`(PCTArticle 18 and Rules 43 and 44}
`Applicant’s or agent’s file reference
`see Form PCTASA/220
`as well as, where applicable, item 5 below.
`fnternational application No.
`International filing date (dav/month/year)
`30 Aug 2012
`(arliest} Priority Date (dav/month/vear)
`O01 Sep 2011
`This international search report has been prepared bvthis International Searching Authority and is transmitted to the applicant
`according to Article 18. A copyis being transmitted to the International Burean.
`This international search report consists ofatetalot
`| ti is also accompanied by a copy of each prior art documentcited in this report.
`Basis of the report
`a. With regard io the language, the international search was carriod out on the be
`P] Unity of invention is lacking (sce Box No. #8),
`With regard io the tide,
`the text
`is approved as submitted by the applicant.
`P| thetext has becn established bythis Authority to rcad as follows:
`the international application in the language in which tt was Hled.
`which is the language of
`i a translation ofthe international application toto
`§(a} and 23.1¢b)}.
`a translation fumished for the purposes ofinternational searcl
`This international search report has been established taking intc account the rectification of an abvinus mistake
`authorized by or notified to this Authority under Rule Yt (ule 43.65zs¢2)),
`Pj With regard to any nucleotide and/or armine acid sequence disclosed in the international application, see Box No. f.
`b. nynoneofthefigures istebe publishedwiththeabstract.
`gard to the abstract,
`is approved as submitted by the applicat.
`the text
`the text has been established, according to Rule 38,2, by this Authority as 1 appears in Box No, IV. The applicant may,
`withie one month from the date aftnailingofthis international search report, submit comments to this Authority.
`6. With regard to the drawings,
`the figure ofthe drawhngs to be published with the abstract is Figure No. 2
`as suggested by the applicant.
`as selected by this Authority, because the applicant failedtosuggest a figure.
`as selected by this Authority, because this figure better characterizes the invention.
`Porm PCT/ISA/210 Cfirst sheet} uly 2009)
`international application No.
`Box No. EF
`Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet}
`This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2\a) forthe following reasons:
`i [| Clams Nos.:
`because theyrelate to subject matter not re
`uired to be searched bythis Authority, namely:
`Claims Nos. 2-132
`because theyrelate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such an
`extent that no meaningfal international search can be carried out, specifically:
`See extra sheet.
`mise they are dependent claims and are not drafted im accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6 4{a),
`3. | Claim
` s Nos.
`Form PCT/ESA/210 (continuation of first sheet (23) (ruly 2009)
`international application No.
`IPC (2013.01) GOG6F 19/22, GO6F 19/26
`According to International Patent Classification (TPC) or t
`Minimum documentation sea
`IPC (2013.01) GO6F 19/22, GO6F 19/26
`o both national classification and IPC
`Documentation searched other than mininvum documentation to the extent that such documerits are tachided in the fields searched
`Electronic dala base consulted during the international search (name of dala base and, where practicable, search terms used}
`Databases consulted: USPTO, THOMSON INNOVATION
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, ofthe relevant pas Relevant to claim No.
`Category? |
`22 Feb 2007 (2007/02/22)
`para [0088]-[0089], [0096]-[0097], fig.6, fig.7
`Telephone No. 972-2-5651607
` page 10, line 5 — page 11, line 6
`para [0088]-[0089], [0092], [0096]-[0097],fig.3, fig.6
`para [0091], fig.2
`09 Dec 2010 (2010/12/09)
`page 4, lines 1-17
`04 Apr 2002 (2002/04/04)
`page 10, line 5
`page 11, line 6
`| Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C
`Special categories of cited documents:
`“A” document detining the
`aj state of the art which is not considered
`to be ofparticular rel
`earlier application or patent but published on or after the
`document which maythrowdoubts on priority claim(s) or whichis
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`special reason (as specified)
`“O” document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other
`document pubbshed prior to the inlemational Qing daic but later
`than the priority date claimed
`See patent family annex,
`date or priority
`later document published after the international fi
`and 3
`conflict with the
`application but cited to understand
`the principle or theory unde
`the mrvention
`“XxX” document ofparticular ri
`3 the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel arc
`iidered to invelve an inventive
`step whenthe document is taken alone
`“y" document of particular relevance; the claimed inventioncannot be
`considered to invol
`ventive siep when the documentiis
`ned with one or more
`other such documents, such combination
`being obvious to a person. skilled in the art
`“> document member of ihe same patent family
`Bate of the actual completion of the international search
`29 Jan 2013
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`29 Jan 2013
`Name and mailing address of the ESA:
`Israel Patent Office
`The Technology Park, Bldg.5, Malcha, Jerusalem, 96951, Israel
`Pacsnmile No. 972-2-5651616
`Form PCTASA/210 Wecond sheet} Gubky2009}
`Authorized officer
`International application No.
`Patent documentcited search
`Publication date
`Patent family member(s)
`Publication Date
`2007043516 Al
`22 Feb 2007
`25 Jun 2008
`EP=1934865 A4 06 May 2009
`2007043516 Al
`22 Feb 2007
`US=7805252 B2 28 Sep 2010
`WO=2007022260 22 Feb 2007
`WO=.2007022260 08 Noy 2007
`WO=.2007022260 28 Aug 2008
`11 Apr 2012
`09 Dec 2010
`2010141433 A2
`: WO
`| EP=2438195 21 Nov 2012
`US=2012172237 05 Jul 2012
`09 Dec 2010
`21 Apr 2011
`| WO=0227638 04 Apr 2002 AU 9442001 08 Apr 2002
`| EP=1320827 25 Jun 2003
`JP=2004510265 02 Apr 2004
`NO=20031336 24 Mar 2003
`NO=20031336 24 Mar2003
`NO=324517 Bl 05 Nov 2007
`NO=20004869 DO 28 Sep 2000
`05 Feb 2004
`US=7917302 B2 29 Mar2011
`Information on patent family members
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex} Guly 2009)
`WO=0227638 Al 04 Apr 2002
`International application No.
`Box Ne. F Observations where cortain claims were found unscarchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheets
`* Claims Nos.: 2-132
`becanse they relate to parts of the imernational application that do nat comply with the prescribed requirements to such an
`extentthat no meaningfil international search can be carried out, specifically:
`Tue to the excessive numberof claims, which do not meet the requirement of rule 6.1(4) in refer Lo reasonable numberof
`claims considering the nature of the invention claimed, no meaningful search could be performedin respect to the whole
`claimed scope. Hereby opinion on novelty, inventive step and industrial application being given only in regard to the
`independent claims 1,133-135, since these independent claims considered to constitute the actual contribution which the
`applicant has madeoverthe state oftheart.
`Form PCTASA/210 (extrasheet) (Fuly 2009)

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