`Application No. 15/601,719
`Amendments to the Claims
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the application.
`(Currently Amended) A method for fed-Heing—adi-pese—eel-ls—eel-lul-i-te—eausi-ng
`areumfereWedtwfien—eeehangmg—B-MJ—efia—pafient—bwng—treating a patient using a treatment
`device ., -
`deviee, comprising:
`positioning a first applicator having [[the]] a_first magnetic field generating device disposed
`within it, the first applicator being in contact with the p_atient’s skin or clothing; [[and]]
`positioning a second applicator having [[the]]a second magnetic field generating device
`disposed within it, the second applicator being in i-nte contact with the patient’s skin or clothing,
`securing each
`applicator m—a—statiepesmen at a body region of the patient in mutually tilted p_lanes defined by an
`QgLe via a @pesi-ti-eni-ng—member,
`charging [[the]]a first energy storage device and a second energy storage device,
`swfiekngtheswitehirig—deaeieehi—erder—te—enable discharging energy from the first energy
`storage device to—at—least—ene—et‘ the first magnetic field generating device to generate a first time-
`varying magnetic field;
`discharging energy from the second energy storage device to [[and]] the second magnetic
`field generating device[[,]]WW time-varying magnetic field,
`simultaneously applying each of the time-varying magnetic fields to [[the ]]muscle of the
`patient in order to contract the muscle, and
`cooling adipose cells to a temperature in a range of [[37]]15o C to -fl[10]]o C wherein the
`first and second applicators and energy storage device are part of the treatment device.
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`Application No. 15/601,719
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 61; Meir—comprising—appl-yi-ng—the
`wherein the first and second time-varying magnetic fields each have [[with]] a magnetic flux
`density in a range of 0.5_T and up to 7 T, [[with]] a repetition rate in a range of 1 H_zto 700 Hz,
`[[with]] an impulse duration in a range of 3 Jfi to 10000 us; and [[with]] a maXimal value of a
`magnetic flux derivative in a range of 500 T/s to 150 kT/s: and wherein the body region comprises
`the p_atient’s buttocks or abdomen4e+peripheral—neural—system—in—at—least—ene—bedfiegien
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 61; further comprising cooling {it—least
`one—1% the first magnetic field generating device with a cooling media and—the—seeend—m—agnetiefield
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 61 further comprising using—a—si-gn-al
`fiem—a—senser measuring with a sensor a—phymeal—quantrtyhetLa—hardware—eempenent—efithe
`treatment—dewee—r—nel—udmg one or more of a_voltage a_current a phase shift a magnetic flux
`density; or a temperature; and
`adjusting the first time-varying magnetic field in response to the measurement i-n—erder—te
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 61; further comprising using—a—si-gn-al
`determining[[e]] an unintended event has occurred based on measurements from a sensor wherein
`the unintended event comprises i-nel-ud-i-ng a hardware error or a metal object being within proximity
`of the treatment device.
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 61; wherein the positioning—member @
`is flexible.
