`Mailing Month
`For US serial numbers: enter number only, no slashes or commas. Ex: 10123456
`For PCT: enter "51+single digit of year of filing+last 5 numbers", EX. for PCT/USO5/12345, enter 51512345
`Deciding Official:
`Eason, Michelle
`Count (1) - Palm Credit
`Decision:§ GRANT
`*7 Select Check Box for YES
`l Illlll |||ll| llll llllll |ll|| ll Ill
`N T
`Count (2)
`J Select Check Box for YES
`Decision Type: NONE
`Count (3)
`1 Select Check Box for YES
`Decision Type:
`‘ “
`Initials of Approving Official (if required)
`Printed on:
`If more than 3 decisions, attach
`2nd count sheet & mark this box M‘
`Office of Petitions Internal Document - Ver. 5.0