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`June 9, 2017
`Ccinmissiener' t‘ci' Patents
`PO Bax 1/4150
`Aiexandria, VA 22313-1450
`US. Nen—Previsinnai Patent Altppiicatien under 37 CFR. § 153(17):)
`App}. NO. T0136 Assigned; Filed: Herewiz‘l/z
`inmate Bed anatinn System
`inventors: E-iQDGEEi ez‘ a].
`Our Ref: 32101460000
`The fciiewing documents are transmitted herewith for appropriate actien by the U S
`Patent and, Trademark fiftice:
`Payment rnade electrcnieaiiy fer $574000 to never:
`$1,600.00 Patent Anniiea‘tien fees (i nc1n<1in g basic tilting, search. and
`exaniinaticn fees);
`$4,000.00 Request for Prieritized Examination Fee;
`$ 140.00 Processing Fee for Track 1;
`Utiiity Patent Anpiieatien Transmittal Form (PTO/AEA/t 5);
`Cer‘titieaticn and Request t‘cr Prinritized Eiixannnation Under 37 (3.131%. §
`Authorization tc Treat a Repliy As incorporating An Extension of Tirne
`Under 37 CPR. § 1.136(a)(3);
`US. Utiiity Patent Application entit1ed:
`Inmate Red Location System
`and naming as inventers:
`Ste phen L. HGDGE
`the application consisting cf:
`Commissioner for Patents
`June 9, 2017
`Page 2
`An Application Data Sheet (37 CPR. § 1.76);
`Signed inventors‘ Deeiarations;
`A specification containing:
`28 pages ofdesoription prior to the claims;
`5 pages of oiairns (20 claims);
`a one (1) page abstract;
`8 sheets of drawings: (Figures 1—8); and
`Arr executed Power of Attorney by Appiieant (P'i'O/AEA/S2B) and the
`Transmittai for Power of Attorney form (PTG/AIA/BZA).
`The aboye~iisteci documents are filed eieotroniealiyr
`Fee payment is provided Via electronic fiiing. The US Patent and Trademark titt‘fi ee is
`hereby authorized to charge any fee deficiency, or credit any overpayment, to our Deposit
`Account No. 19w0036.
`Respectfully submitted,
`STERNE, KESSLER, Goresrnrn & Fox entire.
`/Lauren C. Schleh, Reg. No. 65,457/
`Lauren C. Sehieh
`Attorney for Applieant
`Registration No 65,457
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