`Innovation, Sciences et
`Développement économique Canada
`Office de la Propriete lntellectuelle du Canada
`Innovation, Science and
`Economic Development Canada
`Canadian Intellectual Property Office
`CA 3019140 A1 2017/10/12
`(21) 3 019 140
`(13) A1
`(86) Date de dépot PCT/PCT Filing Date: 2017/04/03
`(51) CI.|nt./Int.C|_ A61F 7/00(2006.01)
`(87) Date publication PCT/PCT Publication Date: 2017/10/12
`(85) Entrée phase nationale/National Entry: 2018/09/26
`(86) N° demande PCT/PCT Application No_: US 2017/025705
`(87) N° publication PCT/PCT Publication No_: 2017/176621
`(30) PrioritéS/Priorities: 2016/04/04 (U862/317,953);
`2017/02/02 (U862/453,670)
`(71) Demandeur/Applicant:
`(72) Inventeurs/Inventors:
`(54) Title:
`FIG- 1
`(57) Abrégé/Abstract:
`A cryotherapy apparatus including a heat exchanger, a cryotherapy chamber, cryogenic nitrogen supply and exhaust conduits to
`and from the heat exchanger, an air return conduit to flow warmed airfrom the cryotherapy chamber to the heat exchanger, an air
`supply conduit to flow chilled air from the heat exchanger to the cryotherapy chamber, a variable speed fan to cause flow of air
`through a loop including the air supply and return conduits, the heat exchanger, and the cryotherapy chamber, and a controller
`programmed to control the flow rate of air by regulating the speed of the variable speed fan according to a treatment protocol; and
`a method of delivering cryotherapy according to a customized treatment protocol taking into account one or more of: a patient's
`treatment goals, a customization factor, a personalization factor, and an adaptation factor.
`50 rue Victoria
`50 Victoria Street
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`al I a a


`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`CA 03019140 2018-09-26
`(43) International Publication Date
`12 October 2017 (12.10.2017)
`International Patent Classification:
`A61F 7/00 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`PCT/US201 7/025705
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`3 April 2017 (03.04.2017)
`Priority Data:
`4 April 2016 (04.04.2016)
`2 Febmary 2017 (02.02.2017)
`[US/US]; 7201 Hamilton Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18195
`Inventors: TREMBLEY, Jean-Philippe; 7201 Hamilton
`Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18195
`Patrick; 7201 Hamilton Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18195
`Ivo, Johannes, Hendrikus; 7201
`Hamilton Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18195 (US).
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2017/176621 A1
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN,
`KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA,
`MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG,
`NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS,
`RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY,
`TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN,
`ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`Agent: NEAGLE, Damon, A.; Design IP, PC, 5050 W.
`Tilghman Street, Suite 435, Allentown, Pennsylvania
`18104 (US).
`ofinventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`FIG. 1
`(57) Abstract: A cryotherapy apparatus including a heat exchanger, a cryotherapy chamber, cryogenic nitrogen supply and exhaust
`conduits to and from the heat exchanger, an air return conduit to flow warmed air from the cryotherapy chamber to the heat ex—
`changer, an air supply conduit to flow chilled air from the heat exchanger to the cryotherapy chamber, a variable speed fan to cause
`flow of air through a loop including the air supply and return conduits, the heat exchanger, and the cryotherapy chamber, and a con —
`troller programmed to control the flow rate of air by regulating the speed of the variable speed fan according to a treatment protocol;
`and a method of delivering cryotherapy according to a customized treatment protocol taking into account one or more of: a patient's
`treatment goals, a customization factor, a personalization factor, and an adaptation factor.


`WO 2017/176621
`CA 03019140 2018-09-26
`[0001] This application claims the priority of US. Provisional Application No. 62/317,953, filed
`on April 4, 2016, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/453,670, filed on February 2, 2017,
`each ofwhich is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.
