PTOIAENG‘: (0542}
`Approved far U59 ihmugh 91i31f2014. 13MB (365143032
`Us. Faiarri and Trademark flffica; LLS. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERGE
`Under the Fag-9mm Realistic-n Act 3*? 1985. m parauns are required to raspond to a cailactian ufinformaiion uniass it disniays a vaiiri 0MB cnnimi number
`inveniion inmate Bad Location Systam
`.As the beiow named inventor, i hereby declare that:
`.i he? degaramn X
`is directed in:
`The aiiached application, Dl’
`United States appiicatisn or PCT iniarnatianai apniicaiinn number
`flied an m
`The abnua—icieniifiad application was made or authorized tr: be maria by ma.
`1 haiiava that i am the angina: inveninr or an original ,icaint inventor (if a ciaimed invention in the appiination.
`l hereby acknnwiedga that any willfui faiae statement made in this decimation is punishabia under 18 iii-1C. 1801
`by fine 91' imprisonment an“ mi mare than five: (5) years. or both.
`Patiiianariappiicani is; cautionari to avoid submitting personal infarmaiinn in decrements filed in a paient appiicarian thai may
`contribute: to identify theft Personai infarmatian such as sandal semari‘ty numbers, bank accauni numbers, Cir credit card numbers
`(other than a check Ur credit card auihcrizaiion form FTC—2038 Submitted for payment purpnsas) is; never required by the USPTC}
`to stapmrt a patiiinn gr an appiication.
`if this type of paraanai infnrmaiion is included in documents submitted in the USPTO,
`petiticners.’applicanis shcuici cansider {enacting auah neraanai information fmm the document-‘5 before aiibmltiing them in the
`USPTQ Paiiiianarr’apniicani is advised that the recorrj of a patent appiication is avaiiabia in Eng pubiic after pubiication :31 the
`applicaticm (unless a non-pubiicatinn request in mmpiianca wiiii 3? QFR 1.213131} is made in 1118 apniicaiiun) or issuance: mi a
`patent. Fufiharmnra, the record iram an abandnned appiicaiinn may also be avaiiabie {-3 the public: if 2319 application is
`refs—:renceci in a rmbliahad appiicaiien Or an issued patent {38 3"? CFR 114).
`(Shanks and credit card authorizaiian forma
`P1132038 submiiiad fur payment purpaaas are net retained in the appiicaiinn fiie and therefore are mi pubiiciy available.
` ;
`invaniar: “1113;0ng L.
`; Mme: An appiicaiien dais: Eneet (PTOESBfiM- or equivalent), inciuciing naming the entire inventive entity, must accnmpany this farm or mua‘r have
`been nrevimesiy riled. Use an additional PTDIAWM form ior each addiiiunai inventorl
`by me U‘SF’TO in process) an applicaiicn. Cunfideniisiity is governed by 35 {3.3.0. 122 and .37 CFR1.11 and 1.14.Tl1is cniieciion is esiimaied to iake 1 minute m-
`cgmpiete, inciuding gaihering‘ preparing. anti submining ins ccmpiated applicatiun farm in the USFTO, Time wiii vary depending upnn the individrral case, Am;
`commanis on the amnunt ofiime yau raquira in campieie this farm andr’or suggasiicns far rariucing ihis burden. ahauic’ be sent in iha Chief informaiirzn Officer, 13.33,
`Pat-3111121121 'i'raciemari‘. Oiiice. U‘ES. Dapariznent a? Ccmmerce, Rife. Box ‘1453.Aie>:anriria, VA 22313—1456. 130 NOT SEND FEES 05E QOMF’LETED FORMS TO
`THEE ADQRESSL SEi‘éD T323: Cammissinnar far Patents, PD. Box 14513, Aiexandria, VA 223134 #51}.
`ffyau need assistance in campieikrg ms form, sari roaao-Pro-mgg and seiner optima: .~:.


`Arman/ed fer use ihmugh {MRII. $2814. OMB 055106.”2
`Lie0 .Patant and‘radamark affine: U 3 DEPARTMENTTOF COMMEPCE
`Under the Fapemork Redum':er Act of i995 no perscms are Mquired to raspond to a caiisctiop of infer:Iaiion Imies it dispiays a vziid OME 03mm; number.
