`Attorney Docket No. GRPET-1147302
`Response to Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment
`Status of the Claims
`Claims 1-20 are pending. Claims 1-20 have been canceled. Claims 21 to 45 are new.
`Support for the new claims can be found throughoutthe specification, claims, and figures as
`filed. No new matter has been added. After entry of the forgoing amendments, Claims 21-45 are
`pending and submitted for consideration.
`New claims 21-40 are claims 1-20 asfiled and claims 1-20 as amendedin the Preliminary
`Amendmentfiled on March 22, 2018. The claim numbering changes betweenthe claims as
`filed, as amendedin the Preliminary Amendment, and as in this Response are summarized in the
`chart below. New claims 21-40 incorporate the claim amendments from the Preliminary
`Amendmentas well as correct the claim dependenciesto reflect the new claim numbering.
`As Filed Prelim. Amend.|This Response
`Appl. No. 15/850,700
`Attorney Docket No. GRPET-1147302
`Response to Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment
`Claim 41 is new and depends from claim 1. Support for the new claim can be foundin at
`least paragraphs 23, 30, 32, and 46, and in Figures 2, 3, and 4.
`Claim 42 is new and depends from new claim 41. Support for the new claim can be
`foundin at least paragraph 32.
`Claim 43 is new and depends from new claim 41. Support for the new claim can be
`foundin at least paragraph 32.
`Claim 44 is new and depends from new claim 41. Support for the new claim can be
`foundin at least paragraphs 27, 29, 37 and 45.
`Claim 45 is new andrecites the features of claims 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, as filed, rewritten
`in independent form. Support for the new claim can be found in claims 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12 as
`Applicant thanks the Examinerfor the telephone interview on September 17, 2019.
`During the interview, the parties discussed the claim numbering issue. Due to the multiple
`numberingerrors, it was decided that it would be best to renumberthe claims starting with claim
`Rejections Under 35 USC § 103
`Applicant respectfully disagrees with the Examiner’s assessmentofthe priorart.
`However, prior to responding to the Examiner’s rejection, it should be notedthat the Office
`Action contains language that is not part of the pending claim set. Specifically, at least the
`current claim set does not use the term “sealed perimeter.” In fact, upon review the quoted
`language seems to be based on prior continuation applications of Applicant. As such, to avoid
`confusion, Applicant requests an amendedoffice action using the current pending claim set.
`The abovesaid, while Applicant agrees with the Examiner that Rabenbauer does not
`disclose angled segments, wherein angled segments within a [sealed perimeter] of the
`Appl. No. 15/850,700
`Attorney Docket No. GRPET-1147302
`Response to Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment
`temperature regulation layer are formed by a top side and a bottom side at a predefined distance,
`and channels, wherein the channels substantially form sides by contacting the top side with the
`bottom side, there is no evidence of record that Rabenbauer teaches an endothermically activated
`and exothermically deactivated cooling platform. Rabenbauer doesindicate that the invention
`contemplates pre-frozen,artificial, ice packs. See Col. 2; Ln. 1 —- 4. However, ice packs are not
`the sameas the cooling platform in Applicant’s invention, which is endothermically activated
`and exothermically deactivated.
`The Examinercites Gatten as teaching a cooling mattress for sunbathing comprising a
`plurality of angled segments, wherein angled segments within a [sealed perimeter] of the
`temperature regulation layer are formed by a top side and a bottom side at predefined distance,
`and channels wherein the channels substantially form sides by contacting the top side with the
`bottom side in order to enable the portions of the liner carrying the cavities to be folded to place
`the mattress in a compact configuration. Applicant disagrees with this assessment and takes issue
`with the motivation supplied by the Examiner.
`First, Gatten does not supply the missing features of “channels” that “substantially form
`sides by contacting the top side with the bottom side.” The Examiner appears to argue that the
`liner partitions 318 of the mattress 316 of Gatten read on the claimed “channels.” Respectfully,
`this position is misplaced. As shownin Figure 8, for example, the v-shaped liner partitions 318
`of Gatten terminate prior to reaching the opposite side. Therefore, these partitions do not form
`sides by contacting the top side with the bottom side. Accordingly, even if the proposed
`modification could be made,the result is still not what is claimed by independent claims 1-2.