`(Currently Amended) A method of toning or firming a patient’s muscles using a
`treatment device a
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`Application No. 15/601,719
`placing [[the]]@ applicator in contact with the patient’s skin or clothes in—en—at—least—ene a
`body region, wherein the applicator houses a magnetic field generation device, and wherein the
`body region comprises one or more of consisting—oi: thighs, saddlebag-s; buttocks, or abdomenrhi-ps;
`using a positioning—member belt to maintain the applicator’ s position within the in—eentaet
`with—the—at—least—ene body region,
`charging [[the]]@ energy storage device {Irena—the via an energy source,
`swfiemngthe—swrtehmg-defieefii—erder—te-en-able discharging energy from the energy
`storage device to the magnetic field generating device, [[to]]such that a generate—the time-varying
`magnetic field is generated, the time-vaging magnetic field comp_rising magnetic pulses,
`applying bursts of magnetic pulses to muscle fibers, neuromuscular plate, or nerve
`innervating the muscle fibers, each burst comprising a first duration wherein a plurality of
`sub seguent magnetic pulses are generated and a second duration wherein no magnetic pulses are
`generated, wherein the treatment duty cycle of the bursts is at least 10% in order to achieve toning
`or firming of the body region of the patient; assemblrng—m—agnetiepulses—te—bur—stswherem—eaeh
`wherein the applying—the time-varying magnetic field comp_rises with a magnetic flux density
`[[over]]lw 0.1 land u—p—te 7 T, [[with]] a repetition rate i—n—a—range—el‘ between 1 Hz and [[to]]
`700 Hz, [[with]] an impulse duration i-n—a—range—et‘ between 3 u_s [[to]]fl 10000 us, and [[with]] a
`maXimal value of a magnetic flux derivative i-n—a—range—et‘ between 500 T/s [[to]]fl 150 kT/s te—a
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`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 67; wherein the belt further comprising
`pesi—tiem—ng—member—i—nel—udes a buckle.
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 67; further comprising using—a—si-gn-al
`determining[[e]] an unintended event has occurred in response to a signal from a sensor measuring
`one or more of voltage: current: phase shift: or magnetic flux density of a hardware component
`evaluating [[the]]a signal from a hardware component of the treatment device and providing
`at least one maXimal treatment parameter comprising one or more of including—the magnetic flux
`density, [[the]] repetition rate; and [[the]] impulse duration to an operator i-n—a—human—pereepti-ble
`£erm—based—en in response to one or more treatment parameters set by the operator.
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 67; further comprising generating
`applying radiofrequency waves to the body region: wherein the lay—the magnetic field generating
`device generates both the which—generates—the time-varying magnetic field and the radiofreguency
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`Application No. 15/601,719
`(Currently Amended) A treatment device for toning muscles of a patient using time-
`Vafling magnetic fields: the treatment deVice method—feHeduemg—adwese—eellsreellulrterwng
`.. .. EH A
`. ....
`~ p
`lacing—the flapplicator held in contact with the patient’s skin or clothing with a belt: the
`applicator housing a magnetic field generating deVice within a casingrthfirmgrietiefi-el-d—generati-ng
`charging—the flenergy storage deVice;
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`Application No. 15/601,719
`swfiekngtheswfiehdig—deweefii—erder—te—enable means for discharging energy from the
`energy storage device to the magnetic field generating device i—n—erdeHe—generate such that
`impulses of the time-varying magnetic field are generated, the time-vagying magnetic field having a
`biphasic shape with a repetition rate in a—range—e£ between 1 [[to ]]Hz and 700 Hz, [[with]] an
`impulse duration i—n—a—range—el‘ between 3 fl to 10000 us, and [[with]] a maXimal value of a
`magnetic flux derivative i—n—a—range—el‘ between 500 T/s to 150 kT/s, m
`means for cooling the magnetic field generating device by a fluid cooling media,
`wherein the applicator includes a visual marker aligned with the magnetic field generating
`coil, and wherein the belt and visual marker aid in positioning the applicator in order to applying
`apply the time-varying magnetic field with at least motor-threshold magnetic flux density to a
`peripheral neural system innervating at least one muscle of the patient in order to repetitively
`contract the at least one muscle within at least one body region the bod re ion com risin one of
`eeasisting—ellat—least—eae—ellthighsfiaddlebags; buttocks, gabdomenrhi-psrleve—handlesrterse—er
`(Currently Amended) The method device of claim 83, aherei—n—the—devdee—l—‘urther
`ineludes further comprising:
`a high-frequency generator; [[and]]
`a balun transformer, and
`£ufiher—eempri—si-ng means for converting an unbalanced radiofrequency signal to a balanced
`radiofrequency signal
`in order to generate radiofrequency waves[[,]] and—apphdng wherein the
`radiofrequency waves are applied to the at—least—ene body region.
