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`nIverSIta DelgI StudI DI
`he UnIverSIty of Western
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`ecklenburg Hospital
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`3fl--fl--- 2013—09—26
`I AVN-OOQDVCNT ' rosensa Technologies
`agiwara, Masatoshi et
`ippon Shinyaku 00.,
`td. et al.
`20 1 2—04—05
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`he Charlotte-
`2012—08—1 6
`ecklenburg Hospital
`. uthority DIBIA
`- vi Biopharma, Inc
`he Regents of the
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`yologie et al.
`201 3—07—04
`ippon Shinyaku 00.,
`td. et al.
`—l N
`' rosensa Technologies
`—l (A)
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`arepta Therapeutics, Inc
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`arepta Therapeutics, Inc
`—l ‘4
`2014—09—1 8
`arepta Therapeutics, Inc
`arepta Therapeutics, Inc
`es Inst At Nationwide
`hildren S Hospital
`201 7—04—06
`arepta Therapeutics, Inc
`- bbott Laboratories
`1 994—02—03
`'harmaceuticals, Inc.
`1994—1 1—24
`he University of North
`arolina at Chapel Hill
`3---fl-flfl- 1996—04—1 1
`he University of British
`1996—04—1 1
`he University of British
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`Application Number 15789862
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`laims from US Application No. 11/233,495, 6 pages, dated September 21, 2005 (Exhibit Number 2068 filed in
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`umber 1168 filed in Interferences 106,007 and 106,008 on February 16, 2015.
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`Application Number 15789862
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`oolidge v. Efendic, 2008 WL 2080735, Int. No. 105,457 (BPAI May 16, 2008), 42 pages, (Academisch Ziekenhuis
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`V, Professor Matthew J.A. Wood, 3 pages (Exhibit Number 2003 filed in interferences 106008, 106007 on Novembe
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`06,007 and 106,008 on February 17, 2015.
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`Application Number 15789862
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`Iecision on Request for ReHearing, Ex Parte Roderick John Scott, Appeal No. 2008-004077, Appl. No. 107058825
`January 6, 2010) (2010 WL 191079 (Bd.Pat.App. & |nterf.),Pages 21, Exhibit Number 1208 filed in Interferences
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`' 133, filed April 3, 2015 in Interferences 106007, 106008, and 106013, pages 1—10).
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`Ieposition Transcript of Matthew J. A. Wood, MD. , D. Phi|., January 22, 2015, including Errata Sheet, Pages 198,
`xhibit Number 1007 filed in Interference 106,013 on February 17, 2015.
`Ieposition Transcript of Matthew J. A. Wood, M.D., D. Phi|., Pages 196, Exhibit Number 1122 filed in interferences
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`Iesalting of Oligonucleotides, Pages 2, Exhibit Number 1132 filed in Interferences 106,007 and 106,008 on February
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`arget Sequence, Mismatched Bases, and PNA Length," Biochemistry 40:53—64, (Exhibit Number 2123 filed in
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`I r. Wood Errata Sheet — 22 Jan 2015, Pages 2, Exhibit Number 1227 filed in Interferences 106,007 and 106,008 on
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`mail from Danny Huntington to Interference Trial Section, dated September 21, 2014, Pages 2, Exhibit Number 3001
`"ed in Interference 106,007, 106,008, and 106,013 on September 26, 2014.
`mail From Sharon Crane to Interference Trial Section, dated November 13, 2014, Pages 2, Exhibit Number 3002 file
`n Interference 106,007, 106,008, and 106,013 on dated November 14, 2014.
`mery, A.E. H., "Population frequencies of inherited neuromuscular diseases — a world survey," Neuromuscul Disord
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`uropean Search Report for Application No. 121629950, 11 pages, dated January 15,2013
`rrata sheet for the January 22, 2015 deposition of Matthew J. A. Wood, M.D., D. PHIL., 2 pages, (Exhibit Number
`' 128 filed in interferences 106,007 and 106,008 on February 17, 2015.
`rrata sheet for the March 12, 2015 deposition of Erik J. Sontheimer, Ph.D., (University of Western Australia Exhibit
`' 149, filed April 3, 2015 in lnterferences 106007, 106008, and 106013, page 1).
`rrata to the Sarepta Briefing Information for the April 25, 2016 Meeting of the Peripheral and Central Nervous System
`Irugs Advisory Committee, Eteplirsen Errata Document, NDA 206488, 5 pages.
`RRINGTON, Stephen J. et al., "Target selection for antisense oligonucleotide induced exon skipping in the dystrophi
`ene," The Journal of Gene Medicine, Vol. 5:518—527 (2003)
`uropean Office Action for Application No. 097525729, 5 pages, dated February 29, 2012
`uropean Response, Application No. 100042746, 7 pages, dated November 5, 2013 (Exhibit Number 1060 filed in
`nterferences 106008, 106007 on November 18, 2014)
`uropean Response, Application No. 121985170, 7 pages, dated October 21, 2014 (Exhibit Number 2084 filed in
`nterferences 106008, 106013, 106007 on November 18, 2014)
`uropean Response, Application No. 131603383, 4 pages, dated June 26, 2014 (Exhibit Number 2085 filed in
`nterferences 106008, 106013, 106007 on November 18, 2014)
`uropean Search Report for Application No. 100042746, 12 pages, dated January 2, 2013
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