`Attorney Docket No. 44854-701.309
`BANYAI, William.
`Group Art Unit:
`Serial Number:
`Kaijiang Zhang
`Filing or 371 (c) Date:
`(Trackl) DE NOVO
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
`UNDER 37 CFR§ 1.97
`Commissioner for Patents:
`An Information Disclosure Statement along with attached PTO/SB/08 is hereby submitted. A
`copy of each listed publication is submitted, if required, pursuant to 37 CFR §§1.97-1.98, as indicated
`The Examiner is requested to review the information provided and to make the information of
`record in the above-identified application. The Examiner is further requested to initial and return the
`attached PTO/SB/08 in accordance with MPEP § 609.
`The right to establish the patentability of the claimed invention over any of the information
`provided herewith, and/or to prove that this information may not be prior art, and/or to prove that this
`information may not be enabling for the teachings purportedly offered, is hereby reserved.
`This statement is not intended to represent that a search has been made or that the information
`cited in the statement is, or is considered to be, prior art or material to patentability as defined in § 1.56.
`Attorney Docket No. 44854-701309
`A. El 37 CFR § 1.97 (b). This Information Disclosure Statement should be considered by the Office
`It is being filed within 3 months of the filing date of a national application and is
`other than a continued prosecution application under § 1.53 (d),
`__ OR __
`It is being filed within 3 months of entry of the national stage as set forth in §
`1.491 in an international application;
`__ OR __
`It is being filed before the mailing of a first Office action on the merits;
`__ OR __
`It is being filed before the mailing of a first Office action after the filing of a
`request for continued examination under § 1.114.
`B. D 37 CFR § 1.97(c). Although this Information Disclosure Statement is being filed after the period
`specified in 37 CFR § 1.97(b), above, it is filed before the mailing date of the earlier of (1) a final
`office action under § 1.113, (2) a notice of allowance under § 1.311, or (3) an action that otherwise
`closes prosecution in the application, this Information Disclosure Statement should be considered
`because it is accompanied by one of:
`a statement as specified in §1.97 (e) provided concurrently herewith,
`__ OR __
`a fee of $240.00 as set forth in § 1.17 (p) authorized below, enclosed, or included with
`the payment of other papers filed together with this statement.
`IXI 37 CFR § 1.97 (0]). Although this Information Disclosure Statement is being filed after the
`mailing date of the earlier of (1) a final office action under § 1.113, (2) a notice of allowance under §
`1.311, or (3) an action that otherwise closes prosecution in the application, it is being filed before
`payment of the issue fee and should be considered because it is accompanied by:
`a statement as specified in § 1.97 (e),
`-- AND --
`a fee of $240.00 as set forth in §1.17(p) is authorized below, enclosed, or included
`with the payment of other papers filed together with this Statement.
`|:| 37 CFR §1.97 (e). Statement.
`A statement is provided herewith to satisfy the requirement under 37 CFR §§ 1.97 (c),
`-- AND/OR --
`A statement is provided herewith to satisfy the requirement under 37 CFR §§ 1.97 (d),
`-- AND/OR --
`A copy of a dated communication from a foreign patent office clearly showing that the
`information disclosure statement is being submitted within 3 months of the filing date on
`the communication is provided in lieu of a statement under 37 CFR. § 1.97(e) (1) as
`provided for under MPEP 609.04(b) V.
`Attorney Docket No. 44854-701309
`E. D Statement Under 37 CFR. §1.704(d). Each item of information contained in the information
`disclosure statement was first cited in any communication from a patent office in a counterpart
`foreign or international application or from the Office or is a communication that was issued by a
`patent office in a counterpart foreign or international application or by the Office that was received by
`an individual designated in § l.56(c) not more than thirty (30) days prior to the filing of this
`information disclosure statement. This statement is made pursuant to the requirements of 37 CFR.
`§l.704(d) to avoid reduction of the period of adjustment of the patent term for Applicant(s) delay.
`IXI 37 CFR §1.98 (a) (2). The content of the Information Disclosure Statement is as follows:
`Copies of each of the references listed on the attached Form PTO/SB/08 are enclosed
`__ OR __
`Copies of US. Patent Documents (issued patents and patent publications) listed on the
`attached Form PTO/SB/08 are not enclosed.
`-- AND/OR --
`Copies of Foreign Patent Documents and/or Non Patent Literature Documents listed on
`the attached Form PTO/SB/08 are enclosed in accordance with 37 CFR §l.98 (a)(2).
`-- AND/OR --
`Copies of pending unpublished US. patent applications are enclosed in accordance with
`37 CFR §1.98 (a) (2) (iii).
`G. D 37 CFR §1.98(a)(3). The Information Disclosure Statement includes non-English patents and/or
`Pursuant to 37 CFR §l.98(a)(3)(i), a concise explanation of the relevance of each patent,
`publication or other information provided that is not in English is provided herewith.
`Pursuant to MPEP 609(B), an English language copy of a foreign search report is
`submitted herewith to satisfy the requirement for a concise explanation where
`non-English language information is cited in the search report.
`__ OR __
`A concise explanation of the relevance of each patent, publication or other
`information provided that is not in English is as follows:
`Pursuant to 37 CFR §l.98(a) (3) (ii), a copy of a translation, or a portion thereof, of the
`non-English language reference(s) is provided herewith.
`H. D 37 CFR §1.98(d). Copies of patents, publications and pending US. patent applications, or other
`information specified in 37 CFR. § l.98(a) are not provided herewith because:
`to 37 CFR §l.98(d)(l) the information was previously submitted in an
`Information Disclosure Statement, or cited by examiner for another application under
`which this application claims priority for an earlier effective filing date under 35 U.S.C.
`Application in which the information was submitted:
`Information Disclosure Statement(s) filed on:
`The information disclosure statement submitted in the earlier application complied with
`paragraphs (a) through (c) of 37 CFR §l.98.
`Attorney Docket No. 44854-701309
`IX Fee Authorization. The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge the above-referenced fees
`of $240.00 and charge any additional
`fees or credit any overpayment associated with this
`communication to Deposit Account No. 23-2415 {Docket No.44854-701.3091.
`Respectfiilly submitted,
`/DaVid S. Harburger/
`DaVid S. Harburger
`Registration No. 65,159
`Dated: February 28: 2020
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050
`(650) 493-9300
`Customer No. 021971
`Attorney Docket No. 44854-701309