`[0002] An apparatus and methods are described herein for providing customized cryotherapy
`treatments using an indirectly cooled single-occupancy cryotherapy device or multi-person
`cryotherapy chamber.
`[0003] Whole-body cryostimulation/cryotherapy (WBC) is a non-invasive technique
`characterized by relatively short bursts of cold (-90°C to -140°C) for about 2 — 4 minutes to the
`body periphery (i.e., exposed skin surface area) that provoke and harness reactions to cold,
`causing various physiological reactions that may promote healing and recovery.
`[0004] Existing single-person cryotherapy devices, or cryosaunas, include a chamber where a
`patient stands inside with the patient’s head protruding above the top of the cryosauna.
`previously-existing devices, cooling is typically provided directly by liquid nitrogen (LIN) (or
`occasionally by liquid air, if available), wherein the vaporized LIN, which is now very cold
`nitrogen gas (GAN), comes into direct contact with the patient. First, the LIN flows into a LIN
`reservoir mounted behind or beneath the chamber, where it is vaporized immediately, and then
`the very cold GAN is flowed into the chamber.
`[0005] Typically, the GAN flow is driven by the gas expansion caused by the vaporization.
`However, in some cases, a blower or fan is used to circulate the GAN. The very cold GAN thus
`provides the cooling for the patient. The temperature is controlled to prevent the vaporized
`nitrogen from getting too cold for the patient, and protection is also provided to prevent LIN
`carryover into the chamber, although the possibility for entrained droplets of LIN does exist.
`[0006] Each patient can usually adjust his or her position inside of the chamber to ensure that
`the head is above the cold nitrogen atmosphere. This is typically accomplished by a height
`adjustable side wall, a movable standing platform, or something simple like a box.


`WO 2017/176621
`CA 03019140 2018-09-26
`[0007] These existing cryosaunas are very similar across all suppliers, and all suffer from
`similar performance difficulties. The primary difficulty is that the temperature within the
`chamber is often considerably different from top to bottom of the chamber, sometimes by as
`much as 70° C when controlling to a set point of -135°C (e.g., -150°C at the bottom and —80°C
`at the top). This temperature gradient is does not provide for consistent and well-controlled
`cryotherapy treatments; a more homogeneous exposure temperature (evenness of cold) is
`preferred. A secondary difficulty is the possible safety (i.e., asphyxiation) hazards of exposure
`of a patient to high concentrations of nitrogen, as well as the potential cold burns caused by
`entrained LIN droplet contact with a patient.
`In addition, implementing cryotherapy stimulation preferably requires adequate
`protocol settings, in particular related to safety, due to the extreme cold conditions to which the
`individuals are exposed, but also to produce beneficial therapeutic results.
`It is known that
`there is considerable between-subject variability in skin cooling responses to WBC, and as
`patients and athletes feature a wide variety of anthropometric and morphological body
`characteristics, a one-size-fits-all strategy appears to be inadequate regarding the safety and
`efficacy of the treatment. See Hammond, L.E., Cuttell, S., Nunley, P., Meyler, J.,
`Anthropometric characteristics and sex influence magnitude of skin cooling following exposure
`to whole body cryotherapy, Biomed. Res. Int. 2014, 628724, which is incorporated herein by
`reference in its entirety. The skin temperature response of individuals with a higher adiposity is
`faster and more pronounced compared to thinner individuals thereby affecting their safety and
`the treatment efficacy.
`[0009] As described herein, the well-validated Fiala thermal Physiology and Comfort
`numerical simulation model has been utilized for cryotherapy applications to assess the impact
`of personal characteristics on the skin cooling responses and stimulation settings in relation to
`safety and efficacy. See Fiala, D., Lomas, K. J., Stohrer, M, 1999, A computer model ofhuman
`thermoregulation for a wide range of environmental conditions: the passive system, J. Appl.
