`Document Description: Traci/(ans Request
`._PiO/Aifv’s’iZs’i (04-44)-
`UMBER 3? CFR 1.102(e) (Page i of t)
`First Named
`Nonprovisionai Application Number (if
`Stephen L~ HODGE
`i. The processing tee set forth in 3? CFR t.i7(i)(t) and the prioritized examination tee set forth in
`37 CPR t.i7(c) have been tiied with the request. The puhiication tee requirement is met
`because that fee, set forth in 37’ CFR 1.18id), is currentiy $0. The basic iiiinq tee, search tee,
`and examination fee are fiied with the request or have been aiready ioeen paid.
`i understand
`that any required excess ciaims fees or appiication size fee must be paid for the appiioation.
`i understand that the appiication may not contain, or be amended to contain‘ more than four
`independent ciairns, more than thirty totai ciairns, or any ntuitipie dependent ciairns, and that
`any request for an extension of time wiii cause an outstanding Track i request to be dismissed.
`3. The appiicahie box is checked heiow:
`‘inai Auiication Track Gne — Prioritized Examination under 3~ 1.192e‘i
`(a) The appiication is an origihai nonprovisionai utiiity appiication tiied under 35 USE. ii’irja).
`This certification and request is being fiied with the utiiity appiication via EFS—Web.
`(h) The appiioation is an originai nonprovisionai piant appiioation t’iied under 35 USC. iti(a).
`This certification and request is being fiied with the piant appiioation in paper.
`ii. An executed inventor’s oath or deciaration under 37‘ CFR ”€63 or 37 CFR 1.64 for each
`inventor, g the appiication data sheet meeting the conditions specified in 37 CFR ’i.53(t)(3)(i) is
`fiied with the appiication.
`ii. I Reuest for Continued Examination — Prioritized Examination under 1.192e2
`i. A request for continued examination has been tiied with. or prior to, this form.
`if the appiication is a utiiity appiication, this certification and request is being tiied via EFS~Weh
`iii. The appiication is an originai nonprovisionai utiiity appiication tiied under 35 USS. ttt(a), or is
`a nationai stage entry under 35 USC. 371.
`iv. This certification and request is being fiied prior to the maiiing of a first Office action responsive
`to the request for continued examination.
`v. No prior request for continued examination has been granted prioritized examination status
`under 37’ CPR 1.102(e)(2).
`/I_.aju.ren C. Schleh, Reg. No.
`Print/T sch Lauren (L. Schieh
`Reistration Number 65 437
`forms are submitted.
`This form must be signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33. See 37 CPR 1.4M) for signature requirements and certifications.
`Submit muiiiole forms if more than one sionature is recurred, *
`*Totai of