`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB 0651-0032
`US, Patent and Trademark Oiiice; U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persnns are required to respond to a miiectinn oi infnrmation uniess it contains a vaiid OMB controi number.
`Apeiieatren Beta Sheet 37 CFR 1.?6 i —Appiieatien Number
`Titie 0i: inventien
`The appiieation data sheet is part ofthe provisienat er nenprovisienai etppiieatien fer which it is; being submitted The feiiowind term eentains the
`hibiiegraphie data arranged in a format specified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office as eutiined in 37 CPR 1.76
`This deeument may be eompieted eieetronitzaiiy and submitted to the Office in eieetronir; ferrnat using the Eiectrenie Fitted System (EFS) or the
`deeurnent may be printed and ineiudee‘ in a paper flied appiieation.
`Seereey Cirder 37’ CPR 5.2:
`: Portions or ati of the appiieetion associated with this Appiieatien Data Sheet may taii under a Secrecy Order pursuant to
`' 3? CFR 5.2 (Paper titers oniy. Appiications that f’aii under Secrecy Order may not be f’iieci eiectrenieaiiy.)
`inventer intermatien:
`Legai Name
`Prefix— ii/iidrtie Name
`Famiiy Name
`C) Non US Residency 0 Active US ii/iiiitary Service
`{“9 US Residency
`Residence intermatien (Seieet fine)
`ECOUMW 0r Resiegmé
`itriaiiing Addreee of inventor:
`12184 Fit/i438
`Address 2
`I i
`: inventer
`Legai Name
`Prefix— iViirirtte Name
`Famity Name
`C) Non US Residency 0 Active US ivtiiitary Service
`Residence inferma’tien {Seiect Qne) @ US Residency
`ECQuntry or Resiggncé
`it‘v‘ieiiing Address at inventor:
`inventor information bieeks may be
`inventors Must Be Listed — Additionai
`generated within this term by seieeting the Add button.
`fierreeeendenee iniermetten:
`Enter either Customer Number er cemetete the Cerreenendenee information eeetien heiow.
`Fer further intermatien see 37 CFR 1.33ta).
`EFS Web 2.2.12
`PTO/AiA/14 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB 065100152
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; 11.8. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a coiiection of information uniess it contains a vaiid tit-MB controi number.
`EAttorney Docket Number
`EApeticatten Data Sheet 37 CFR t.76E-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`EApniicetion Number
`Titie oi invention
` Emaii Addreee
`Aeetteetten tnt‘erntetien:
`Titte of the invention
`Attorney Decker: NumberE 32101450000
`Appiicatior‘i Type
`Subject Matter
`Tetai Number at Qrawing Sheets (it any)
`Ftttng By Reference:
`Suggested Figure fer Puhiicatien (it any) -
`E01“.iy cornpiete ti1is section when ii iing an aopi'ication by reference under 35 UC.-" 111(cjarid 37 CFR 1 57(a). Do not complete this section if
`Eoppii-cati-on papermnciuo‘ing a 5pecification and any drawings. are beingi'i1'exi. Any domestic benefit or foreign priority information must be
`Eprovided in the appropriate sectionis) beiow tie, "Domestic Benefit/Nationai Stage information" and "Foreign Priority information").
`EF-or the purposes oia fiii-ng date under17 -"F- R153(b‘; the descr:otiori and any (irawi'i’ig-Softhe present appiication are repiaced by this
`Ereference to the previouslyfi'1e:11'aapplication subject to conditions. and requirements (1.37 CFR "157(3).
`Appiicatiori number of the previousiy
`Fiiing date (YYYY—MM—GD)
`inteiiectuai Property Authority or Country I
`Fiied appiication
`Puhiieetten tnterrnetten:
`[3 Request Eariy Puhiication (Fee required at time of Request 37 CFR 1.219)
`Reeneet NG’E it} Pahtteh. i hereby request that the attached appiication not he puhtisned under
`L 35 12203) and certify that the invention disoiosed in the attached anoiioation has not and wiii not be the
`subject of an appiication tiied in another country, or under a niuitiiaterai internationai agreement, that requires
`nubiication at eighteen rnonthe after iiiing.
