`Eampfiimshm Fatafimmé
`Earémww kiwi {ZS-mm
`{3mm gamma} aim tsmmfia
`ikafiemikm number:
`fi 33 Q fi fig
`E8R§3§§£N mmm fig??&§$&?§§3¥§
`@ Amficafim nvmbm: Wis
`inifii sfii 8‘5 g: 333% 13 3‘53 N 33%
`® Date a? 93mg: amm-
`e mmwmaas‘aa m; imxss
`, w
`3*? wwwxmawmmgfifimmmw
`i mwmmm am: {Ms}
`<2§i mm oi igiéwim ofapmswmm “£1.83“ ~
`$3? mains:er %,,§8Wmfim
`GE 7‘”
`‘35 2
`‘§ 'S§$&3{&U§
`$5; mmma Bafitmémg Was: 53$ mam?
`@ mm tfimy Wm
`(E3; Ram‘mrmm: m.mmxmammm
`$2) émmfiwawmwmwam {wwwm
`W as: wast ma eimgsswai msgmiie mg {i 1‘. $2} mmww
`W, a smmfi {‘33} um; mm @339» mks? mm m a
`mm {1 5} {82‘ {ha mii @336, am ész as: mm mm:
`W $92: madam amasgmiia W in Rise: migfl 6? W: mm
`mm Emma 33 puimWm? am‘ a 522% mm,
`5mm M3
`w @ Q Q
`” % é
`wfiS iavantiwz SSES’SSS S; S mSgSSSES {Se-SSS}; Sevisge and; in Wf‘tfifiugfim is S :SSgSSSiS
`the?§§§{§e“ SSSiSS which ES SSSEESSESSES SSSESE i553 SSSS Sgsgsiieatiam SS tac- SSESX the
`mSSSESS Sf Sm? {Smears gain 53mm SSSSSSS who $§€fl£§ tang SSSiSS‘S driving; 'SSSESESSS
`Tm: iSS-Smim: {S 33332 Eli} mSSISS restriet‘efi t9 ”E33315 Swfia‘atim but I Sham me thiS. SS- Sn,
`Simfie t?‘§8?&§}y SSS {Swazi frat}: SS SSSS fifiifimt SS Skegtitfism ti} firming SSSESSEES
`SSE: SSSSSSSS and We SSSSS in ShiSh it
`is mast
`Swifimfiyg SSSEESSI; Sf SSSSSS anti
`the SSSSSSSSSE Sf iSfSStim} Suzi
`its the SSSS a?
`{SSSSES SSESSSSESS, SSS minimisifig Si? waking and SSS: SSSSSSSE.
`Setwaen i and 23%} HS SSS S? S SSESS SSS}: SS is infitm S magnflia SESSE Sf SSS {SSSS
`SffSSSive iSeatmem,
`mfiSimiSSficn Sf? SmiSESg ail-ii {Sr gain femfiVai, SSHS S? S Simiiar {SSS SSS :SSSS SSS, ES
`this SSSS, it is not magma: m SSS a fSSSSSSSy SS SSS Sewer and of SSS SSSgS, Sf {SS
`SSSSS SS“ 5 HS SSS S {Eek} Sf S SSSSS fi’é‘fifii‘g Sf SSSSSSSS Sf iggSSwo
`HMS: SSS SSSSRSS Sthimd S3; SSSS treatment SSS be quite SSSSSiSmSg,
`it SSSs
`SSSSSE‘SSESSS, SSS}: ESSOSSSSESSS if} movifie the SSHS SSS $315333th ihSSS SSiative to S
`SSS? SS the Sails SSS Swag}: SSES‘ESSSE}? ESSgS SSS Sfiamsy SS SSSSES
`TESS Sbfiecfi of (£333 garment ESSSStiSS iS SS SSGSSSS S SzSgSStie SSSSSSS‘ Swiss. whemby
`S SSSgSetie: Heist} SSS be SSSE'ES Spgiised to S SSSS and, SSSSSSSSEy, SSS SS ESE“: in S.
`SSSR‘HSS SS {that ”(he fiSm SSS Se maiSSSESSS} Whfifi‘t SSS. SSSS SSSSESS SSS his {31“ bar
`Safmafi fanciimss‘
`Specii‘iaaliy9 the invahiian proviiies such a device fer use by drivers who are in
`vehicles for icing periocis.
