`KL. 21 g 24MB
`1mm”. KL. H €35 g
`N H421 Vfi‘ic ['21 g
`A ix: M i: LDETAG: 23. DKTOBER 19555
`’3‘ DEE: EMBER 1961
`.Apgaaifat {fir meifizinische Zwecki:
`Er, Hans Names,
`Rankweii, Vmariberg {fisiarreich}
`Vsrtmter: Dipimflhem. Dr. phi}. E. Siam},
`’Eitetltailwafii, Miinchen 23, Leogioldstn 2f}
`Enanspi'uchte Prim‘iifit:
`ifisiei‘reich "Gill 28g Okiebei' 1958
`Dr. Ifiians Ntmac, Ix‘izmkwcfl, Vnmflberg {Gstcrraieh},
`ist sis Erfindfir getmmnt Worden
`In der Medizin kommen elekarische, miignatische
`11nd e‘iAktmmagnetisahe Strfime, Felder arid Stfahhlfl“
`gen je. fiir sich zur Anweiidung, wobei in dem dumb
`fiu'ieteii Bea‘eich des 'bioicgischen Dbjsktss jazwefls dais
`ekkirfische and dais magnetischa mic: dag chlam—
`magnetissche Agans die: jeciem flit sich aliain zukom—
`maids Wirkung snifaiiafi,
`Bei sine: Eimichtung mi: Eehandlung mii him»
`welligen eiektzischen Schwingungsn fiii: die Embar—
`therapie ist es bekamit, gieichzeéfig Induktionsciekx
`ti'aden 212:“ gmffiréumigea Eihéihung der Earp-armame—
`iatur 11nd Kimdcnsatcmlck{racism zur Eckaiem Erhitn
`mug in vem‘enden. in diesam Fang»: Sifld mit der
`Spuie iies Schwiiigmiigskraises Winduzagcri
`fies Sea
`kimdiirkreisss gflksppeit, tier dumb simian Keiidetiiizittiir
`abgestimmt Wirdi Der Sekundiirkreis fi'ihr’i einarsaits
`:51: dea: Induktiomeiektmden, umi aadcrerseits Iiagt dc:
`Kozidensaitor i311 Sekundirkmis) mid parallel ZLE ihm
`sind die KandensamreEektmden arigeschlossen. Dieser
`Regelkomieiisamr diam zur Abstimmimg (Hes Samm-
`iiiairkraises aisf Resonanz mit der Schwingfrequenz dies
`Primarkrcises. Die Kondensatorcicktrodm sind inn
`nerhalh umi in der Ebene. der Induktimseisktmden
`Nae}: diet Eriinduiig warden ZWEEXT mach glsichzeiiig
`elekiris-she imd magfieiische Faldar angewandt, jsdoch
`mit dam, Zia}? dumb. £31: Zusammemwixkcn aiif dim
`Gewebseiekixefiytcri einmiwiricen, and dadm‘ch Bewa—
`gimgsn {and Dmckkréftc geganiiber c‘ieii relativ when"
`den Gewebssimkmren zu Bimiflhfifi‘ Die Erfimd’img
`bemht auf day EEkenntnis. £1313 bei organischen Ge~
`(iii: a}: eiaktmlytisciie Leitfir anzusprcchcn'
`shad, dutch dais Aniegem einer elektrischen Sgannnng
`die Animien 11nd Katimien in exiigegtsngesatzisr Richi-
`miig beweg’i warden may: dadurch dag gieichi-caitige
`Einwirken aims Magneffeldes dies: lonenbsewegimgeii
`mach dc}? gieichen Richtimg him abgeimkt warden,
`wodurch auf den Elem-201311 2113 Games Bewegungs—
`and Dmckkr‘éifte ausgeiibt warden. Lag; man 5:. B.
`cine Gieichspannung an Mid 1353: gleichzejtig eiia km!”
`stantes magnetisches Feid, etwa eines ,krééftigen per»
`mane-men Magician serikrecht 23in“ ZF'iuBrichiung dear
`{Omen einwirkem so kommi dear eiektroiytische Leiter
`iii aim: Biswegung. die senkrecht sowohi 2113‘ Stream
`fichtui‘ig als web 213: Richtung des Magnetfeldes staht.
`Es wird also das ciakti‘mimtcfische Phi‘memefi an
`einem elektmlytischen Leiter ausgs‘weimt.
