`des brevets
`Patent Office
`Office européen
`EP 1 942 698 A1
`(43) Date of publication:
`09.07.2008 Bulletin 2008/28
`(51) Int CL:
`HO4Q 7/38 (2006.01)
`(21) Application number: 08250053.9
`(22) Date offiling: 07.01.2008
`(B4) Designated Contracting States:
`Designated Extension States:
`(30) Priority: 07.01.2007 US 879318 P
`22.06.2007 US 821598
`22.06.2007 US 821597
`(71) Applicant: Apple Inc.
`Cupertino, CA 95014 (US)
`* Gautler, Patrice
`San Francisco, CA 94121 (US)
`Shimizu, Debbie
`San Jose, CA 95126 (US)
`Anderson, Alexandrea
`Clovis, CA 93611 (US)
`Cue, Eddy
`Los Altos, CA 94024 (US)
`* Gromek, Monika
`Oakland, CA 94607 (US)
`¢ Kondrk, Robert, H.
`San Francisco, CA 94107 (US)
`(74) Representative: Alton, Andrew
`Urquhart-Dykes & Lord LLP
`TowerNorth Central
`Merrion Way
`Leeds LS2 8PA (GB)
`(54) Method and system for mobile device activation
`Methods, systems and graphical user interfaces
`thatfacilitate activation of mobile devices, such as com-
`munication devices or multi-function devices, via com-
`puters are disclosed. According to one embodiment, ac-
`tivation of a mobile device with respect to a wireless serv-
`ice provider can be performed by users through use of a
`computer (e.g., personal computer) that communicate
`with a remotely located activation server. According to
`another embodiment, graphical user interfaces can be
`presented to users so as to enable end usersto easily
`activate mobile devices.
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`100 ‘
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`FIG. 1
`Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)
`- 1
`EP 1 942 698 A1
`Field of the Invention
`[0001] The present invention relates to mobile elec-
`tronic devices and, more particularly, to activation of mo-
`bile electronic devices having wireless communication
`Description of the Related Art
`[0002] Mobile phonesare often used byindividuals on
`a personal basis. When a mobile phone is newly ac-
`quired, the wireless networkinfrastructure (e.g., cellular
`phone network) of the appropriate wireless carrier or
`service provider needsto be setup to work withthe mobile
`phone. Mobile phone setupis principally done atretail
`establishments that sell mobile phones and wireless
`service plans. Alternatively, mobile phones can be con-
`figured at a manufacturing or distribution site or ata serv-
`ice center. Unfortunately, however, mobile phone setup
`is time consuming and restrictive to consumers. Addi-
`tionally, once a mobile phone and service plan have been
`setup for a consumer, the wireless network needsto be
`informed of the mobile phone and the mobile phone
`thereafter needs to register with the wireless network
`whenever being used. Registration requires a location
`update request be sent from the mobile phone to the
`wireless network. In the caseofinitial phone setup, since
`location update is triggered on power-up, typically the
`person configuring the mobile phone would be required
`to power-off and then power-on the mobile phone to
`render it active on the wireless network. There is thus a
`needto avoid the various inconveniencesandinefficien-
`cies of conventional mobile phone setup.
`through use of a host device, where the electronic device
`is associated with a customer for wireless network serv-
`ice provided by a wireless network service provider, one
`embodiment can, for example, include at least the acts
`of: receiving device information from the electronic de-
`vice when the electronic device is attached to the host
`device; acquiring customer information pertaining to the
`customer, receivinga service plan selection from the cus-
`tomer; receiving billing information for payment of the
`service plan; and initiating activation of a wireless service
`accountfor use of the electronic device with the wireless
`network service provided by the wireless network service
`provider. The wireless service account being activated
`can be based on the customer information, the service
`plan and the billing information.
`[0006] As a computer-implemented method for acti-
`vating an electronic device for wireless networkservice
`through useof a host device, where the electronic device
`is associated with a customer for wireless network serv-
`ice provided by a wireless network service provider, one
`embodiment can, for example, include at least the acts
`of: receiving device information from the electronic de-
`vice while the electronic device is attached to the host
`device; acquiring customer information pertaining to the
`customer; offering the user one or more service plans;
`receiving a user selection of one of the service plans;
`and receiving billing information for payment of the se-
`lected service plan.