`in its broadegt same, comprises a magnetic therapy device being a
`The inveniiah,
`fiexibie pad which is adapted to ha in ciese contact with a user when in use, which
`pad includes at ieas‘i one eicngaieci magnetic coil which iS adapted in he iacatec}
`adjacent the portihn 0f the body {if the user is be treated? a supper”: upon which this
`eoii iS located and a caverihg far the caii.
`Preferably the (sail may be in a sandwich (If a material having no magneiie
`properties, such as a fiexibie foam matgriai anti there may be an external have?
`which has a surface agaimi: which it is pieasahi’ in rest, for exampie iamhswmi.
`The field in the magnetic: eoii may be influeed by an eimirohics device having an
`on/ofi’ radii: of 124 operating, may9 on a 20 milliseccnd cycle with the cycle being
`effecthd for 160 miliisecends and broken for the next 190 milliseconds, that is a 5 Hz ‘
`Preferably there may he more than she coii and the coils may be heated ‘
`side by side and be of different pciarity.
`in girder that the invehiicen may he mere readiiy unflersiohd, i shall fiescribeg in
`relatim to the accompanying drawings, one partieuiar farm of device made in
`accordama with the inventim, whiah farm is adapted for use in a vehicle.
`in these drawings:
`iiiustraias schematically the pad 0f the inventish as fitted tea a
`vehicle seat; and
`Fig. 2
`is a block diagram siicwing an arrangement wherhhy the pad can be
`in the flexible pad 10, iilusii’atefi in Fig i, I may have two (Bails ii, 12, each of which
`may (minimise thirsty turns of wire and each of which i3 in the farm (if a rectangie
`having" a longer! side (if, say, 753 mm and a width of, say, 150 mm with the two (mils
`baing: adjacent with their “7’50 mm sides contiguousi
`One coil is preferably woumi in such a way as m be effectively a north coil? and this
`is 50 indicated on the Figure, and the other, in the apposite way, to be effeciiveiy a
`south coil.
`{3.2 {3313 $31 5
`‘E‘hege $33335; are pmfemtfiy imafifi as the mntm {sf a gafiéwiain mafia in? two anars if
`a fiexfihaie synthetic fiasties: 15mm shawn germwiiy 515 $53 whiafi may fem: a Siirmuwi
`m? 3; Sim siighiiy greater firm} the meg mmupiafi by We (2&133 say 8% ta: 2358 mm $3}ng
`by 353% :5 mm mm wiisfie.
`Extenéfirsg frem 32% Sandwiai‘s am the aiaairieai wiwa 1% mammary tars 233.25% mwem
`{a flaw fixmugfi ism: {mils am? is: ifiéficfifi magmfifim themhy.
`Tm smfiwfieh may he wwwé with :3 wmriflg zém’fieria33 «Shawn gamma? as .153 and in
`am gmfiermfi farm may £332 coveted with a:
`ismhfiwwi W¥fif whisk ‘pz'wifiefi: a
`mmfwtamg giazr‘faee agaimt which time user Q2311 PGS‘E.)
`figs. {353? £33 as ifiastratzad, gravidm witi} iagmsz 01° aiagéie Raw '15 {3? the lake in
`mama it in ma arttaefiuefl m a warm back :3? «finger Sfifffiflfiv As ifiustraied in Fig. :3 the
`glam: is Shaw: atiamefi it: a vakiflas smut.
`Mitamafivem {he ‘33ch mam Elsa ws-visdsaé wi’kh mans mama? if am: he remimfi after
`heimg wrapgzeé $21533: an area 933 be trmfiefi.
`m wéee’i‘ {:3 @mviée we requimé mmeat m the {H.333 Egamvifiss: airmitrm which MW 5316
`as ifimtmiw ix: 2*ig3 ii, and whiah (ear: i393 raadfig maz'imzefi t9 §§GWE¥ avaiiabie if} a
`whfiak, such as m a cfigamita Eigmam The afimviiry inemzm a; praise generamm
`wfiifih is; a maifiirmiima? guise gemmtav, whiafis 3mm genm‘fitw fis meduiatefi. is}: a
`ism fmquaszey mafiafiamm
`"i‘ha mg? qummeg mmfia‘mmf moézziazms the {531% gmemm? as: a {maize 23mg {33’ 2%?