`Title (If
`invention inmate Bad magnum System
`As the haiaw named inveniur, i hereby declare that:
`is directed, To:
`‘ -
`Thu attached appiicgaiam or
`L United States applicatian or PCT intamationa! appticarion number N
`flied an
`The abave-ideniified applicatiun was maria Dr auihmized to ba made by me.
`i believe that i am the missing? irwantar or an origina! faint inventar of a Iaiaimed irwantian in the. appiicaticn,
`i harem! ackmwkadge ma: any wiiifui faise statement mama ii‘i this deaiaratia‘n is punishabie under 18 £1.36. T001
`by fine or impriswmen‘i m‘ no: more than five {5} years. Dr both.
`Petit‘ioneriappiicant is cautioned to amid submitiing persona: informationIn dccumenis fliedIn a pat-3m appiication that may
`Cantribute it: Idenfiw iheft. Persnnal informaiinn such as sociai sewiii-y numbers bank account mambma . orcredii cam numbers 3
`{other than a check nf credit card authorizatioI.‘ farm PEI—20.38 submitted far payment purpgges) is never required by the USPTQ
`to suppart a peritéan m an appiication.
`if thisIypa of peersGnai informationIs insiudBdIn documents submitted ta the LES-FTC}
`§ puiitianersfanwiIcants qhnuid cansider redacting such gersunai infurmatiarr from the n‘ocuments before Smei{ting them to the
`USPTG EmitinneflappiicaniIs advise-ii That the record cf a patent agrpiicaiian is avaiiable to the pubiic after pubiicaiion of the
`appiication {untess a man—pubiicaticm request in anmpiiance with 3? CFIR 1 213(8)‘I5 madeIn the apaéimt‘icn} or issuance Ofa
`patent Furthermnre the record {mm an abafidmed appiica{ion Insayaim be auaiiabie t6 ihe pmblic ifthe appiicatiQI-IIs;
`fireferencedIn a pubiished application or an issuem' pafieni {see 37 CPR? 14}. Checks and credit card authorization farms
`1 PTU2038 submiiizad for payment purposss are net reiained 211 the applicaiiun ‘fiie and therefare are not pubiiciy avaiiabie
`{iata {Opiionai} {Er/2M
`4’ 5
`ate: An applicatim da»:3 sheet (PTQI’SB/M cr equivaieni} incHiding; naming £qu entireInventEve entity. must acmmpany this form er must have
`EGG prawiausiy fiiad. Use an midirienai PTOI’A‘AI'M form for Each addi tinnai inventor.
`This carieccson of infomaiian isrequiréd by 35 Li S.f“ 115 and 37?:I’IFR B3. The'Infomafion as required to obtain gr retain a benefit by ms: publits whizh 553-: file {and
`By.3-,; USPTQ I... pmpess) 3n appdcaiim Ii:anfidsntiaiiwIs govamed my 35 US“U. "12E and 3?’tFR 1A1 and 1 14. This causationia estimateg In take 1 minute In
`campiem. including gathering preparing and submitting the campiaied application”rm in she USPTO,“:‘Ime wiii vary deaI-Idmg upon thrs individuai maze. Any
`comments Im the 8mm:1! of time yen tequire to campieie this farm andmr suggesb'crsg {m IerIIIcir.g ths burden snuuid'as sent in the Chief infarmsfiIan Offs»: 1' S
`Paient andTrademark OffIce. U.C. Department :2“ Comma:as: P111802 Mai}. fisiexandr‘Ia VA 223134458 [30 NOT SEND FEES OR GO?IIiF‘LETEB FORMS TO
`{HRS ADDRESS. SEND TQ1Ccmmissimerfor Patents, PD. Em: 1458, fiiexandrfia, VA “23134:?583.
`ffycu inaen' assistance 1;:- complétii‘rg 7513 farm, caii 1~Si3LLPT£19799 arid selaci apnea B.

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