`[0007] As a computer-implemented method for acti-
`vating an electronic device for wireless network service
`from a host device, where the electronic device is asso-
`ciated with a customer for wireless network service pro-
`vided by a wireless network service provider, one em-
`bodiment can, for example, include at least the acts of:
`receiving device information from the electronic device
`whenthe electronic device is attached to the host device;
`determining whether the electronic device has already
`been activated based on the device information; and au-
`tomatically initiating activation of the electronic device
`whenit is determined that the electronic device has not
`already been activated.
`{0003] The invention pertains to methods, systems
`[0008] Asagraphical userinterface to assist an end
`and graphical user interfaces that facilitate setup or ac-
`tivation of mobile devices, such as communication de-
`user in activating an accountfor an electronic device hav-
`vices or multi-function devices, via computers. According
`ing wireless communication capabilities, where the ac-
`to one embodiment, activation of a mobile device with
`countis with respect to a wireless service provider pro-
`viding wireless network service, one embodimentof the
`respect to a wireless service provider can be performed
`invention can, for example, include at least a plurality of
`by users through use of a computer(e.g., personal com-
`displayable pages that are presented ona display device
`puter) that communicate with a remotely located activa-
`tion server. According to another embodiment, graphical
`associated with a host computer. The displayable pages
`user interfaces can be presented to users so as to enable
`can, for example, include: an end user status page to
`facilitate selection of a type of activation; a service plan
`end users to easily activate mobile devices.
`selection page to facilitate selection of a service plan for
`[0004] Theinvention can be implemented in numerous
`the wireless network service; a media account pagefor
`ways, including as a method, system, device, apparatus,
`a media account associated with an online media store
`graphicaluser interface, or computer readable medium.
`Several embodiments of the invention are discussed be-
`so that a user can create a new media accountorlogin
`to an existing media account; an end user information
`entry pageto facilitate entry of end user information; a
`billing information page to facilitate entry ofbilling infor-
`[0005] As a computer-implemented methodfor acti-
`vating wireless network service for an electronic device
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`EP 1 942 698 Al
`mation for one or both the user media account and a
`wireless account; a terms and conditions page regarding
`legal agreements with the online media store and with
`the wireless service provider; and/or an activation page
`to inform the end user of activation information.
`[0009] As a computer-implemented method for acti-
`vating an electronic device for wireless network service,
`wherethe electronic device is associated with a customer
`least computer executable program code tangibly em-
`bodied therein for activating an electronic deviceforwire-
`less network service through use of a host device, the
`electronic device being associated with a customer for
`wireless network service provided by a wireless network
`service provider, one embodiment can, for example, in-
`clude at least: computer program codefor receiving de-
`vice information from the electronic device while the elec-
`tronic device is attached to the host device; computer
`program code for acquiring customer information pertain-
`ing to the customer; computer program codefor offering
`the user one or more service plans; computer program
`code for receiving a user selection of one of the service
`plans; and computer program code for receiving billing
`information for payment of the selected service plan.
`[0012] Other aspects and advantagesof the invention
`will become apparent from thefollowing detailed descrip-
`tion taken in conjunction with the accompanying draw-
`ings whichillustrate, by way of example, the principles
`of the invention.
`of a wireless service provider associated with the wire-
`less network service, one embodiment can, for example,
`includeat least the acts of: informing an activation server
`of an electronic device having wireless communication
`device thatis to be activated for wireless network service;
`displaying a customer status pageto facilitate selection
`of a type of activation; specifying to the activation server
`a type of activation desired by the customer; displaying
`a service plan selection page to facilitate selection of a
`service plan for the wireless network service; informing
`the activation server of aselected service plan; displaying
`a customeraccount pagetofacilitate login to or creation
`of a user media account with an online media store; pro-
`viding account information for the user media account
`forthe customer; displaying a customerinformation entry
`The invention will be readily understood by the
`page; providing customer information to the activation
`following detailed description in conjunction with the ac-
`server; displaying a billing information pageto facilitate
`companying drawings, wherein like reference numerals
`entry of billing information for one or both the user media
`designatelike structural elements, and in which:
`account and a wireless account; informing the activation
`FIG. 1is ablock diagram of an activation system
`serverof the billing information; displaying a terms and
`according to one embodimentof the invention.
`conditions page regarding legal agreements with the on-
`FIG. 2A isa flow diagram of a system activation
`line media store and with the wireless service provider;
`process according to one embodimentof the invention.
`informing the activation server of acceptanceof the legal
`FIG. 2B is a flow diagram of a setup process
`agreements; displaying an information review page;in-
`according ta one embodimentofthe invention.
