`Inventors: HODGE er air
`Confirmatien Ne: To Be Assigned
`Applicant: GLOBAL TIEL’iLiNK
`Art Unit: To Be Assigned
`Appiieatinn No: f0 Be Assigned
`Eilxarniner: 2’19 86 Assigned
`Filing Date: Barren/it]?
`Atty. Becket: 32101460000
`Title: inmate Bed Leentinn System
`Anthnrizntien tn Trent n Repiy as Tnenrpnrating an
`Extensien of Time Under 37 (HER. § 'i.i36{a}{3}
`Cemrnissioner fer Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Aiexendria, VA 22313-1450
`The U. S. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby autherized t0 treat any concurrent er future
`repiy that requires a petition for an extension 0f tinre under this paragraph for its tinieiy subrnissien,
`as ineor‘perating a petition fer extension, of time for the appropriate length 0f time. The US. Patent,
`and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to charge nit required extension of time fees to Our
`Deposit Account No. 190036, if such fees are net otherwise provided for in such repiy.
`Respectfuiiy submitted,
`STERNE, Knssrnn, GOLDsrnrN {at FOX P.L.L.C.
`/Lauren C. Schleh; Reg. No. 65,457/
`Lauren C. SchEeh
`Atterney for Applicant
`Registratien No. 65,457
`June 9, 2017
`1100 New Yeti»: Avenue, NAN.
`Washington, DC. 20005—3934
`{202‘ 371—0600