Attorney Docket No. WAC-1GAPP2
`Wangs Alhance Corporation
`13/871 ,047
`Monica C. King
`Application No,
`Group Art Unit
`Confirmation No.
`Coromissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Bear Commissioner:
`Pursuant to 37 CER. §§ 1.56 and 1.97, applicant wishes to call the Examiner's
`attention to the following documents. The documents, which were cited in connection with
`commonly owned counterpart Chinese Application No. 201980012708. bave been listed on
`the accompanying Formentitled, “Information Disclosure Statement by Applicant.” Applicants
`respectfully request that a copy of the accompanying Form, as considered and initialed by the
`Examiner, be returned with the next commnuntication.


`Patent or Publication No.
`Grant or Publ'n. Date
`CN 162984039
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.98(a)(3\i), applicant notes that the aforementioned
`references were cited in a foreign counterpart of this application.
`Search Report in Chinese Application No. 201980012708.X, une 23, 2021.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Reg. No. 44,S11
`Attomeyfor Applicants
`Weiss & Arons, LLP
`Customer No. 72,822
`63 South Main Street
`Spring Valley, NY 10977
`Tel.: (845) 362-6166
`Date: September 17, 2021


` HgRSE EEEninennnnnnnaaaalsanennnnSep
`. aa: Filing Date : 1-14-2018 |
`| First Named inventor EPEric¢Stefankiewicz
`‘ svreseoreeennanannerannrtantcts et baa
`| (Not for submission under 37 GFR 1.99) }ArtUnit
`i 2844
`|ExaminerName oo
`iz“AttorneyDocket Nurnber
`| Pages,‘Column3,oines,
`Nameof Patentee or
`2 Issue Date
`_ Examiner
`| Cite
`Applicant ofCit a
`Patent Number
`i Where Relevant
`eg atent N ApplicantofCite
`{ No
`: Passages or Relevant
`; Decument
`osnf pevenrerbigutesABDORE
`Examiner | Cite i Publication
`| Kind
`Publication ||| NamesHeantofCited
`: Where Relevant
`} Name of Patentee or
`' Pages,Ccolurons, Lines,

`' Code!
`i No
`| Passages or Relevant
`| Number
`{ Date

`: 02-24-2016
`sieeveicrnnnrtnnnnnnnnnatannananannneennannnsta i a
`Lttyou wish toaddadditionvalU.5.PublishedApplication citationinformationpleasecllickthe Add button
`VFages, Cohumns,
`' Lines, Where
`_ . ‘ Countr|Kind | . : Name of Patenteebons i 3.’ i
`‘Examiner i Cite | Poreign Document
`* Relevant
`i Publication |
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`Code |
`_ or Applicant of
`PP a
`‘ Initials
`3’ Number?
`ge ba
`' Date
`t Passages or
`i Code* |
`: Cited Document
`: Relevant
`‘FiguressAppear i
` 3
`| CN205046374
`j 03-23-2016
`ifyouwishtoaddadditional FooreignnPatentDosumentcitation informaticionmpleaseclclickithe‘Addbutton:
` | ON204044547
`Search Report in Chinese Application No. 201980012708.X, Jume 23, 2021.
`ifyyouuwishtto0addadditionalnnonnepatentHterature documentcitationinformation pieaseclicktheAddbutton
`: I


`iFling Date
`(Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99) | AUUnit
`\ STATEMENT BYAPPLICANT(b---o~a=sasaseeaeltaaaaaa “
`REXAMINER:Initialifreferenceconsidered,whether oFhotcilationisinconformancewith MPEP
`through a citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy ofthis form with next communication to
`document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST33}. 3Por Japanese patent documents, the indication ofthe year ofthe
`reign of the Emperor must precedethe serial numberofthe patent document. 4 Kind of documentby the appropriate
`symbols as indicated on the document under WIPOStandard ST.16if possible.
`° Applicantis to place a check mark here if |


`- TApplicationNumber|1S/674007
` <Ensi Namedinventor
`| Eric Stefankiewicz
`STATEMENT BY APPLICANT9hoossoore reccnensestatnemeeetttt
`(Not for submission under 37 CFR 4.99)Ateed
`| Examiner Name
`{ Monica C. King
`Attorney Docket Number
`Please see 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98 to make the appropriate selection(s):
`[xX] That each itern of information contained in the information disclosure staternent was first cited in any
`communication from a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign application not more than three months priorto the
`filing of the information disclosure statement. See 37 CFR 1.97(e)(4).
`| OR
`[| That no item of information contained in the information disclosure statement was cited in a communication from
`a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign application, and, to the knowledge of the person signing the certification |
`after making reasonable inquiry, no item of information contained in the information disclosure statement was known
`io any individual designated in 37 CFR 1.56(c} more than three months prior to the filing of the information disclosure
`statement. See 37 CFR 1.97(62}.
`See attached certification statement.
`[| The fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17 (p) has been submitted herewith.
`[| A certification statement is not submitted herewith.
`: A signature of the applicant or representative is required in accordance with CFR 1.33, 10.18. Please see CFR 1.4(¢)for the
`i form of the signature.

`: Date
`i 8 eo
`ii Signature
`: eeee 2 oes
`% A = SeaET|
`ti Name/Print
`: Eqward M. Arons
`‘ Registration Number
`| A4Sil
`Banngeeneeennnnnnnnnnennnnnnaitnaeenannggannnnnnenna diaginerrraannnnnnnnananenaananennnannanannannssthaaannanennnnananannnayy negAineaaaaeonein
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit
`| by the public whichis to file (and by the USPTOto process) an application. Confidentialityis governed by 35 U S.C. 122
`| and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take | hour to complete, including gathering, preparing and submitting the
`completed application form io the USPTO. Time will vary depending uponthe individual case. Any comments on the
`amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief
`information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA
`Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.

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