`miflesmamg during“ wfiisb tima am mfise is {m is)? 35% 9f me time am“; {Eff far ”35%
`a}? the? timsm
`ma mass! generate? is afiagiefi m gmviée :1 mm: Emit: wma‘h Ems a gmfise iength :35: 13::
`mfiifisawnfig timing Efsr‘fi- of w‘hsifim {3r
`2% mm’semnés, me @3323 is as: am? {fusing the
`mmainfier the guise- is gaff am the MN fmqumey nmémam fi‘aafi‘ifigifiS the miss:
`gaaammr Sets that am gaaigag are eycfiei}: genemtsé a? my: ggrmmiafi with the wags
`hfik‘gg E33 mifiiwmmda {m ami
`333%} mmififimmds aff,
`"$22133 mam am five gmkeg
`firmiuszem & gap far ma mmisemnéa another five 333%; and m an and, duz‘ing a
`magma}; thfiré E s mmgmgte- mpssstifian rate of Mien guises are eemmriug m“ ‘51 Km
`m mum: {mm {the
`531.3335: gen-5mm!“ mama; {a a wager gmgiif‘iefi mm has;
`asxeeigiefi tfiemwitfi bath a {imar arrange mars? mm an mfimfi. Efiva‘igz‘mngemaat.
`The cutgut level is edjustefl to normally crevice appmximetely 5%} games at the ccits
`113 12 of the paé 1% which wculd give eppmximatcly 15 geese where the field ccmcs
`into contact with a user.
`The timer is previded te restrict the emptificaticn amt transmissicn cf ptflcee fer hat?
`can hear in a four hcur period, eithcug‘h the specific times can be varied.
`the igniticn cf the
`is such that, notwithstehcing the fact that
`The arrangement
`vehicle may be switched an and switched eff, the timer retains a memory sc that,
`after a full period of treatment, which can be broken, there can be no further pulses
`transmitted fer the minimum ct“ a three and a half he“? pericd‘
`In use, if the device is to be used to prevent muscle stiffness and pain in a vehicle
`driver’s back the part at the invention is tccatcd against the rear cf the seat of the
`vehicie and is hem in pceiticn thereahcuts by means of the straps or the like 18 which
`are tied chant the Seat back
`The pulse scarce is ccnnectcd tc a scarce-cf power, Such as by a cigarette lighter _
`etycttet9 anti
`the cgcraticn cf the device ccmmenccs and centihues as crevicucty
`described fact an on permit cf half an hcuc and an off period cf three and a half beams.
`The driver, in his nermal driving puccititms has his back in cicse grcximity tc the pad
`1%, which is comfortable because of the iamhswcct catering, and providec magnetic
`waves to the muscles cf the driver at the selected, which is c desiredg frequency end
`at a power which is considered tc be suitable.
`If the driver should be suffering from muscle pains in the thighs ct calves, it is
`possible that the device be located on the seat of the vehicte and extend therecver 55c
`that the magnetic field can be brought intc ccntact with these muscles.
`Further, althcugh E have described the cevice as being useful in a vehicle situation, it
`will be perceivec that. far persons with muscle sereness, the device could he used as
`an underbtanket on a bed or chair so that, during ceetg magnetic, treatment cf the
`body muscles ccutd be provided“
`E have described (me particular form cf manufacture of the pad cf the
`inventicng it will be perceived that the coils cculd be located in a material other than
`a Synthetic plastics team and, else: that it would not be necessary that the outer
`ccver be tambswcoi, althcugh it would be desirable that the cover be cat“ a materiat
`wfiiah E5 mmffimamfi agaifist a use? MS which mm 5mm Ststsstamiai wem‘.
`Mae, fiitMifig‘fi net éesmfihaadi, it may be graferrm was: the {EQVSE' Em 313m {:0 be; aifia m
`m mgfimmbiy rem-mafia fmm the (33% gkmtias: of the maxi, $33 as m be ahke ta m;
`wasmet} and wgfie’wavl
`Sigreaflfie intessity,
`fmzzgxmmzsy Sand. twatmenfi time ham beet: maximum; i‘aezzswevarg
`inmnsitifis at“ betwegsé 1 fi 36% g&u&g fwggugmim Sf befiweegs 1 - 23%} 32: am? asp {:3 mm
`mars an mm mm Mum (3?? in 8513 mmbimfims of" tke 3mm have gmwd "is: he m“
`thwageuzia vaiueé
`.53; magueitie 33333;? fimiae being a fiexib§e 1933 {1%} 3333in i3 afiameé 33 be is:
`33039 {3332332 with a. 1333? 3333::
`in 113:3; Whifih {33$ imimfim at 1333*: me
`eimgatm magnetic (mi: {1}, RE} whisk i3 afiagfiefi is be 3333333323 figment {$1.222
`martian sf fists: 3333,: 3f the 2:33? ta :33: 133311834 3 33.3933: {33‘} 25mm 33mm: tfiis
`63133 is “3333333 am a 39333ng {15} far {has GOEL
`A magmiie $333333: figviee 33 fiiaimaé‘ in eiaim 1 Whfli‘ifiii’? “them 333 at 1333*:
`We magnefie 33:13 {EL $2}; 3333mm fiaiis'fming 9f apgmgite psim‘ity.
