`PCT/USZO17IO42838 08.11.2017
`(1o)#§$12§%.=% CN 205071154 U
`(45) flaky/Age 2016.03.02
`(21) $1155:— 201520903542. x
`(22)Efii§Ei 2015.11.14
`(73) 4551mm W-rHflm EE—‘ffi [SE/AH?
`10111 510530 rfififlxflfiiééWfififiiilz
`fffirljcifi 728 % 22.41: 1‘5;
`(72) fiflflk $21}?
`(51) Int. 0 I.
`H04” 5/225(2006. 01)
`(54) gmfiflzw
`—$¢5§§2§§m 360 1212111551252
`(57) 115%
`fiimfiflfifiT—flgfifiém 360 $112791
`11115215 LED 'XT, Efiififiififiifi§kmifii1ifi LED
`10% 153312412, fifiiaififfi1%%5fi%fiximié%
`fiEIeLTB‘JT%B‘—fifififiefi§kfilfii$ifio $¥fifi§fi
`flfificliis‘zflé, EfifiififififiTfimlfizé
`EfiffiififififfiTfimflififlmfiififl, 153%
`Elia‘azfi, Bfimr‘éfirrfifio
`fi'fi-‘Bfii Willi


`PCT/USZO17IO42838 08. 1 1 .2017
`CN 205071154u
`fl] 3 3}?
`1. —$¢5§§&m 360 EW?EE@%:E%E%EQ§H1L¥E%EE$ :Efifififififi
`126E (UHWWHWE LED 41(2), Efififiafifigték ( 1)B<JJ:7iiiaéT LED HE: bflfi‘ififiwxfifi
`Ffiiim%ra%;¥(6) mT%fi*—fii¥E%fi%(7) Nrfliifio
`2. mfimflfii 1 Ffrizfiafi~$¢5§§§m 360 afi¥m%1fi<%,fiéfififi¥ :Ffiizfi LED fl
`(2) Bfiififiifitfii‘afi/Hfifififififéfifiéu 1) EWMIJQ
`1 FfiizfiBfl—Wzrfigm 360 Efimfifiék. fififlfi? :Efififii%%
`flask ( 1) mfififififixfimfifififi§kfiflfifi (4),,
`4. mmwuggé 1 Ffi5$343~$¢53¥§§841 360 Efiiflifififim EfiéiEiJE? =Ffii$ifafif
`1%H7)aiiiifiiaun)infigfiTa’éuzxfifiifi-flfiiflml) SEETSHN) iaiiafi
`5. mfiflflgfl‘z 4 FfiidSB‘J—WJ/Eildééfifi 360 Efiifilfifiia‘k, fififlfii? :Ffiiziiflafi‘afl
`(74> flyi’cfizfifia’aéfi’a.
`6. Wfifii‘ugz‘é 4 FfiiiE‘J—fllgféflfififi 360 E1§¥mf§1fi§k. Efiflfif =Z-EFfiizEfifi