`Die Erfindurig besteht im Wesen flax-in, dais bei
`ein‘cm Apparat fi’ir mcdizinische Zwecke, mi: (16111 eiri
`elektrisches 13nd magnetisches Paid eyrzeugi wird und
`die relative. Phasenlage diesar Feider cinstcilibar mad
`veri’mdcrbar ist, die Fe‘ic‘ier umgepok 11nd zwischeia G
`mid 180° in dex Phasieifiage verifindext wax-den kémen,
`und die Clfikil‘iSChfifi mid magnetischeri Fcidcr in ré'iumr
`iich senkrech'ter haw,
`im Vi's-se.iifliche:ii serikrechter
`Ancrdmmg vorgesehen Siflfii, um dutch die g]. ichn
`zeitiga Emwiflmmg auf
`(Ears Bahimiiliingsebjeh 1'11
`diesem amen slektmdymsmischeii Eifeskt Zii erzeugen,
`dc: (lurch Einsteflung Cider Ver'findarimg dar rsiaativen
`Phasaiiiage «fie-r, beiiieiti Fewer an? email izpfimalen
`Wen; gabrachi; warden Emmi.
`.Auz" disses ‘Weise ist es
`mifigiichg die Varschiebimg (£65: Eickmflyicn in cincr
`bestimmten Richtimg zu erssie‘ieti, sowohl he? Glaich»
`straw: mid Wechssistmn‘iaidesm airs emch bei magne-~
`tischen konstantezi ode: Weekselfsldem. ES zaigt sich,
`(E218 hie-i Phasengleichheit die Verschiebung dss E1519
`twig/ten in Bins; bestimmtcn Richtung auftritt, daifl’i
`(Ease Richmrig sick umk‘ehrt; went; die Phase zwi~
`schism (ism slektxischeii Schwingimgsn und den ma~
`gnatischen Sshwmgungm EffltSFI' .chemi wanders:
`wird, indem entweder def elektxischa Oder (Ear ma.—
`gnaiischc. Kmis umgagofit wird. Diéssss Umpoian g6»
`schieht bai hechfrequentsn Fit-idem dutch eine Pha—
`seiwei'schiebung iies Sinai]. Gemratozrs im Imam des
`Apparaies. Die (sptimzilsm W‘er‘e Hagen fiir die cine
`Bmvcgizngsfichixing dtiéi Eiektmlytan be}; (Ear Phascri-v
`’Verschiehung Nufi {Gisichyhasigkfiit}, flir die ant»
`gegengesetzta Eewegiingszishtuug bei cine; Phasa -
`verschiebung V011 180° {Geganphasigkeifi}. Die opti~
`- malei: Anderungen der Bewagungsrichtungexi 11nd
`(Ezamit sin Optimum c'ncs uracilscl'ndefi clektmdygna—
`'filischfi!) Effektesi, warden demgemfifi mvangfiiufig 3392
`102 742,691
`1 11.113311
`321131: Variation 1231‘ Phasenhga V1311 G 11112 180" and
`wiedsr 2.1112132. 3112' (.3 1131". Hagen.
`332 (23111 3ingaags envéimten 23321111131311 Appaarzat
`fiir die. Fieberthm'apia Est 311 1113212; 11122in921 1223 3112:3— '
`(211111131331113133 Wizkung 211 312232311, d3 fiir c223 EEC-
`13232111111; 3.21135 31121111111113.1311 31322211)dynamischan Efl3k~
`133 123: Regelkondensator wade? zur Einstdhuzg 1131:
`netwcndigen Phascnvcrschic‘sung 110321 2111? Variation
`in 133111 fiir 322351311 2:221:21: netwegnfijgcm 83132321 g33ig1131
`251. Wijrde 12235317 Kondmsator 11115 1131 1313311113112 2131'—
`11115 g323g321, 22323 132:: 1.325131% 3111: 31313.11 gui‘ing3r311
`W312 11b
`E2113' 31‘ A11W311¢21111g31116g223h22321311 (135 crfindamgs—
`gemiifiaan Apparat-as; is: 23325113231811.3233 3211 2(11rzw322311»
`313123.131, 13.31 2113 32113111 213223-2325“ 17252122131311 2423132321 (2351
`Bchzinaiiungrsobjektas gleidxzeitig 3211 32334111233213; K011»
`32335310123232 11nd 3211 magnetisches 31311131113321}. 312311131;
`D33 Behandhmgsobjekt
`(23231111502511) wird 212211021311
`die 233212311 11121: Wechselspannung (233 3211311 {331131111015
`g3sp1>ist1311 2323123113232;1312311 11331322: 111111 gleichzeitig
`von 133113111 111311113125521311 Wachselffid (21113212211231,
`211 32113: Spuie 31'3311gt wird. weiche V0111 51mm deg
`211321311 (2311317311315 3353:3251: wird. 2332323 (21311313131311
`schwingen 11121 1231 g2323h311 2713131113112.
