`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`Shara/7 Notes
`Schwarz, Tom¢s
`Art Unit
`GPO - Searched*
`A61N 2/00, 002, 004, 02
`A61 F 7/007
`A61F 2007/029, 0052, 0056, 0075
`A61N 2/00, 002, 004, 02 updated
`A61 F 7/007 updated
`A61 F 2007/029, 0052, 0056, 0075 updated
`A61N 2/00, 002, 004, 02 updated
`A61 F 7/007 updated
`A61 F 2007/029, 0052, 0056, 0075 updated
`A61N 2/00, 002, 004, 02 updated
`A61 F 7/007 updated
`1 1/2018
`1 1/2018
`1 1/2018
`A61 F 2007/029, 0052, 0056, 0075 updated
`1 1/2018
`A61N 1/40, 403
`A61N 2/00, 002, 004, 02 updated
`A61 F 7/007 updated
`A61 F 2007/029, 0052, 0056, 0075 updated
`A61 N 1/40, 403 updated
`A61N 2/00, 002, 004, 02 updated
`A61 F 7/007 updated
`A61 F 2007/029, 0052, 0056, 0075 updated
`A61 N 1/40, 403 updated
`A61N 2/00, 002, 004, 02 updated
`A61 F 7/007 updated
`A61 F 2007/029, 0052, 0056, 0075 updated
`A61 N 1/40, 403 updated
`A61N 006, 008, 06, 08
`0 U
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Page 1 of 3
`Part of Paper No.: 20190923
`Application/Control No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`Search [Votes
`Schwarz, Tomés
`GPO Combination Sets - Searched*
`US Classification - Searched*
`0 U ———
`* See search history printout included with this form or the SEARCH NOTES box below to determine the scope of the
`Search Notes
`Search Notes
`see EAST search report
`EAST: inventor name search, assignee search
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`1 1/2018
`0 U
`0 U
`0 U
`0 U
`0 U
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`Page 2 of 3
`Part of Paper No.: 20190923
`Application/Control No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`Search [Votes
`Schwarz, Tomés
`see updated EAST search report ————
`Interference Search
`US Class/CPC
`US Subclass/CPO Group
`see EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`see updated EAST search report
`0 U
`0 U
`0 U
`0 U
`O U
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`Page 3 of 3
`Part of Paper No.: 20190923