`forming the activation server of approvalof the informa-
`tion provided on the information review page; displaying
`[0017] FIG. 3isaflow diagram of a device operational
`an activation completion page; and displaying a device
`process according to one embodimentof the invention.
`preference pageto assist the customer with setting one
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of a device operation
`or more preferences or options to be applied to the op-
`process according to another embodimentof the inven-
`eration of the electronic device.
`[0010] As a computer readable medium including at
`least computer executable program code tangibly em-
`bodied therein for activating wireless network service for
`an electronic device through useof a client computing
`device, the electronic device being associated with a cus-
`tomerfor wireless network service provided by a wireless
`network service provider, one embodimentcan, for ex-
`ample, include at least: computer program codefor re-
`ceiving device information from the electronic device
`whenthe electronic device is attached to the host device;
`computer program codefor acquiring customer informa-
`tion pertaining to the customer; computer program code
`for receiving a service plan selection from the customer;
`computer program codefor receiving billing information
`for paymentof the service plan; and computer program
`codeforinitiating activation of a wireless service account
`for use of the electronic device with the wireless network
`service providedby the wireless network service provid-
`[0011] As a computer readable medium including at
`FIG. 5 is a system state diagram according to
`one embodimentof the invention.
`FIGs. 6A-6C are flow diagrams of a network
`service setup process according to one embodimentof
`the invention.
`FIG. 6D is a flow diagram of an alternative por-
`tion of the network service setup process according to
`one embodimentof the invention.
`FIG. 7 is a flow diagram of a network service
`setup process according to one embodimentof the in-
`FIGs. 8A-8C are flow diagramsof an activation
`process according to one embodimentof the invention.
`FIG. 9isa flow diagram of an activation process
`according to another embodimentof the invention.
`FIG. 10 is a flow diagram of an activation proc-
`ess according to another embodimentof the invention.
`FIG. 11 is a flow diagram of an activation proc-
`ess according to another embodimentof the invention.
`FlGs. 12A-12C are flow diagrams of a mobile
`EP 1 942 698 Al
`device provisioning process according to one embodi-
`mentof the invention.
`FIG. 13 is ascreen shot of an exemplary initial
`registration page according to one embodimentof the
`FIG. 14 is a screen shot of an exemplary cus-
`tomer status page according to one embodimentof the
`FIG. 15isascreen shot of an exemplary screen
`shot of a mobile number transfer page.
`FIG. 16isascreen shot of an exemplary screen
`shot of a landline numbertransfer page.
`FIG. 17A and 17B are screen shots of an ex-
`emplary service plan selection page according to one
`embodimentof the invention.
`FIG. 18 is a screen shot of an exemplary cus-
`tomer account page according to one embodimentof the
`FIG. 19 is ascreen shot of a customer informa-
`tion entry page according to one embodimentofthe in-
`FIG. 20illustrates an exemplary billing informa-
`tion page according to one embodimentof the invention.
`FIG. 21A is an exemplary screen shot ofa first
`terms and conditions page according to one embodiment
`of the invention.
`FIG. 21Bis an exemplary screen shotof a sec-
`ond terms and conditions page according to one embod-
`iment of the invention.
`FIG. 22is ascreen shot of an exemplary review
`information page according to one embodiment of the
`FIG. 23 is an exemplary screen shot of a setup
`completion page according to one embodiment of the
`FIG. 24Ais an exemplary screen shot of asetup
`completion page according to another embodiment of
`the invention.
`FIG. 24B isan exemplary screen shot of asetup
`completion page according tostill another embodiment
`of the invention.
`FIG. 25is anexemplary screen shot of a device
`preference page according to one embodiment of the
`FIG. 26 is a screen shot of an exemplary cus-
`tomer status page according to one embodimentof the
`FIG. 27 is a screen shot of an exemplary ac-
`count information page according to one embodimentof
`the invention.
`FIG. 28 is a screen shot of an exemplary cus-
`tomer status page according to one embodimentof the
`FIG. 29 is a screen shot of an exemplary ac-
`count information page according to one embodimentof
`the invention.
`FIG. 30 is a screen shot of an exemplary ac-
`counttype selection page according to one embodiment
`of the invention.
`FIG. 31 is a screen shot of an exemplary cus-
`tomerstatus page according to one embodimentof the
`FIG. 32 is a screen shot of an exemplary ac-
`counttype selection page according to one embodiment
`of the invention.
`FIG. 33 is a screen shot of an exemplary pre-
`paymentrequirement page.