`Physiol. 87, 1957—1972; and Fiala, D., Havenith, G., 2016, Modelling human heat transfer and
`temperature regulation, In: Gefen, A., Epstein, Y. The Mechanobiology and Mechanophysiology
`of Military-Related Injuries. Springer International Publishing, Cham: 265-302, which are each
`incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
`[0010] Aspect 1. A cryotherapy apparatus comprising: a heat exchanger mounted in an
`exchanger enclosure; a cryotherapy chamber configured to receive at least a portion of a body
`of a patient designated to receive cryotherapy; a nitrogen supply conduit configured to supply


`WO 2017/176621
`CA 03019140 2018-09-26
`cryogenic nitrogen to the heat exchanger; a nitrogen exhaust conduit configured to exhaust
`nitrogen from the heat exchanger; an air return conduit configured to flow warmed return air
`from the cryotherapy chamber to the heat exchanger enclosure; an air supply conduit
`configured to flow chilled air from the heat exchanger enclosure to the cryotherapy chamber; a
`variable speed fan configured to cause a flow rate of chilled air through a loop including the air
`return conduit, the heat exchanger, the air supply conduit, and the cryotherapy chamber; and a
`controller programmed to control the flow rate of chilled air to the cryotherapy chamber by
`regulating the speed ofthe variable speed fan according to a treatment protocol.
`[001 1] Aspect 2. The cryotherapy apparatus of Aspect 1, wherein the fan is a reversible fan
`configured to enable a flow rate of chilled air through the loop in either direction.
`[0012] Aspect 3. The cryotherapy apparatus of Aspect 1 or Aspect 2, further comprising a
`control valve in the nitrogen supply conduit to regulate the supply of cryogenic nitrogen,
`wherein the controller is further programmed to control the supply of cryogenic nitrogen
`according to a treatment protocol.
`[0013] Aspect 4. The cryotherapy apparatus of any one ofthe preceding Aspects, wherein the
`controller is further programmed to selectively direct the chilled air to one or more selected
`portions of the body of a patient designated to receive cryotherapy, and to control the flow rate
`of the chilled air to the one or more selection portions of the human body.
`[0014] Aspect 5. The cryotherapy apparatus of any one ofthe preceding Aspects, further
`comprising a temperature sensor positioned to sense a return airtemperature, wherein the
`controller is further programmed to control the flow rate of air based at least on part on the
`return air temperature.
`[0015] Aspect 6. The cryotherapy apparatus of any one ofthe preceding Aspects, further
`comprising a condensate drain positioned at a low point in the air return conduit for removing
`condensation formed in one or both of the exchanger enclosure and the cryotherapy chamber.
`[0016] Aspect 7. The cryotherapy apparatus of any of the preceding Aspects, further
`comprising a temperature sensor to sense a nitrogen exhaust temperature, wherein the
`controller is further programmed to shut off liquid nitrogen supply if the nitrogen outlet
`temperature is at or below a preset limit.
`[0017] Aspect 8. The cryotherapy apparatus of any of the preceding Aspects, further
`comprising a heater in the air return conduit for heating the recirculating airto enable defrosting
`of the cryotherapy chamber.


`WO 2017/176621
`CA 03019140 2018-09-26
`[0018] Aspect 9. The cryotherapy apparatus of any of the preceding Aspects, wherein the
`controller is further programmed to provide customized treatment protocols based one or more
`of: a characteristic of the patient being treated, a type of treatment required, a type of injury
`being treated, a type of athletic activity from which recovery is desired, and a portion of the
`body requiring treatment.
`[0019] Aspect 10. The cryotherapy apparatus of Aspect 9, wherein the controller is
`programmed to provide customized treatment protocols taking into account a patient’s
`treatment goals.
`[0020] Aspect 11. The cryotherapy apparatus of Aspect 9 or Aspect 10, wherein the controller
`is programmed to provide customized treatment protocols taking into account a customization
`factor based one or more of a patient’s susceptibility to cold, age, and athletic type.
`[0021] Aspect 12. The cryotherapy apparatus of any one of Aspects 9 to 11, wherein the
`controller is programmed to provide customized treatment protocols taking into account a
`personalization factor based on one or more of a patient’s body height, mass, surface area,
`body surface area-to-mass ratio, body fat percentage, lean body mass, body mass index, and
`fat free mass index.
`[0022] Aspect 13. The cryotherapy apparatus of any one of Aspects 9 to 12, wherein the
`controller is programmed to provide customized treatment protocols taking into account a and
`an adaptation factor based on one or both of treatment frequency and a treatment cycle.
`[0023] Aspect 14. The cryotherapy apparatus of Aspect 9, wherein the customized treatment
`protocols enable customization of a portion of the body being treated, exposure times, timed
`cycles, exposure temperatures, temperature cycles, cold intensity, and cold intensity cycles.
`[0024] Aspect 15. The cryotherapy apparatus of Aspect 9, wherein the controller is
`programmed to provide customized treatment protocols taking into account one or more of: a
`patient’s treatment goals, a customization factor, a personalization factor, and an adaptation
`factor; wherein the customization factortakes into account one or more of a patent’s cold
`susceptibility, a patient’s age, and a patient’s athletic type; wherein the personalization factor
`takes into account one or more of a patient’s body height, mass, surface area, body surface
`area-to-mass ratio, body fat percentage, lean body mass, body mass index, and fat free mass
`index; and wherein the adaptation factor takes into account a one or both of treatment
`frequency and a treatment cycle.
`[0025] Aspect 16. The cryotherapy apparatus of any one of Aspects 9 to 15, wherein the
`controller is programmed to provide customized treatment protocols by calculating one or more


`WO 2017/176621
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`of the patient’s treatment goals, the customization factor, the personalization factor, and the
`adaptation factor based on a reference athlete.
`[0026] Aspect 17. The cryotherapy apparatus of any of the preceding Aspects, wherein the
`chilled air flow rate is controlled to provide a treatment temperature from -150 °C to
`-90 °C.
`[0027] Aspect 18. The cryotherapy apparatus of any of the preceding Aspects, wherein the
`chilled air flow rate is controlled to provide a treatment temperature from -135 °C to
`-110 °C.
`[0028] Aspect 19. The cryotherapy apparatus of any of the preceding Aspects, wherein the
`chilled air flow is controlled to provide a heat transfer effect from 5 W/m2 °C to 100 W/m2 °C.
`[0029] Aspect 20. A method of delivering cryotherapy using a cryotherapy chamber
`configured to receive at least a portion of a human body designated to receive cryotherapy, the
`method comprising: recirculating air in a loop through a heat exchanger, into the cryotherapy
`chamber, and out form the cryotherapy chamber, and returning to the heat exchanger; chilling
`the air to a therapeutic chilled air temperature in the heat exchanger by heat exchange with
`liquid nitrogen; and operating the cryotherapy chamber according to a customized treatment
`protocol comprising controlling the flow rate of the chilled air.
`[0030] Aspect 21. The method of Aspect 20, operating the cryotherapy chamber according to
`a customized treatment protocol further comprising: selectively directing the chilled airto one or
`more selected portions of the body of a patient designated to receive cryotherapy; and
`controlling the flow rate of the chilled airto the one or more selection portions of the human
`[0031] Aspect 22. The method of Aspect 20 or Aspect 21, further comprising: controlling the
`flow rate of the chilled air based on one or more of: a characteristic of the patient being treated,
`a type of treatment required, a type of injury being treated, a type of athletic activity from which
`recovery is desired, and a portion ofthe body requiring treatment.
`[0032] Aspect 23. The method of Aspect 22, further comprising: selectively directing the
`chilled air to the one or more selected portions of the body designated to receive cryotherapy
`based on one or more of: a characteristic of the patient being treated, a type of treatment
`required, a type of injury being treated, a type of athletic activity from which recovery is desired,
`and a portion ofthe body requiring treatment.


`WO 2017/176621
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`[0033] Aspect 24. The method of Aspect 23, further comprising customizing the treatment
`protocol to vary one or more of: a portion of the body being treated, exposure times, timed
`cycles, exposure temperatures, temperature cycles, cold intensity, and cold intensity cycles.
`[0034] Aspect 25. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 24, further comprising customizing
`the treatment protocol to take into account a patient's treatment goals.
`[0035] Aspect 26. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 25, further comprising customizing
`the treatment protocol to take into account a customization factor based one or more of a
`patient’s susceptibility to cold, age, and athletic type.
`[0036] Aspect 27. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 26, further comprising customizing
`the treatment protocol to take into account a personalization factor based on one or more of a
`patient’s body height, mass, surface area, body surface area-to-mass ratio, body fat
`percentage, lean body mass, body mass index, and fat free mass index.
`[0037] Aspect 28. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 27, further comprising customizing
`the treatment protocol to take into account a and an adaptation factor based on one or both of
`treatment frequency and a treatment cycle.
`[0038] Aspect 29. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 24, further comprising: taking into
`account one or more of: a patient’s treatment goals, a customization factor, a personalization
`factor, and an adaptation factor; wherein the customization factortakes into account one or
`more of a patent’s cold susceptibility, a patient’s age, and a patient’s athletic type; wherein the
`personalization factor takes into account one or more of a patient’s body height, mass, surface
`area, body surface area—to-mass ratio, body fat percentage, lean body mass, body mass index,
`and fat free mass index; and wherein the adaptation factor takes into account a one or both of
`treatment frequency and a treatment cycle.
`[0039] Aspect 30. The method of any one of Aspects 22 to 29, further comprising calculating
`one or more of the patient’s treatment goals, the customization factor, the personalization
`factor, and the adaptation factor based on a reference athlete.
`[0040] Aspect 31. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 30, further comprising: controlling
`the flow rate of the chilled air based at least in part on the temperature ofthe air returning to the
`heat exchanger.
`[0041] Aspect 32. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 31, further comprising: draining
`condensate from the loop.
`[0042] Aspect 33. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 32, further comprising: controlling
`the chilled air flow rate to provide a chilled airtemperature from -150 °C to -90 °C.


`WO 2017/176621
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`[0043] Aspect 34. The method of Aspect 33, further comprising: controlling the chilled air flow
`rate to provide a chilled airtemperature from -135 °C to -110 °C.
`[0044] Aspect 35. The method of any one of Aspects 20 to 34, further comprising: controlling
`the chilled air flow to provide a heat transfer effect from 5 W/m2 °C to 100 W/m2 °C.
`[0045] The present invention will hereinafter be described in conjunction with the appended
`figures wherein like numerals denote like elements:
`is a schematic showing an embodiment of an indirectly cooled cryotherapy
`Fig. 2 is a schematic showing a passive system model for thermal stimulation.
`Fig. 3 is a graphical depiction of predicted mean skin temperatures (Sim) for males
`and females with averaged characteristics compared to means and SD of pre- and post-
`exposure values (Exp) measured by Hammond.
`Fig. 4 is a graphical depiction of body core, mean skin and lower leg skin temperatures
`recorded from six volunteers (81-86) before (15 — 0 min), during (0 — 4 min), and after (4 — 60
`min) exposure to WBC at -120 °C.
`Fig. 5 is a graphical depiction of the correlation between body fat content and the
`minimum values of mean skin and lower leg skin temperature for both sexes from FPC
`simulations of 3 min WBC exposure to -110 °C.
`Fig. 6 is a flow chart depicting an exemplary method of delivery customized cryotherapy.
`[0052] Described herein is an indirectly cooled single-occupancy cryotherapy device or
`cryotherapy chamber where chilled air is re-circulated through a therapy chamber and re-
`cooled by a cryogen heat exchanger to provide a more even temperature distribution within the
`chamber from top to bottom.
`In addition, the chilled air flow is controlled so that the amount of
`cooling (cold intensity) can be adjusted to suit specific patient requirements, including but not
`limited to the individual physical characteristics of the patient, and an integrated controller
`enables customized treatment protocols to be applied. For example, treatment protocols can
`be customized depending on the type of condition being treated (e.g., fatigue, sleep, recovery,
`injury), and can be modified based on the characteristics of the patient (e.g., gender, size,


`WO 2017/176621
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`height, weight, skin type). The cold treatment provided can also be adjusted by controlling the
`speed of the air flow through the chamber at one or more locations to vary the heat transfer
`effect onto the skin and/or across various parts of the patient’s body.
`In one embodiment of an indirectly cooled single-occupancy cryotherapy device, the
`re-circulating air flow can be adjusted to provide a desired height cooling curtain over the
`patient within the therapy chamber, including an optional automatic adjustment to suit the
`patient’s height. By using the adjustable-height cooling curtain, the type of cryotherapy
`treatment can be customized, for example to target only the lower body, only the upper body,
`another partial portion of the body, or even the entire body (i.e., whole body cryotherapy (WBC)
`or partial body cryotherapy (PBC)).
`[0054] Cooling is provided by liquid nitrogen (LIN), but the nitrogen can never come into
`contact with the patient and is vented safely to atmosphere. The LIN is used to cool air by way
`of a LIN-air heat exchanger, and the chilled air is recirculated through the therapy chamber and
`re-cooled in a loop. A specially-designed heat exchanger allows for any moisture to be
`collected in the cold surfaces of the exchanger without reducing the cooling performance ofthe
`exchanger during its normal operating cycle.
`In a further embodiment, a heater may be installed in the recirculation air flow to clean
`and defrost the therapy chamber after use, allowing waterto be drained safely from the
`chamber and not leaving any reside in the patient area. This cleaning and defrosting ability
`helps to ensure consistent performance of the apparatus.
`[0056] An embodiment of an indirectly-cooled cryotherapy apparatus 10 is shown in Fig. 1.
`The apparatus 10 includes an exchanger enclosure 20 configured to use liquid nitrogen to chill
`recirculating air and a therapy chamber 50 configured to receive a patient’s body 90 designated
`to receive cryotherapy. The exchanger enclosure 20 and the therapy chamber 50 may be
`contained in a single physical structure, or may be two separate structures connected by the air
`supply conduit 36 and the air return conduit 40.
`[0057] During operation of the apparatus 10, air is recirculated in a nearly closed loop through
`the exchanger enclosure 20 where it is chilled by heat exchange with vaporizing liquid nitrogen
`and through the therapy chamber 50 where it is warmed by contact with a patient’s body. As
`discussed further below, the air may be recirculated in either direction, depending on the
`[0058] The exchanger enclosure 20 houses a heat exchanger 24. A liquid nitrogen source 12
`supplies liquid nitrogen to the heat exchanger 24 via a nitrogen supply conduit 22. Gaseous
`nitrogen (which was vaporized during the heat exchange process) is exhausted to vent from the


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`heat exchanger 24 via a nitrogen exhaust conduit 26.
`In the depicted embodiment, a variable
`speed fan 32 is positioned in the exchange enclosure 20 below the heat exchanger 24 to
`provide an upward flow of recirculating air across the heat exchanger 24. The fan 32 may be
`reversible to allow for recirculation of air in either direction. Recirculated air enters a lower
`portion of the enclosure 20 below the fan 32 through an air return conduit 40, flows upward
`through the fan 32 and then through the heat exchanger 24, and exits an upper portion ofthe
`enclosure 20 above the heat exchanger 24 through an air supply conduit 36. The fan 32 can
`be alternatively positioned above the exchange enclosure 20 to provide further flexibility and
`flow control ofthe recirculating air.
