 | A61P9/06 | A61P9/10 |
`A61P9/12 | A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00 | A61Q19/007|
`A61Q1/06 | A61Q1/10 | A61Q1/12 | C11B13/00 |
`C11B1/02 | C11B1/06 | C11B1/16 | YO2W30/74
`).CPC.) and phospholipid and astaxanthin and
`meal ) andkrill
`(krill and meal and (extraction or extracting or
`extract or extracted) and "krill oil'' and "stored
`krill" and ethanol and ( ( A23D9/007 | A23D9/013|
`A23L17/40 | A23L33/115 | A23V2002/00|
`A61K2800/70 | A61K35/612 | A61K35/63|
`A61K35/64 | A61K8/553 | A61K8/925 | A61P15/08|
`A61P17/00 | A61P17/02 | A61P17/06 | A61P17/08|
`A61P17/10 | A61P19/02 | A61P37/08 | A61P3/06|
`A61P3/10 | A61P43/00 | A61P9/06 | A61P9/10 |
`A61P9/12 | A61Q17/04 | A61Q19/00 | A61Q19/007|
`A61Q1/06 | A61Q1/10 | A61Q1/12 | C11B13/00 |
`C11B1/02 | C11B1/06 | C11B1/16 | YO2W30/74
`).CPC.) and phospholipid and astaxanthin and
`mealand krill ) and (cook or cooking or cooked)
`krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil
` 05-08-2020
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil ) and (lyophilizing or
`lyophilising or lyophilize or lyophilized or
`lyophilize or dry or dried or drying)
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) ) and "krill meal"
`Prior Art Searches
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" ) and "krill oil''
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and "krill oil" )
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin ) and ether
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether ) and
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether ) and
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether ) and
`Prior Art Searches
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether ) and
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether and
`triglyceride ) and ether phospholipid"
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether and
`triglyceride and "ether phospholipid" ) and (dry
`or drying)
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether and
`triglyceride and "ether phospholipid" and (dry or
`drying) ) and cooker
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether and
`triglyceride and "ether phospholipid" and (dry or
`drying) ) and cook
`(krill and meal and (cook or cooking or cooked or
`cooker) and (extraction or extracting or extract or
`extracted) and oil and (lyophilizing or lyophilising
`or lyophilize or lyophilized or lyophilize or dry or
`dried or drying) and "krill meal" and 'krill oil"
`Prior Art Searches
`and phospholipid and astaxanthin and ether and
`triglyceride ) and ( (A61K2300/00 | A61K31/685 ||TDBD,
`A61K31/122 | A61K31/683 | A61K31/23|
`A61K35/612 | A61K31/202 | A61K31/215 |
`A61K31/20 | A61K31/575 | A61K9/0053|
`A61K31/235 | A61K45/06 | A61K9/48 | A61K9/4825
`| A61K9/4858 | A61K31/133 | A61K31/198|
`A61K9/2009 | A61K9/2054 | A61K9/2866|
`A61K31/225 | A61K31/201 | A61K38/1767|
`A23L33/115 | A23L17/40 | A23L17/65 | A23L33/18 |
`A23L5/23 | A23L5/25 | A23L33/17 | A23L33/12 |
`A23L33/10 | A23L17/00 | A23L17/10 | A23L29/10 |
`A23L33/105 | A23L33/15 | A23L33/175|
`A23L33/30 | A23V2002/00 | A23V2250/1882|
`A23V2250/1846 | A23V2250/1866 | A23V2250/1868
`| A23V2250/187 | A23V2250/5432 | C11B3/006|
`C11B1/10 | C11B1/025 | C11B1/104 | C11B1/06|
`C11B13/00 | C11B3/16 | C11B5/0028 | C11B5/0035|
`A61P3/02 | A61P9/10 | A61P3/00 | A61P3/04|
`A61P25/28 | A61P19/02 | A61P39/06 | A61P29/00|
`A61P19/00 | A61P1/00 | A61P1/04 | A61P27/02|
`A61P37/08 | A61P3/06 | A61P7/02 | A61P9/00|
`A23D9/013 | A23D9/007 | A23D9/02 | A23D9/00|
`A23D7/011 | A23K20/158 | A23K20/179|
`A23K10/22 | A23K50/80 | A23K20/26 | A23K10/20|
`A23K20/126 | A23J1/04 | A23J3/34 | A23J3/04|
`A23J7/00 | YO2P20/544 | CO7K14/43509|
`C07K19/00 | CO7F9/103 | A23P10/28 | Y02A40/818
`| A23G3/40 | A23G3/364 | A23G3/368 | A23G3/54|
`C12P13/001 | YO2W30/74 ).CPC.)
`Inge.in.andBruheim.in. Th05-08-2020
`(Inge.in.andBruheim.in.)andkrill.clm. Th05-08-2020
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and krill.clm. ) and
`Prior Art Searches
`(Inge.in. and Bruheim.in. and krill.clm. and
`meal.clm.) and oil.clm.
`Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in.
`(Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in. ) and oil.clm. and
`meal.clm. and krill.clm.
`(Snorre.in. and Tilseth.in. and oil.clm. and
`meal.clm.and krill.clm. ) and triglyceride.clm.
`Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in.
`(Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in. ) and oil.clm. and
`Prior Art Searches
`krill.clm. and meal.clin.
`krill.clm. and meal.clin. ) and triglyceride.clm. (Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in. and oil.clm. and
`(Daniele.in. and Mancinelli.in. and oil.clm. and
`krill.clm. and meal.clm.and triglyceride.clin. ) and
`Prior Art Searches