`Reereeentettve tnterntetien:
`Representative information shouid be provided for at: practitioner‘s having a power of attorney in the apoiication. Providing
`this information in the Appiication Data Sheet does not constitu‘e a power or attorney in the application (see 37 CPR 1.32)
`Either enter Customer Number or compieie the Remeseniaiive Name section below.
`it both sectione a1e compieted thetnueiomer
`Numberwiii oe need forthe Representativeiinermation duringiprocessing,
`0 US Patent Pr' ctitioner 0 Limited Recognition (37 CFR 11.9)
`PTO/AiA/t4 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB MEL-0032
`US, Patent and Trademark Otiice; U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a coiiection of information uniess it contains a vaiid iii-MB oontroi number.
`Attorney Docket Number
`Appiieation Data Sheet 3"? CFR 1.?6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`Appiieation Number
`Tiiie Of invention
`iiiomeetie Benetttiitiationai Stage information:
`iThis section aiiowe forthe appiioaht to either eiairn benefit under 35 USS. it9(e), tZO, 121, 365(0), or 386(o) or indicate
`iNationai Stage entry from a PCT appiieation. Providing benefit eiaim information in the Appiieetion Data Sheet constitutes
`ithe specific reference required by 35 USC. 119(e) or 120, end 37’ CFR1.?8.
`iWhen referring to the current appiioation, piease ieave the “Appiioation Number" tieid biank.
`Fiiing or 377i (C) Date
`Continuity Type
`Prior Appiioation Number
`Prior Appiioation Status
`Appiication Number
`Additionai Domestic: Benefit/Nationei Stage Date may be generated within thie form
`by seieoting the Add button.
`Foreign Priority information:
`ETnis section ailows for the applicant to oiaim priority to a foreign appiication. Providing thin information in the appiication data sheet
`icohstitutes the ciaim for priority as required by 35 USS. 119(b) and 37 CPR 1.55. When priority is oiaimed to a foreign appiioation
`Etnet i3 eiigioie tor retrievai tinderthe priority document exchange program (PBX)x the information wiii be used by the Gfiioe to
`iautomaticaiiy attempt retrievai pursuant to 37 CPR i.55(i)(1) and (2). Undertne PDX program, applicant bears the uitirnate
`iresponsibiiity for ensuring that a copy of the foreign appiioation is received by the Qttioe from the participating foreign inteiiectuai
`iproperty office, or a certified oopy ofthe foreign priority appiioation is iiied, within the time period Specified in 37 CFR i55(g)(t)i
`Access Codeinfappiioabie)
`Appiieation Number
`Fiiihg Date (YWY—iviiVi-DD)
`Additionai Foreign Priority Data may he generated within this form by seieoting the
`Add button.
`Statement under 3'? CFR 1.55 or 1.?8 tor AEA (First inventor to Fiie) Transition
`This eppiioation (t) eiaiins priority to or the henetit of an appiioation fiied before March 16, 20113 and (2) aieo
`contains, or contained at anytime, a eiairn to a oiaimed invention that has an effective fiiing date on or after March
`to, 2013.
`NOTE: By providing this statement under 3? CFR 1.55 or 1.78, this appiioation, with a tiiing date on or after March
`to, 2013, wiii be examined underthe first inventorto fiie provisions of the NA.
`EL. T\mxWeb 2212
`PTO/AiA/14 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB casino-332
`US, Patent and Trademark Office; U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a ooiiection of information uniess it contains a vaiid iii-MB controi number.
`EAttorney Docket Number
`32‘: O.meoooo
`EAppiication Data Sheet 37 CPR t.76E-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`EAppiication Number
` Titie of invention
`Authorization or thmflut of Authorization to Permit Access:
`EWhen this Appiication Data Sheet is property signed and fiied with the appiication, appiicant has provided written
`Eauthority to perrnit a participating foreign inteiiectuai property (iP) office access to the instant appiication—as—tiied (see
`Eparagraph A in subsection 1 beiow) and the European Patent thice (EPO) access to any search resuits from the instant
`Eappiication (see paragraph 8 in subsection 1 beiow).