`PCTIUSZO1 7/042838 08.11.2017
`CN 205071154 0
`1/2 31
`—$¢§a Eiééfi’fl 360Efiflfi1§§k
`Zlififiififififlfifilfifififlfifi’fiifi,fififififfigjififlfi 360 FEWMEQGEO
`§%§%(Security & Protection System, SPS) )Elflxiifififif-Efifififtsfififlflrg
`fifi :fi%$fi§§%%¥§ifiéflfifiififififig Efl¥§fifilfiléfiofi«¢ §W1fllk“+:3i”
`fififlqifl» ( UF'IEW «Him» Em?“+~'fi”fifil‘rflfilfiwfifiikfllfiifliififi,fié 2010
`mmmmamu 2300 $1qu,$i’>3i%$’< 23% L1]: ; fidfiifiifrufiaflaz’afla 1000153,
`jtlflxfcfifi 5%,??2 finflifi’fi'fia, iii’fli‘E-L’t 25% ZEE, Wfimf/Ffifl’fififiéfimfl 155']ch EE¥FE£FE bl:
`EEK] 55%,flgqltflknfifiwfifi‘WE?E§§%&E1E§§%U° fig9<7§§fififi¢§iig
`34135131? Wflfii+tflg§fi~§2W$§1§§Efififlfiflfifigfimfifififio iflfifi‘lfififikfifii
`gfififiJfiFfiWZ‘fiElfifififiygflgflfifi: EIJHS: figfifi‘figiififl’fl 360 [EB‘HB—lfifign
`fiifiififlfiflfiTIflfififiqj E’Jflik‘l‘fi, fifii—Wgfiifiéfi’fl 360 Efiflfflfififin
`[0005] —$P53§E§§EKJ 360 §fi¥flfi1§%, Efigifififii EFEfiEfiT§1§§kH§W§Wfi
`1'15 LED JCT, Efififigfiéfifi§kfiflifiififi LED [TE Wfiffi Ffiifigfiififiékfifii$§fifimi§
`FEMS LED 'XT B‘Jfifififififi’l‘fifififigfifififikflfifimo
`[0008] FfiififififfiékflfififiififillfifiTfi, Ffiidififitgé'éfifié‘FJEififiéfififi
`fifllffifififi, EFfifififiififififiTfififlfiéflfifiifiéfiflo
`[0010] EfifiifififiiififiTgfififiéfi¥o
`1. Ziifififififl—ngiiéflfl 360 fifi?flfi1§%ififii§fififi§é,fififififli iii
`fififfi%511fiéfifififfiéfifi. fiflfififiiéfi. Efifiifi’fii’ifi‘Fa‘éfi‘Wiéfiifi
`2. $¥fifi§fifl“fi5§i§fig 360 EfimfififikflfififififlfiAfiifififlthfifié
`711E195“, fifififififiifififi$§fig$fifi$§fif W¥IEEZSE3%BGE?%£%1S<%i£1f 360 EH??? 7;?
`3. $¢H§§fifl~fli5§§fifi 360 Efii1fli§1§§<fififiifiéfiflT¥zBfi7fiifi¥g 55H
`fiETfifififi, fifififii‘é’Gkfiifi'fiIUxmfifiEflfi


`PCTIUSZO1 7/042838 08.11.2017
`CN 205071154 U
`2/2 31
`E E111??- B‘JXflg , 1E1? EE.¥1§1%XE5D%9EE, Emfifififiifi¥fifl11fifi1fi E $1 EMfiEififi
`fifiizfiéfififiiflflfififi H4] 0
`E 1%$§Ffi§3’r§2#$¢5§§3%§flfi 360 E‘Efi’fflfifififl‘lfimifigo
`:1 73E1%1§c1%§% 2 73 LED H, 3 73 LED HE H11‘§%, 4 %%%1%1FE, 5 737%?155
`11,6 fifififéfifl, 7 fififif1§9< 71 flafifiifl, 72 fifiETJE, 73 71111111311171 7:!
`fififlfls fisflfi-‘f.
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`—$1151§£ét€8’~1 360 Efimfi1219<fl1figrfi1§1fipk 1,EFfii$?%‘7%1§1%19< 1 1141771111
`ifiifi LED N 2J£Ffii$§7§fi1§i§< 1 Bfltfiififi LED HIE I>H13i€§ 3,Ffii$%‘1%=%1219< 1513i
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`1§1E1$§k 7 imififio
`Ffiizfi LED '11 2 E’Jfifififififlfi/I‘fiififififififififiék 1 1117711110 Efifiififiifififi
`5k 1 mfififififiwrfiifififiéfiydfifié 4., FEizEfiEfi-EE9< 7 @fififitfi 71 7ni$1fi1<9€
`72, Ffiifififiiflé 71 Lififi‘FJE 72 fifififli‘fifim 73 1E EEK, Efifiiziiiifityé 71 55%
`ETé’é 72 mfiéfifififififl 74° Ffifiifi’fifl 74 fifi%1fififi%1’gu fixatfififiéfii'J—figii
`1&8? 360 Efimfi1§®ki§fi3§1fiffifibfifififi B1, fififiE-fifii’é 3:11E éfiiz‘fififié
`iflflfi‘én‘iifiLSE—EfiéfiTflafififiahmE—fih,igafililiafifi, mmféfifiigo E91125
`1$1ii§1fi1n 73 171111315175 11%, 55511111153210 73 mafié$fim1fifififlufi7§ri§1fii% 71 711
`EETJE 72 fifmfié, 1111751110 73 1143113122111 W‘EBéfimiaiflfiéqufi, 732111;, $$fi§§i$o
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`L1731E1Efifi%‘51€i£1fliz§flfl§fl, fETEfiH'fi, fiéfifififiiyatfifl 1110101111211? 5571!:
`gaming?1E%EE¥%1%XE%%9QE,fifififitéflfifi¥flfiw1fififiif E fiWHfifififEE§
`Zliéfiifififijxfi 511111, Himatfifwufi'flHi1éflfi£fi%fi1%lfififi§fifi$, fix1$€fifi£m1fi
`fiAfififiE£EfififiJfl. Efififigzxififififlfiwmgfitfltfiflmfiiigfiafi‘wfifi, WE