`31 33113. (231131-
`rator hat 32113 13211123211331; 2:111 Phasmvasfigaiebun
`so (2325 1.251:
`(.2213 13211121113 13213331129322321111'11; 1231 213211311
`Schmngungen 21132113111231,
`1112311231251 11.31221 3.2113111 g3—
`eig113ten Zeitgasmz, g3'zi11dert 1113112311 21111111. Die 2213112311
`21321331: 313111311 1311111132311 1111131" 922° zueinander 012311“
`12311, 31) 1238 1:223 2213211111111; 1331‘ hymn—032222312011 2111
`elcktrischcn 13:13 211. 1131: Schwingungsric 1::mg 1233311.123
`gnetischen Fcldss senkrecht 513212.
`E2113 12211152313011,
`32113 einsismige Bewegung (231'
`232221232152132‘2 31121213211 {:32 6132321p212131=>"‘321, 21316351311»
`phasigkcit ((32112; $21121 dig R13ht1111g 123:1 mechaniscimn
`Kraft 1.11111 1.2311122 (223 V3111.211321111131512chiming 1:235 23213.2(—
`11'023'2311 um. Wird mm 5:. B. die. 232111113 1233 Magnet?
`fehigmcmtms 11m 282)" 211 niedcrfrmlucmtmn 222151123
`111115 513221111312, SO 2131111111 es 211 31113111 niedcrfrequmtm
`Richiungswechsci 1:231 111332131125321311 Kraft Wird :21.»
`gcegen die 2‘21333131'3 13321232211113 (131' be 1:21:11 {33113131111311
`11112 3211311 331111;; V1311 9G° 321113513121, as
`11211: 3211 hushfz'equemer “$321332 d3:
`3211, 111112 max 1112:: (2317 doppelten Schwingfrequcenz tier
`Es 1151111311 113122122321 33321 1113211313 13321231 1111513213“
`11110161“ 2101112121211311 warden.E121 die ‘W212121.31 8210111312.
`111132 Frequenz 25:1 mafigebmd, 02) 1231' 2.11 3121132311313
`323211101211111111253223 2223221; 1113211 mi:
`(2311 32131112332131].
`11nd 3‘13kt1'op21313usch311 'Wirkungen des G1323215113~
`311 Remwirkuugm def 11231131311 21311113112311
`(31:23.1 C2311 1213113123321311 1:231 211321311 Fr1311113112311 2101171211—
`13131127931321113032 Dumb 13311 erfmdungwemaéésn Ap-
`p313: Win 3111 spam15321317 I.ingrifl'111 wichflge 2.b13113—
`1310235113 31111011113111.
`$32213 physiciagischen K01133—
`qucnzm 2233311 11. 21. 1'11 32311 111113125321311 111112 (23111311123
`53213.11 Zustands‘éndes‘ungen (2111331 die BCnglh]1::— 111111
`£22111 2.311192%.
`Liquor, Zytoplasma gegaufiher 12311 21013333211311 Gc~
`wcbsstmkmrm, (ieméfimiemngen 1:133 Stofiaustaugches,
`1:235 Igncnmflieus 11nd damit (235 3.231111251221311 22711239
`21110211 gageniiber den endcgencn 132332321111~
`$321311 Vorgéng‘cn und (231311 11311101133311 Wirkungen.
`F221 1233 Therapie 312313211311 32321 113113 1.1111111311911311,
`11.31.2121 1213. Behm‘uflung 3.1312121133232131 Fromsse, .2115—
`213301.2<31‘3 231131 3x11d111'1v31 Art, m1“: Zirkulationsstfin
`rungen, (11331111116331). 511.111.2'322111111311 :sowi3 2221' 1223 Ans-—
`33211113111111.1139; 1131121132131 2112221112113.
`EmSchaltschema (23$ 31fi11d1mgsg311122fi311 Apparates
`is: 111
`(231‘ Z3ichnu11g beispi3l-sweise dargeste-Elt.
`{3.113120821223101" 2 22321111321131.3313 Kurzwcffimschwinn
`151111.333. iibea 32113 Vsrstizirkern 1111131 Begrexuerstufez
`111112“311313 2.33111112111132.1123 32'I111 3311315111111; 1231' 3131123114
`2221' die {123111;qu (235 Ma“13223.63 11111.2
`gimche Schwmgungm 12213: 3211311 Phasenragler S, 31113
`27313125111331— und Bagrenzersmfe 6 111112 32113 Leist1111gs~
`511123 7 1211‘ dag fiber c223 Eiektmdens {23111 38223113.”
`Eungsobjek’té} zugefiihsm eiektrische F321;}.
