`Approved for use through 01/31/2020. OMB 0651—0033
`us. Patent and Trademark Office; 0.8. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`’Also Form PTO-1050‘
`: 10,319,705
`APPLlCATlON N0; 15/789,275
`3 June 11, 2019
`Daniel Brodoceanu. Oscar Torrents Abad
`Column 14, Line 19, Claim 17, delete “layers on the LED dies" and insert —— layers on the LED dies; -—.
`It is certified that an error appears or errors appear in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent
`is hereby corrected as shown below:
`Column 13, Line 6, Claim 8, delete “forming elastomeric interface" and insert —- forming an elastomeric
`interface —-.
`MAlLtNG ADDRESS OF SENDER (Ptease do not use Customer Number below):
`Fenwick & West LLP
`801 California Street
`Mountain View, CA 94041
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.322, 1.323, and 1.324. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to tile
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`The Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579) requires that you be given certain information in connection
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