`Second, with respect to motivation, the Examinerstates that “it would have been obvious
`to one having ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to modify the system of
`Rabenbauer,to include a plurality of angled segments wherein angled segments within a sealed
`perimeter of the temperature regulation layer are formed by a top side and a bottom side at a
`predefined distance, and channels, wherein the channels substantially form sides by contacting
`the top side with the bottom side, as taught by Gatten, in order to enable the portionsof the liner
`carrying the cavities to be folded to place the mattress in a compact configuration.” The proposed
`Appl. No. 15/850,700
`Attorney Docket No. GRPET-1147302
`Response to Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment
`modification would not result in making the pet bed of Rabenbauer foldable. The Examiner
`refers to the insulation 2 of Rabenbaueras reading on the claimed “temperature regulation
`layer.” Even if one were to modify the insulation 2 to include the alleged angled segments of
`Gatten, the result would be to renderthe insulation 2 more foldable. However, since the
`insulation 2 is housedinside the rigid lower portion 1 and top 4 ofthe pet bed, the pet bed as a
`whole would not be made foldable by implementing the proposed modification. This highlights
`why the Examiner’s reasoning lacks any rational underpinning.
`Furthermore, Applicant respectfully submits that modifying the system Rabenbauerwith
`Gatten would render the system inoperable as Rabenbauer cannot be folded because it only
`contemplates “wood or plastic, and is of sufficient strength to support the weight of a pet.” See
`Col. 1; Ln: 29-35. Thus, even if the area surrounding the ice packs in Rabenbauer were
`foldable; the surrounding structure is not — this notwithstanding the fact that ice-packs or ice
`cannot be folded themselves. Given that Rabenbaueris the primary reference, the claimed
`combination cannot changetheprinciple of operation of the primary reference or render the
`reference inoperable for its intended purpose; which it does. See MPEP § 2143.01. Lastly, the
`Examiner seems to suggest that Rabenbauer would be folded “to place the mattress in a compact
`configuration.” However, the Examiner has not made a showing that Rabenbauer would be
`modified to even use a mattress, or even contemplate folding. As stated above, Rabenbauer uses
`reusable ice packs and hard woodorplastic to provide support. There is no support for the
`notion to combine the tworeferences to achieve the result the Examinerargues.
`The Examiner uses Lachenbruch to teach (another feature lacking in Rabenbauer) that the
`support layer comprises an elastic material that deforms and reforms upon the application and
`release of pressure to that of Rabenbauer. Specifically, the Examinerstates it would be “obvious
`to one having ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to modify the system of
`Rabenbauer, to include an elastic material that deforms and reforms upon the application and
`release of pressure, respectively, within the support layer, as taught by Lachenbruch,in order to
`provide comfort to the user when applying cooling.” This cited motivation is inapposite and also
`renders Rabenbauerinoperable becausethe use of elastic material underneath or around the ice
`Appl. No. 15/850,700
`Attorney Docket No. GRPET-1147302
`Response to Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment
`packs in Rabenbauer would provide no such comfort given the degree of hardness in and of the
`packs themselves.
`Under Ex Parte Ligh, if a claim is allowed,all proper dependent claims are also allowed.
`(See Ex Parte Ligh, 159 USPQ (BNA) 61, 62 (BPAI 1967).) Because the references cited do not
`meetthe limitations set forth in Claims 1 or 2, Claims 3 — 20 are also allowable. Furthermore,
`new Claims 23 to 27 depend from or incorporate the limitations of Claims 1 or 2 and are also
`Applicants believe that the claim amendments, new figures, specification amendments,
`and remarks madeherein fully addressall issues raised in the Office Action. Silence with regard
`to any of the Examiner’s rejections is not an acquiescence to such rejections. Specifically,
`silence with regard to Examiner’s rejection of a dependent claim, when such claim depends from
`an independent claim that Applicant considers allowable for reasons provided herein, is not an
`acquiescenceto such rejection of the dependentclaim(s), but rather a recognition by Applicant
`that such previously lodged rejection is moot based on Applicant remarks and/or amendments
`relative to the independent claim (that Applicant considers allowable) from which the dependent
`claim(s) depends.
`In view of the foregoing remarks, Applicant respectfully submit that the claims are
`patentable and in condition for allowance. The undersigned has made a good-faith effort to
`address all the points raised in the outstanding Office Action and seek allowance.
`Appl. No. 15/850,700
`Attorney Docket No. GRPET-1147302
`Response to Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment
`Applicant respectfully requests that the Examiner contact the undersigned attorney at
`(213) 576-5065, or at rdaramann@egordonrees.com, if itis believed that such contact will
`expedite prosecution.
`Please charge any fee deficiency or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 50-
`1990 and reference GRPET-1147302. However, the Commissioner for Patents is not authorized
`to charge the cost of the issue fee to the Deposit Account.
`Respectfully submitted,
`_/Reid E. Dammann/
`Reid E. Dammann
`Registration No. 57,227
`Please recognize our Customer Number 27111 as
`our correspondence address.
`Dated:_ October 18, 2019
`101 West Broadway, Suite 1600
`San Diego, CA 92101
`Phone (main): (619) 696-6700
`(619) 696-7124
`ipdocketigordonrees com
`Attorney Docket No.: GRPET-1147302