`FIG. 34 is a block diagram of a mobile multi-
`function device according to one embodimentof thein-
`[0052] The invention pertains to methods, systems
`and graphicaluserinterfaces that facilitate setup or ac-
`tivation of mobile devices, such as communication de-
`vices or multi-function devices, viacomputers. According
`to one embodiment, activation of a mobile device with
`respectto a wireless service provider can be performed
`by users through use of a computer (e.g., personal com-
`puter) that communicate with a remotely located activa-
`tion server. According to another embodiment, graphical
`user interfaces can be presented to users so as to enable
`end users to easily activate mobile devices.
`[0053] Embodiments of the invention are discussed
`below with reference to FIGs.
`- 34. However, those
`skilled in the art will readily appreciate that the detailed
`description given herein with respect to thesefigures is
`for explanatory purposes as the invention extends be-
`yond theselimited embodiments.
`FIG. 1is ablock diagram of an activation system
`100 according to one embodimentof the invention. The
`activation system 100 includes aclient machine 102. The
`client machine 102 is, for example, a computing device,
`such as a personal computer. The client machine 102
`can also be referred to as a host device. A mobile multi-
`function device 104 can be connected (e.g., temporarily
`connected)to the client machine 102. In one implemen-
`tation, the mobile multi-function device 104 can be con-
`nected to the client machine 102 over a cable 106. As
`an example, the cable 106 can pertain to a peripheral
`bus (e.g., USB) connection. In another implementation,
`the mobile multi-function device 104 can connectto the
`client machine 102 over a wireless connection. The mo-
`bile multi-function device 104 operates to support a plu-
`rality of different functions. For example, the mobile multi-
`function device 104 can operate as a media playback
`device, such as an MP3player, video player, game play-
`er, etc. In addition, the mobile multi-function device 104
`can support wireless voice communications through a
`wireless network 108. The wireless voice communica-
`tions through the wireless network 108 can enable a user
`of the mobile multi-function device to communicate with
`users of other mobile multi-function devices or other com-
`munication devices. Similarly, the mobile multi-function
`device 104 can support wireless data exchange (e.g.,
`anancoond I~
`EP 1 942 698 A1
`gard, since the mobile multi-function device supports
`multiple functions, the mobile multi-function device can
`be utilized in a non-network manner, such as playing local
`games,displaying local data, playing music from local
`storage, viewing local pictures, viewing locally stored
`electronic mail, etc. However, if the user of the mobile
`multi-function device desires to utilize the network (e.g.,
`make or receive voicecalls or electronic messages), net-
`work accessis permitted in accordancewith the service
`plan that has been setup 204, providedthat the registra-
`tion 208 was successful and provided that the network
`is available.
`SMS messages) through the wireless network 108. Al-
`though FIG. 1 illustrates one client machine 102 and one
`mobile multi-function device 104, it should be noted that
`the activation system 100 can have multiple client ma-
`chines 102 and multiple mobile multi-function devices
`104. In addition, one or more of the mobile multi-function
`devices can connect to one or more client machines. In
`one implementation, the wireless network 108 can rep-
`resent a cellular telephone network.
`In another imple-
`mentation, the wireless network 108 can representa local
`or regional wireless network (e.g., WiFi, WiMax). In still
`another implementation, the wireless network 108 can
`represent multiple wireless networks.
`[0055] Theactivation system 100 alsoillustrates a data
`network 110. The data network is, for example, a local
`area network, a wide area network, ora global network,
`suchasthe Internet. The client machine 102 can couple
`to the data network 110. In addition, the activation system
`100 includesan activation server 112 anda wireless com-
`munication provider server 114. In order to activate the
`mobile multi-function device 104, the mobile multi-func-
`tion device 104 interacts with the activation server 112.
`To do so, the mobile multi-function device 104 commu-
`nicates with the client machine 102 and the client ma-
`chine 102 in turn communicateswith the activationserver
`112 through the data network 110. In this regard, the
`activation server 112 can coordinate and control activa-
`tion of the mobile multi-function device 104. In addition,
`the activation server 112 can communicatewith the wire-
`less communication provider server 114 so that an ap-
`propriate account to be utilized by the mobile multi-func-
`tion device 104 can be established by the wireless com-
`munication provider that is operating on the wireless net-
`work 108.
`[0058] Once the mobile multi-function device is ena-
`bled 206 some orall of the functions or operations sup-
`ported by the mobile multi-function device can beutilized.