`CN 205071154u
`PCT/USZO17IO42838 08. 1 1 .2017


`8/30/201 7
`PCT/USZO17IO42838 08. 1 1 .2017
`360 degrees night vision cameras
`of easy installation
`The utility model discloses a 360 degrees night vision
`cameras of easy installation, including high definition digtal
`camera high definition digtal camera's both sides are
`equipped with the LED lamp high definition digtal camera's
`top is equipped with the LED lamp and opens and close the
`button, high definition digtal camera corresponds with the
`rotary rod and is connected, the rotary rod can rotate in
`inserting rotating base, rotating base's lower part connects to 1:
`correspond with the hitch clevis to be connected. The utility
`model discloses the fixed mounting of being convenient for is

`Pub. No.
`App. No.
`App. No. Original
`Appl. Date
`Pub. Date
`Current Assignee
`equipped with the foam -rubber cushion with being connected interlock department of pressing from both sides down
`connecting to go up to press from both sides, improvement that effect through the foam -rubber cushion can show connect
`go up press from both sides with be connected under the frictional force of interlock department of clamp, strengthen and
`fix the effect, to prevent accidental drops.
`1. And it is easy to install this utility model claims
`a 360 degree of the night vision picture pickup
`head comprises a high definition video camera
`head wherein the: On said high definition video
`camera the two sides of the led lamp is set at
`An easily installed in 360 degree night viewing cameraThe
`technical field of
`[0001] this utility model belongs to safety monitoring field especially
`relates to a 360 degree it is easy to install the night viewing
`said high definition of the camera is set on the
`Background technology
`upper side of the led lamp opening and closing
`keys 3 said high definition video camera and
`rotating opposite to the connecting rod 5 is
`connected with the rotating rod 5 is inserted into
`the rotary base seat 6 and can rotate said
`rotation of the lower part of the pedestal is
`connected with the clamping head is connected
`with the corresponding.
`[0002] security system security protect1 n the sps system is used
`for safety protection product and other relative product is
`composed by the invasion alarm system video security monitoring
`system of the exit and entrance control system explosion-proof
`safety inspection and system for; Or it is composed of the system is
`the electronic system composite or integrated electronic system or
`network. Data security in ' china 10th industry second and fifth
`development planning ))
`is abbreviated as between planning ))
`2. According to claim 1 the invention claims an
`display 11 fifth time of our country security industrial scale rapid
`easily installed in 360 degree night viewing
`expanding section to 2010 toxikio industry product value reaches
`camera wherein the: Said led lamp the number
`several hundred million 2300 year is increased by 23% on; The
`of the divided into two and is set on the high
`I uemnuulirvifiéu uaméi‘a LIIU'LWU aloe: Ul
`IIIO'V." W 77
`security of product production value is about 1000 yi you security
`.,i.‘ r...
`u: In. uuu vlvvuulllv Puuuuut uwvuluylnv-u'lo lug-(II Ivlvuouls uguuu “I
`about 25% video monitoring system is small the security of the


