`Creation Date: 2019111514:52
`Interference Searches
`(blood or serum or plasma) same (DNA and
`RNA) and RNA near3 (adapter or adaptor
`or tag $ 7 or index $ 7) and DNA near3
`(adapter or adaptor or tag $ 7 or index $ 7)
`and (adapter or adaptor or tag $ 7 or index $
`7) near3 ligase and ((C12Q1/6806 |
`C12Q2525/191 | C12Q1/6855).CPC.)
`55 ADJ YES ASSIGNEE 11-15-2019
`Prior Art Searches
`54 ADJ YES ASSIGNEE 11-15-2019
` ("20020012930" | "20030022207" |
`"20030058629" | "20030064398" |
`"20030100102" | "20030148344" |
`"20040106110" | "20040209299" |
`"20040248161" | "20050079510" |
`"20050100932" | "20050124022" |
`"20050202414" | "20060012784" |
`"20060012793" | "20060024678" |
`"20060024711" | "20060078909" |
`"20100068711" | "20120021412" |
`"20120077185" | "20120190663" |
`"20120295810" | "20130024127" |
`"20130178544" | "20130237431" |
`"20130245961" | "20130252835" |
`"20140066317" | "20140147851" |
`"20140242582" | "20140274740" |
`"20150133391" | "20160017420" |
`"20160304953" | "20170016048" |
`"20170145507" | "20170145508" |
`"20170145509" | "20170166982" | "6753137"
`| "6787308" | "6833246" | "6897023" |
`"6969488" | "7803929" | "7914982" |
`"7973154" | "8682592" | "8703652" |
`"8877442" | "9353414" | "9580755" |
`(("20020012930" | "20030022207" |
`"20030058629" | "20030064398" |
`"20030100102" | "20030148344" |
`0 ADJ YES ASSIGNEE 11-15-2019
`WEST Search History for Application 15952203
`"20040106110" | "20040209299" |
`"20040248161" | "20050079510" |
`"20050100932" | "20050124022" |
`"20050202414" | "20060012784" |
`"20060012793" | "20060024678" |
`"20060024711" | "20060078909" |
`"20100068711" | "20120021412" |
`"20120077185" | "20120190663" |
`"20120295810" | "20130024127" |
`"20130178544" | "20130237431" |
`"20130245961" | "20130252835" |
`"20140066317" | "20140147851" |
`"20140242582" | "20140274740" |
`"20150133391" | "20160017420" |
`"20160304953" | "20170016048" |
`"20170145507" | "20170145508" |
`"20170145509" | "20170166982" | "6753137"
`| "6787308" | "6833246" | "6897023" |
`"6969488" | "7803929" | "7914982" |
`"7973154" | "8682592" | "8703652" |
`"8877442" | "9353414" | "9580755" |
`"RE39920").PN. ) and RNA near3 (adapter
`or adaptor or tag$7 or index$7) and DNA
`near3 (adapter or adaptor or tag$7 or
`ASSIGNEE 11-15-2019
`(blood or serum or plasma) same (DNA and
`RNA) and RNA near3 (adapter or adaptor
`or tag$7 or indeX$7) and DNA near3
`(adapter or adaptor or tag$7 or index$7) and
`( ( C12Q1/6806 | C12Q2525/191 |
`C12Q1/6855 ).CPC.)
`((blood or serum or plasma) same (DNA and
`RNA) and RNA near3 (adapter or adaptor
`or tag$7 or indeX$7) and DNA near3
`(adapter or adaptor or tag$7 or index$7) and
`( ( C12Q1/6806 | C12Q2525/191 |
`C12Q1/6855 ).CPC.) ) and (adapter or
`119 ADJ YES ASSIGNEE 11-15-2019
`40 ADJ
`ASSIGNEE 11-15-2019
`45 ADJ
` adaptor or tag$7 or indeX$7) near3 ligase
`(blood or serum or plasma) same (DNA and
`RNA) and RNA near3 (adapter or adaptor
`or tag$7 or indeX$7) and DNA near3
`(adapter or adaptor or tag$7 or index$7) and
`( ( C12Q1/6806 | C12Q2525/191 |
`C12Q1/6855 ).CPC.)
`(blood or serum or plasma) same (DNA and DWPI
`RNA) and RNA near3 (adapter or adaptor
`9 ADJ
`ASSIGNEE 11-15-2019
`Prior Art Searches
`0r tag$7 0r index$7) and DNA near3
`(adapter or adaptor 0r tag$7 0r index$7) and
`( ( C12Q1/6806 | C12Q2525/191 |
`C12Q1/6855 ).CPC.)
` US-20190062831-A1.did.
`ASSIGNEE 11-15-2019
`Prior Art Searches