`Doc Cede: PA.
`P iClAWSZB (1) #13)
`Approved for use ihmugh wan/2014. OMB 0551-0551
`Document fiescnptsnn: PW”??? 91‘ Afinrnéy
`US. Paieni and Trademark C-ffice; US. SEPARTMENT OF CGMMERCE
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`i hereby appoint tha Patent Practitioneris) associatrasi with the iuiiowing Customer Number as mylcur atinr‘ney(s) nr ageni(s), and
`to transact air business in the United States Patent and Trademark Since marinaded therewith fer the appiicatinn referenced in
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`{j i hereby appnint Practiticneris) named in the attached first {farm ETGiAEA/BZC} as myiour attorneyis} or agent(s), and in transact
`aii business in the United Sisters Patent and Trademark Qr‘fice ccnnsecied therewith for the patent anpiication reinrenced in the
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`Hanan reccgnize er arrange the correspnndenw addrrens far the anniication irieentified in the attached transmittai
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`i BTL Medicai Igchnoiogies SRO.
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`auiicairon or is concurrenti bein filed with this dacumeni; .
`viicani is a nristic entit‘.
`SEGNA?URE at Appiicant for Patent
`The undersigned (whose tiiigis snppiien beiow)is an:horized in act on behaif of the appiicant (e9., where the appiicantas a iunniic entity}.
`93in {Cpiisnai}
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