`PCT/U82017I042838 08. 1 1 .2017
`3. According to claim 1 the invention claims an
`electronic product proportion of 55% far higher than the access
`easily installed in 360 degree night viewing
`control system of theft-proof alarm system and other types of.
`camera wherein the: On said high definition
`video camera the front end of the
`Camera the invention claims a security system at the most
`important part of how is designed with high efficiency the safety of
`correspondingly equipped with a lens protective
`the camera head referring to the security system of the stable
`operation of. Of the existing camera the installation is not
`4. According to claim 1 the invention claims an
`easily installed in 360 degree night viewing
`camera wherein the: The connection clamping
`head comprising is connected with the upper
`clamp and connected with the lower clamp said
`connecting the upper clamp and connected with
`the upper and lower clip through the elastic
`connecting buckle 73 connected with each other
`on said connecting the upper clamp and
`connected with the upper and lower clip 72 of the
`convenient to use it is not available at any time the rotation of the
`defect that the needed design this utility model claims a 360 degree
`it is easy to install the night viewing camera.
`The content of invention
`[0003] this utility model overcomes the existing technology defect in
`the invention claims a 360 degree it is easy to install the night
`viewing camera.
`[0004] this utility model uses following scheme to realize.
`occlusion place is set with sponge cushion 74.
`[0005] this invention claims a 360 degree it is easy to install the
`5. According to claim“ the invention claims an
`easily installed in 360 degree night viewing
`camera wherein the: Of said sponge cushion is
`long strip shape the structure of.
`6. According to claim 1 the invention claims an
`easily installed in 360 degree night viewing
`camera wherein the: On said connecting the
`upper clamp is set on the lower part of mirror.
`night vision picture pickup head comprises a high definition video
`camera the high definition video camera the two sides of the led
`lamp is set on said high definition of the camera is set on the upper
`side of the led lamp opening and closing the button of said high
`definition video camera and rotating rod is connected
`correspondingly to the said rotating rod is inserted in the rotating
`bottom seat and can rotate said rotation of the lower part of the
`pedestal is connected with the clamping head is connected with the
`[0006] said led lamp the number of the divided into two and is set
`on the high definition video camera the two sides of the.
`[0007] on said high definition video camera the front end of the
`correspondingly equipped with a lens protective sleeve.
`[0008] the connection clamping head comprising is connected with
`the upper clamp and connected with the lower clamp said
`connecting the upper clamp and connected with the lower clip
`through the elastic connecting buckle is connected with each other
`on said connecting the upper clamp and connected with the lower
`clip of the occlusion place is set with sponge cushion.
`[0009] of said sponge cushion is long strip shape the structure of.
`[0010] on said connecting the upper clamp is set on the lower part
`of mirror.
`7 w MAIDQJJJJhiswufilitvi r1199etbassth.epgnefigiaLeftsgsipjgIlowing-
`https:l/ .. 2/5


`8/30/201 7
`PCTIU8201 7/042838 08.11.2017
`[0012] 1 this utility model claims a 360 degree it is easy to install
`the night viewing camera is set with connection clamping head
`when using through the connection clamping head the working
`platform surface to be occluded is connected with it is convenient
`to be fixedly installed on the connection is connected with the
`upper clip and connected with the lower clip of the occlusion place
`is set with sponge cushion through the action of the sponge
`cushion can be obviously improved connected with the upper
`clamp and connected with the lower clip of the occlusion place of
`the friction force of the strengthening fixing effect preventing
`accidental falling.
`[0013] 2 this utility model claims a 360 degree it is easy to install
`the night viewing camera the rotating rod is inserted in the rotating
`bottom seat and can rotate through the rotating rod on the rotary
`base to rotate can realize that is connected with high definition
`camera to rotate 360 degree it is convenient to use.
`[0014] 3 this utility model claims a 360 degree it is easy to install
`the night viewing camera is connected with the upper clamp is set
`on the lower part of mirror through mirror can be convenient for
`user to execute cosmetic container of finishing this utility model is
`convenient for user although the camera main body can be shot to
`make itself cosmetic container the observation of the electronic
`image pickup it'can avoid distortion using the optical mirror with to
`the user of the cosmetic container to finish it is convenient and
`effect of the best.
`Specification attached drawing
`[0015] picture 1 is the utility model claims a 360 degree it is easy to
`install the night viewing camera the structure of picture.
`[0016] image: I is high definition video camera 3 is 2 to the led lamp
`led lamp opening and closing keystroke 4 is lens protective sleeve
`5 is rotating rod 6 is a rotating base 7 is connected with the
`clamping head is connected with the upper clamp 71 72 is
`connected with the upper and lower clamp 73 is the elastic
`connecting buckle 74 is sponge cushion is mirror 75.
`Specific implementing manner
`[0017] the lower part of the combination picture 1 of this utility
`model for Optimizing embodiments to further explain.
`[0018] this invention claims a 360 degree it is easy to install the
`night vision Eictureipickup‘heavdcomprises a high definition video
`camera thes’aidhigh definition Vid’éac'éniéié heéa' iithe mb"§iaés
`of the led lamp is set at said high definition video camera head i is
`httpszllapp.patseer.comlRecordDetails?paramString=pnkc%3DCN205071154U%265tartlndex%3DO%26listid%3DO%26Pr0jectlD%3DO%26indexpath%. . .