`EShouio appiicant choose not to provide an authorization identified in subsection 1 beiow, appiicant must opt—out otthe
`Eauthorization by checking the corresponding boxA or E3 or both in subsection 2 heiow.
`Eappiication. Atterthe initiai fiiing of an appiication, an Appiication Data Sheet cannot be used to provide or rescind
`Eauthorization for access by a foreign iP office(s).
`instead, Porrn PTO/SB/39 or PTO!wee/es must be used as appropriate
`Et. Authorization to Permit Access by a Foreign inteiiectuai Property foicets)
`Eunoersigneo hereby grants the USPTG authority to provide the European Patent Office (EPO), the Japan Patent Office
`EthO), the Korean inteiieotuai Property thice (Kit-’0), the State inteiiectuai Property Office ofthe Peopie’s Repubiic of
`EChina (Sit-3’0), the Worio inteiiectuai Property Organization (Wit-30), and any other foreign inteiiectuai property oftice
`Eparticipating with the USPTQ in a biiaterai or rnuitiiaterai priority document exchange agreement in which a foreign
`Eappiication ciairning priority to the instant patent appiication is fiied, access to: (i) the instant patent appiication—as—fiieo
`Eahd its reiated bihiiographic data, (2) any foreign or domestic appiication to which priority or benefit is ciaimed by the
`Einstant appiication and its r'eiateo pibiiograpnic data, and (3) the date of fiiing ofthis Authorization. See 37 CPR 1.14(h)
`Ethe undersigned hereby grants the USPTO authority to provide the EPO access to the hihiiograpnic data and search
`Eresuits from the instant patent appiication when a European patent appiication ciaiming priority to the instant patent
`Eappiication is fiied. See 37 CPR i.14(h)(2).
`EThe appiicant is reminded that the EPO‘s Ruie 141m EPC (European Patent Convention) requires appiicants to submit a
`Ecopy of search resuits from the instant appiicatioh without deiay in a European patent appiicatioh that ciaims priority to
`Etne instant appiication.
`2. thnflut of Authorizations to Permit Access by a Foreign inteiiectuai Property (Efficetsi
`A. IAppiicant DQES NET authorize the USPTO to permit a participating foreign iP office access to the instant
`any documents and information identified in subsection iA above.
`8. Appiicant EOES NQT authorize the USPTQ to transmit to the EPC) any search resuits from the instant patent
`appiication. ifthis box is checked, the USPTC) wiii not be providing the EPO with search resuits from the instant
`ENQTE: ane the appiication has pubiished or is otherwise pu‘oiiciy avaiiabie, the USPTO may provide access to the
`Eappiication in accordance with 37 CPR tilt.
`EFS Web 2 2.2
`PTO/AiA/tni (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB oesr-oosz
`US, Patent and Trademark Office; U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a coiieotion of information dniess it contains a vaiid tit-MB control number.
`EAttomey Docket Number
`32‘: 0.#153953
`EAppiieation Data Sheet 37 CFR ’i.76E-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`EAppiioation Number
` Titie of invention
`Appiioant information:
`Providing assignment information in this section does not substitute for oompiianoe with any requirement of part 3 of Titie 37 of CPR
`to have an assignment recorded by the Office.
`Eifthe applicant is the inventor (or the remaining joint inventor or inventors under 37 CPR 1.45), this section shouid not he oompieted.
`EThe information to be provided in this section is the name and address of the iegai representative who is the appiioant under 37 CPR
`E143; orthe name and address of the assignee, person to whom the inventor is under an ohiigation to assign the invention, or person
`Ewho othem/ise shows sufficient proprietary interest in the matter who is the appiicaht under 37 CFR 146. ifthe appiieant is an
`Eappiioant under 37 CFR 1.46 (assignee, person to whom the inventor is obligated to assign, or person who otherwise shows sufficient
`Eproprietary interest) together with one or more joint inventors, then the joint inventor or inventors who are aiso the applicant shouid he
`Eidentified in this section.