`A m3g333tie thempy 3433:2335: as 313$an is: 33333, 1 33 aflaim 32 wherein the. miiiig}
`£33333 3am§wéfihad itmiwear: twn 1333:3233 {:3} :3? a m'szter‘iai havifig as: magmtie
`3’5 magmatic $33.33;}? {imiae as eiaimmi in claim 3 whereir: :33 2323:3333: 3f {'33
`sandwich {13} is 3 syfiihatia $2133 matariafi.
`:5; magnetic 333333337 flea-vise a3; aiaimafi
`in 333333 3 er 313332 >3 33333333: the
`(333333 has 3:": (31:33? 303423 {3323}.
`‘3 magnaiizs $33339? {3333ng 33 “313mm 3: any pmmding 313m 33:3 adiagfietifw
`use an the 3331: back a? 3 333N333 imiufiing 33:33:13 {:6} 33231323333: 8:3 (3:233:33 333
`he? 30333::th m ma 3921i. hawk
`A magnatfim thfismpy' fiaviee as miaimad fix my me of 0:353:13 i 3:: § 333:3 3333333
`to £23 wragged 3mm gortian 3f 3 9333:1313 333:; and having 3:33:13 whamhy it
`can, he mtainafi themaixmt
`A magneiifx immgiy systmn 3233336329; 3 saleagne’aie thera‘gy fievice as aiaimefi in
`any pr-mefiifig 313m and inflmfiing means 20 93323332 23 magnetie fem i2:
`3333} :35?
`the aievieszé which 1333213 33232333 a {321133 3333331023" am} 3 $3133?
`a ngm‘iifi 338mm? 333mm 33- fimimafi
`(21:3in 3 wherein the means. t3
`58306333: 3 magneifie fieifi it”: the twi‘iés} imimflex modwiating {2333113 33 eigmiie‘iy
`«3333th the mztgzcut 3?? this 931332 gemmter 30 iii-3i $313- pia§3e3 3m moduefifi if:
`E31335 2‘3.
`m A é'aags‘aetifi {Emmi}? system as ei3imefi
`E3“; {833331 8 a? 3mm 3; wfiemin the
`meang to: gsrafiuee a mfignetfizs {Saki in the: mifigifi ineiwfiavs a time? w. emimi
`Em maxémusm Mam? shying whim guises my: be sum“: from {he pmmr xzmgfiifier
`it: we miiis} in a sgmifie timm
`A. mmgnafifi
`thfitfipfig éswim subsfimtéafiy as harefinbefom {Eeaaeribefi with
`mimemcfi ta the amgmganying tirawifngso
`2% magnetic themm? system mgmtzmimfiy gs hamfifimfam. fie‘safim‘s wit?!
`rafex‘enm 32a ma aemmggnying drawing”
`- 3333
`33333333: 3333333
`“““““““““““““ 333333333333333333333
`“033% 0
`313333 13?,8; fig»
`3 33 m 3 3 2 31535§§ {33333;
`* C‘3333 1,3311; fig 1
`x 33 m 31 m 3 133 333 {33333333333 3333*
`3333 339
`* 3333 3, 3333 3
`1333 13; 3333 13, 13333 3~13§
`fig. 1,3 3
`3 33 3
`3 3? C
`:33 m 3: “giggggsg3 3333333333333}:3,3
`3 3: 3
`3 33333333; figé : 33 3 3
`'33 m 31 m 33;? 331 {3333333353~
`is. gflfltx‘ai‘3‘"3:;
`iiiga 195965 9?
`£§BE ~ Al 3 3 128 263 {RUESEXY}
`* 33333333; 313333 lw3 3
`3333333333 {333333323
`VMMEWNQ C3337 ,
`333333 33333333: «::33A3333
`v91. 33 AA id: Aun‘ams A§r
`paga 1131
`33‘ 1
`A AzgmmmmwmAAAfiAmAmAAAAAAA
`3 33333333333 mmw
`53” F: 3nAmmAAm§SAB§