`Docket No.: AVN—OO9DVCN7
`Amendments to the Specification
`The specification has been amended to update the priority information and the statement
`regarding the sequence listing. No new matter has been added.
`Amendments to the Claims
`Claim 1 has been amended and claims 2—65 have been cancelled Without prejudice or
`disclaimer. No new matter has been added.
`Application No.: Not Yet Assigned
`Docket No.: AVN—OO9DVCN7
`If a telephone conversation with the Applicant's attorney would expedite the prosecution
`of the above-identified application, the Examiner is urged to call the undersigned at (617) 217—
`4626. The Director is hereby authorized to charge any deficiency in the fees filed, asserted to be
`filed or which should have been filed herewith to our Deposit Account No. 12—0080, under
`Order N o. AVN —009DVCN 7, from which the undersigned is authorized to draw.
`Dated: October 20, 2017
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Amy E. Mandragouras,
`Electronic signature:
`Amy E. Mandragouras, Esq.
`Registration No.: 36,207
`One Post Office Square
`Boston, Massachusetts 02109—2127
`(617) 217—4626
`(617) 217—4699 (Fax)
`Attorney/Agent For Applicant