`(Currently Amended) The method device of claim 84, aherei—n—tlw—devdee—l—‘urther
`eemprises further comprising a transmatch, and
`£ufiher—eem—prisi—ng means for matching the impedance of the radiofrequency signal.
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`(Currently Amended) The method device of claim 83, further comprising;
`wag—a—sx—gnal—fifiem a sensorcocnfigured to measure measurr—ng—a—pmeal—quanH-tyhefia
`hardware—ewrpenerH—ellthe—treatment—defiee—ineluding one or more of voltage current [[a ]]phase
`shift, [[a ]]magnetic flux density, or [[a]] temperature, of a hardware component of the device;
`means for evaluating [[the]] asignal from the sensor; and
`means for providing at least one maXimal treatment parameter comprising one or more of
`including—the magnetic flux density, [[the]] repetition rate, and [[the]] impulse duration to an
`such that the magnetic field operator ' -
`-- . -
`generating device does not overheat, wherein the at least one maXimal treatment parameter isbased
`in part on at least another treatment parameter set by the operator.
`(Currently Amended) The method device of claim 83, further comprising using a
`signal from a sensor measuring a physical quantity of a hardware component of the treatment device
`including one or more of voltage, current, a phase shift or a magnetic flux density in order
`determine an unintended event including a hardware error or a metal object within proximity of the
`device, and
`disabling generating the time-varying magnetic field in the case of determining the
`unintended event.
`(Currently Amended) The method device of claim 89, further comprising using—at
`least—two a second applicator housing a second magnetic field generating device[[s]], wherein using
`a first time-vaming magnetic field generated by the first magnetic field generating device and a
`second time-varying magnetic field generated by the second magnetic field generating device is
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`Application No. 15/601,719
`based in part on the signal from the sensor £eiLgeneratrng—at—least—twe—trme—vafiang—magnetiefields
`91. (New) A treatment device for toning muscles of a patient using time-varying magnetic
`fields, the treatment device comprising:
`a first applicator configured to be coupled to a body region of the patient, wherein the first
`applicator houses a first magnetic field generation device, and wherein the body region comprises
`one or more of thighs, buttocks, or abdomen,
`a second applicator configured to be coupled to the body region of the patient, wherein the
`second applicator houses a second magnetic field generation device,
`a first energy storage device configured to be charged by an energy source,
`a second energy storage device configured to be charged by the energy source,
`means for discharging energy from the first energy storage device to the first magnetic field
`generating device and discharging energy from the second energy storage device to the second
`magnetic field generating device, respectively, such that a first time-varying magnetic field and a
`second time-varying magnetic field is generated, each of the time-varying magnetic fields
`comprising magnetic pulses,
`wherein the device is configured to applying bursts of magnetic pulses to muscle fibers,
`neuromuscular plate, or nerve innervating the muscle fibers, each burst comprising a first duration
`wherein a plurality of subsequent magnetic pulses are generated and a second duration wherein no
`magnetic pulses are generated, wherein the treatment duty cycle of the bursts is at least 10%,
`wherein the time-varying magnetic fields each comprise a magnetic flux density between 0.1 T and
`7 T, a repetition rate between Hz and 700 Hz, an impulse duration between 3 us and 10000 us, and
`a maximal value of a magnetic flux derivative between 500 T/s and 150 kT/s.
`92. (New) The device of claim 91, further comprising means for determining an unintended
`event has occurred in response to a signal from a sensor measuring one or more of voltage, current,
`phase shift, or magnetic flux density of a hardware component .
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`93. (New) The device of claim 91, further comprising means for evaluating a signal from a
`hardware component of the treatment device and providing at least one maXimal treatment
`parameter comprising one or more of magnetic flux density, repetition rate, and impulse duration to
`an operator in response to one or more treatment parameters set by the operator.
`94. (New) The device of claim 91, wherein each of the magnetic field generating devices are
`configured to generate radiofrequency waves to be applied to the body region.
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