`231$}. E1":TANS PRU CH:
`Apparat 2221 1331312511253213 Zwecka, 11121. 123111 3211
`3‘3kt1'isch33 and 31:1 magmtisches Paid 3rzeugt
`wad 1310232 1123 13131333 P119.senlagc (223331 Edda
`3211813125331 111101 v3rénd31bar 2st, 423112113321 gekenm
`(2312 1.223- Feider 11111g3p321 111112 zwischen
`(3 111112 180° 5.11 1131“ Phasemage V31‘éi11d31it warden
`kfinnen 111122
`111113 magnetischen
`231C331 111 1221111121321 331121.13421231 bzw 2111 31333111."
`22321311 senkrechim' Anordn111g
`1311121112231 verge“
`11331311 Sifid.
`21131311 I 232321: 21.131313111111311
`Q§ 209 ‘1'"1‘11'1391 1216’-
`"£3133 3 Egg ggg
`m. fig 241%
`magmmn. H $5 g
`199 148IFSS€
` \
`This translation is machine-generated. it cannot be guaranteed that it is intelligible, accurate,
`complete, reliable or fit for specific purposes. Critical decisions, such as commercially relevant or
`financial decisions, should not be based on machine—translation output.
`N17421Vmc / 21g
`7. DECEMBER 1961
`in medicine, electrical, magnetic and eiectromagnetic currents, fieids and radiations are used
`individually, whereby in the flooded area of the biological object the electrical and the magnetic or
`the electromagnetic agent unfold the effect that is independent of each other.
`in a device for treatment with short-wave electrical vibrations for fever therapy, it is known to
`simuitaneously use induction electrodes for large—scale increase in body temperature and
`capacitor electrodes for local heating.
`in this case, turns of the secondary circuit, which is tuned by a capacitor, are coupled to the coii of
`the oscillation circuit.
`The secondary circuit leads on the one hand to the induction eiectrodes, and on the other hand
`the capacitor lies in the secondary circuit and the capacitor electrodes are connected in parallel to
`This control capacitor is used to tune the secondary circuit to resonance with the oscillation
`frequency of the primary circuit.
`The capacitor electrodes are arranged inside and in the plane of the induction electrodes.
`According to the invention, electric and magnetic fields are also used at the same time, but with
`the aim of acting on the tissue electrolyte through their interaction and thereby achieving
`movements and compressive forces in relation to the relatively stationary tissue structures. The
`invention is based on the knowledge that in organic tissues, which are to be addressed as
`electroiytic conductors, the anions and cations are moved in the opposite direction by the
`application of an eiectrical voitage, and the simultaneous action of a magnetic field deflects these
`ion movements in the same direction , whereby movement and pressure forces are exerted on the
`electrolyte as a whole. if you put 2. B. a DC voltage and at the same time a constant magnetic
`field, such as a strong permanent magnet perpendicular to the flow direction of the ions act, the
`electrolytic conductor comes into a movement that is perpendicular to both the current direction
`and the direction of the magnetic field.
`The electromotive phenomenon on an electrolytic conductor is thus evaluated.
`The essence of the invention is that in an apparatus for medical purposes, with which an electric
`and magnetic field is generated and the relative phase position of these fields can be set and
`changed, the fieids are reversed and between 0 apparatus for medical purposes
`[001 1]
`Dr, Hans Nemec,
`Rankweil, Vorarlberg (Austria)
`Representative: Dipl.-Chem.
`Dr. phil.
`E. Sturm, patent attorney, Munich 23, Leopoldstr.
`Claimed priority: Austria from 28.
`October 1958
`Dr. Hans Nemec, Rankweil, Vorariberg (Austria), has been named as the inventor
`and 180 ° can be changed in the phase position, and the electric and magnetic fields are provided
`verticaliy or substantialiy vertically in order to produce an eiectrodynamic effect by the
`simuitaneous action on the treatment object therein, which can be achieved by adjusting or
`changing the relative Phase position of the two fields can be brought to an optimal value.
`in this way it is possible to achieve the displacement of the electroiyte in a certain direction, both
`with direct current and alternating current fields and with magnetic constant or aiternating fields. It
`turns out that in the case of phase equality, the displacement of the electrolyte occurs in a certain
`direction, that direction reverses when the phase between the electrical osciliations and the
`magnetic osciilations is changed accordingly by reversing either the electrical or the magnetic
`circuit. In the case of high-frequency fields, this polarity reversal is caused by a phase shift of one
`generator inside the apparatus. The optimal values are for one direction of movement of the
`electroiyte with zero phase shift (in-phase), for the opposite direction with a phase shift of 180 °
`(out-of—phase). The optimal changes in the directions of movement and thus an optimum of a
`changing electrodynamic effect are inevitable
`109 748/391

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