`In one embodiment, once enabled 206, the mobile multi-
`function device can beutilized for all non-network func-
`tions or operations available from the mobile multi-func-
`tion device, with network functions or operations becom-
`ing available following registration at block 208. In anoth-
`er embodiment, functions or operations of the mobile
`multi-function device can be prevented or restricted until
`completion of initial (i.e., first time) registration at block
`208 at which point all functions or operations available
`from the mobile multi-function device can beutilized. In
`still another embodiment, certain, non-network functions
`or operations of the mobile multi-function device can be
`available even prior to the mobile multi-function device
`being enabled 206.
`FIG. 2B is a flow diagram of a setup process
`250 according to one embodimentof the invention. The
`setup process 250 operates to setup a service plan
`and/or payment arrangementwith respect to one ormore
`service providers. The setup process 250is, for example,
`[0056] FIG. 2Aisaflow diagram of asystem activation
`suitable for use as the setup 204 of a service plan and
`paymentarrangementillustrated in FIG. 2A.
`process 200 according to one embodimentof the inven-
`tion. The system activation process 200 concernsacti-
`[0060] The setup process 250retrieves 252 devicein-
`vation of a mobile multi-function device (MMD). The sys-
`formation. Typically, the device information is retrieved
`tem activation process 200 begins with a mobile multi-
`252 from the deviceitself. For example, the device can
`be referred to as a mobile multi-function device. Custom-
`function device being obtained 202. For example, a user
`can obtain 202 a mobile multi-function device at a retail
`er information can also be acquired 254, such as from
`the customer. The customer information can be acquired
`254 so that the service provider can receive information
`regarding the customerthat seeksto activate the mobile
`multi-function device. Aservice plan forthe device is also
`set 256. The customercanbe offered oneor more service
`plans depending upon variousdifferentcriteria, including
`customer's location, customer's credit history, custom-
`er’s current service provider, etc. A service plan as used
`herein can also be referred to as a rate plan. Once a
`service plan to be utilized with the customer has been
`set 256, a billing account can be setup 258. The building
`account servesto facilitate billing the customer for the
`services provided by the serviceplan. Typically, the cus-
`tomeris billed monthly for the service plan. The setup
`258 of the billing account acquiresall the necessary in-
`formation forbilling the customer. As one example, the
`billing account canutilize a credit card whereby the cus-
`location or by mail order. In this embodiment, when the
`mobile multi-function device is obtained 202, it is not ac-
`tivated for use with any wireless network. As a result, the
`mobile multi-function device needs to go through an ac-
`tivation processin order to operate. In this regard, after
`the mobile multi-function device is obtained 202, a serv-
`ice plan and a payment arrangement need to be setup
`204. After the service plan and payment arrangement
`have been successfully setup 204, the mobile multi-func-
`tion device can be enabled 206. In addition, the mobile
`multi-function device can be registered with a network,
`namely, a wireless network. Here, the registration 208
`with the networkis performed to permit the mobile multi-
`function device to be utilized on the network.
`Following successful enabling 206 and regis-
`tration 208, the mobile multi-function device can operate
`210 with or without utilization of the network. In this re-
`EP 1 942 698 At
`hand, when the decision 312 determines that the mobile
`multi-function device should be powered off, the mobile
`multi-functional device is powered down 314. Following
`the block 314, the device operational process 300 can
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of a device operation
`process 400 according to another embodimentof the in-
`vention. The device operational process 400is, for ex-
`ample, processing associated with a mobile multi-func-
`tion device, such as the mobile multi-function device 104
`illustrated in FIG. 1.
`[0065] The device operational process 400 begins with
`a decision 402. The decision 402 determines whether
`the mobile multi-function device has been powered on.
`Whenthe decision 402 determinesthat the mobile multi-
`function device has not been powered on, the device
`operational process 402 awaits power on of the mobile
`multi-function device. Once the decision 402 determines
`that the mobile multi-function device has been powered
`on, the device operational process 400is effectively in-
`voked. Once the decision 402 determinesthat the mobile
`multi-function device has been poweredon, a decision
`404 determines whether the mobile multi-function device
`has been enabled.
`tomer is billed monthly via the credit card for the service
`plan. Subsequently, the customer account can be acti-
`vated 260. In this regard, the setup process 250 can com-
`municate with a computing device (e.g., activation server
`112) associated with a service provider to activate a cus-
`tomer accountso that the customercanutilize the mobile
`multi-function device with the at least one service provid-
`er in accordance with the service plan. The service pro-
`vider is, for example, a wireless (communications) serv-
`ice provider. Additionally, an account with another serv-
`ice provider, such as an online media store, can be es-
`tablished. Following the block 260, the setup process 250
`ends and subsequent processing can continue at block
`206 of the system activation process 200illustrated in
`FIG, 2A.
