15/689,905 | U.S. Patent Application
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8/11/2020 | 1-4-US-156899051ZP1 | Filing Receipt |
8/11/2020 | Filing Receipt - Corrected | |
8/4/2020 | 1-11-US-156899051XP1 | Event:Office Action |
8/4/2020 | 12-2-US-156899051XP1 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications |
8/4/2020 | 14-48-US-156899051XP1 | Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
8/4/2020 | Event:Office Action | |
4/29/2020 | 1-1-US-156899051WP1 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
4/29/2020 | 1-1-US-156899051VP1 | Amendment/Req. Reconsideration-After Non-Final Reject Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
4/29/2020 | 2-3-US-156899051VP1 | Claims Application Documents |
4/29/2020 | 5-11-US-156899051VP1 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
4/29/2020 | 16-2-US-156899051VP1 | EFS Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
4/29/2020 | 18-1-US-156899051VP1 | Transmittal Letter |
4/17/2020 | 1-2-US-156899051UP1 | Transmittal Letter |
4/17/2020 | 3-2-US-156899051UP1 | Req to correct/update/change appl name until pay issue fee |
4/17/2020 | 5-1-US-156899051UP1 | Application Data Sheet Application Documents |
4/17/2020 | 6-2-US-156899051UP1 | EFS Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
2/28/2020 | 1-3-US-156899051SP1 | Applicant Initiated Interview Summary (PTOL-413) |
2/28/2020 | Email Notification | |
2/28/2020 | Mail Applicant Initiated Interview Summary | |
2/25/2020 | Interview Summary - Applicant Initiated - Telephonic | |
2/25/2020 | Interview Summary- Applicant Initiated | |
1/29/2020 | 1-8-US-156899051PP1 | Event:Office Action |
1/29/2020 | 9-1-US-156899051PP1 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications |
1/29/2020 | Electronic Review | |
1/29/2020 | Email Notification | |
1/29/2020 | Event:Office Action | |
1/23/2020 | Event:Office Action | |
1/21/2020 | Track 1 Request Granted | |
1/15/2020 | Date Forwarded to Examiner | |
1/15/2020 | Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129 | |
1/14/2020 | 1-2-US-156899051MP1 | TrackOne Request Granted |
1/14/2020 | Mail Pet Dec Track 1 Grant | |
1/13/2020 | Track 1 Request Granted | |
1/13/2020 | Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special | |
1/10/2020 | 1-1-US-156899051LP1 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
1/10/2020 | Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special | |
1/10/2020 | Pet Dec Track 1 Grant | |
1/7/2020 | Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation | |
1/7/2020 | 143.5 | PTA 36 Months |
1/7/2020 | 143 | Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation |