`{202) 772-8647
`August i0, 2018
`Commissioner for Patents
`Pt) Box 1450
`$.‘f'EHNE XESISLE‘R fifiLDS'TEiN is? F'GK
`Con irritation No. .2430
`Art Unit 3664
`Aiexandria? VA, 22313-1450
`Arm: Afar?! Stew Certificate of Correction Branch
`US. Patent No. i0,003,397 BZ; issue Date: June 19,, 2018
`{from US. Appi. No. 15/594066; Filing Date: May 12, 2017)
`For: Dynamic 'Wireiess Aerial Mesh Network
`inventor: Mazzareiia et 211.
`Our Ref: 28440060003
`Transmitted herewith for appropriate action are the following documents:
`1. Request for Certificate of Correction Under 37 CFR. § 1.322; and
`2. Certificate of Correction (PTG/SB/f-i/t).
`The abmremiist‘ed documents arefiled electronimiif}:
`The US. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to ehai‘ge any fee deficiency
`or credit any overpayment to our Deposit Account No. 19—0036.
`Respeettniiy submitted,
`STERNE, tensile Goresrtant & Fox nitric.
`/Karen Wong~Chant69,235/
`Karen Wong—Chan
`Agent for Patentee
`Registration No. 69,235
`KWC/j min/j rg
`Eric} osores
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