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of a device operational
`process 300 according to one embodimentof the inven-
`tion. The device operational process 300is, for example,
`processing associated with a mobile multi-function de-
`vice, such as the mobile multi-function device 104 illus-
`trated in FIG. 1.
`[0062] The device operational process 300 can begin
`when the mobile multi-function device is powered on.
`Hence, a decision 302 determines whether the mobile
`multi-function device has been powered on. When the
`mobile multi-function device has not been powered on,
`the device operational process 300 is not performed. On
`the other hand, when the decision 302 determinesthat
`the mobile multi-function device has been powered on,
`a decision 304 can determine whether the mobile multi-
`function device has been enabled. Here, it is assumed
`that the mobile multi-function device performing the de-
`vice operational process 300 may or may not have been
`enabled to operate. Hence, when the decision 304 de-
`termines that the mobile multi-function device has not
`[0066] When the decision 404 determines that the mo-
`bile multi-function device has not yet been enabled, the
`device operational process 400 places 406 the mobile
`multi-function device inan emergency made.in the emer-
`gency mode, the mobile multi-function device is permit-
`ted to make emergencycalls only. Next, a decision 408
`determines whether the mobile multi-function device is
`to be powered off. When the decision 408 determines
`that the mobile multi-function device is not to be powered
`off, the device operational process 400 retumsto repeat
`the decision 404 to again evaluate whether the mobile
`multi-function device has been enabled. In an alternative
`been enabled, the mobile multi-function deviceis eligible
`embodiment, when the decision 408 determinesthat the
`to operate 306inalimited use mode. As an example, in
`the limited use mode, the mobile multi-function device
`mobile multi-function device is not to be poweredoff, the
`can permit emergency communications (e.g., emergen-
`device operation process 400 can remain in the emer-
`cy telephone calls). However, the limited use mode may
`gency mode and simply repeat the decision 404 until
`prevent other operations of the mobile multi-function de-
`vice. For example, if the mobile multi-function device pro-
`[0067] Alternatively, when the decision 404 deter-
`mines that the mobile multi-function device has been en-
`vides media playback or network browsing, then when
`in the limited use mode, media playback and/or network
`browsing can be prevented(orlimited). In one implemen-
`tation, while in the limited use mode, the mobile multi-
`function device can prevent all other operational uses
`except emergency communications.
`[0063] On the other hand, when the decision 304 de-
`terminesthat the mobile multi-function device is enabled,
`the mobile multi-function device can operatein a full use
`mode. Following the blocks 306 and 308, a decision 312
`can determine whether the mobile multi-function device
`abled, the mobile multi-function device is placed 410 in
`an active mode. Registration with a wireless network can
`also be requested 412.
`In one embodiment, a location
`update request can be used to request 412 registration
`with the wireless network. A decision 414 determines
`whether the registration with the wireless network has
`been successful. When the decision 414 determinesthat
`is to be powered off. When the decision 312 determines
`that the mobile multi-function device should not be pow-
`ered off, the mobile multi-function device continues to
`operate in the previously established operational mode
`(e.g., limited use modeor full use mode). On the other
`the registration has been successful, the device opera-
`tional process 400 permits 416 the mobile multi-function
`device to perform network and/or non-network opera-
`tions. Next, a decision 418 determines whether the mo-
`bile multi-function device is to be powered off. When the
`decision 418 determines that the mobile multi-function
`device has not been poweredoff, the device operational
`process 400 returns to repeat the block 416 so that the
`EP 1 942 698 A1
`mobile multi-function device can continue to perform 416
`network and/or non-network operations.
`Onthe other hand, when the decision 414 de-
`terminesthat registration with the wireless network has
`not been successful, then the userof the multi-function
`device can be notified 422 that the networkis unavailable.
`In one implementation, the notification 422 can be dis-
`played on a display screen for one or both of the multi-
`function device ora client device connected thereto. Fur-
`ther, the mobile multi-function device can be operated to
`permit 424 non-network operations. A decision 426 can
`then determine whetherthe mobile multi-function device
`is to be powered off. When the decision 426 determines
`that the mobile multi-function device is not to be powered
`off, the device operational process 400 returns to repeat
`the block 424 so that non-network operations can con-
`tinue to be performed 424.
`[0069} W
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