`ECé) Assignee
`Joint inventor
`C) Legai Representative under 35 U.S.C. 117
`EC) Person to whom the inventor is obiigated to assign.
`Person who shows sufficient proprietary interest
`if appiioant is the iegai representative, indicate the authority to his the patent appiioation, the inventor is:
` EName ofthe Deceased or Legaiiy incapacitated inventor:
`ifthe Appiioant is an Organization check here.
`Organization Name
`Giobai Tei*i.ini< Corporation
`Matting Address information For Appiieant:
`Address 1
`12021 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 100
`Address 2
`Emaii Address
`EAdditionai Appiioant Data may he generated within this form by seieoting the Add button.
`Assignee information inoinding idon~Appiioant Assignee information:
`EProviding assignment information in this section do . not substitute for oompiianoe
`E3? of CFR to have an assignment recorded by the Office.
`ith any requirement of part 13 of Titie
`EFS Web 2 2.2
`PTO/AiA/14 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB Gear-0032
`US, Patent and Trademark Office; U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a coiieciion of information nniess it contains a vaiid iii-MB controi number.
`EAttorney Docket Number
`Moniioetion Data Sheet 37 CFR t76E-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`EAooiieetion Number
`I T
`itie of invention
`EComoieie this se'tion EE‘ assigneeinfonnetion. inoiuding noneppiioant essEgnee informetion. is desired to he inc:'nded on the patent
`.E:ap_o-ieation publication. An assigneeappiicant identified in the "Appiicanti ntormation” section wiii appear on the patent appiioation
`Epiihiioation as an appiicent. For an essignee—apniioant, comniete this section oniy if identification as an assignee is eiso desired on the
`.ent eoniioetion ouhiioation.
`Famiiy Name
`Eitiisiiing Address information For Assignee inciuding Nen-Appiicent Assignee:
`Address 1
`Emaii Address
`Postai Code
`Additionei Assignee or Non-Aooiioent Assignee Data may be generated within this form by
`seiecting the Add hutton.
`ENOTE: This Aopiioation Data Sheet must he signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.336)). However, it this Apoiieetioh
`Esuhseetioh 2 of the “Authorization or Optnflut of Authorization to Permit Access” section, then this form must
`Eaiso he signed in accordance with 3? CFR txizito).
`This Appiioation Data Sheet must be signed by a patent practitioner if one or more of the epoiicants is e juristio
`Eentity (e.g., oomoretion or association). itthe eoniioent is two or more joint inventms, this form must be signed by a
`Eontent practitioner, aiijoint inventors who are the aooiioant, or one or more joint inventor—apoiicants who have been given
` Date WYMMDD) 2 017 oe -- o 9
`Lauren C.
`Registration Number
`Additionei Signature may be generated within this term by seieoiing the Add button.
`EFS Web 2 2.2
`PTO/AiA/tnl (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB MEL-0032
`US, Patent and Trademark Office; U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Actot1995. no perscms are required to respond to a coilectimt of irifOrmatien untess it contains a vatid iii-MB contret number.
`Attorney Docket Number
`Appiieatien Data Sheet 3"? CFR 1.”?6 --------------_-
`Appiieatien Number
`Title Of invention
`This ooiiection or" information is required by 37 CPR 1.76. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the pubtic which
`is to fiie (and by the USPTO to process) an appiieation. Confidentiaiity is governed by 35 D.8C.122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This
`collection is estimated to take 23 minutes to eempiete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed enpiicetion data
`sheet form to the USPTO. Time witi vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount oftime you require to
`complete this term end/orsuggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, US. Patent and
`Trademark Office, US. Department of Commerce, PO. Box 1453, Alexandria, VA 2231924459 DO NOT SEND FEE8 OR
`COMPLETED FORMS TO Ti—iiS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Cemmieeiener fer Patente, RD. 80x1450,Aiexandria,VA 22313-1450.
`EL. nmxWeb 2.2.12

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