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`Application Number 15789862
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`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
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`Application Number 15789862
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`06,007 and 106,008 on February 17, 2015.
`eexamination Certificate — Application No. 90/011,320, issued March 27, 2012, 2 pages, (Exhibit Number 1072 filed i
`nterferences 106008, 106007 on December 23, 2014)
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`estern Australia Exhibit 2145, filed April 3, 2015 in Interferences 106007, 106008, and 106013, pages 1—4).
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`'hodes et al., "BioMarin Bulks Up," BioCentury, pp. 6—8 (December, 2014), Exhibit Number 1193 filed in Interferences
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