`8/30/201 7
`PCT/USZO17IO42838 08. 1 1 .2017
`set on the upper part of led lamp opening and closing keys 3 said
`high definition video camera head i and rotating opposite to the
`connecting rod 5 is connected with the rotating rod 5 is inserted
`into the rotary base seat 6 and can rotate through the rotating rod
`on the rotary base to rotate can realize that is connected with high
`definition camera to rotate 360 degree it is convenient to use; Said
`rotary base seat 6 the lower part of the connecting card is
`connected with the head 7 are connected correspondingly.
`[0019] said led lamp 2 the number of the divided into two and is set
`on the high definition video camera the two sides of the i. 0n said
`high definition video camera head i the front end of the
`correspondingly equipped with a lens protective sleeve 4. The
`connection clamping head 7 comprises is connected with the upper
`clamping and connecting the upper and lower clip 71 72 of said
`connecting the upper clamp 71 72 is connected with the upper and
`lower clip through the elastic connecting buckle 73 connected with '
`each other on said connecting the upper clamp is connected with
`the upper and lower clamp 71 72 of the occlusion place is set with
`sponge cushion 74. Of said sponge cushion 74 is long strip shape
`the structure of. This utility model claims a 360 degree it is easy to
`install the night viewing camera is set with connection clamping
`head when using through the connection clamping head the
`working platform surface to be occluded is connected with it is
`convenient to be fixedly installed on the connection is connected
`with the upper clip and connected with the lower clip of the
`occlusion place is set with sponge cushion through the action of the
`sponge cushion can be obviously improved connected with the
`upper clamp and connected with the lower clip of the occlusion
`place of the friction force of the strengthening fixing effect
`preventing accidental falling. On said elastic connecting buckle 73
`is set in the inner part of the spring passes through the elastic
`connecting buckle 73 in the inner part of the action of spring can be
`connected with the upper clamping and connecting the upper and
`lower clip 71 '72 are occluded with each other the elastic
`connecting buckle 73 of the principle and in the inner part of the
`structure is as follows the known technology the invention is not the
`‘ [0020] on said connecting the upper clamp 71 is set on the lower
`part of mirror 75. is connected with the upper clamp is set on the
`lower part of mirror through mirror can be convenient for user to
`execute cosmetic container of finishing this utility model is
`convenient for user although the camera main body can be shot to
`ma ke,._i,tself cosmetic:Aggptajnerthegbservuatioq 9f thggleqtronic ,,
`image pickup it can avoid distortion using the opticalmirror with to
`$tartlndex%3D0%26listid%3D0%26ProjectlD%3D0%26indexpath%... 4/5


`PCT/U82017I042838 08.11.201 7
`the user of the cosmetic container to finish it is convenient and
`effect of the best.
`[0021] although it has been of this utility model claims a technical
`scheme is as the detail and stated lists to understand the field of
`technology of hUman speaking to the example to make the
`modified or adopting the same the alternative scheme of the said to
`the field of technical personnel so it is remarkable it is not
`departure this utility model relates to mental on the basis of the
`made of these modifying or improving all belongs to this utility
`model is mainly for protecting the range of.
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