`[0059] The air supplied in the air supply conduit 36, which is the therapeutic chilled air, has
`been chilled by the heat exchanger 24 to be coolerthan the air recirculated by the air return
`conduit 40. The temperature of the therapeutic chilled air supplied to the therapy chamber 50
`via the air supply conduit 36 is preferably as cold as or colder than
`-90 °C and is more preferably as cold or colder than -110 °C and as cold as -135 °C for optimal
`cryotherapy treatment effects. Typically, the chilled air is not colder than -150 °C. Alternatively
`or in addition to controlling the therapeutic chilled airtemperature, the cold intensity may be
`controlled. Cold intensity is defined as the net heat transfer effect of the treatment on a
`patient’s body, and takes into account both the chilled air temperature and the air velocity
`flowing through the chamber and/or across the patient’s body (which correlates to the heat
`transfer coefficient). Preferably, the cold intensity is at least 5 W/m2 °C and no greater than 100
`W/m2 °C, and more preferably the cold intensity is from 10 W/m2 °C to 50 W/m2 °C.
`[0060] The therapy chamber 50 receives chilled air from the air supply conduit 36 into a
`distribution manifold 38 having at least one nozzle configured to supply chilled air to an interior
`52 of the chamber 50.
`In the depicted embodiment, three different nozzle locations are
`provided for supplying air from the manifold 38, including a first nozzle 54 for supplying chilled
`airto a lower portion of the chamber interior 52, a second nozzle 58 for supplying chilled air to
`an upper portion of the chamber interior 52, and a third nozzle 56 for supplying chilled airto an
`intermediate portion of the chamber interior 56, it being understood that any number and
`location of nozzles may be used to enable the chamber 50 to provide targeted and customized
`cryotherapy to various parts ofthe patient’s body.
`In addition, nozzles can be positioned all on
`one side of a patient’s body, or at any point around the chamber surrounding the patient’s body.
`Individually controlled baffles or valves (not shown) may be provide so that each nozzle can be
`turned on or off, or modulated, during all or a portion of each cryotherapy treatment session.
`[0061] Warmed air from the therapy chamber 50, having passed overthe patient’s body
`thereby taking on heat, is drawn out of an upper portion ofthe therapy chamber 50 through the


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`air return conduit 40.
`It is understood that because of the non-sealed nature of the therapy
`chamber 50, the recirculating air operates in a nearly closed but slightly open loop; while a
`small percentage of the chilled air provided by the air supply conduit 36 may escape from the
`chamber 50, a commensurate amount of make-up or fresh air will be drawn into the air return
`conduit 40 to maintain a substantially consistent amount of recirculating air flow for a given
`speed of the variable speed fan 32. Also, provisions can be made to remove moisture from the
`recirculating air as necessary.
`[0062] Alternatively, chilled air can be flowed from the heat exchanger 24 into an upper
`portion of the therapy chamber 50 through the air return conduit 40, and then drawn into the
`nozzles 52, 54, and 56 for return to the heat exchanger 24 via the manifold 38 and the air
`supply conduit 36 (reverse flow operation), which may be advantageous for certain types or
`modes of therapy, and would provide a further option for customization of treatment protocols.
`This can be accomplished by a second fan (not shown) or by making the fan 32 reversible, or
`by valves or dampers or other similar mechanisms.
`[0063] Operation ofthe cryotherapy apparatus 10 is controlled by a specially-programmed
`controller 100. A temperature sensor 34, or multiple temperature sensors 34 with the values
`averaged or selectively combined in a weighted or non-weighted formula, detects a
`recirculating airtemperature and provides that temperature to the controller 100. The
`temperature sensor 34 may be mounted in a lower portion of the exchanger enclosure 20
`upstream of the fan 32 as shown, or it may be positioned in the air return conduit 40.
`In one
`embodiment, the controller 100 is programmed to control the recirculating airtemperature
`within a predetermined treatment range by regulating the speed of the fan 32, and thus
`controlling the recirculating air flow rate.

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